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分析运动表现或预防伤害需要捕获人体在某些运动中施加的地面反作用力(GRF)。标准实践在受控环境中使用与力板配对的物理标记,但这是由于高成本,冗长的实现时间和重复实验中的差异所破坏。因此,我们提出了视频中的GRF推论。尽管最近的工作使用LSTM从2D观点估算GRF,但它们的建模和表示能力可能受到限制。首先,我们建议使用变压器体系结构从视频任务中解决GRF,这是第一个这样做的。然后,我们引入了新的损失,以最大程度地减少回归曲线中的高影响峰。我们还表明,对2D到3D人类姿势估计的训练和多任务学习可以提高对看不见动作的概括。在此不同的任务上进行预训练时,在较小(稀有)GRF数据集上进行填充时,可以提供良好的初始权重。我们评估了Laas Parkour和新收集的钳子数据集;与先前的方法相比,我们出现的误差降低了19%。
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语音神经调节物有可能为患有扰动或休闲症的人提供沟通。最近的进展已经证明了从放置在皮质表面上的电加电网的高质量文本解码和语音合成。在这里,我们研究了较少的侵入性测量模态,即立体定向脑电图(SEEG),其提供来自多个脑区的稀疏抽样,包括皮质区域。为了评估Seeg是否也可用于综合神经录音的高质量音频,我们采用了一种基于现代深度学习方法的经常性编码器 - 解码器框架。我们证明,尽管有限的训练数据,但是可以从这些微创录音来重建高质量的言论。最后,我们利用变分特征丢失来成功识别最具信息丰富的电极触点。
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高品质,大型数据集在古典机器学习的发展和成功中发挥了至关重要的作用。量子机器学习(QML)是一个新的领域,旨在使用量子计算机进行数据分析,希望获得某种量子的量子优势。虽然大多数提议的QML架构是使用经典数据集的基准测试,但仍存在古典数据集上的QML是否会实现这样的优势。在这项工作中,我们争辩说,应该使用由量子状态组成的量子数据集。为此目的,我们介绍了由量子状态组成的Ntangled DataSet,其数量和多分纠缠的类型。我们首先展示如何培训量子神经网络,以在Ntangled DataSet中生成状态。然后,我们使用Ntangled DataSet来获得用于监督学习分类任务的基准测试QML模型。我们还考虑一个基于替代的纠缠基数据集,其是可扩展的,并且由量子电路准备的状态与不同深度的状态组成。作为我们的结果的副产品,我们介绍了一种用于产生多重石纠缠态的新方法,为量子纠缠理论提供量子神经网络的用例。
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We demonstrate a proof-of-concept of a large language model conducting corporate lobbying related activities. We use an autoregressive large language model (OpenAI's text-davinci-003) to determine if proposed U.S. Congressional bills are relevant to specific public companies and provide explanations and confidence levels. For the bills the model deems as relevant, the model drafts a letter to the sponsor of the bill in an attempt to persuade the congressperson to make changes to the proposed legislation. We use hundreds of ground-truth labels of the relevance of a bill to a company to benchmark the performance of the model, which outperforms the baseline of predicting the most common outcome of irrelevance. However, we test the ability to determine the relevance of a bill with the previous OpenAI GPT-3 model (text-davinci-002), which was state-of-the-art on many language tasks until text-davinci-003 was released on November 28, 2022. The performance of text-davinci-002 is worse than simply always predicting that a bill is irrelevant to a company. These results suggest that, as large language models continue to improve core natural language understanding capabilities, performance on corporate lobbying related tasks will continue to improve. We then discuss why this could be problematic for societal-AI alignment.
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Recent work has shown the benefits of synthetic data for use in computer vision, with applications ranging from autonomous driving to face landmark detection and reconstruction. There are a number of benefits of using synthetic data from privacy preservation and bias elimination to quality and feasibility of annotation. Generating human-centered synthetic data is a particular challenge in terms of realism and domain-gap, though recent work has shown that effective machine learning models can be trained using synthetic face data alone. We show that this can be extended to include the full body by building on the pipeline of Wood et al. to generate synthetic images of humans in their entirety, with ground-truth annotations for computer vision applications. In this report we describe how we construct a parametric model of the face and body, including articulated hands; our rendering pipeline to generate realistic images of humans based on this body model; an approach for training DNNs to regress a dense set of landmarks covering the entire body; and a method for fitting our body model to dense landmarks predicted from multiple views.
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In the past years, deep learning has seen an increase of usage in the domain of histopathological applications. However, while these approaches have shown great potential, in high-risk environments deep learning models need to be able to judge their own uncertainty and be able to reject inputs when there is a significant chance of misclassification. In this work, we conduct a rigorous evaluation of the most commonly used uncertainty and robustness methods for the classification of Whole-Slide-Images under domain shift using the H\&E stained Camelyon17 breast cancer dataset. Although it is known that histopathological data can be subject to strong domain shift and label noise, to our knowledge this is the first work that compares the most common methods for uncertainty estimation under these aspects. In our experiments, we compare Stochastic Variational Inference, Monte-Carlo Dropout, Deep Ensembles, Test-Time Data Augmentation as well as combinations thereof. We observe that ensembles of methods generally lead to higher accuracies and better calibration and that Test-Time Data Augmentation can be a promising alternative when choosing an appropriate set of augmentations. Across methods, a rejection of the most uncertain tiles leads to a significant increase in classification accuracy on both in-distribution as well as out-of-distribution data. Furthermore, we conduct experiments comparing these methods under varying conditions of label noise. We observe that the border regions of the Camelyon17 dataset are subject to label noise and evaluate the robustness of the included methods against different noise levels. Lastly, we publish our code framework to facilitate further research on uncertainty estimation on histopathological data.
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In large-scale machine learning, recent works have studied the effects of compressing gradients in stochastic optimization in order to alleviate the communication bottleneck. These works have collectively revealed that stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is robust to structured perturbations such as quantization, sparsification, and delays. Perhaps surprisingly, despite the surge of interest in large-scale, multi-agent reinforcement learning, almost nothing is known about the analogous question: Are common reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms also robust to similar perturbations? In this paper, we investigate this question by studying a variant of the classical temporal difference (TD) learning algorithm with a perturbed update direction, where a general compression operator is used to model the perturbation. Our main technical contribution is to show that compressed TD algorithms, coupled with an error-feedback mechanism used widely in optimization, exhibit the same non-asymptotic theoretical guarantees as their SGD counterparts. We then extend our results significantly to nonlinear stochastic approximation algorithms and multi-agent settings. In particular, we prove that for multi-agent TD learning, one can achieve linear convergence speedups in the number of agents while communicating just $\tilde{O}(1)$ bits per agent at each time step. Our work is the first to provide finite-time results in RL that account for general compression operators and error-feedback in tandem with linear function approximation and Markovian sampling. Our analysis hinges on studying the drift of a novel Lyapunov function that captures the dynamics of a memory variable introduced by error feedback.
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