对抗性学习的研究主要集中在均匀的非结构化数据集上,这些数据集通常自然地映射到问题空间中。将功能空间攻击在异质数据集中倒入问题空间更具挑战性,尤其是找到要执行的扰动的任务。这项工作提出了一种正式的搜索策略:“特征重要的指导攻击”(FIGA),它在异质表格数据集的特征空间中发现扰动以产生逃避攻击。我们首先在特征空间中以及在问题空间中演示FIGA。 FIGA不对捍卫模型的学习算法没有任何先验知识,也不需要任何梯度信息。 FIGA假定对特征表示形式的知识和辩护模型数据集的平均特征值。通过在目标类方向上扰动输入的最重要特征,FIGA利用具有重要的排名。虽然FIGA在概念上与使用特征选择过程(例如模仿攻击)的其他作品相似,但我们将具有三个可调参数的攻击算法形式化,并在表格数据集上研究FIGA的强度。我们通过在四个不同的表网络钓鱼数据集中训练的网络钓鱼检测模型和一个平均成功率为94%的金融数据集来证明FIGA的有效性。我们通过限制可能在网络钓鱼域中有效且可行的扰动,将FIGA扩展到网络钓鱼问题空间。我们生成有效的对抗网站,这些网站在视觉上与其不受干扰的对应物相同,并使用它们来攻击六个表格的ML模型,达到13.05%的平均成功率。
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Quantum state tomography aims to estimate the state of a quantum mechanical system which is described by a trace one, Hermitian positive semidefinite complex matrix, given a set of measurements of the state. Existing works focus on estimating the density matrix that represents the state, using a compressive sensing approach, with only fewer measurements than that required for a tomographically complete set, with the assumption that the true state has a low rank. One very popular method to estimate the state is the use of the Singular Value Thresholding (SVT) algorithm. In this work, we present a machine learning approach to estimate the quantum state of n-qubit systems by unrolling the iterations of SVT which we call Learned Quantum State Tomography (LQST). As merely unrolling SVT may not ensure that the output of the network meets the constraints required for a quantum state, we design and train a custom neural network whose architecture is inspired from the iterations of SVT with additional layers to meet the required constraints. We show that our proposed LQST with very few layers reconstructs the density matrix with much better fidelity than the SVT algorithm which takes many hundreds of iterations to converge. We also demonstrate the reconstruction of the quantum Bell state from an informationally incomplete set of noisy measurements.
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This paper proposes a novel controller framework that provides trajectory tracking for an Aerial Manipulator (AM) while ensuring the safe operation of the system under unknown bounded disturbances. The AM considered here is a 2-DOF (degrees-of-freedom) manipulator rigidly attached to a UAV. Our proposed controller structure follows the conventional inner loop PID control for attitude dynamics and an outer loop controller for tracking a reference trajectory. The outer loop control is based on the Model Predictive Control (MPC) with constraints derived using the Barrier Lyapunov Function (BLF) for the safe operation of the AM. BLF-based constraints are proposed for two objectives, viz. 1) To avoid the AM from colliding with static obstacles like a rectangular wall, and 2) To maintain the end effector of the manipulator within the desired workspace. The proposed BLF ensures that the above-mentioned objectives are satisfied even in the presence of unknown bounded disturbances. The capabilities of the proposed controller are demonstrated through high-fidelity non-linear simulations with parameters derived from a real laboratory scale AM. We compare the performance of our controller with other state-of-the-art MPC controllers for AM.
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In this paper, the Multi-Swarm Cooperative Information-driven search and Divide and Conquer mitigation control (MSCIDC) approach is proposed for faster detection and mitigation of forest fire by reducing the loss of biodiversity, nutrients, soil moisture, and other intangible benefits. A swarm is a cooperative group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that fly together to search and quench the fire effectively. The multi-swarm cooperative information-driven search uses a multi-level search comprising cooperative information-driven exploration and exploitation for quick/accurate detection of fire location. The search level is selected based on the thermal sensor information about the potential fire area. The dynamicity of swarms, aided by global regulative repulsion and merging between swarms, reduces the detection and mitigation time compared to the existing methods. The local attraction among the members of the swarm helps the non-detector members to reach the fire location faster, and divide-and-conquer mitigation control ensures a non-overlapping fire sector allocation for all members quenching the fire. The performance of MSCIDC has been compared with different multi-UAV methods using a simulated environment of pine forest. The performance clearly shows that MSCIDC mitigates fire much faster than the multi-UAV methods. The Monte-Carlo simulation results indicate that the proposed method reduces the average forest area burnt by $65\%$ and mission time by $60\%$ compared to the best result case of the multi-UAV approaches, guaranteeing a faster and successful mission.
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与计算机视觉合并的基于无人机的遥感系统(UAV)遥感系统具有协助建筑物建设和灾难管理的潜力,例如地震期间的损害评估。可以通过检查来评估建筑物到地震的脆弱性,该检查考虑到相关组件的预期损害进展以及组件对结构系统性能的贡献。这些检查中的大多数是手动进行的,导致高利用人力,时间和成本。本文提出了一种通过基于无人机的图像数据收集和用于后处理的软件库来自动化这些检查的方法,该方法有助于估算地震结构参数。这里考虑的关键参数是相邻建筑物,建筑计划形状,建筑计划区域,屋顶上的对象和屋顶布局之间的距离。通过使用距离测量传感器以及通过Google Earth获得的数据进行的现场测量,可以验证所提出的方法在估计上述参数估算上述参数方面的准确性。可以从https://uvrsabi.github.io/访问其他详细信息和代码。
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我们生活的世界充满了技术,而每天都有无人机的进步和使用有效地增加。由于许多应用程序方案,在某些任务中,无人机容易受到外部干扰的影响,例如地面站的连通性丧失,安全任务,安全问题和与交货相关的任务。因此,根据情况,这可能会影响运营并导致无人机的安全着陆。因此,本文提出了一种在动态环境中安全着陆的启发式方法。这种方法的目的是检测安全的潜在降落区 - PLZ,并找出最适合降落的区域。最初,PLZ是通过通过Canny Edge算法处理图像来检测的,然后应用了直径估计值对于每个边缘最小的区域。比车辆间隙更高的斑点被标记为安全PLZ。在该方法的第二阶段中,计算了向PLZ移动的动态障碍的速度,并考虑到达到区域的时间。计算无人机的ETA并在无人机的下降期间,执行动态障碍物。在现实世界环境中测试的方法显示了现有工作的更好结果。
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