Weisfeiler-Lehman(WL)测试已广泛应用于图内核,指标和神经网络。但是,它仅考虑图的一致性,从而导致结构信息的描述能力较弱。因此,它限制了应用方法的性能提高。另外,WL检验定义的图之间的相似性和距离是粗略的测量。据我们所知,本文首次阐明了这些事实,并定义了我们称为Wasserstein WL子树(WWLS)距离的指标。我们将WL子树引入节点附近的结构信息,并将其分配给每个节点。然后,我们定义一个基于$ l_1 $ - 应用的树编辑距离($ l_1 $ - ted)的新图嵌入空间:$ l_1 $ norm of noce noce node node nord noce node fartial farture varter vectors in space上的差异为$ l_1 $ - 节点。我们进一步提出了一种用于图嵌入的快速算法。最后,我们使用Wasserstein距离来反映$ L_1 $的图形级别。 WWL可以捕获传统指标困难的结构的小变化。我们在几个图形分类和度量验证实验中演示了其性能。
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人工智能(AI)为简化Covid-19诊断提供了有前景的替代。然而,涉及周围的安全和可信度的担忧阻碍了大规模代表性的医学数据,对临床实践中训练广泛的模型造成了相当大的挑战。为了解决这个问题,我们启动了统一的CT-Covid AI诊断计划(UCADI),其中AI模型可以在没有数据共享的联合学习框架(FL)下在每个主机机构下分发和独立地在没有数据共享的情况下在每个主机机构上执行。在这里,我们认为我们的FL模型通过大的产量(中国测试敏感性/特异性:0.973 / 0.951,英国:0.730 / 0.942),与专业放射科医师的面板实现可比性表现。我们进一步评估了持有的模型(从另外两家医院收集,留出FL)和异构(用造影材料获取)数据,提供了模型所做的决策的视觉解释,并分析了模型之间的权衡联邦培训过程中的性能和沟通成本。我们的研究基于来自位于中国和英国的23家医院的3,336名患者的9,573次胸部计算断层扫描扫描(CTS)。统称,我们的工作提出了利用联邦学习的潜在保留了数字健康的前景。
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Structure-guided image completion aims to inpaint a local region of an image according to an input guidance map from users. While such a task enables many practical applications for interactive editing, existing methods often struggle to hallucinate realistic object instances in complex natural scenes. Such a limitation is partially due to the lack of semantic-level constraints inside the hole region as well as the lack of a mechanism to enforce realistic object generation. In this work, we propose a learning paradigm that consists of semantic discriminators and object-level discriminators for improving the generation of complex semantics and objects. Specifically, the semantic discriminators leverage pretrained visual features to improve the realism of the generated visual concepts. Moreover, the object-level discriminators take aligned instances as inputs to enforce the realism of individual objects. Our proposed scheme significantly improves the generation quality and achieves state-of-the-art results on various tasks, including segmentation-guided completion, edge-guided manipulation and panoptically-guided manipulation on Places2 datasets. Furthermore, our trained model is flexible and can support multiple editing use cases, such as object insertion, replacement, removal and standard inpainting. In particular, our trained model combined with a novel automatic image completion pipeline achieves state-of-the-art results on the standard inpainting task.
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Geometric camera calibration is often required for applications that understand the perspective of the image. We propose perspective fields as a representation that models the local perspective properties of an image. Perspective Fields contain per-pixel information about the camera view, parameterized as an up vector and a latitude value. This representation has a number of advantages as it makes minimal assumptions about the camera model and is invariant or equivariant to common image editing operations like cropping, warping, and rotation. It is also more interpretable and aligned with human perception. We train a neural network to predict Perspective Fields and the predicted Perspective Fields can be converted to calibration parameters easily. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach under various scenarios compared with camera calibration-based methods and show example applications in image compositing.
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Object compositing based on 2D images is a challenging problem since it typically involves multiple processing stages such as color harmonization, geometry correction and shadow generation to generate realistic results. Furthermore, annotating training data pairs for compositing requires substantial manual effort from professionals, and is hardly scalable. Thus, with the recent advances in generative models, in this work, we propose a self-supervised framework for object compositing by leveraging the power of conditional diffusion models. Our framework can hollistically address the object compositing task in a unified model, transforming the viewpoint, geometry, color and shadow of the generated object while requiring no manual labeling. To preserve the input object's characteristics, we introduce a content adaptor that helps to maintain categorical semantics and object appearance. A data augmentation method is further adopted to improve the fidelity of the generator. Our method outperforms relevant baselines in both realism and faithfulness of the synthesized result images in a user study on various real-world images.
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The heterogeneity gap problem is the main challenge in cross-modal retrieval. Because cross-modal data (e.g. audiovisual) have different distributions and representations that cannot be directly compared. To bridge the gap between audiovisual modalities, we learn a common subspace for them by utilizing the intrinsic correlation in the natural synchronization of audio-visual data with the aid of annotated labels. TNN-CCCA is the best audio-visual cross-modal retrieval (AV-CMR) model so far, but the model training is sensitive to hard negative samples when learning common subspace by applying triplet loss to predict the relative distance between inputs. In this paper, to reduce the interference of hard negative samples in representation learning, we propose a new AV-CMR model to optimize semantic features by directly predicting labels and then measuring the intrinsic correlation between audio-visual data using complete cross-triple loss. In particular, our model projects audio-visual features into label space by minimizing the distance between predicted label features after feature projection and ground label representations. Moreover, we adopt complete cross-triplet loss to optimize the predicted label features by leveraging the relationship between all possible similarity and dissimilarity semantic information across modalities. The extensive experimental results on two audio-visual double-checked datasets have shown an improvement of approximately 2.1% in terms of average MAP over the current state-of-the-art method TNN-CCCA for the AV-CMR task, which indicates the effectiveness of our proposed model.
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我们开发了一种文本到图像生成的方法,该方法由隐性视觉引导丢失和生成目标的组合驱动,该方法包含其他检索图像。与仅将文本作为输入的大多数现有文本到图像生成方法不同,我们的方法将跨模式搜索结果动态馈送到统一的训练阶段,从而提高了生成结果的质量,可控性和多样性。我们提出了一种新颖的超网调制的视觉文本编码方案,以预测编码层的重量更新,从而使视觉信息(例如布局,内容)有效地传输到相应的潜在域。实验结果表明,我们的模型以其他检索视觉数据的指导优于现有基于GAN的模型。在可可数据集上,与最先进的方法相比,我们实现了更好的$ 9.13 $,最高$ 3.5 \ times $ $。
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