Neural Architecture Search (NAS) for automatically finding the optimal network architecture has shown some success with competitive performances in various computer vision tasks. However, NAS in general requires a tremendous amount of computations. Thus reducing computational cost has emerged as an important issue. Most of the attempts so far has been based on manual approaches, and often the architectures developed from such efforts dwell in the balance of the network optimality and the search cost. Additionally, recent NAS methods for image restoration generally do not consider dynamic operations that may transform dimensions of feature maps because of the dimensionality mismatch in tensor calculations. This can greatly limit NAS in its search for optimal network structure. To address these issues, we re-frame the optimal search problem by focusing at component block level. From previous work, it's been shown that an effective denoising block can be connected in series to further improve the network performance. By focusing at block level, the search space of reinforcement learning becomes significantly smaller and evaluation process can be conducted more rapidly. In addition, we integrate an innovative dimension matching modules for dealing with spatial and channel-wise mismatch that may occur in the optimal design search. This allows much flexibility in optimal network search within the cell block. With these modules, then we employ reinforcement learning in search of an optimal image denoising network at a module level. Computational efficiency of our proposed Denoising Prior Neural Architecture Search (DPNAS) was demonstrated by having it complete an optimal architecture search for an image restoration task by just one day with a single GPU.
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The current reinforcement learning algorithm uses forward-generated trajectories to train the agent. The forward-generated trajectories give the agent little guidance, so the agent can explore as much as possible. While the appreciation of reinforcement learning comes from enough exploration, this gives the trade-off of losing sample efficiency. The sampling efficiency is an important factor that decides the performance of the algorithm. Past tasks use reward shaping techniques and changing the structure of the network to increase sample efficiency, however these methods require many steps to implement. In this work, we propose novel reverse curriculum reinforcement learning. Reverse curriculum learning starts training the agent using the backward trajectory of the episode rather than the original forward trajectory. This gives the agent a strong reward signal, so the agent can learn in a more sample-efficient manner. Moreover, our method only requires a minor change in algorithm, which is reversing the order of trajectory before training the agent. Therefore, it can be simply applied to any state-of-art algorithms.
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Neural fields, also known as coordinate-based or implicit neural representations, have shown a remarkable capability of representing, generating, and manipulating various forms of signals. For video representations, however, mapping pixel-wise coordinates to RGB colors has shown relatively low compression performance and slow convergence and inference speed. Frame-wise video representation, which maps a temporal coordinate to its entire frame, has recently emerged as an alternative method to represent videos, improving compression rates and encoding speed. While promising, it has still failed to reach the performance of state-of-the-art video compression algorithms. In this work, we propose FFNeRV, a novel method for incorporating flow information into frame-wise representations to exploit the temporal redundancy across the frames in videos inspired by the standard video codecs. Furthermore, we introduce a fully convolutional architecture, enabled by one-dimensional temporal grids, improving the continuity of spatial features. Experimental results show that FFNeRV yields the best performance for video compression and frame interpolation among the methods using frame-wise representations or neural fields. To reduce the model size even further, we devise a more compact convolutional architecture using the group and pointwise convolutions. With model compression techniques, including quantization-aware training and entropy coding, FFNeRV outperforms widely-used standard video codecs (H.264 and HEVC) and performs on par with state-of-the-art video compression algorithms.
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Task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems are mainly based on the slot-filling-based TOD (SF-TOD) framework, in which dialogues are broken down into smaller, controllable units (i.e., slots) to fulfill a specific task. A series of approaches based on this framework achieved remarkable success on various TOD benchmarks. However, we argue that the current TOD benchmarks are limited to surrogate real-world scenarios and that the current TOD models are still a long way from unraveling the scenarios. In this position paper, we first identify current status and limitations of SF-TOD systems. After that, we explore the WebTOD framework, the alternative direction for building a scalable TOD system when a web/mobile interface is available. In WebTOD, the dialogue system learns how to understand the web/mobile interface that the human agent interacts with, powered by a large-scale language model.
