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配备了广泛的传感器,主要的自主驾驶解决方案正变得越来越面向安全系统设计。尽管这些传感器已经奠定了坚实的基础,但最新的大多数生产解决方案仍然属于L2阶段。其中,Comma.ai出现在我们的视线中,声称一个售价999美元的售后设备装有单个相机和内部的木板具有处理L2场景的能力。该项目与Comma.ai发布的整个系统的开源软件一起名为OpenPilot。可能吗?如果是这样,它如何成为可能?考虑到好奇心,我们深入研究了OpenPilot,并得出结论,其成功的关键是端到端系统设计,而不是传统的模块化框架。该模型被简要介绍为SuperCombo,它可以从单眼输入中预测自我车辆的未来轨迹和其他道路语义。不幸的是,无法公开提供所有这些工作的培训过程和大量数据。为了进行深入的调查,我们尝试重新实现培训细节并测试公共基准测试的管道。这项工作中提出的重构网络称为“ op-Deepdive”。为了将我们的版本与原始SuperCombo进行公平的比较,我们引入了双模型部署方案,以测试现实世界中的驾驶性能。 Nuscenes,Comma2K19,Carla和内部现实场景的实验结果证明了低成本设备确实可以实现大多数L2功能,并且与原始的SuperCombo模型相当。在本报告中,我们想分享我们的最新发现,并阐明了从工业产品级别方面进行端到端自动驾驶的新观点,并有可能激发社区继续提高绩效。我们的代码,基准在https://github.com/openperceptionx/openpilot-deepdive上。
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时间序列的建模在各种应用中变得越来越重要。总体而言,数据通过遵循不同的模式而演变,这些模式通常是由不同的用户行为引起的。给定时间序列,我们定义了进化基因以捕获潜在用户行为,并描述行为如何导致时间序列的产生。特别是,我们提出了一个统一的框架,该框架通过学习分类器来识别片段的不同演化基因,并通过估计片段的分布来实现对抗发电机来实现进化基因。基于合成数据集和五个现实世界数据集的实验结果表明,我们的方法不仅可以实现良好的预测结果(例如,在F1方面 +10.56%),还可以提供结果的解释。
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Data augmentation (DA) is indispensable in modern machine learning and deep neural networks. The basic idea of DA is to construct new training data to improve the model's generalization by adding slightly disturbed versions of existing data or synthesizing new data. In this work, we review a small but essential subset of DA -- Mix-based Data Augmentation (MixDA) that generates novel samples by mixing multiple examples. Unlike conventional DA approaches based on a single-sample operation or requiring domain knowledge, MixDA is more general in creating a broad spectrum of new data and has received increasing attention in the community. We begin with proposing a new taxonomy classifying MixDA into, Mixup-based, Cutmix-based, and hybrid approaches according to a hierarchical view of the data mix. Various MixDA techniques are then comprehensively reviewed in a more fine-grained way. Owing to its generalization, MixDA has penetrated a variety of applications which are also completely reviewed in this work. We also examine why MixDA works from different aspects of improving model performance, generalization, and calibration while explaining the model behavior based on the properties of MixDA. Finally, we recapitulate the critical findings and fundamental challenges of current MixDA studies, and outline the potential directions for future works. Different from previous related works that summarize the DA approaches in a specific domain (e.g., images or natural language processing) or only review a part of MixDA studies, we are the first to provide a systematical survey of MixDA in terms of its taxonomy, methodology, applications, and explainability. This work can serve as a roadmap to MixDA techniques and application reviews while providing promising directions for researchers interested in this exciting area.
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The performance of a camera network monitoring a set of targets depends crucially on the configuration of the cameras. In this paper, we investigate the reconfiguration strategy for the parameterized camera network model, with which the sensing qualities of the multiple targets can be optimized globally and simultaneously. We first propose to use the number of pixels occupied by a unit-length object in image as a metric of the sensing quality of the object, which is determined by the parameters of the camera, such as intrinsic, extrinsic, and distortional coefficients. Then, we form a single quantity that measures the sensing quality of the targets by the camera network. This quantity further serves as the objective function of our optimization problem to obtain the optimal camera configuration. We verify the effectiveness of our approach through extensive simulations and experiments, and the results reveal its improved performance on the AprilTag detection tasks. Codes and related utilities for this work are open-sourced and available at https://github.com/sszxc/MultiCam-Simulation.
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Designing safety-critical control for robotic manipulators is challenging, especially in a cluttered environment. First, the actual trajectory of a manipulator might deviate from the planned one due to the complex collision environments and non-trivial dynamics, leading to collision; Second, the feasible space for the manipulator is hard to obtain since the explicit distance functions between collision meshes are unknown. By analyzing the relationship between the safe set and the controlled invariant set, this paper proposes a data-driven control barrier function (CBF) construction method, which extracts CBF from distance samples. Specifically, the CBF guarantees the controlled invariant property for considering the system dynamics. The data-driven method samples the distance function and determines the safe set. Then, the CBF is synthesized based on the safe set by a scenario-based sum of square (SOS) program. Unlike most existing linearization based approaches, our method reserves the volume of the feasible space for planning without approximation, which helps find a solution in a cluttered environment. The control law is obtained by solving a CBF-based quadratic program in real time, which works as a safe filter for the desired planning-based controller. Moreover, our method guarantees safety with the proven probabilistic result. Our method is validated on a 7-DOF manipulator in both real and virtual cluttered environments. The experiments show that the manipulator is able to execute tasks where the clearance between obstacles is in millimeters.
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