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Pruning refers to the elimination of trivial weights from neural networks. The sub-networks within an overparameterized model produced after pruning are often called Lottery tickets. This research aims to generate winning lottery tickets from a set of lottery tickets that can achieve similar accuracy to the original unpruned network. We introduce a novel winning ticket called Cyclic Overlapping Lottery Ticket (COLT) by data splitting and cyclic retraining of the pruned network from scratch. We apply a cyclic pruning algorithm that keeps only the overlapping weights of different pruned models trained on different data segments. Our results demonstrate that COLT can achieve similar accuracies (obtained by the unpruned model) while maintaining high sparsities. We show that the accuracy of COLT is on par with the winning tickets of Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) and, at times, is better. Moreover, COLTs can be generated using fewer iterations than tickets generated by the popular Iterative Magnitude Pruning (IMP) method. In addition, we also notice COLTs generated on large datasets can be transferred to small ones without compromising performance, demonstrating its generalizing capability. We conduct all our experiments on Cifar-10, Cifar-100 & TinyImageNet datasets and report superior performance than the state-of-the-art methods.
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Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has made significant strides in the field of remote sensing. Finding a large number of labeled datasets for SSL methods is uncommon, and manually labeling datasets is expensive and time-consuming. Furthermore, accurately identifying remote sensing satellite images is more complicated than it is for conventional images. Class-imbalanced datasets are another prevalent phenomenon, and models trained on these become biased towards the majority classes. This becomes a critical issue with an SSL model's subpar performance. We aim to address the issue of labeling unlabeled data and also solve the model bias problem due to imbalanced datasets while achieving better accuracy. To accomplish this, we create "artificial" labels and train a model to have reasonable accuracy. We iteratively redistribute the classes through resampling using a distribution alignment technique. We use a variety of class imbalanced satellite image datasets: EuroSAT, UCM, and WHU-RS19. On UCM balanced dataset, our method outperforms previous methods MSMatch and FixMatch by 1.21% and 0.6%, respectively. For imbalanced EuroSAT, our method outperforms MSMatch and FixMatch by 1.08% and 1%, respectively. Our approach significantly lessens the requirement for labeled data, consistently outperforms alternative approaches, and resolves the issue of model bias caused by class imbalance in datasets.
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The extent to which men and women use language differently has been questioned previously. Finding clear and consistent gender differences in language is not conclusive in general, and the research is heavily influenced by the context and method employed to identify the difference. In addition, the majority of the research was conducted in written form, and the sample was collected in writing. Therefore, we compared the word choices of male and female presenters in public addresses such as TED lectures. The frequency of numerous types of words, such as parts of speech (POS), linguistic, psychological, and cognitive terms were analyzed statistically to determine how male and female speakers use words differently. Based on our data, we determined that male speakers use specific types of linguistic, psychological, cognitive, and social words in considerably greater frequency than female speakers.
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Cartoons are an important part of our entertainment culture. Though drawing a cartoon is not for everyone, creating it using an arrangement of basic geometric primitives that approximates that character is a fairly frequent technique in art. The key motivation behind this technique is that human bodies - as well as cartoon figures - can be split down into various basic geometric primitives. Numerous tutorials are available that demonstrate how to draw figures using an appropriate arrangement of fundamental shapes, thus assisting us in creating cartoon characters. This technique is very beneficial for children in terms of teaching them how to draw cartoons. In this paper, we develop a tool - shape2toon - that aims to automate this approach by utilizing a generative adversarial network which combines geometric primitives (i.e. circles) and generate a cartoon figure (i.e. Mickey Mouse) depending on the given approximation. For this purpose, we created a dataset of geometrically represented cartoon characters. We apply an image-to-image translation technique on our dataset and report the results in this paper. The experimental results show that our system can generate cartoon characters from input layout of geometric shapes. In addition, we demonstrate a web-based tool as a practical implication of our work.
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目标:探索深度学习算法进一步简化和优化尿道板(UP)质量评估的能力,使用板客观评分工具(POST),旨在提高Hypospadias修复中提高评估的客观性和可重复性。方法:五个关键的邮政地标是由专家在691图像数据集中的专家标记,该数据集接受了原发性杂质修复的青春期前男孩。然后,该数据集用于开发和验证基于深度学习的地标检测模型。提出的框架始于瞥见和检测,其中输入图像是使用预测的边界框裁剪的。接下来,使用深层卷积神经网络(CNN)体系结构来预测五个邮政标记的坐标。然后,这些预测的地标用于评估远端催化性远端的质量。结果:所提出的模型准确地定位了gan区域,平均平均精度(地图)为99.5%,总体灵敏度为99.1%。在预测地标的坐标时,达到了0.07152的归一化平均误差(NME),平均平方误差(MSE)为0.001,在0.1 nme的阈值下为20.2%的故障率。结论:此深度学习应用程序在使用邮政评估质量时表现出鲁棒性和高精度。使用国际多中心基于图像的数据库进行进一步评估。外部验证可以使深度学习算法受益,并导致更好的评估,决策和对手术结果的预测。
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