In this paper, we present a novel and effective framework, named 4K-NeRF, to pursue high fidelity view synthesis on the challenging scenarios of ultra high resolutions, building on the methodology of neural radiance fields (NeRF). The rendering procedure of NeRF-based methods typically relies on a pixel wise manner in which rays (or pixels) are treated independently on both training and inference phases, limiting its representational ability on describing subtle details especially when lifting to a extremely high resolution. We address the issue by better exploring ray correlation for enhancing high-frequency details benefiting from the use of geometry-aware local context. Particularly, we use the view-consistent encoder to model geometric information effectively in a lower resolution space and recover fine details through the view-consistent decoder, conditioned on ray features and depths estimated by the encoder. Joint training with patch-based sampling further facilitates our method incorporating the supervision from perception oriented regularization beyond pixel wise loss. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with modern NeRF methods demonstrate that our method can significantly boost rendering quality for retaining high-frequency details, achieving the state-of-the-art visual quality on 4K ultra-high-resolution scenario. Code Available at \url{}
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Approximating radiance fields with volumetric grids is one of promising directions for improving NeRF, represented by methods like Plenoxels and DVGO, which achieve super-fast training convergence and real-time rendering. However, these methods typically require a tremendous storage overhead, costing up to hundreds of megabytes of disk space and runtime memory for a single scene. We address this issue in this paper by introducing a simple yet effective framework, called vector quantized radiance fields (VQRF), for compressing these volume-grid-based radiance fields. We first present a robust and adaptive metric for estimating redundancy in grid models and performing voxel pruning by better exploring intermediate outputs of volumetric rendering. A trainable vector quantization is further proposed to improve the compactness of grid models. In combination with an efficient joint tuning strategy and post-processing, our method can achieve a compression ratio of 100$\times$ by reducing the overall model size to 1 MB with negligible loss on visual quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework is capable of achieving unrivaled performance and well generalization across multiple methods with distinct volumetric structures, facilitating the wide use of volumetric radiance fields methods in real-world applications. Code Available at \url{}
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犯罪预测对于公共安全和资源优化至关重要,但由于两个方面而言,这是非常具有挑战性的:i)犯罪活动的刑事模式的动态,犯罪事件在空间和时间域之间不均匀分布; ii)延时依赖于不同类型的犯罪(例如,盗窃,抢劫,攻击,损害),其揭示了犯罪的细粒度语义。为了解决这些挑战,我们提出了空间时间顺序超图网络(ST-SHN),以集体编码复杂的犯罪空间模式以及潜在的类别明智犯罪语义关系。具体而言,在长期和全局上下文下处理空间 - 时间动态,我们设计了一个具有超图学习范例的集成的图形结构化消息传递架构。为了在动态环境中捕获类别方面的犯罪异构关系,我们介绍了多通道路由机制,以了解犯罪类型的时间不断发展的结构依赖性。我们对两个现实世界数据集进行了广泛的实验,表明我们所提出的ST-SHN框架可以显着提高与各种最先进的基线相比的预测性能。源代码可用于:。
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许多以前的研究旨在增加具有深度神经网络技术的协同过滤,以实现更好的推荐性能。但是,大多数现有的基于深度学习的推荐系统专为建模单数类型的用户项目交互行为而设计,这几乎无法蒸馏用户和项目之间的异构关系。在实际推荐方案中,存在多重的用户行为,例如浏览和购买。由于用户的多行为模式在不同的项目上俯视,现有推荐方法不足以捕获来自用户多行为数据的异构协作信号。灵感灵感来自图形神经网络的结构化数据建模,这项工作提出了一个图形神经多行为增强建议(GNMR)框架,其明确地模拟了基于图形的消息传递体系结构下不同类型的用户项目交互之间的依赖性。 GNMR向关系聚合网络设计为模拟交互异质性,并且通过用户项交互图递归地执行相邻节点之间的嵌入传播。实体世界推荐数据集的实验表明,我们的GNMR始终如一地优于最先进的方法。源代码可在中获得。
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The growing interest in intelligent services and privacy protection for mobile devices has given rise to the widespread application of federated learning in Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC). Diverse user behaviors call for personalized services with heterogeneous Machine Learning (ML) models on different devices. Federated Multi-task Learning (FMTL) is proposed to train related but personalized ML models for different devices, whereas previous works suffer from excessive communication overhead during training and neglect the model heterogeneity among devices in MEC. Introducing knowledge distillation into FMTL can simultaneously enable efficient communication and model heterogeneity among clients, whereas existing methods rely on a public dataset, which is impractical in reality. To tackle this dilemma, Federated MultI-task Distillation for Multi-access Edge CompuTing (FedICT) is proposed. FedICT direct local-global knowledge aloof during bi-directional distillation processes between clients and the server, aiming to enable multi-task clients while alleviating client drift derived from divergent optimization directions of client-side local models. Specifically, FedICT includes Federated Prior Knowledge Distillation (FPKD) and Local Knowledge Adjustment (LKA). FPKD is proposed to reinforce the clients' fitting of local data by introducing prior knowledge of local data distributions. Moreover, LKA is proposed to correct the distillation loss of the server, making the transferred local knowledge better match the generalized representation. Experiments on three datasets show that FedICT significantly outperforms all compared benchmarks in various data heterogeneous and model architecture settings, achieving improved accuracy with less than 1.2% training communication overhead compared with FedAvg and no more than 75% training communication round compared with FedGKT.
