了解舌头和口咽肌肉变形之间的潜在关系在标记的MRI和可理解的语音中起着重要的作用,在推进语音运动控制理论和对语音相关疾病的处理方面起着重要作用。然而,由于它们的异质表示形式,这两种模式之间的直接映射(即二维(中间式切片)加上时间标记的MRI序列及其相应的一维波形)并不简单。取而代之的是,我们诉诸二维频谱图作为中间表示,其中包含音高和共振,从中可以开发一个端到端的深度学习框架,以将标记的MRI序列转换为其相应的音频波形,并具有有限的音频波形数据集大小。〜我们的框架基于一种新颖的完全卷积不对称翻译器,并具有自我残留注意策略的指导,以专门利用语音期间的移动肌肉结构。潜在的空间表示解散策略。〜此外,我们将一种对抗性训练方法与生成的对抗网络结合在一起,以在我们生成的频谱图上提供改进的现实主义。我们的框架使一系列标记的序列可以生成清晰的音频波形。 MRI,超过竞争方法。因此,我们的框架为帮助更好地了解两种方式之间的关系提供了巨大的潜力。
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The world currently offers an abundance of data in multiple domains, from which we can learn reinforcement learning (RL) policies without further interaction with the environment. RL agents learning offline from such data is possible but deploying them while learning might be dangerous in domains where safety is critical. Therefore, it is essential to find a way to estimate how a newly-learned agent will perform if deployed in the target environment before actually deploying it and without the risk of overestimating its true performance. To achieve this, we introduce a framework for safe evaluation of offline learning using approximate high-confidence off-policy evaluation (HCOPE) to estimate the performance of offline policies during learning. In our setting, we assume a source of data, which we split into a train-set, to learn an offline policy, and a test-set, to estimate a lower-bound on the offline policy using off-policy evaluation with bootstrapping. A lower-bound estimate tells us how good a newly-learned target policy would perform before it is deployed in the real environment, and therefore allows us to decide when to deploy our learned policy.
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By transferring knowledge from large, diverse, task-agnostic datasets, modern machine learning models can solve specific downstream tasks either zero-shot or with small task-specific datasets to a high level of performance. While this capability has been demonstrated in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing or speech recognition, it remains to be shown in robotics, where the generalization capabilities of the models are particularly critical due to the difficulty of collecting real-world robotic data. We argue that one of the keys to the success of such general robotic models lies with open-ended task-agnostic training, combined with high-capacity architectures that can absorb all of the diverse, robotic data. In this paper, we present a model class, dubbed Robotics Transformer, that exhibits promising scalable model properties. We verify our conclusions in a study of different model classes and their ability to generalize as a function of the data size, model size, and data diversity based on a large-scale data collection on real robots performing real-world tasks. The project's website and videos can be found at robotics-transformer.github.io
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Recently, AutoFlow has shown promising results on learning a training set for optical flow, but requires ground truth labels in the target domain to compute its search metric. Observing a strong correlation between the ground truth search metric and self-supervised losses, we introduce self-supervised AutoFlow to handle real-world videos without ground truth labels. Using self-supervised loss as the search metric, our self-supervised AutoFlow performs on par with AutoFlow on Sintel and KITTI where ground truth is available, and performs better on the real-world DAVIS dataset. We further explore using self-supervised AutoFlow in the (semi-)supervised setting and obtain competitive results against the state of the art.
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Given a dataset of expert agent interactions with an environment of interest, a viable method to extract an effective agent policy is to estimate the maximum likelihood policy indicated by this data. This approach is commonly referred to as behavioral cloning (BC). In this work, we describe a key disadvantage of BC that arises due to the maximum likelihood objective function; namely that BC is mean-seeking with respect to the state-conditional expert action distribution when the learner's policy is represented with a Gaussian. To address this issue, we introduce a modified version of BC, Adversarial Behavioral Cloning (ABC), that exhibits mode-seeking behavior by incorporating elements of GAN (generative adversarial network) training. We evaluate ABC on toy domains and a domain based on Hopper from the DeepMind Control suite, and show that it outperforms standard BC by being mode-seeking in nature.
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This contribution presents a deep learning method for the extraction and fusion of information relating to kidney stone fragments acquired from different viewpoints of the endoscope. Surface and section fragment images are jointly used during the training of the classifier to improve the discrimination power of the features by adding attention layers at the end of each convolutional block. This approach is specifically designed to mimic the morpho-constitutional analysis performed in ex-vivo by biologists to visually identify kidney stones by inspecting both views. The addition of attention mechanisms to the backbone improved the results of single view extraction backbones by 4% on average. Moreover, in comparison to the state-of-the-art, the fusion of the deep features improved the overall results up to 11% in terms of kidney stone classification accuracy.
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大型语言模型(LLM)从人类的指示中解开了任务计划的新功能。但是,事先尝试将LLMS应用于现实世界的机器人任务受到周围场景中缺乏接地的限制。在本文中,我们开发了NLMAP,这是一个开放式摄影和可查询场景表示,以解决此问题。 NLMAP是一个框架,可以将上下文信息收集到LLM计划者中,从而在生成上下文条件条件计划之前,可以在场景中查看和查询可用的对象。 NLMAP首先使用视觉语言模型(VLM)建立自然语言可查询场景表示。基于LLM的对象建议模块解析指令并提出涉及的对象,以查询场景表示以获取对象可用性和位置。然后,LLM规划师计划提供有关场景的此类信息。 NLMAP允许机器人在没有固定的对象列表或可执行选项的情况下操作,从而使真实的机器人操作无法通过以前的方法实现。项目网站:https://nlmap-saycan.github.io
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由于没有大型配对的文本形状数据,这两种方式之间的大量语义差距以及3D形状的结构复杂性,因此文本指导的3D形状生成仍然具有挑战性。本文通过引入2D图像作为垫脚石来连接两种方式并消除对配对的文本形状数据的需求,提出了一个名为“图像”的新框架,称为“垫脚石”(ISS)。我们的关键贡献是一种两阶段的功能空间对准方法,它通过利用具有多视图Supperions的预训练的单视重构造(SVR)模型来映射剪辑功能以形成形状:首先将剪辑图像剪辑剪辑功能到详细信息 - SVR模型中的丰富形状空间,然后将剪辑文本功能映射到形状空间,并通过鼓励输入文本和渲染图像之间的剪辑一致性来优化映射。此外,我们制定了一个文本制定的形状样式化模块,以用新颖的纹理打扮出输出形状。除了从文本上生成3D Shape生成的现有作品外,我们的新方法是在不需要配对的文本形状数据的情况下创建形状的一般性。实验结果表明,我们的方法在忠诚度和与文本一致性方面优于最先进的和我们的基线。此外,我们的方法可以通过逼真的和幻想结构和纹理对生成的形状进行样式化。
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