涉及环境声音分析的音频应用越来越多地使用通用音频表示(也称为嵌入)进行转移学习。最近,对音频表示形式(HEAR)的整体评估评估了关于19个不同任务的29个嵌入模型。但是,评估的有效性取决于给定数据集中已经捕获的变化。因此,对于给定的数据域,尚不清楚表示形式如何受到由无数麦克风范围和声学条件引起的变化的影响 - 通常称为通道效应。我们的目标是扩展听力,以评估不变性以在这项工作中的渠道效果。为此,我们通过向音频信号注入扰动来模仿通道效应,并用三个距离测量方法测量新(扰动)嵌入的变化,从而使评估域依赖但不依赖于任务依赖性。结合下游性能,它有助于我们对嵌入方式对频道效果的鲁棒性进行更明智的预测。我们评估了两个嵌入 - Yamnet和OpenL3在单声道(Urbansound8K)和多音(Sonyc-ust)Urban数据集上。我们表明,在这种无关的评估中,一个距离度量不足。尽管FR \'Echet音频距离(FAD)与下游任务中的性能下降趋势相关,但我们表明我们需要与其他距离一起研究时尚,以清楚地了解对该时尚的整体效果扰动。就嵌入性能而言,我们发现OpenL3比Yamnet更强大,Yamnet与听觉评估保持一致。
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Most benchmarks for studying surgical interventions focus on a specific challenge instead of leveraging the intrinsic complementarity among different tasks. In this work, we present a new experimental framework towards holistic surgical scene understanding. First, we introduce the Phase, Step, Instrument, and Atomic Visual Action recognition (PSI-AVA) Dataset. PSI-AVA includes annotations for both long-term (Phase and Step recognition) and short-term reasoning (Instrument detection and novel Atomic Action recognition) in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy videos. Second, we present Transformers for Action, Phase, Instrument, and steps Recognition (TAPIR) as a strong baseline for surgical scene understanding. TAPIR leverages our dataset's multi-level annotations as it benefits from the learned representation on the instrument detection task to improve its classification capacity. Our experimental results in both PSI-AVA and other publicly available databases demonstrate the adequacy of our framework to spur future research on holistic surgical scene understanding.
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Predictive monitoring is a subfield of process mining that aims to predict how a running case will unfold in the future. One of its main challenges is forecasting the sequence of activities that will occur from a given point in time -- suffix prediction -- . Most approaches to the suffix prediction problem learn to predict the suffix by learning how to predict the next activity only, not learning from the whole suffix during the training phase. This paper proposes a novel architecture based on an encoder-decoder model with an attention mechanism that decouples the representation learning of the prefixes from the inference phase, predicting only the activities of the suffix. During the inference phase, this architecture is extended with a heuristic search algorithm that improves the selection of the activity for each index of the suffix. Our approach has been tested using 12 public event logs against 6 different state-of-the-art proposals, showing that it significantly outperforms these proposals.
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社会互动网络是建立文明的基材。通常,我们与我们喜欢的人建立新的纽带,或者认为通过第三方的干预,我们的关系损害了。尽管它们的重要性和这些过程对我们的生活产生的巨大影响,但对它们的定量科学理解仍处于起步阶段,这主要是由于很难收集大量的社交网络数据集,包括个人属性。在这项工作中,我们对13所学校的真实社交网络进行了彻底的研究,其中3,000多名学生和60,000名宣布正面关系和负面关系,包括对所有学生的个人特征的测试。我们引入了一个度量标准 - “三合会影响”,该指标衡量了最近的邻居在其接触关系中的影响。我们使用神经网络来预测关系,并根据他们的个人属性或三合会的影响来提取两个学生是朋友或敌人的可能性。或者,我们可以使用网络结构的高维嵌入来预测关系。值得注意的是,三合会影响(一个简单的一维度量)在预测两个学生之间的关系方面达到了最高的准确性。我们假设从神经网络中提取的概率 - 三合会影响的功能和学生的个性 - 控制真实社交网络的演变,为这些系统的定量研究开辟了新的途径。
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整体场景的理解对于自动机器的性能至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的端到端模型,用于共同执行语义细分和深度完成。最近的绝大多数方法已发展为独立任务的语义细分和深度完成。我们的方法取决于RGB和稀疏深度作为我们模型的输入,并产生密集的深度图和相应的语义分割图像。它由特征提取器,深度完成分支,语义分割分支和联合分支组成,该分支进一步处理语义和深度信息。在Virtual Kitti 2数据集上进行的实验,证明并提供了进一步的证据,即在多任务网络中将两个任务,语义细分和深度完成都结合在一起,可以有效地提高每个任务的性能。代码可从https://github.com/juanb09111/smantic Depth获得。
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本文研究了深度神经网络训练期间的语义对齐功能如何增加网络鲁棒性。最近的作品观察到对抗性训练导致强大的模型,其学众的特征似乎与人类感知相关。通过这种联系的启发,从鲁棒性到语义,我们研究了互补的连接:从语义到鲁棒性。为此,我们为基于距离的分类模型(基于群集的分类器)提供了一种稳健性证书。此外,我们表明该证书紧张,我们利用它提出植入攻击(鲁棒性培训),是一种基于集群和对抗的培训框架来学习强大的模型。有趣的是,\ Textit {Clustr}在强大的PGD攻击下优于普遍训练的网络,高达4 \%$ 4 \%。
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There is a dramatic shortage of skilled labor for modern vineyards. The Vinum project is developing a mobile robotic solution to autonomously navigate through vineyards for winter grapevine pruning. This necessitates an autonomous navigation stack for the robot pruning a vineyard. The Vinum project is using the quadruped robot HyQReal. This paper introduces an architecture for a quadruped robot to autonomously move through a vineyard by identifying and approaching grapevines for pruning. The higher level control is a state machine switching between searching for destination positions, autonomously navigating towards those locations, and stopping for the robot to complete a task. The destination points are determined by identifying grapevine trunks using instance segmentation from a Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network (Mask-RCNN). These detections are sent through a filter to avoid redundancy and remove noisy detections. The combination of these features is the basis for the proposed architecture.
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