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Most existing text-video retrieval methods focus on cross-modal matching between the visual content of offline videos and textual query sentences. However, in real scenarios, online videos are frequently accompanied by relevant text information such as titles, tags, and even subtitles, which can be utilized to match textual queries. This inspires us to generate associated captions from offline videos to help with existing text-video retrieval methods. To do so, we propose to use the zero-shot video captioner with knowledge of pre-trained web-scale models (e.g., CLIP and GPT-2) to generate captions for offline videos without any training. Given the captions, one question naturally arises: what can auxiliary captions do for text-video retrieval? In this paper, we present a novel framework Cap4Video, which makes use of captions from three aspects: i) Input data: The video and captions can form new video-caption pairs as data augmentation for training. ii) Feature interaction: We perform feature interaction between video and caption to yield enhanced video representations. iii) Output score: The Query-Caption matching branch can be complementary to the original Query-Video matching branch for text-video retrieval. We conduct thorough ablation studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Without any post-processing, our Cap4Video achieves state-of-the-art performance on MSR-VTT (51.4%), VATEX (66.6%), MSVD (51.8%), and DiDeMo (52.0%).
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While the rollout of the fifth-generation mobile network (5G) is underway across the globe with the intention to deliver 4K/8K UHD videos, Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR) content to the mass amounts of users, the coverage and throughput are still one of the most significant issues, especially in the rural areas, where only 5G in the low-frequency band are being deployed. This called for a high-performance adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithm that can maximize the user quality of experience given 5G network characteristics and data rate of UHD contents. Recently, many of the newly proposed ABR techniques were machine-learning based. Among that, Pensieve is one of the state-of-the-art techniques, which utilized reinforcement-learning to generate an ABR algorithm based on observation of past decision performance. By incorporating the context of the 5G network and UHD content, Pensieve has been optimized into Pensieve 5G. New QoE metrics that more accurately represent the QoE of UHD video streaming on the different types of devices were proposed and used to evaluate Pensieve 5G against other ABR techniques including the original Pensieve. The results from the simulation based on the real 5G Standalone (SA) network throughput shows that Pensieve 5G outperforms both conventional algorithms and Pensieve with the average QoE improvement of 8.8% and 14.2%, respectively. Additionally, Pensieve 5G also performed well on the commercial 5G NR-NR Dual Connectivity (NR-DC) Network, despite the training being done solely using the data from the 5G Standalone (SA) network.
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The typical way for relation extraction is fine-tuning large pre-trained language models on task-specific datasets, then selecting the label with the highest probability of the output distribution as the final prediction. However, the usage of the Top-k prediction set for a given sample is commonly overlooked. In this paper, we first reveal that the Top-k prediction set of a given sample contains useful information for predicting the correct label. To effectively utilizes the Top-k prediction set, we propose Label Graph Network with Top-k Prediction Set, termed as KLG. Specifically, for a given sample, we build a label graph to review candidate labels in the Top-k prediction set and learn the connections between them. We also design a dynamic $k$-selection mechanism to learn more powerful and discriminative relation representation. Our experiments show that KLG achieves the best performances on three relation extraction datasets. Moreover, we observe that KLG is more effective in dealing with long-tailed classes.
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Sequence generation demonstrates promising performance in recent information extraction efforts, by incorporating large-scale pre-trained Seq2Seq models. This paper investigates the merits of employing sequence generation in relation extraction, finding that with relation names or synonyms as generation targets, their textual semantics and the correlation (in terms of word sequence pattern) among them affect model performance. We then propose Relation Extraction with Label Augmentation (RELA), a Seq2Seq model with automatic label augmentation for RE. By saying label augmentation, we mean prod semantically synonyms for each relation name as the generation target. Besides, we present an in-depth analysis of the Seq2Seq model's behavior when dealing with RE. Experimental results show that RELA achieves competitive results compared with previous methods on four RE datasets.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely applied to different tasks such as bioinformatics, drug design, and social networks. However, recent studies have shown that GNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks which aim to mislead the node or subgraph classification prediction by adding subtle perturbations. Detecting these attacks is challenging due to the small magnitude of perturbation and the discrete nature of graph data. In this paper, we propose a general adversarial edge detection pipeline EDoG without requiring knowledge of the attack strategies based on graph generation. Specifically, we propose a novel graph generation approach combined with link prediction to detect suspicious adversarial edges. To effectively train the graph generative model, we sample several sub-graphs from the given graph data. We show that since the number of adversarial edges is usually low in practice, with low probability the sampled sub-graphs will contain adversarial edges based on the union bound. In addition, considering the strong attacks which perturb a large number of edges, we propose a set of novel features to perform outlier detection as the preprocessing for our detection. Extensive experimental results on three real-world graph datasets including a private transaction rule dataset from a major company and two types of synthetic graphs with controlled properties show that EDoG can achieve above 0.8 AUC against four state-of-the-art unseen attack strategies without requiring any knowledge about the attack type; and around 0.85 with knowledge of the attack type. EDoG significantly outperforms traditional malicious edge detection baselines. We also show that an adaptive attack with full knowledge of our detection pipeline is difficult to bypass it.
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