This paper considers theoretical solutions for path planning problems under non-probabilistic uncertainty used in the travel salesman problems under uncertainty. The uncertainty is on the paths between the cities as nodes in a travelling salesman problem. There is at least one path between two nodes/stations where the travelling time between the nodes is not precisely known. This could be due to environmental effects like crowdedness (rush period) in the path, the state of the charge of batteries, weather conditions, or considering the safety of the route while travelling. In this work, we consider two different advanced uncertainty models (i) probabilistic-precise uncertain model: Probability distributions and (ii) non-probabilistic--imprecise uncertain model: Intervals. We investigate what theoretical results can be obtained for two different optimality criteria: maximinity and maximality in the travelling salesman problem.
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Optimization equips engineers and scientists in a variety of fields with the ability to transcribe their problems into a generic formulation and receive optimal solutions with relative ease. Industries ranging from aerospace to robotics continue to benefit from advancements in optimization theory and the associated algorithmic developments. Nowadays, optimization is used in real time on autonomous systems acting in safety critical situations, such as self-driving vehicles. It has become increasingly more important to produce robust solutions by incorporating uncertainty into optimization programs. This paper provides a short survey about the state of the art in optimization under uncertainty. The paper begins with a brief overview of the main classes of optimization without uncertainty. The rest of the paper focuses on the different methods for handling both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. Many of the applications discussed in this paper are within the domain of control. The goal of this survey paper is to briefly touch upon the state of the art in a variety of different methods and refer the reader to other literature for more in-depth treatments of the topics discussed here.
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基于政策的强化学习(RL)最近的经验成功,有一项研究趋势,研究了基于政策的RL方法对标准控制基准问题的研究。在本文中,我们研究了基于政策的RL方法的有效性在重要的强大控制问题上,即$ \ mu $综合。我们在强大的对策RL和$ \ mu $综合之间建立连接,并开发出众所周知的$ DK $ antication的无模型版本,用于解决静态$ d $-scaling的状态反馈$ \ mu $ synthesis。在所提出的算法中,$ k $步骤通过将最近开发的双循环对冲RL方法作为子程序来模仿经典的中央路径算法,$ D $步骤基于无模型有限差分近似。还提出了广泛的数值研究以展示我们提出的无模型算法的效用。我们的研究揭示了对抗对抗和鲁棒控制之间的联系。
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在监控和搜索和救援应用程序中,重要的是在低端设备上实时执行多目标跟踪(MOT)。今天的MOT解决方案采用深度神经网络,往往具有高计算复杂性。识别帧大小对跟踪性能的影响,我们提出了深度,一种模型不可知框架尺寸选择方法,可在现有的全卷积网络基跟踪器之上进行操作,以加速跟踪吞吐量。在培训阶段,我们将可检测性分数纳入单次跟踪器架构,使得DeepScale以自我监督的方式学习不同帧大小的表示估计。在推理期间,它可以根据基于用户控制参数根据视觉内容的复杂性来调整帧大小。为了利用边缘服务器上的计算资源,我们提出了两个计算分区模式,即仅使用自适应帧大小传输和边缘服务器辅助跟踪仅适用于MOT,即边缘服务器。 MOT数据集的广泛实验和基准测试证明了深度的有效性和灵活性。与最先进的追踪器相比,DeepScale ++,DeepScale的变种实现1.57倍加速,仅在一个配置中的MOT15数据集上跟踪准确性。我们已经实现和评估了DeepScale ++,以及由NVIDIA JETSON TX2板和GPU服务器组成的小型测试平台上所提出的计算分区方案。实验显示与仅服务器或智能相机的解决方案相比跟踪性能和延迟之间的非琐碎权衡。
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现代ML方法在培训数据是IID,大规模和良好标记的时候Excel。在不太理想的条件下学习仍然是一个开放的挑战。在不利条件下,几次射击,持续的,转移和代表学习的子场在学习中取得了很大的进步;通过方法和见解,每个都提供了独特的优势。这些方法解决了不同的挑战,例如依次到达的数据或稀缺的训练示例,然而,在部署之前,ML系统将面临困难的条件。因此,需要可以处理实际设置中许多学习挑战的一般ML系统。为了促进一般ML方法目标的研究,我们介绍了一个新的统一评估框架 - 流体(灵活的顺序数据)。流体集成了几次拍摄,持续的,转移和表示学习的目标,同时能够比较和整合这些子场的技术。在流体中,学习者面临数据流,并且必须在选择如何更新自身时进行顺序预测,快速调整到新颖的类别,并处理更改的数据分布;虽然会计计算总额。我们对广泛的方法进行实验,这些方法阐述了新的洞察当前解决方案的优缺点并表明解决了新的研究问题。作为更一般方法的起点,我们展示了两种新的基线,其在流体上优于其他评估的方法。项目页面:。
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