语言模型预训练的最新进展利用大规模数据集创建多语言模型。但是,这些数据集中大多遗漏了低资源语言。这主要是因为网络上没有很好地表示口语,因此被排除在用于创建数据集的大规模爬网中。此外,这些模型的下游用户仅限于最初选择用于预训练的语言的选择。这项工作调查了如何最佳利用现有的预培训模型来为16种非洲语言创建低资源翻译系统。我们关注两个问题:1)如何将预训练的模型用于初始预培训中未包含的语言? 2)生成的翻译模型如何有效地转移到新域?为了回答这些问题,我们创建了一个新的非洲新闻语料库,涵盖16种语言,其中8种语言不属于任何现有评估数据集的一部分。我们证明,将两种语言转移到其他语言和其他领域的最有效策略是,以少量的高质量翻译数据微调大型预训练模型。
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我们提出了一种两阶段的培训方法,用于开发单个NMT模型,以翻译英语和英语的看不见的语言。对于第一阶段,我们将编码器模型初始化以鉴定XLM-R和Roberta的权重,然后对25种语言的平行数据进行多种语言微调。我们发现该模型可以推广到对看不见的语言的零击翻译。在第二阶段,我们利用这种概括能力从单语数据集生成合成的并行数据,然后用连续的反向翻译训练。最终模型扩展到了英语到许多方向,同时保持了多到英语的性能。我们称我们的方法为ecxtra(以英语为中心的跨语言(x)转移)。我们的方法依次利用辅助并行数据和单语言数据,并且在概念上很简单,仅在两个阶段都使用标准的跨熵目标。最终的ECXTRA模型对8种低资源语言的无监督NMT进行了评估,该语言为英语至哈萨克语(22.3> 10.4 bleu)以及其他15个翻译方向的竞争性能而获得了新的最先进。
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在所有人类语言对之间实现通用翻译是机器翻译的圣杯(MT)研究。虽然最近在大量的多语言MT中的进展是达到这一目标的一步,但它变得明显,即简单地通过在更加平行数据上训练扩展多语言MT系统是不可编译的,因为用于低资源和非英语的标记数据的可用性 - 姓氏对禁止有限。为此,我们展示了一种务实的方法,可以使用监督和自我监督目标的混合来构建涵盖数百种语言的多语种MT模型,具体取决于不同语言对的数据可用性。我们展示这两种训练范例之间的协同作用使模型能够在零资源设置中产生高质量的翻译,甚至超过监控的用于中资和中资和中资质。我们开展广泛的实验,了解多语言监督,域错配和平行和单机数据量的效果,以了解我们自我监督的多语言模型的质量。为了展示方法的可扩展性,我们培训具有200多种语言的模型,并在几个先前研究的语言上展示了对零资源翻译的高性能。我们希望我们的调查结果将成为踏脚石,以便为下一千种语言进行翻译。
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This paper demonstrates that multilingual denoising pre-training produces significant performance gains across a wide variety of machine translation (MT) tasks. We present mBART -a sequence-to-sequence denoising auto-encoder pre-trained on large-scale monolingual corpora in many languages using the BART objective . mBART is the first method for pre-training a complete sequence-to-sequence model by denoising full texts in multiple languages, while previous approaches have focused only on the encoder, decoder, or reconstructing parts of the text. Pre-training a complete model allows it to be directly fine tuned for supervised (both sentence-level and document-level) and unsupervised machine translation, with no task-specific modifications. We demonstrate that adding mBART initialization produces performance gains in all but the highest-resource settings, including up to 12 BLEU points for low resource MT and over 5 BLEU points for many document-level and unsupervised models. We also show it also enables new types of transfer to language pairs with no bi-text or that were not in the pre-training corpus, and present extensive analysis of which factors contribute the most to effective pre-training.
