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Recently, Person Re-Identification (Re-ID) has received a lot of attention. Large datasets containing labeled images of various individuals have been released, allowing researchers to develop and test many successful approaches. However, when such Re-ID models are deployed in new cities or environments, the task of searching for people within a network of security cameras is likely to face an important domain shift, thus resulting in decreased performance. Indeed, while most public datasets were collected in a limited geographic area, images from a new city present different features (e.g., people's ethnicity and clothing style, weather, architecture, etc.). In addition, the whole frames of the video streams must be converted into cropped images of people using pedestrian detection models, which behave differently from the human annotators who created the dataset used for training. To better understand the extent of this issue, this paper introduces a complete methodology to evaluate Re-ID approaches and training datasets with respect to their suitability for unsupervised deployment for live operations. This method is used to benchmark four Re-ID approaches on three datasets, providing insight and guidelines that can help to design better Re-ID pipelines in the future.
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Even though deep neural networks (DNNs) achieve state-of-the-art results for a number of problems involving genomic data, getting DNNs to explain their decision-making process has been a major challenge due to their black-box nature. One way to get DNNs to explain their reasoning for prediction is via attribution methods which are assumed to highlight the parts of the input that contribute to the prediction the most. Given the existence of numerous attribution methods and a lack of quantitative results on the fidelity of those methods, selection of an attribution method for sequence-based tasks has been mostly done qualitatively. In this work, we take a step towards identifying the most faithful attribution method by proposing a computational approach that utilizes point mutations. Providing quantitative results on seven popular attribution methods, we find Layerwise Relevance Propagation (LRP) to be the most appropriate one for translation initiation, with LRP identifying two important biological features for translation: the integrity of Kozak sequence as well as the detrimental effects of premature stop codons.
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A tractogram is a virtual representation of the brain white matter. It is composed of millions of virtual fibers, encoded as 3D polylines, which approximate the white matter axonal pathways. To date, tractograms are the most accurate white matter representation and thus are used for tasks like presurgical planning and investigations of neuroplasticity, brain disorders, or brain networks. However, it is a well-known issue that a large portion of tractogram fibers is not anatomically plausible and can be considered artifacts of the tracking procedure. With Verifyber, we tackle the problem of filtering out such non-plausible fibers using a novel fully-supervised learning approach. Differently from other approaches based on signal reconstruction and/or brain topology regularization, we guide our method with the existing anatomical knowledge of the white matter. Using tractograms annotated according to anatomical principles, we train our model, Verifyber, to classify fibers as either anatomically plausible or non-plausible. The proposed Verifyber model is an original Geometric Deep Learning method that can deal with variable size fibers, while being invariant to fiber orientation. Our model considers each fiber as a graph of points, and by learning features of the edges between consecutive points via the proposed sequence Edge Convolution, it can capture the underlying anatomical properties. The output filtering results highly accurate and robust across an extensive set of experiments, and fast; with a 12GB GPU, filtering a tractogram of 1M fibers requires less than a minute. Verifyber implementation and trained models are available at https://github.com/FBK-NILab/verifyber.
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The usage of deep neural networks in safety-critical systems is limited by our ability to guarantee their correct behavior. Runtime monitors are components aiming to identify unsafe predictions and discard them before they can lead to catastrophic consequences. Several recent works on runtime monitoring have focused on out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, i.e., identifying inputs that are different from the training data. In this work, we argue that OOD detection is not a well-suited framework to design efficient runtime monitors and that it is more relevant to evaluate monitors based on their ability to discard incorrect predictions. We call this setting out-ofmodel-scope detection and discuss the conceptual differences with OOD. We also conduct extensive experiments on popular datasets from the literature to show that studying monitors in the OOD setting can be misleading: 1. very good OOD results can give a false impression of safety, 2. comparison under the OOD setting does not allow identifying the best monitor to detect errors. Finally, we also show that removing erroneous training data samples helps to train better monitors.
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Calibration is a popular framework to evaluate whether a classifier knows when it does not know - i.e., its predictive probabilities are a good indication of how likely a prediction is to be correct. Correctness is commonly estimated against the human majority class. Recently, calibration to human majority has been measured on tasks where humans inherently disagree about which class applies. We show that measuring calibration to human majority given inherent disagreements is theoretically problematic, demonstrate this empirically on the ChaosNLI dataset, and derive several instance-level measures of calibration that capture key statistical properties of human judgements - class frequency, ranking and entropy.
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随着各种科学领域中数据的越来越多,生成模型在科学方法的每个步骤中都具有巨大的潜力来加速科学发现。他们最有价值的应用也许在于传统上提出假设最慢,最具挑战性的步骤。现在,正在从大量数据中学到强大的表示形式,以产生新的假设,这对从材料设计到药物发现的科学发现应用产生了重大影响。 GT4SD(https://github.com/gt4sd/gt4sd-core)是一个可扩展的开放源库,使科学家,开发人员和研究人员能够培训和使用科学发现中假设生成的最先进的生成模型。 GT4SD支持跨材料科学和药物发现的各种生成模型的用途,包括基于与目标蛋白,OMIC剖面,脚手架距离,结合能等性质的分子发现和设计。
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