The meaningful use of electronic health records (EHR) continues to progress in the digital era with clinical decision support systems augmented by artificial intelligence. A priority in improving provider experience is to overcome information overload and reduce the cognitive burden so fewer medical errors and cognitive biases are introduced during patient care. One major type of medical error is diagnostic error due to systematic or predictable errors in judgment that rely on heuristics. The potential for clinical natural language processing (cNLP) to model diagnostic reasoning in humans with forward reasoning from data to diagnosis and potentially reduce the cognitive burden and medical error has not been investigated. Existing tasks to advance the science in cNLP have largely focused on information extraction and named entity recognition through classification tasks. We introduce a novel suite of tasks coined as Diagnostic Reasoning Benchmarks, DR.BENCH, as a new benchmark for developing and evaluating cNLP models with clinical diagnostic reasoning ability. The suite includes six tasks from ten publicly available datasets addressing clinical text understanding, medical knowledge reasoning, and diagnosis generation. DR.BENCH is the first clinical suite of tasks designed to be a natural language generation framework to evaluate pre-trained language models. Experiments with state-of-the-art pre-trained generative language models using large general domain models and models that were continually trained on a medical corpus demonstrate opportunities for improvement when evaluated in DR. BENCH. We share DR. BENCH as a publicly available GitLab repository with a systematic approach to load and evaluate models for the cNLP community.
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使用自然语言处理方法自动汇总患者的主要进度注释中的主要问题,有助于与医院环境中的信息和认知超负荷作斗争,并可能为提供者提供计算机化的诊断决策支持。问题列表摘要需要一个模型来理解,抽象和生成临床文档。在这项工作中,我们提出了一项新的NLP任务,旨在在住院期间使用提供者进度注释的意见来在患者的日常护理计划中生成一系列问题。我们研究了两个最先进的SEQ2SEQ变压器体系结构T5和Bart的性能,以解决此问题。我们提供了一个基于公开可用的电子健康记录进度注释MART MART(MIMIC)-III中的公开电子健康记录进度注释的语料库。 T5和BART对通用域文本进行了培训,我们尝试了数据增强方法和域适应性预训练方法,以增加医学词汇和知识的接触。评估方法包括胭脂,Bertscore,嵌入句子上的余弦相似性以及对医学概念的F评分。结果表明,与基于规则的系统和通用域预训练的语言模型相比,具有领域自适应预训练的T5可实现显着的性能增长,这表明可以解决问题摘要任务的有希望的方向。
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There are multiple scales of abstraction from which we can describe the same image, depending on whether we are focusing on fine-grained details or a more global attribute of the image. In brain mapping, learning to automatically parse images to build representations of both small-scale features (e.g., the presence of cells or blood vessels) and global properties of an image (e.g., which brain region the image comes from) is a crucial and open challenge. However, most existing datasets and benchmarks for neuroanatomy consider only a single downstream task at a time. To bridge this gap, we introduce a new dataset, annotations, and multiple downstream tasks that provide diverse ways to readout information about brain structure and architecture from the same image. Our multi-task neuroimaging benchmark (MTNeuro) is built on volumetric, micrometer-resolution X-ray microtomography images spanning a large thalamocortical section of mouse brain, encompassing multiple cortical and subcortical regions. We generated a number of different prediction challenges and evaluated several supervised and self-supervised models for brain-region prediction and pixel-level semantic segmentation of microstructures. Our experiments not only highlight the rich heterogeneity of this dataset, but also provide insights into how self-supervised approaches can be used to learn representations that capture multiple attributes of a single image and perform well on a variety of downstream tasks. Datasets, code, and pre-trained baseline models are provided at: .
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become commonplace to solve routine everyday tasks. Because of the exponential growth in medical imaging data volume and complexity, the workload on radiologists is steadily increasing. We project that the gap between the number of imaging exams and the number of expert radiologist readers required to cover this increase will continue to expand, consequently introducing a demand for AI-based tools that improve the efficiency with which radiologists can comfortably interpret these exams. AI has been shown to improve efficiency in medical-image generation, processing, and interpretation, and a variety of such AI models have been developed across research labs worldwide. However, very few of these, if any, find their way into routine clinical use, a discrepancy that reflects the divide between AI research and successful AI translation. To address the barrier to clinical deployment, we have formed MONAI Consortium, an open-source community which is building standards for AI deployment in healthcare institutions, and developing tools and infrastructure to facilitate their implementation. This report represents several years of weekly discussions and hands-on problem solving experience by groups of industry experts and clinicians in the MONAI Consortium. We identify barriers between AI-model development in research labs and subsequent clinical deployment and propose solutions. Our report provides guidance on processes which take an imaging AI model from development to clinical implementation in a healthcare institution. We discuss various AI integration points in a clinical Radiology workflow. We also present a taxonomy of Radiology AI use-cases. Through this report, we intend to educate the stakeholders in healthcare and AI (AI researchers, radiologists, imaging informaticists, and regulators) about cross-disciplinary challenges and possible solutions.
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In unstructured environments, robots run the risk of unexpected collisions. How well they react to these events is determined by how transparent they are to collisions. Transparency is affected by structural properties as well as sensing and control architectures. In this paper, we propose the collision reflex metric as a way to formally quantify transparency. It is defined as the total impulse transferred in collision, which determines the collision mitigation capabilities of a closed-loop robotic system taking into account structure, sensing, and control. We analyze the effect of motor scaling, stiffness, and configuration on the collision reflex of a system using an analytical model. Physical experiments using the move-until-touch behavior are conducted to compare the collision reflex of direct-drive and quasi-direct-drive actuators and robotic hands (Schunk WSG-50 and Dexterous DDHand.) For transparent systems, we see a counter-intuitive trend: the impulse may be lower at higher pre-impact velocities.
