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图像中的场景细分是视觉内容理解中的一个基本而又具有挑战性的问题,即学习一个模型,将每个图像像素分配给分类标签。这项学习任务的挑战之一是考虑空间和语义关系以获得描述性特征表示,因此从多个量表中学习特征图是场景细分中的一种常见实践。在本文中,我们探讨了在多尺度图像窗口中自我发挥的有效使用来学习描述性视觉特征,然后提出三种不同的策略来汇总这些特征图以解码特征表示形式以进行密集的预测。我们的设计基于最近提出的SWIN Transformer模型,该模型完全放弃了卷积操作。借助简单而有效的多尺度功能学习和聚合,我们的模型在四个公共场景细分数据集,Pascal VOC2012,Coco-STUFF 10K,ADE20K和CITYSCAPES上实现了非常有希望的性能。
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最近,已经开发了许多自动白细胞(WBC)或白细胞分类技术。但是,所有这些方法仅利用单个模态显微图像,即基于血液涂片或荧光,因此缺少从多模式图像中学习更好的潜力。在这项工作中,我们基于WBC分类任务的第一个多模式WBC数据集开发了有效的多模式体系结构。具体而言,我们提出的想法是通过两个步骤开发的 - 1)首先,我们仅在单个网络中学习模式特定的独立子网; 2)我们通过从高复杂性独立教师网络中提取知识来进一步增强独立子网的学习能力。因此,我们提出的框架可以实现高性能,同时保持多模式数据集的复杂性较低。我们的独特贡献是两倍-1)我们提出了用于WBC分类的同类多模式WBC数据集的第一个; 2)我们开发了高性能的多模式体系结构,同时也有效且复杂性低。
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社会科学的学术文献是记录人类文明并研究人类社会问题的文献。随着这种文献的大规模增长,快速找到有关相关问题的现有研究的方法已成为对研究人员的紧迫需求。先前的研究,例如SCIBERT,已经表明,使用特定领域的文本进行预训练可以改善这些领域中自然语言处理任务的性能。但是,没有针对社会科学的预训练的语言模型,因此本文提出了关于社会科学引文指数(SSCI)期刊上许多摘要的预培训模型。这些模型可在GitHub(https://github.com/s-t-full-text-knowledge-mining/ssci-bert)上获得,在学科分类和带有社会科学文学的抽象结构 - 功能识别任务方面表现出色。
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在本文中,我们旨在提供有效的成对学习神经链路预测(PLNLP)框架。该框架将链路预测视为对等级问题的成对学习,包括四个主要组件,即邻域编码器,链路预测器,负采样器和目标函数组成。该框架灵活地,任何通用图形神经卷积或链路预测特定神经结构都可以作为邻域编码器。对于链路预测器,我们设计不同的评分功能,可以基于不同类型的图表来选择。在否定采样器中,我们提供了几种采样策略,这些策略是特定的问题。至于目标函数,我们建议使用有效的排名损失,这大约最大化标准排名度量AUC。我们在4个链路属性预测数据集上评估了开放图基准的4个链接属性预测数据集,包括\ texttt {ogbl-ddi},\ texttt {ogbl-collbab},\ texttt {ogbl-ppa}和\ texttt {ogbl-ciation2}。 PLNLP在\ TextTt {ogbl-ddi}上实现前1个性能,以及仅使用基本神经架构的\ texttt {ogbl-collab}和\ texttt {ogbl-ciation2}的前2个性能。该性能展示了PLNLP的有效性。
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Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for semantic segmentation is a promising task freeing people from heavy annotation work. However, domain discrepancies in low-level image statistics and high-level contexts compromise the segmentation performance over the target domain. A key idea to tackle this problem is to perform both image-level and feature-level adaptation jointly. Unfortunately, there is a lack of such unified approaches for UDA tasks in the existing literature. This paper proposes a novel UDA pipeline for semantic segmentation that unifies image-level and feature-level adaptation. Concretely, for image-level domain shifts, we propose a global photometric alignment module and a global texture alignment module that align images in the source and target domains in terms of image-level properties. For feature-level domain shifts, we perform global manifold alignment by projecting pixel features from both domains onto the feature manifold of the source domain; and we further regularize category centers in the source domain through a category-oriented triplet loss and perform target domain consistency regularization over augmented target domain images. Experimental results demonstrate that our pipeline significantly outperforms previous methods. In the commonly tested GTA5$\rightarrow$Cityscapes task, our proposed method using Deeplab V3+ as the backbone surpasses previous SOTA by 8%, achieving 58.2% in mIoU.
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Different people speak with diverse personalized speaking styles. Although existing one-shot talking head methods have made significant progress in lip sync, natural facial expressions, and stable head motions, they still cannot generate diverse speaking styles in the final talking head videos. To tackle this problem, we propose a one-shot style-controllable talking face generation framework. In a nutshell, we aim to attain a speaking style from an arbitrary reference speaking video and then drive the one-shot portrait to speak with the reference speaking style and another piece of audio. Specifically, we first develop a style encoder to extract dynamic facial motion patterns of a style reference video and then encode them into a style code. Afterward, we introduce a style-controllable decoder to synthesize stylized facial animations from the speech content and style code. In order to integrate the reference speaking style into generated videos, we design a style-aware adaptive transformer, which enables the encoded style code to adjust the weights of the feed-forward layers accordingly. Thanks to the style-aware adaptation mechanism, the reference speaking style can be better embedded into synthesized videos during decoding. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is capable of generating talking head videos with diverse speaking styles from only one portrait image and an audio clip while achieving authentic visual effects. Project Page: https://github.com/FuxiVirtualHuman/styletalk.
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