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在本文中,我们分享了我们努力建立能够翻译一千多种语言的实用机器翻译(MT)系统的发现。我们在三个研究领域中描述了结果:(i)通过利用半监督预训练的语言识别和开发数据驱动的过滤技术来构建1500多种语言的清洁,网挖数据集; (ii)通过利用大规模的多语言模型来开发用于服务不足的语言的实用MT模型,该模型训练了有监督的并行数据,以使用100多种高资源语言和单语言数据集,以增加1000多种语言; (iii)研究这些语言的评估指标的局限性,并对我们MT模型的输出进行定性分析,突出显示了这些类型模型的几种频繁误差模式。我们希望我们的工作为旨在为当前研究的语言构建MT系统的从业者提供有用的见解,并突出显示可以补充Data-Sparse设置中大量多语言模型的弱点的研究方向。
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多语言预训练的语言模型(PLM)在高资源和低资源语言的下游任务上表现出令人印象深刻的表现。但是,在预培训期间,尤其是非洲语言中,看不见的语言仍然有很大的表现。适应新语言的最有效方法之一是\ textit {语言自适应微调}(LAFT) - 使用预训练目标对单语言的多语言PLM进行微调。但是,适应目标语言会单独使用大磁盘空间,并限制了由此产生的模型的跨语言转移能力,因为它们已经专门用于单语言。在本文中,我们对17种最重要的非洲语言和其他三种在非洲大陆上广泛使用的高资源语言对17种最具资源的非洲语言进行\ Textit {多语言自适应微调},以鼓励跨语性转移学习。为了进一步专注于多语言PLM,我们从嵌入式层中删除了与MAFT之前的非非洲写作脚本相对应的词汇令牌,从而将模型大小降低了约50%。我们对两个多语言PLM(Afriberta和XLM-R)和三个NLP任务(NER,新闻主题分类和情感分类)的评估表明,我们的方法可以在单个语言上应用LAFT,同时需要较小的磁盘空间。此外,我们表明我们的适应性PLM还提高了参数有效微调方法的零击跨语性转移能力。
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我们介绍Samanantar,是最大的公开可用的并行Corpora Collection,用于指示语言。该集合中的英语和11个上线语言之间总共包含4970万句对(来自两种语言系列)。具体而言,我们从现有的公共可用并行基层编译1240万句对,另外,从网络上挖掘3740万句对,导致4倍增加。我们通过组合许多语料库,工具和方法来挖掘网站的并行句子:(a)Web爬行单格式语料库,(b)文档OCR,用于从扫描的文档中提取句子,(c)用于对齐句子的多语言表示模型,以及(d)近似最近的邻居搜索搜索大量句子。人类评估新矿业的Corpora的样本验证了11种语言的高质量平行句子。此外,我们使用英语作为枢轴语言,从英式并行语料库中提取所有55个指示语言对之间的834百万句子对。我们培训了跨越Samanantar上所有这些语言的多语种NMT模型,这在公开可用的基准上表现出现有的模型和基准,例如弗洛雷斯,建立萨曼塔尔的效用。我们的数据和模型可在Https://indicnlp.ai4bharat.org/samanantar/上公开提供,我们希望他们能够帮助推进NMT和Multibingual NLP的研究。
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我们对真正低资源语言的神经机翻译(NMT)进行了实证研究,并提出了一个训练课程,适用于缺乏并行培训数据和计算资源的情况,反映了世界上大多数世界语言和研究人员的现实致力于这些语言。以前,已经向低资源语言储存了使用后翻译(BT)和自动编码(AE)任务的无监督NMT。我们证明利用可比的数据和代码切换作为弱监管,与BT和AE目标相结合,即使仅使用适度的计算资源,低资源语言也会显着改进。在这项工作中提出的培训课程实现了Bleu分数,可通过+12.2 Bleu为古吉拉特和+3.7 Bleu为哈萨克斯培训的监督NMT培训,展示了弱势监督的巨大监督态度资源语言。在受到监督数据的培训时,我们的培训课程达到了索马里数据集(索马里29.3的BLEU的最先进的结果)。我们还观察到增加更多时间和GPU来培训可以进一步提高性能,强调报告在MT研究中的报告资源使用的重要性。
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Translating training data into many languages has emerged as a practical solution for improving cross-lingual transfer. For tasks that involve span-level annotations, such as information extraction or question answering, an additional label projection step is required to map annotated spans onto the translated texts. Recently, a few efforts have utilized a simple mark-then-translate method to jointly perform translation and projection by inserting special markers around the labeled spans in the original sentence. However, as far as we are aware, no empirical analysis has been conducted on how this approach compares to traditional annotation projection based on word alignment. In this paper, we present an extensive empirical study across 42 languages and three tasks (QA, NER, and Event Extraction) to evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of both methods, filling an important gap in the literature. Experimental results show that our optimized version of mark-then-translate, which we call EasyProject, is easily applied to many languages and works surprisingly well, outperforming the more complex word alignment-based methods. We analyze several key factors that affect end-task performance, and show EasyProject works well because it can accurately preserve label span boundaries after translation. We will publicly release all our code and data.
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In this work, we introduce IndicXTREME, a benchmark consisting of nine diverse tasks covering 18 languages from the Indic sub-continent belonging to four different families. Across languages and tasks, IndicXTREME contains a total of 103 evaluation sets, of which 51 are new contributions to the literature. To maintain high quality, we only use human annotators to curate or translate\footnote{for IndicXParaphrase, where an automatic translation system is used, a second human verification and correction step is done.} our datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort toward creating a standard benchmark for Indic languages that aims to test the zero-shot capabilities of pretrained language models. We also release IndicCorp v2, an updated and much larger version of IndicCorp that contains 20.9 billion tokens in 24 languages. We pretrain IndicBERT v2 on IndicCorp v2 and evaluate it on IndicXTREME to show that it outperforms existing multilingual language models such as XLM-R and MuRIL.
