Mohamed Bin Zayed国际机器人挑战(MBZIRC)2020为无人机(无人机)构成了不同的挑战。我们提供了四个量身定制的无人机,专门为MBZIRC的单独空中机器人任务开发,包括自定义硬件和软件组件。在挑战1中,使用高效率,车载对象检测管道进行目标UAV,以捕获来自目标UAV的球。第二个UAV使用类似的检测方法来查找和流行散落在整个竞技场的气球。对于挑战2,我们展示了一种能够自主空中操作的更大的无人机:从相机图像找到并跟踪砖。随后,将它们接近,挑选,运输并放在墙上。最后,在挑战3中,我们的UAV自动发现使用LIDAR和热敏摄像机的火灾。它用船上灭火器熄灭火灾。虽然每个机器人都具有任务特定的子系统,但所有无人机都依赖于为该特定和未来竞争开发的标准软件堆栈。我们介绍了我们最开源的软件解决方案,包括系统配置,监控,强大无线通信,高级控制和敏捷轨迹生成的工具。为了解决MBZirc 2020任务,我们在多个研究领域提出了机器视觉和轨迹生成的多个研究领域。我们介绍了我们的科学贡献,这些贡献构成了我们的算法和系统的基础,并分析了在阿布扎比的MBZIRC竞赛2020年的结果,我们的系统在大挑战中达到了第二名。此外,我们讨论了我们参与这种复杂的机器人挑战的经验教训。
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Accurate modeling of ship performance is crucial for the shipping industry to optimize fuel consumption and subsequently reduce emissions. However, predicting the speed-power relation in real-world conditions remains a challenge. In this study, we used in-service monitoring data from multiple vessels with different hull shapes to compare the accuracy of data-driven machine learning (ML) algorithms to traditional methods for assessing ship performance. Our analysis consists of two main parts: (1) a comparison of sea trial curves with calm-water curves fitted on operational data, and (2) a benchmark of multiple added wave resistance theories with an ML-based approach. Our results showed that a simple neural network outperformed established semi-empirical formulas following first principles. The neural network only required operational data as input, while the traditional methods required extensive ship particulars that are often unavailable. These findings suggest that data-driven algorithms may be more effective for predicting ship performance in practical applications.
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Reinforcement Learning (RL) can enable agents to learn complex tasks. However, it is difficult to interpret the knowledge and reuse it across tasks. Inductive biases can address such issues by explicitly providing generic yet useful decomposition that is otherwise difficult or expensive to learn implicitly. For example, object-centered approaches decompose a high dimensional observation into individual objects. Expanding on this, we utilize an inductive bias for explicit object-centered knowledge separation that provides further decomposition into semantic representations and dynamics knowledge. For this, we introduce a semantic module that predicts an objects' semantic state based on its context. The resulting affordance-like object state can then be used to enrich perceptual object representations. With a minimal setup and an environment that enables puzzle-like tasks, we demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of this approach. Specifically, we compare three different methods of integrating semantic representations into a model-based RL architecture. Our experiments show that the degree of explicitness in knowledge separation correlates with faster learning, better accuracy, better generalization, and better interpretability.
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Dexterous manipulation with anthropomorphic robot hands remains a challenging problem in robotics because of the high-dimensional state and action spaces and complex contacts. Nevertheless, skillful closed-loop manipulation is required to enable humanoid robots to operate in unstructured real-world environments. Reinforcement learning (RL) has traditionally imposed enormous interaction data requirements for optimizing such complex control problems. We introduce a new framework that leverages recent advances in GPU-based simulation along with the strength of imitation learning in guiding policy search towards promising behaviors to make RL training feasible in these domains. To this end, we present an immersive virtual reality teleoperation interface designed for interactive human-like manipulation on contact rich tasks and a suite of manipulation environments inspired by tasks of daily living. Finally, we demonstrate the complementary strengths of massively parallel RL and imitation learning, yielding robust and natural behaviors. Videos of trained policies, our source code, and the collected demonstration datasets are available at human_like_manipulation/.
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We present Depth-aware Image-based NEural Radiance fields (DINER). Given a sparse set of RGB input views, we predict depth and feature maps to guide the reconstruction of a volumetric scene representation that allows us to render 3D objects under novel views. Specifically, we propose novel techniques to incorporate depth information into feature fusion and efficient scene sampling. In comparison to the previous state of the art, DINER achieves higher synthesis quality and can process input views with greater disparity. This allows us to capture scenes more completely without changing capturing hardware requirements and ultimately enables larger viewpoint changes during novel view synthesis. We evaluate our method by synthesizing novel views, both for human heads and for general objects, and observe significantly improved qualitative results and increased perceptual metrics compared to the previous state of the art. The code will be made publicly available for research purposes.
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Single-cell reference atlases are large-scale, cell-level maps that capture cellular heterogeneity within an organ using single cell genomics. Given their size and cellular diversity, these atlases serve as high-quality training data for the transfer of cell type labels to new datasets. Such label transfer, however, must be robust to domain shifts in gene expression due to measurement technique, lab specifics and more general batch effects. This requires methods that provide uncertainty estimates on the cell type predictions to ensure correct interpretation. Here, for the first time, we introduce uncertainty quantification methods for cell type classification on single-cell reference atlases. We benchmark four model classes and show that currently used models lack calibration, robustness, and actionable uncertainty scores. Furthermore, we demonstrate how models that quantify uncertainty are better suited to detect unseen cell types in the setting of atlas-level cell type transfer.
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我们研究Claire(一种差异性多形状,多-GPU图像注册算法和软件)的性能 - 在具有数十亿素素的大规模生物医学成像应用中。在这样的分辨率下,大多数用于差异图像注册的软件包非常昂贵。结果,从业人员首先要大量删除原始图像,然后使用现有工具进行注册。我们的主要贡献是对降采样对注册性能的影响的广泛分析。我们通过将用Claire获得的全分辨率注册与合成和现实成像数据集的低分辨率注册进行比较,研究了这种影响。我们的结果表明,完全分辨率的注册可以产生卓越的注册质量 - 但并非总是如此。例如,将合成图像从$ 1024^3 $减少到$ 256^3 $将骰子系数从92%降低到79%。但是,对于嘈杂或低对比度的高分辨率图像,差异不太明显。克莱尔不仅允许我们在几秒钟内注册临床相关大小的图像,而且还可以在合理的时间内以前所未有的分辨率注册图像。考虑的最高分辨率是$ 2816 \ times3016 \ times1162 $的清晰图像。据我们所知,这是有关此类决议中图像注册质量的首次研究。
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与简单英语的德国同行“莱希特·斯普拉奇(Leichte Sprache)”是一种旨在促进复杂的书面语言的受监管语言,否则不同的人群将无法访问。我们为简单德语 - 德语提供了一个新的与句子一致的单语语料库。它包含多个使用自动句子对准方法对齐的文档对准源。我们根据手动标记的对齐文档子集评估我们的对齐方式。通过F1得分衡量的句子对齐质量超过了先前的工作。我们根据CC BY-SA和MIT许可证的随附代码发布数据集。
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