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Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have demonstrated the potential of coordinate-based neural representation (neural fields or implicit neural representation) in neural rendering. However, using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to represent a 3D scene or object requires enormous computational resources and time. There have been recent studies on how to reduce these computational inefficiencies by using additional data structures, such as grids or trees. Despite the promising performance, the explicit data structure necessitates a substantial amount of memory. In this work, we present a method to reduce the size without compromising the advantages of having additional data structures. In detail, we propose using the wavelet transform on grid-based neural fields. Grid-based neural fields are for fast convergence, and the wavelet transform, whose efficiency has been demonstrated in high-performance standard codecs, is to improve the parameter efficiency of grids. Furthermore, in order to achieve a higher sparsity of grid coefficients while maintaining reconstruction quality, we present a novel trainable masking approach. Experimental results demonstrate that non-spatial grid coefficients, such as wavelet coefficients, are capable of attaining a higher level of sparsity than spatial grid coefficients, resulting in a more compact representation. With our proposed mask and compression pipeline, we achieved state-of-the-art performance within a memory budget of 2 MB. Our code is available at
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An important challenge in vision-based action recognition is the embedding of spatiotemporal features with two or more heterogeneous modalities into a single feature. In this study, we propose a new 3D deformable transformer for action recognition with adaptive spatiotemporal receptive fields and a cross-modal learning scheme. The 3D deformable transformer consists of three attention modules: 3D deformability, local joint stride, and temporal stride attention. The two cross-modal tokens are input into the 3D deformable attention module to create a cross-attention token with a reflected spatiotemporal correlation. Local joint stride attention is applied to spatially combine attention and pose tokens. Temporal stride attention temporally reduces the number of input tokens in the attention module and supports temporal expression learning without the simultaneous use of all tokens. The deformable transformer iterates L times and combines the last cross-modal token for classification. The proposed 3D deformable transformer was tested on the NTU60, NTU120, FineGYM, and Penn Action datasets, and showed results better than or similar to pre-trained state-of-the-art methods even without a pre-training process. In addition, by visualizing important joints and correlations during action recognition through spatial joint and temporal stride attention, the possibility of achieving an explainable potential for action recognition is presented.
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Computer vision applications have heavily relied on the linear combination of Lambertian diffuse and microfacet specular reflection models for representing reflected radiance, which turns out to be physically incompatible and limited in applicability. In this paper, we derive a novel analytical reflectance model, which we refer to as Fresnel Microfacet BRDF model, that is physically accurate and generalizes to various real-world surfaces. Our key idea is to model the Fresnel reflection and transmission of the surface microgeometry with a collection of oriented mirror facets, both for body and surface reflections. We carefully derive the Fresnel reflection and transmission for each microfacet as well as the light transport between them in the subsurface. This physically-grounded modeling also allows us to express the polarimetric behavior of reflected light in addition to its radiometric behavior. That is, FMBRDF unifies not only body and surface reflections but also light reflection in radiometry and polarization and represents them in a single model. Experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness in accuracy, expressive power, and image-based estimation.
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As sharing images in an instant message is a crucial factor, there has been active research on learning a image-text multi-modal dialogue model. However, training a well-generalized multi-modal dialogue model is challenging because existing multi-modal dialogue datasets contain a small number of data, limited topics, and a restricted variety of images per dialogue. In this paper, we present a multi-modal dialogue dataset creation pipeline that involves matching large-scale images to dialogues based on CLIP similarity. Using this automatic pipeline, we propose a large-scale multi-modal dialogue dataset, DialogCC, which covers diverse real-world topics and various images per dialogue. With extensive experiments, we demonstrate that training a multi-modal dialogue model with our dataset can improve generalization performance. Additionally, existing models trained with our dataset achieve state-of-the-art performance on image and text retrieval tasks. The source code and the dataset will be released after publication.
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Vision Transformer (ViT) extracts the final representation from either class token or an average of all patch tokens, following the architecture of Transformer in Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in computer vision. However, studies for the best way of aggregating the patch tokens are still limited to average pooling, while widely-used pooling strategies, such as max and GeM pooling, can be considered. Despite their effectiveness, the existing pooling strategies do not consider the architecture of ViT and the channel-wise difference in the activation maps, aggregating the crucial and trivial channels with the same importance. In this paper, we present Group Generalized Mean (GGeM) pooling as a simple yet powerful pooling strategy for ViT. GGeM divides the channels into groups and computes GeM pooling with a shared pooling parameter per group. As ViT groups the channels via a multi-head attention mechanism, grouping the channels by GGeM leads to lower head-wise dependence while amplifying important channels on the activation maps. Exploiting GGeM shows 0.1%p to 0.7%p performance boosts compared to the baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance for ViT-Base and ViT-Large models in ImageNet-1K classification task. Moreover, GGeM outperforms the existing pooling strategies on image retrieval and multi-modal representation learning tasks, demonstrating the superiority of GGeM for a variety of tasks. GGeM is a simple algorithm in that only a few lines of code are necessary for implementation.
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How to solve the data scarcity problem for end-to-end speech-to-text translation (ST)? It's well known that data augmentation is an efficient method to improve performance for many tasks by enlarging the dataset. In this paper, we propose Mix at three levels for Speech Translation (M^3ST) method to increase the diversity of the augmented training corpus. Specifically, we conduct two phases of fine-tuning based on a pre-trained model using external machine translation (MT) data. In the first stage of fine-tuning, we mix the training corpus at three levels, including word level, sentence level and frame level, and fine-tune the entire model with mixed data. At the second stage of fine-tuning, we take both original speech sequences and original text sequences in parallel into the model to fine-tune the network, and use Jensen-Shannon divergence to regularize their outputs. Experiments on MuST-C speech translation benchmark and analysis show that M^3ST outperforms current strong baselines and achieves state-of-the-art results on eight directions with an average BLEU of 29.9.
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