The growing interest in intelligent services and privacy protection for mobile devices has given rise to the widespread application of federated learning in Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC). Diverse user behaviors call for personalized services with heterogeneous Machine Learning (ML) models on different devices. Federated Multi-task Learning (FMTL) is proposed to train related but personalized ML models for different devices, whereas previous works suffer from excessive communication overhead during training and neglect the model heterogeneity among devices in MEC. Introducing knowledge distillation into FMTL can simultaneously enable efficient communication and model heterogeneity among clients, whereas existing methods rely on a public dataset, which is impractical in reality. To tackle this dilemma, Federated MultI-task Distillation for Multi-access Edge CompuTing (FedICT) is proposed. FedICT direct local-global knowledge aloof during bi-directional distillation processes between clients and the server, aiming to enable multi-task clients while alleviating client drift derived from divergent optimization directions of client-side local models. Specifically, FedICT includes Federated Prior Knowledge Distillation (FPKD) and Local Knowledge Adjustment (LKA). FPKD is proposed to reinforce the clients' fitting of local data by introducing prior knowledge of local data distributions. Moreover, LKA is proposed to correct the distillation loss of the server, making the transferred local knowledge better match the generalized representation. Experiments on three datasets show that FedICT significantly outperforms all compared benchmarks in various data heterogeneous and model architecture settings, achieving improved accuracy with less than 1.2% training communication overhead compared with FedAvg and no more than 75% training communication round compared with FedGKT.
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Feature transformation for AI is an essential task to boost the effectiveness and interpretability of machine learning (ML). Feature transformation aims to transform original data to identify an optimal feature space that enhances the performances of a downstream ML model. Existing studies either combines preprocessing, feature selection, and generation skills to empirically transform data, or automate feature transformation by machine intelligence, such as reinforcement learning. However, existing studies suffer from: 1) high-dimensional non-discriminative feature space; 2) inability to represent complex situational states; 3) inefficiency in integrating local and global feature information. To fill the research gap, we formulate the feature transformation task as an iterative, nested process of feature generation and selection, where feature generation is to generate and add new features based on original features, and feature selection is to remove redundant features to control the size of feature space. Finally, we present extensive experiments and case studies to illustrate 24.7\% improvements in F1 scores compared with SOTAs and robustness in high-dimensional data.
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In recent years, large amounts of effort have been put into pushing forward the real-world application of dynamic digital human (DDH). However, most current quality assessment research focuses on evaluating static 3D models and usually ignores motion distortions. Therefore, in this paper, we construct a large-scale dynamic digital human quality assessment (DDH-QA) database with diverse motion content as well as multiple distortions to comprehensively study the perceptual quality of DDHs. Both model-based distortion (noise, compression) and motion-based distortion (binding error, motion unnaturalness) are taken into consideration. Ten types of common motion are employed to drive the DDHs and a total of 800 DDHs are generated in the end. Afterward, we render the video sequences of the distorted DDHs as the evaluation media and carry out a well-controlled subjective experiment. Then a benchmark experiment is conducted with the state-of-the-art video quality assessment (VQA) methods and the experimental results show that existing VQA methods are limited in assessing the perceptual loss of DDHs. The database will be made publicly available to facilitate future research.
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Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting can dramatically improve the multi-step reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs). CoT explicitly encourages the LLM to generate intermediate rationales for solving a problem, by providing a series of reasoning steps in the demonstrations. Despite its success, there is still little understanding of what makes CoT prompting effective and which aspects of the demonstrated reasoning steps contribute to its performance. In this paper, we show that CoT reasoning is possible even with invalid demonstrations - prompting with invalid reasoning steps can achieve over 80-90% of the performance obtained using CoT under various metrics, while still generating coherent lines of reasoning during inference. Further experiments show that other aspects of the rationales, such as being relevant to the query and correctly ordering the reasoning steps, are much more important for effective CoT reasoning. Overall, these findings both deepen our understanding of CoT prompting, and open up new questions regarding LLMs' capability to learn to reason in context.
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Multi-modal and multi-hop question answering aims to answer a question based on multiple input sources from different modalities. Previous methods retrieve the evidence separately and feed the retrieved evidence to a language model to generate the corresponding answer. However, these methods fail to build connections between candidates and thus cannot model the inter-dependent relation during retrieval. Moreover, the reasoning process over multi-modality candidates can be unbalanced without building alignments between different modalities. To address this limitation, we propose a Structured Knowledge and Unified Retrieval Generation based method (SKURG). We align the sources from different modalities via the shared entities and map them into a shared semantic space via structured knowledge. Then, we utilize a unified retrieval-generation decoder to integrate intermediate retrieval results for answer generation and adaptively determine the number of retrieval steps. We perform experiments on two multi-modal and multi-hop datasets: WebQA and MultimodalQA. The results demonstrate that SKURG achieves state-of-the-art performance on both retrieval and answer generation.