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) detect patterns in data and have shown versatility and strong performance in many computer vision applications. However, DNNs alone are susceptible to obvious mistakes that violate simple, common sense concepts and are limited in their ability to use explicit knowledge to guide their search and decision making. While overall DNN performance metrics may be good, these obvious errors, coupled with a lack of explainability, have prevented widespread adoption for crucial tasks such as medical image analysis. The purpose of this paper is to introduce SimpleMind, an open-source software framework for Cognitive AI focused on medical image understanding. It allows creation of a knowledge base that describes expected characteristics and relationships between image objects in an intuitive human-readable form. The SimpleMind framework brings thinking to DNNs by: (1) providing methods for reasoning with the knowledge base about image content, such as spatial inferencing and conditional reasoning to check DNN outputs; (2) applying process knowledge, in the form of general-purpose software agents, that are chained together to accomplish image preprocessing, DNN prediction, and result post-processing, and (3) performing automatic co-optimization of all knowledge base parameters to adapt agents to specific problems. SimpleMind enables reasoning on multiple detected objects to ensure consistency, providing cross checking between DNN outputs. This machine reasoning improves the reliability and trustworthiness of DNNs through an interpretable model and explainable decisions. Example applications are provided that demonstrate how SimpleMind supports and improves deep neural networks by embedding them within a Cognitive AI framework.
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The NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is an essential tool for researchers that allows them to explore the astronomy and astrophysics scientific literature, but it has yet to exploit recent advances in natural language processing. At ADASS 2021, we introduced astroBERT, a machine learning language model tailored to the text used in astronomy papers in ADS. In this work we: - announce the first public release of the astroBERT language model; - show how astroBERT improves over existing public language models on astrophysics specific tasks; - and detail how ADS plans to harness the unique structure of scientific papers, the citation graph and citation context, to further improve astroBERT.
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Recent work in large language modeling (LLMs) has used fine-tuning to align outputs with the preferences of a prototypical user. This work assumes that human preferences are static and homogeneous across individuals, so that aligning to a a single "generic" user will confer more general alignment. Here, we embrace the heterogeneity of human preferences to consider a different challenge: how might a machine help people with diverse views find agreement? We fine-tune a 70 billion parameter LLM to generate statements that maximize the expected approval for a group of people with potentially diverse opinions. Human participants provide written opinions on thousands of questions touching on moral and political issues (e.g., "should we raise taxes on the rich?"), and rate the LLM's generated candidate consensus statements for agreement and quality. A reward model is then trained to predict individual preferences, enabling it to quantify and rank consensus statements in terms of their appeal to the overall group, defined according to different aggregation (social welfare) functions. The model produces consensus statements that are preferred by human users over those from prompted LLMs (>70%) and significantly outperforms a tight fine-tuned baseline that lacks the final ranking step. Further, our best model's consensus statements are preferred over the best human-generated opinions (>65%). We find that when we silently constructed consensus statements from only a subset of group members, those who were excluded were more likely to dissent, revealing the sensitivity of the consensus to individual contributions. These results highlight the potential to use LLMs to help groups of humans align their values with one another.
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随着超维数据的大数据分析的最新激增,对机器学习应用程序的降低技术的兴趣重新引起了人们的兴趣。为了使这些方法提高绩效提高并了解基础数据,需要确定适当的指标。此步骤通常被忽略,通常会选择指标,而无需考虑数据的基本几何形状。在本文中,我们提出了一种将弹性指标纳入T分布的随机邻居嵌入(T-SNE)和均匀的歧管近似和投影(UMAP)的方法。我们将方法应用于功能数据,该功能数据以旋转,参数化和比例为特征。如果这些属性被忽略,它们可能会导致不正确的分析和分类性能差。通过我们的方法,我们证明了三个基准数据集(MPEG-7,CAR数据集和Themoor的平面数据集)的形状识别任务的提高,我们分别获得了0.77、0.95和1.00 F1分数。
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在本文中,我们为具有异质传感器的机器人团队提供了在线自适应计划策略,以使用学习的模型进行决策模型从潜在空间领域进行采样。当前的机器人抽样方法试图收集有关可观察到的空间场的信息。但是,许多应用程序,例如环境监测和精确农业,都涉及不直接观察或衡量昂贵的现象,称为潜在现象。在我们的方法中,我们试图通过使用具有异质传感器的机器人团队有效地采样可观察到的空间场来实时推理潜在现象,在这种空间场中,每个机器人都有一个独特的传感器来测量不同可观察的场。信息增益是使用从可观察到的空间场映射到潜在现象的学习模型来估计的。该模型捕获了关系中的不确定性,以允许信息理论措施。此外,我们明确考虑可观察到的空间场之间的相关性,从而捕获了观察结果并非独立的传感器类型之间的关系。我们表明,可以学习这些相关性,并研究学习相关模型对我们采样方法性能的影响。通过我们的定性和定量结果,我们说明了经验学习的相关性提高了团队的整体抽样效率。我们使用在魁北克的Lac Hertel上收集的传感器测量数据集模拟我们的方法,我们可以公开使用。
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