Approximation of entropies of various types using machine learning (ML) regression methods are shown for the first time. The ML models presented in this study define the complexity of the short time series by approximating dissimilar entropy techniques such as Singular value decomposition entropy (SvdEn), Permutation entropy (PermEn), Sample entropy (SampEn) and Neural Network entropy (NNetEn) and their 2D analogies. A new method for calculating SvdEn2D, PermEn2D and SampEn2D for 2D images was tested using the technique of circular kernels. Training and testing datasets on the basis of Sentinel-2 images are presented (two training images and one hundred and ninety-eight testing images). The results of entropy approximation are demonstrated using the example of calculating the 2D entropy of Sentinel-2 images and R^2 metric evaluation. The applicability of the method for the short time series with a length from N = 5 to N = 113 elements is shown. A tendency for the R^2 metric to decrease with an increase in the length of the time series was found. For SvdEn entropy, the regression accuracy is R^2 > 0.99 for N = 5 and R^2 > 0.82 for N = 113. The best metrics were observed for the ML_SvdEn2D and ML_NNetEn2D models. The results of the study can be used for fundamental research of entropy approximations of various types using ML regression, as well as for accelerating entropy calculations in remote sensing. The versatility of the model is shown on a synthetic chaotic time series using Planck map and logistic map.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Segmentation of regions of interest (ROIs) for identifying abnormalities is a leading problem in medical imaging. Using Machine Learning (ML) for this problem generally requires manually annotated ground-truth segmentations, demanding extensive time and resources from radiologists. This work presents a novel weakly supervised approach that utilizes binary image-level labels, which are much simpler to acquire, to effectively segment anomalies in medical Magnetic Resonance (MR) images without ground truth annotations. We train a binary classifier using these labels and use it to derive seeds indicating regions likely and unlikely to contain tumors. These seeds are used to train a generative adversarial network (GAN) that converts cancerous images to healthy variants, which are then used in conjunction with the seeds to train a ML model that generates effective segmentations. This method produces segmentations that achieve Dice coefficients of 0.7903, 0.7868, and 0.7712 on the MICCAI Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) 2020 dataset for the training, validation, and test cohorts respectively. We also propose a weakly supervised means of filtering the segmentations, removing a small subset of poorer segmentations to acquire a large subset of high quality segmentations. The proposed filtering further improves the Dice coefficients to up to 0.8374, 0.8232, and 0.8136 for training, validation, and test, respectively.
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FIB/SEM断层扫描代表了电池研究和许多其他领域中三维纳米结构表征的必不可少的工具。然而,在许多情况下,对比度和3D分类/重建问题出现,这极大地限制了该技术的适用性,尤其是在多孔材料上,例如电池或燃料电池中用于电极材料的材料。区分不同的组件(例如主动LI存储颗粒和碳/粘合剂材料)很困难,并且通常可以防止对图像数据进行可靠的定量分析,甚至可能导致关于结构 - 质地关系的错误结论。在这项贡献中,我们提出了一种新型的数据分类方法,该方法是通过FIB/SEM断层扫描获得的三维图像数据及其在NMC电池电极材料中的应用。我们使用两个不同的图像信号,即Angled SE2腔室检测器和Inlens检测器信号的信号,将信号组合在一起并训练一个随机森林,即特定的机器学习算法。我们证明,这种方法可以克服适合多相测量的现有技术的当前局限性,并且即使在当前的最新技术失败或对大型训练集的需求之后,它也可以进行定量数据重建。这种方法可能会作为使用FIB/SEM断层扫描的未来研究指南。
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本文经验研究了不同数据拆分和分裂策略对功能障碍检测系统性能的影响。为此,我们使用具有分类头的WAV2VEC 2.0模型以及支持向量机(SVM)以及从WAV2VEC 2.0模型中提取的功能进行实验。我们使用播客(SEP-28K)数据集中的口吃事件的不同非说明书和说话者的分裂训练和评估系统,以阐明结果W.R.T.的可变性。使用使用的分区方法。此外,我们表明SEP-28K数据集仅由少数扬声器主导,因此很难评估。为了解决这个问题,我们创建了Sep-28k扩展(Sep-28k-e),其中包含半自动生成的扬声器和性别信息,为SEP-28K语料库,建议不同的数据拆分,每个数据分配有用,可用于评估方法的其他方面用于功能障碍检测。
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语言模型预训练的最新进展利用大规模数据集创建多语言模型。但是,这些数据集中大多遗漏了低资源语言。这主要是因为网络上没有很好地表示口语,因此被排除在用于创建数据集的大规模爬网中。此外,这些模型的下游用户仅限于最初选择用于预训练的语言的选择。这项工作调查了如何最佳利用现有的预培训模型来为16种非洲语言创建低资源翻译系统。我们关注两个问题:1)如何将预训练的模型用于初始预培训中未包含的语言? 2)生成的翻译模型如何有效地转移到新域?为了回答这些问题,我们创建了一个新的非洲新闻语料库,涵盖16种语言,其中8种语言不属于任何现有评估数据集的一部分。我们证明,将两种语言转移到其他语言和其他领域的最有效策略是,以少量的高质量翻译数据微调大型预训练模型。
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口吃是一种多种言语障碍,会损害个人的沟通能力。口吃(PWS)的人经常使用语音疗法来应对自己的病情。改善具有这种非典型语音或跟踪语音疗法的人的语音识别系统将需要能够检测功能障碍的系统,同时能够检测到治疗中获得的语​​音技术。本文表明,用于在含有口吃的语音上结结巴巴的口吃的微调2VEC 2.0 [1],结合多任务的学习,增强了通用Purepose Wav2VEC 2.0的有效性,以检测语音在语音中检测说话的功能;内部和跨语言。我们通过训练支持向量机分类器评估我们的FluencyBank的方法[2]和以德国治疗为中心的Kassel Fluency(KSOF)[3]数据集[3]数据集,该数据集使用六种不同结肠相关的事件类型中提取的功能:块:块: ,延长,声音重复,单词重复,插入和 - 特定于治疗 - 语音修改。使用来自微调模型的嵌入式嵌入会导致相对分类的性能增长到高达27%W.R.T. F1得分。
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神经辐射字段(NERF)将场景编码为神经表示,使得能够实现新颖视图的照片逼真。然而,RGB图像的成功重建需要在静态条件下拍摄的大量输入视图 - 通常可以为房间尺寸场景的几百个图像。我们的方法旨在将整个房间的小说视图从数量级的图像中合成。为此,我们利用密集的深度前导者来限制NERF优化。首先,我们利用从用于估计相机姿势的运动(SFM)预处理步骤的结构自由提供的稀疏深度数据。其次,我们使用深度完成将这些稀疏点转换为密集的深度图和不确定性估计,用于指导NERF优化。我们的方法使数据有效的新颖观看综合在挑战室内场景中,使用少量为整个场景的18张图像。
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