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As more and more artificial intelligence (AI) technologies move from the laboratory to real-world applications, the open-set and robustness challenges brought by data from the real world have received increasing attention. Data augmentation is a widely used method to improve model performance, and some recent works have also confirmed its positive effect on the robustness of AI models. However, most of the existing data augmentation methods are heuristic, lacking the exploration of their internal mechanisms. We apply the explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) method, explore the internal mechanisms of popular data augmentation methods, analyze the relationship between game interactions and some widely used robustness metrics, and propose a new proxy for model robustness in the open-set environment. Based on the analysis of the internal mechanisms, we develop a mask-based boosting method for data augmentation that comprehensively improves several robustness measures of AI models and beats state-of-the-art data augmentation approaches. Experiments show that our method can be widely applied to many popular data augmentation methods. Different from the adversarial training, our boosting method not only significantly improves the robustness of models, but also improves the accuracy of test sets. Our code is available at \url{}.
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Script event prediction aims to predict the subsequent event given the context. This requires the capability to infer the correlations between events. Recent works have attempted to improve event correlation reasoning by using pretrained language models and incorporating external knowledge~(e.g., discourse relations). Though promising results have been achieved, some challenges still remain. First, the pretrained language models adopted by current works ignore event-level knowledge, resulting in an inability to capture the correlations between events well. Second, modeling correlations between events with discourse relations is limited because it can only capture explicit correlations between events with discourse markers, and cannot capture many implicit correlations. To this end, we propose a novel generative approach for this task, in which a pretrained language model is fine-tuned with an event-centric pretraining objective and predicts the next event within a generative paradigm. Specifically, we first introduce a novel event-level blank infilling strategy as the learning objective to inject event-level knowledge into the pretrained language model, and then design a likelihood-based contrastive loss for fine-tuning the generative model. Instead of using an additional prediction layer, we perform prediction by using sequence likelihoods generated by the generative model. Our approach models correlations between events in a soft way without any external knowledge. The likelihood-based prediction eliminates the need to use additional networks to make predictions and is somewhat interpretable since it scores each word in the event. Experimental results on the multi-choice narrative cloze~(MCNC) task demonstrate that our approach achieves better results than other state-of-the-art baselines. Our code will be available at \url{}.
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We present a robust, privacy-preserving visual localization algorithm using event cameras. While event cameras can potentially make robust localization due to high dynamic range and small motion blur, the sensors exhibit large domain gaps making it difficult to directly apply conventional image-based localization algorithms. To mitigate the gap, we propose applying event-to-image conversion prior to localization which leads to stable localization. In the privacy perspective, event cameras capture only a fraction of visual information compared to normal cameras, and thus can naturally hide sensitive visual details. To further enhance the privacy protection in our event-based pipeline, we introduce privacy protection at two levels, namely sensor and network level. Sensor level protection aims at hiding facial details with lightweight filtering while network level protection targets hiding the entire user's view in private scene applications using a novel neural network inference pipeline. Both levels of protection involve light-weight computation and incur only a small performance loss. We thus project our method to serve as a building block for practical location-based services using event cameras. The code and dataset will be made public through the following link:
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Although significant progress has been made in face recognition, demographic bias still exists in face recognition systems. For instance, it usually happens that the face recognition performance for a certain demographic group is lower than the others. In this paper, we propose MixFairFace framework to improve the fairness in face recognition models. First of all, we argue that the commonly used attribute-based fairness metric is not appropriate for face recognition. A face recognition system can only be considered fair while every person has a close performance. Hence, we propose a new evaluation protocol to fairly evaluate the fairness performance of different approaches. Different from previous approaches that require sensitive attribute labels such as race and gender for reducing the demographic bias, we aim at addressing the identity bias in face representation, i.e., the performance inconsistency between different identities, without the need for sensitive attribute labels. To this end, we propose MixFair Adapter to determine and reduce the identity bias of training samples. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our MixFairFace approach achieves state-of-the-art fairness performance on all benchmark datasets.
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Although substantial efforts have been made using graph neural networks (GNNs) for AI-driven drug discovery (AIDD), effective molecular representation learning remains an open challenge, especially in the case of insufficient labeled molecules. Recent studies suggest that big GNN models pre-trained by self-supervised learning on unlabeled datasets enable better transfer performance in downstream molecular property prediction tasks. However, they often require large-scale datasets and considerable computational resources, which is time-consuming, computationally expensive, and environmentally unfriendly. To alleviate these limitations, we propose a novel pre-training model for molecular representation learning, Bi-branch Masked Graph Transformer Autoencoder (BatmanNet). BatmanNet features two tailored and complementary graph autoencoders to reconstruct the missing nodes and edges from a masked molecular graph. To our surprise, BatmanNet discovered that the highly masked proportion (60%) of the atoms and bonds achieved the best performance. We further propose an asymmetric graph-based encoder-decoder architecture for either nodes and edges, where a transformer-based encoder only takes the visible subset of nodes or edges, and a lightweight decoder reconstructs the original molecule from the latent representation and mask tokens. With this simple yet effective asymmetrical design, our BatmanNet can learn efficiently even from a much smaller-scale unlabeled molecular dataset to capture the underlying structural and semantic information, overcoming a major limitation of current deep neural networks for molecular representation learning. For instance, using only 250K unlabelled molecules as pre-training data, our BatmanNet with 2.575M parameters achieves a 0.5% improvement on the average AUC compared with the current state-of-the-art method with 100M parameters pre-trained on 11M molecules.
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