Most existing image inpainting algorithms are based on a single view, struggling with large holes or the holes containing complicated scenes. Some reference-guided algorithms fill the hole by referring to another viewpoint image and use 2D image alignment. Due to the camera imaging process, simple 2D transformation is difficult to achieve a satisfactory result. In this paper, we propose 3DFill, a simple and efficient method for reference-guided image inpainting. Given a target image with arbitrary hole regions and a reference image from another viewpoint, the 3DFill first aligns the two images by a two-stage method: 3D projection + 2D transformation, which has better results than 2D image alignment. The 3D projection is an overall alignment between images and the 2D transformation is a local alignment focused on the hole region. The entire process of image alignment is self-supervised. We then fill the hole in the target image with the contents of the aligned image. Finally, we use a conditional generation network to refine the filled image to obtain the inpainting result. 3DFill achieves state-of-the-art performance on image inpainting across a variety of wide view shifts and has a faster inference speed than other inpainting models.
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Image super-resolution is a common task on mobile and IoT devices, where one often needs to upscale and enhance low-resolution images and video frames. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem in the past, they are usually not compatible with low-power mobile NPUs having many computational and memory constraints. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an efficient quantized image super-resolution solution that can demonstrate a real-time performance on mobile NPUs. The participants were provided with the DIV2K dataset and trained INT8 models to do a high-quality 3X image upscaling. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Synaptics VS680 Smart Home board with a dedicated edge NPU capable of accelerating quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 60 FPS rate when reconstructing Full HD resolution images. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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Federated Learning (FL), as a rapidly evolving privacy-preserving collaborative machine learning paradigm, is a promising approach to enable edge intelligence in the emerging Industrial Metaverse. Even though many successful use cases have proved the feasibility of FL in theory, in the industrial practice of Metaverse, the problems of non-independent and identically distributed (non-i.i.d.) data, learning forgetting caused by streaming industrial data, and scarce communication bandwidth remain key barriers to realize practical FL. Facing the above three challenges simultaneously, this paper presents a high-performance and efficient system named HFEDMS for incorporating practical FL into Industrial Metaverse. HFEDMS reduces data heterogeneity through dynamic grouping and training mode conversion (Dynamic Sequential-to-Parallel Training, STP). Then, it compensates for the forgotten knowledge by fusing compressed historical data semantics and calibrates classifier parameters (Semantic Compression and Compensation, SCC). Finally, the network parameters of the feature extractor and classifier are synchronized in different frequencies (Layer-wiseAlternative Synchronization Protocol, LASP) to reduce communication costs. These techniques make FL more adaptable to the heterogeneous streaming data continuously generated by industrial equipment, and are also more efficient in communication than traditional methods (e.g., Federated Averaging). Extensive experiments have been conducted on the streamed non-i.i.d. FEMNIST dataset using 368 simulated devices. Numerical results show that HFEDMS improves the classification accuracy by at least 6.4% compared with 8 benchmarks and saves both the overall runtime and transfer bytes by up to 98%, proving its superiority in precision and efficiency.
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现有的源单元手机识别方法缺乏源设备的长期特征表征,从而导致与源单元相关特征的不准确表示,从而导致识别精度不足。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于时空表示学习的源细胞手机识别方法,其中包括两个主要部分:提取顺序高斯平均矩阵特征和基于时空表示学习的识别模型的构建。在特征提取部分中,基于对记录源信号的时间序列表示的分析,我们通过使用高斯混合模型对数据分布的灵敏度提取具有长期和短期表示能力的顺序高斯平均矩阵。在模型构建部分中,我们设计了一个结构化的时空表示网络C3D-BILSTM,以充分表征时空信息,结合3D卷积网络和双向长期短期记忆网络,用于短期光谱信息和长期的长期记忆网络波动信息表示学习,并通过融合记录源信号的时空特征信息来准确识别细胞手机。该方法的平均准确性为99.03%的封闭设置识别在CCNU \ _Mobile数据集中的45个手机识别,而在小样本尺寸实验中的平均识别率为98.18%,识别性能优于现有的最新目前的识别性能方法。实验结果表明,该方法在多级细胞手机识别中表现出出色的识别性能。
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本文介绍了Z-Code ++,这是一种针对抽象文本摘要优化的新的预训练的语言模型。该模型使用三种技术扩展了艺术编码器模型的状态。首先,我们使用两阶段的预训练过程来改善模型在低资源摘要任务上的性能。该模型首先是使用文本语料库进行语言理解的预先培训的,然后在汇总语料库中不断预先培训,以进行基础文本生成。其次,我们用分离的注意力层代替编码器中的自我发项层,其中每个单词都使用两个向量分别代表其内容和位置。第三,我们使用融合编码器,这是一种以层次方式编码长序列的简单而有效的方法。 Z-Code ++在13个文本摘要任务中的9个跨5种语言中创建了新的艺术状态。我们的模型的参数有效,因为它的表现优于XSUM上600倍较大的Palm-540b,并且在Samsum上的易经的200倍GPT3-175B较大。在零射击和少量设置中,我们的模型大大优于竞争模型。
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变压器已成为自然兰格格处理和视觉中许多任务的首选模型。在更有效地进行培训和部署变压器的最新努力已经确定了许多策略,以近似自我发挥作用矩阵,这是变压器体系结构中的关键模块。有效的想法包括各种预先指定的稀疏模式,低级基础扩展及其组合。在本文中,我们重新访问了小波等经典多分辨率分析(MRA)概念,在这种情况下,在这种情况下的潜在价值迄今仍未被逐渐解散。我们表明,基于现代硬件和实施挑战所告知的经验反馈和设计选择的简单近似值,最终在大多数感兴趣的标准中产生了基于MRA的自我注意力方法,具有出色的性能。我们进行了一系列广泛的实验,并证明该多分辨率方案的表现优于最有效的自我注意力建议,并且对短序列和长序列都有利。代码可在\ url {}中获得。
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对于黑盒攻击,替代模型和受害者模型之间的差距通常很大,这表现为弱攻击性能。通过观察到,可以通过同时攻击多样的模型来提高对抗性示例的可传递性,并提出模型增强方法,这些模型通过使用转换图像模拟不同的模型。但是,空间域的现有转换不会转化为显着多样化的增强模型。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新型的频谱模拟攻击,以针对正常训练和防御模型制作更容易转移的对抗性例子。具体而言,我们将频谱转换应用于输入,从而在频域中执行模型增强。从理论上讲,我们证明了从频域中得出的转换导致不同的频谱显着图,这是我们提出的指标,以反映替代模型的多样性。值得注意的是,我们的方法通常可以与现有攻击结合使用。 Imagenet数据集的广泛实验证明了我们方法的有效性,\ textit {e.g。},攻击了九个最先进的防御模型,其平均成功率为\ textbf {95.4 \%}。我们的代码可在\ url {}中获得。
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在过去的十年中,电子商务的自动产品描述生成已经取得了重大进步。产品文案旨在通过通过文本描述突出产品特征来吸引用户的兴趣并改善用户体验。随着电子商务平台提供的服务变得多样化,有必要动态地调整自动生成描述的模式。在本文中,我们将基于电子商务前缀的可控文案生成(EPCCG)系统部署到JD.com电子商务产品推荐平台中的经验。系统的开发包含两个主要组成部分:1)文案写作方面提取; 2)弱监督的方面标签; 3)具有基于前缀的语言模型的文本生成; 4)文案写作质量控制。我们进行实验以验证拟议的EPCCG的有效性。此外,我们将与EPCCG合作的已部署架构介绍到实时JD.com电子商务推荐平台以及部署以来的巨大回报。
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最近,对于长期时间序列预测(LTSF)任务,基于变压器的解决方案激增。尽管过去几年的表现正在增长,但我们质疑这项研究中这一研究的有效性。具体而言,可以说,变形金刚是最成功的解决方案,是在长序列中提取元素之间的语义相关性。但是,在时间序列建模中,我们要在一组连续点的有序集中提取时间关系。在采用位置编码和使用令牌将子系列嵌入变压器中的同时,有助于保留某些订购信息,但\ emph {置换不变}的自我注意力专注机制的性质不可避免地会导致时间信息损失。为了验证我们的主张,我们介绍了一组名为LTSF线性的令人尴尬的简单单层线性模型,以进行比较。在九个现实生活数据集上的实验结果表明,LTSF线性在所有情况下都超过现有的基于变压器的LTSF模型,并且通常要大幅度较大。此外,我们进行了全面的经验研究,以探索LTSF模型各种设计元素对其时间关系提取能力的影响。我们希望这一令人惊讶的发现为LTSF任务打开了新的研究方向。我们还主张重新审视基于变压器解决方案对其他时间序列分析任务(例如,异常检测)的有效性。代码可在:\ url {}中获得。
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