The weakly supervised instance segmentation is a challenging task. The existing methods typically use bounding boxes as supervision and optimize the network with a regularization loss term such as pairwise color affinity loss for instance segmentation. Through systematic analysis, we found that the commonly used pairwise affinity loss has two limitations: (1) it works with color affinity but leads to inferior performance with other modalities such as depth gradient, (2)the original affinity loss does not prevent trivial predictions as intended but actually accelerates this process due to the affinity loss term being symmetric. To overcome these two limitations, in this paper, we propose a novel asymmetric affinity loss which provides the penalty against the trivial prediction and generalizes well with affinity loss from different modalities. With the proposed asymmetric affinity loss, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on the Cityscapes dataset and outperforms our baseline method by 3.5% in mask AP.
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估计物体的距离是自动驾驶的一项安全至关重要的任务。专注于短距离对象,现有方法和数据集忽略了同样重要的远程对象。在本文中,我们引入了一项具有挑战性且探索不足的任务,我们将其称为长距离距离估计,以及两个数据集,以验证为此任务开发的新方法。然后,我们提出了第一个框架,即通过使用场景中已知距离的引用来准确估算远程对象的距离。从人类感知中汲取灵感,R4D通过将目标对象连接到所有引用来构建图形。图中的边缘编码一对目标和参考对象之间的相对距离信息。然后使用注意模块权衡参考对象的重要性,并将它们组合到一个目标对象距离预测中。与现有基准相比,这两个数据集的实验通过显示出显着改善,证明了R4D的有效性和鲁棒性。我们正在寻求制作提出的数据集,Waymo OpenDataSet-远程标签,可在上公开可用。
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由于其在自主驾驶中的应用,因此基于单眼图像的3D感知已成为一个活跃的研究领域。与基于激光雷达的技术相比,单眼3D感知(包括检测和跟踪)的方法通常会产生较低的性能。通过系统的分析,我们确定了每个对象深度估计精度是界限性能的主要因素。在这种观察过程中,我们提出了一种多级融合方法,该方法将不同的表示(RGB和伪LIDAR)和跨多个对象(Tracklets)的时间信息结合在一起,以增强对目标深度估计。我们提出的融合方法实现了Waymo打开数据集,KITTI检测数据集和Kitti MOT数据集的每个对象深度估计的最新性能。我们进一步证明,通过简单地用融合增强的深度替换估计的深度,我们可以在单眼3D感知任务(包括检测和跟踪)方面取得重大改进。
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自我监督的单眼深度预测提供了一种经济有效的解决方案,以获得每个像素的3D位置。然而,现有方法通常会导致不满意的准确性,这对于自治机器人至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的两级网络,通过利用低成本稀疏(例如4梁)LIDAR来推进自我监督单眼密集深度学习。与使用稀疏激光雷达的现有方法不同,主要以耗时的迭代后处理,我们的模型保留单眼图像特征和稀疏的LIDAR功能,以预测初始深度图。然后,有效的前馈细化网络进一步设计为校正伪3D空间中这些初始深度图中的错误,其具有实时性能。广泛的实验表明,我们所提出的模型显着优于所有最先进的自我监控方法,以及基于稀疏的激光器的方法,以及对自我监督单眼深度预测和完成任务。通过精确的密集深度预测,我们的模型优于基于最先进的稀疏激光雷达的方法(伪LIDAR ++)在Kitti排行榜上下游任务单眼3D对象检测超过68%。代码可在获得
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Large-scale labeled data are generally required to train deep neural networks in order to obtain better performance in visual feature learning from images or videos for computer vision applications. To avoid extensive cost of collecting and annotating large-scale datasets, as a subset of unsupervised learning methods, self-supervised learning methods are proposed to learn general image and video features from large-scale unlabeled data without using any human-annotated labels. This paper provides an extensive review of deep learning-based self-supervised general visual feature learning methods from images or videos. First, the motivation, general pipeline, and terminologies of this field are described. Then the common deep neural network architectures that used for self-supervised learning are summarized. Next, the schema and evaluation metrics of self-supervised learning methods are reviewed followed by the commonly used image and video datasets and the existing self-supervised visual feature learning methods. Finally, quantitative performance comparisons of the reviewed methods on benchmark datasets are summarized and discussed for both image and video feature learning. At last, this paper is concluded and lists a set of promising future directions for self-supervised visual feature learning.
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Theoretical properties of bilevel problems are well studied when the lower-level problem is strongly convex. In this work, we focus on bilevel optimization problems without the strong-convexity assumption. In these cases, we first show that the common local optimality measures such as KKT condition or regularization can lead to undesired consequences. Then, we aim to identify the mildest conditions that make bilevel problems tractable. We identify two classes of growth conditions on the lower-level objective that leads to continuity. Under these assumptions, we show that the local optimality of the bilevel problem can be defined via the Goldstein stationarity condition of the hyper-objective. We then propose the Inexact Gradient-Free Method (IGFM) to solve the bilevel problem, using an approximate zeroth order oracle that is of independent interest. Our non-asymptotic analysis demonstrates that the proposed method can find a $(\delta, \varepsilon)$ Goldstein stationary point for bilevel problems with a zeroth order oracle complexity that is polynomial in $d, 1/\delta$ and $1/\varepsilon$.
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Stance detection refers to the task of extracting the standpoint (Favor, Against or Neither) towards a target in given texts. Such research gains increasing attention with the proliferation of social media contents. The conventional framework of handling stance detection is converting it into text classification tasks. Deep learning models have already replaced rule-based models and traditional machine learning models in solving such problems. Current deep neural networks are facing two main challenges which are insufficient labeled data and information in social media posts and the unexplainable nature of deep learning models. A new pre-trained language model chatGPT was launched on Nov 30, 2022. For the stance detection tasks, our experiments show that ChatGPT can achieve SOTA or similar performance for commonly used datasets including SemEval-2016 and P-Stance. At the same time, ChatGPT can provide explanation for its own prediction, which is beyond the capability of any existing model. The explanations for the cases it cannot provide classification results are especially useful. ChatGPT has the potential to be the best AI model for stance detection tasks in NLP, or at least change the research paradigm of this field. ChatGPT also opens up the possibility of building explanatory AI for stance detection.
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Image manipulation localization aims at distinguishing forged regions from the whole test image. Although many outstanding prior arts have been proposed for this task, there are still two issues that need to be further studied: 1) how to fuse diverse types of features with forgery clues; 2) how to progressively integrate multistage features for better localization performance. In this paper, we propose a tripartite progressive integration network (TriPINet) for end-to-end image manipulation localization. First, we extract both visual perception information, e.g., RGB input images, and visual imperceptible features, e.g., frequency and noise traces for forensic feature learning. Second, we develop a guided cross-modality dual-attention (gCMDA) module to fuse different types of forged clues. Third, we design a set of progressive integration squeeze-and-excitation (PI-SE) modules to improve localization performance by appropriately incorporating multiscale features in the decoder. Extensive experiments are conducted to compare our method with state-of-the-art image forensics approaches. The proposed TriPINet obtains competitive results on several benchmark datasets.
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