As the size of the dataset used in deep learning tasks increases, the noisy label problem, which is a task of making deep learning robust to the incorrectly labeled data, has become an important task. In this paper, we propose a method of learning noisy label data using the label noise selection with test-time augmentation (TTA) cross-entropy and classifier learning with the NoiseMix method. In the label noise selection, we propose TTA cross-entropy by measuring the cross-entropy to predict the test-time augmented training data. In the classifier learning, we propose the NoiseMix method based on MixUp and BalancedMix methods by mixing the samples from the noisy and the clean label data. In experiments on the ISIC-18 public skin lesion diagnosis dataset, the proposed TTA cross-entropy outperformed the conventional cross-entropy and the TTA uncertainty in detecting label noise data in the label noise selection process. Moreover, the proposed NoiseMix not only outperformed the state-of-the-art methods in the classification performance but also showed the most robustness to the label noise in the classifier learning.
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Uncertainty estimation of the trained deep learning network provides important information for improving the learning efficiency or evaluating the reliability of the network prediction. In this paper, we propose a method for the uncertainty estimation for multi-class image classification using test-time mixup augmentation (TTMA). To improve the discrimination ability between the correct and incorrect prediction of the existing aleatoric uncertainty, we propose the data uncertainty by applying the mixup augmentation on the test data and measuring the entropy of the histogram of predicted labels. In addition to the data uncertainty, we propose a class-specific uncertainty presenting the aleatoric uncertainty associated with the specific class, which can provide information on the class confusion and class similarity of the trained network. The proposed methods are validated on two public datasets, the ISIC-18 skin lesion diagnosis dataset, and the CIFAR-100 real-world image classification dataset. The experiments demonstrate that (1) the proposed data uncertainty better separates the correct and incorrect prediction than the existing uncertainty measures thanks to the mixup perturbation, and (2) the proposed class-specific uncertainty provides information on the class confusion and class similarity of the trained network for both datasets.
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具有对比目标的训练前视觉模型已显示出令人鼓舞的结果,这些结果既可以扩展到大型未经切割的数据集,又可以传输到许多下游应用程序。以下一些作品针对提高数据效率,通过添加自学意义来提高数据效率,但是在这些作品中的单个空间上定义了对比度损失(图像文本)对比度损失和内域(图像图像)对比度损失,因此许多可行的可行性监督的组合被忽略了。为了克服这个问题,我们提出了Uniclip,这是对对比语言图像预训练的统一框架。 Uniclip将域间对和域内对的对比损失整合到一个单一的通用空间中。 Uniclip的三个关键组成部分解决了整合不同域之间对比度损失时发生的差异:(1)增强感知功能嵌入,(2)MP-NCE损失和(3)域相似性度量。 Uniclip的表现优于以前的视觉语言预训练方法,在下游任务的各种单模式和多模式上。在我们的实验中,我们表明每个组成的分支都对最终性能有很好的贡献。
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随着3D扫描技术的发展,3D视觉任务已成为一个流行的研究区域。由于由传感器获得的大量数据,无监督的学习对于理解和利用点云而没有昂贵的注释过程至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的框架和一个名为“PSG-Net”的有效自动编码器架构,用于重建基于点云的学习。与使用固定或随机2D点使用的现有研究不同,我们的框架为潜在集合生成输入依赖的点亮功能。 PSG-Net使用编码输入来通过种子生成模块产生点明智的特征,并通过逐渐应用种子特征传播模块逐渐增加分辨率的多个阶段中提取更丰富的特征。我们通过实验证明PSG-Net的有效性; PSG-Net显示了点云重建和无监督分类的最先进的性能,并在监督完成中实现了对应于对应方法的可比性。
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我们通过加强学习报告了一个生物启发框架,用于培训神经网络,在网络内引起高级功能。基于动物获得了对象识别等认知功能的解释 - 由于最大限度地训练了对象识别 - 而不是专门培训 - 我们将我们的代理放在开发某些功能可能促进决策的环境中。实验结果表明,在没有任何预训练或指定它们的情况下,可以自然地和同时地诱导高水平的函数,例如图像分类和隐藏变量估计。
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Generally, regularization-based continual learning models limit access to the previous task data to imitate the real-world setting which has memory and privacy issues. However, this introduces a problem in these models by not being able to track the performance on each task. In other words, current continual learning methods are vulnerable to attacks done on the previous task. We demonstrate the vulnerability of regularization-based continual learning methods by presenting simple task-specific training time adversarial attack that can be used in the learning process of a new task. Training data generated by the proposed attack causes performance degradation on a specific task targeted by the attacker. Experiment results justify the vulnerability proposed in this paper and demonstrate the importance of developing continual learning models that are robust to adversarial attack.
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