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Pre-training is an effective technique for ensuring robust performance on a variety of machine learning tasks. It typically depends on large-scale crawled corpora that can result in toxic or biased models. Such data can also be problematic with respect to copyright, attribution, and privacy. Pre-training with synthetic tasks and data is a promising way of alleviating such concerns since no real-world information is ingested by the model. Our goal in this paper is to understand what makes for a good pre-trained model when using synthetic resources. We answer this question in the context of neural machine translation by considering two novel approaches to translation model pre-training. Our first approach studies the effect of pre-training on obfuscated data derived from a parallel corpus by mapping words to a vocabulary of 'nonsense' tokens. Our second approach explores the effect of pre-training on procedurally generated synthetic parallel data that does not depend on any real human language corpus. Our empirical evaluation on multiple language pairs shows that, to a surprising degree, the benefits of pre-training can be realized even with obfuscated or purely synthetic parallel data. In our analysis, we consider the extent to which obfuscated and synthetic pre-training techniques can be used to mitigate the issue of hallucinated model toxicity.
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已经表明,机器翻译模型通常在培训语料库中不常见的命名实体产生不良的翻译。早期命名实体翻译方法主要关注语音音译,忽略翻译中的句子上下文,并在域和语言覆盖范围内有限。为了解决这一限制,我们提出了深入的,一种去噪的实体预训练方法,它利用大量单机数据和知识库来改进句子中的命名实体转换准确性。此外,我们调查了一种多任务学习策略,使得在实体增强的单晶体数据和并行数据上FineTunes在实体上的训练有素的神经机器翻译模型中进一步改进实体翻译。三种语言对的实验结果表明,方法导致强大的脱景自动编码基线的显着改进,增益高达1.3 BLEU,高达9.2的英语翻译实体准确度。
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GPT-3等大型自回归语言模型是几秒钟的学习者,可以在没有微调的情况下执行各种语言任务。虽然已知这些模型能够共同代表许多不同的语言,但他们的培训数据由英语主导,可能限制了它们的交叉概括。在这项工作中,我们在覆盖多种语言的平衡语料库上培训多语言自回归语言模型,并在广泛的任务中研究他们几乎没有零点的学习能力。我们最大的模型,具有75亿参数,在20多种代表语言中,在几种代表语言中,在几种代表性语言中,在几种代表性语言中,在多语言型号推理中表现出可比大小的GPT-3(在0次设置和0次拍摄设置中的绝对精度改善+ 7.4% 4-拍摄设置中的9.4%)和自然语言推理(每次拍摄和4次设置中的每一个+ 5.4%)。在Flores-101机器翻译基准测试中,我们的模型优于GPT-3在182个翻译方向上有32个培训例子,同时超过45个方向的官方监督基线。我们介绍了模型成功和失败的位置的详细分析,特别是它尤其显示在某些任务中实现交叉语境的内容学习,而仍然存在改善表面的鲁棒性和适应没有a的任务的余地自然冻结形式。最后,我们评估我们在仇恨语音检测中以五种语言的仇恨语音检测的模型,并发现它具有与可比大小的GPT-3模型类似的限制。
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Much recent progress in applications of machine learning models to NLP has been driven by benchmarks that evaluate models across a wide variety of tasks. However, these broad-coverage benchmarks have been mostly limited to English, and despite an increasing interest in multilingual models, a benchmark that enables the comprehensive evaluation of such methods on a diverse range of languages and tasks is still missing. To this end, we introduce the Cross-lingual TRansfer Evaluation of Multilingual Encoders (XTREME) benchmark, a multi-task benchmark for evaluating the cross-lingual generalization capabilities of multilingual representations across 40 languages and 9 tasks. We demonstrate that while models tested on English reach human performance on many tasks, there is still a sizable gap in the performance of cross-lingually transferred models, particularly on syntactic and sentence retrieval tasks. There is also a wide spread of results across languages. We release the benchmark 1 to encourage research on cross-lingual learning methods that transfer linguistic knowledge across a diverse and representative set of languages and tasks.
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While the NLP community is generally aware of resource disparities among languages, we lack research that quantifies the extent and types of such disparity. Prior surveys estimating the availability of resources based on the number of datasets can be misleading as dataset quality varies: many datasets are automatically induced or translated from English data. To provide a more comprehensive picture of language resources, we examine the characteristics of 156 publicly available NLP datasets. We manually annotate how they are created, including input text and label sources and tools used to build them, and what they study, tasks they address and motivations for their creation. After quantifying the qualitative NLP resource gap across languages, we discuss how to improve data collection in low-resource languages. We survey language-proficient NLP researchers and crowd workers per language, finding that their estimated availability correlates with dataset availability. Through crowdsourcing experiments, we identify strategies for collecting high-quality multilingual data on the Mechanical Turk platform. We conclude by making macro and micro-level suggestions to the NLP community and individual researchers for future multilingual data development.
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Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) models leverage many language pairs during training to improve translation quality for low-resource languages by transferring knowledge from high-resource languages. We study the quality of a domain-adapted MNMT model in the medical domain for English-Romanian with automatic metrics and a human error typology annotation which includes terminology-specific error categories. We compare the out-of-domain MNMT with the in-domain adapted MNMT. The in-domain MNMT model outperforms the out-of-domain MNMT in all measured automatic metrics and produces fewer terminology errors.
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