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在本文中,我们提出了一种一阶分布式优化算法,该算法对拜占庭式失败 - 肢体和潜在的对抗性行为非常强大,在该行为中,所有参与的药物都容易发生失败。我们随着时间的推移将每个代理的状态建模为两国马尔可夫链,该链在不同时间时指示拜占庭或可信赖的行为。我们在任何给定时间均未设置对拜占庭代理的最大数量的限制。我们根据三层防御设计我们的方法:1)时间稳健聚集,2)空间稳健聚集和3)梯度归一化。我们研究了两个用于随机优化的设置,即样品平均近似值和随机近似。我们提供了强烈凸出和平滑非凸成本功能的方法的收敛保证。
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本文分析了双模的彼此优化随机算法框架。 Bilevel优化是一类表现出两级结构的问题,其目标是使具有变量的外目标函数最小化,该变量被限制为对(内部)优化问题的最佳解决方案。我们考虑内部问题的情况是不受约束的并且强烈凸起的情况,而外部问题受到约束并具有平滑的目标函数。我们提出了一种用于解决如此偏纤维问题的两次时间尺度随机近似(TTSA)算法。在算法中,使用较大步长的随机梯度更新用于内部问题,而具有较小步长的投影随机梯度更新用于外部问题。我们在各种设置下分析了TTSA算法的收敛速率:当外部问题强烈凸起(RESP。〜弱凸)时,TTSA算法查找$ \ MATHCAL {O}(k ^ { - 2/3})$ -Optimal(resp。〜$ \ mathcal {o}(k ^ {-2/5})$ - 静止)解决方案,其中$ k $是总迭代号。作为一个应用程序,我们表明,两个时间尺度的自然演员 - 批评批评近端策略优化算法可以被视为我们的TTSA框架的特殊情况。重要的是,与全球最优政策相比,自然演员批评算法显示以预期折扣奖励的差距,以$ \ mathcal {o}(k ^ { - 1/4})的速率收敛。
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Mixup is a popular data augmentation technique for training deep neural networks where additional samples are generated by linearly interpolating pairs of inputs and their labels. This technique is known to improve the generalization performance in many learning paradigms and applications. In this work, we first analyze Mixup and show that it implicitly regularizes infinitely many directional derivatives of all orders. We then propose a new method to improve Mixup based on the novel insight. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conduct experiments across various domains such as images, tabular data, speech, and graphs. Our results show that the proposed method improves Mixup across various datasets using a variety of architectures, for instance, exhibiting an improvement over Mixup by 0.8% in ImageNet top-1 accuracy.
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Identifying named entities such as a person, location or organization, in documents can highlight key information to readers. Training Named Entity Recognition (NER) models requires an annotated data set, which can be a time-consuming labour-intensive task. Nevertheless, there are publicly available NER data sets for general English. Recently there has been interest in developing NER for legal text. However, prior work and experimental results reported here indicate that there is a significant degradation in performance when NER methods trained on a general English data set are applied to legal text. We describe a publicly available legal NER data set, called E-NER, based on legal company filings available from the US Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR data set. Training a number of different NER algorithms on the general English CoNLL-2003 corpus but testing on our test collection confirmed significant degradations in accuracy, as measured by the F1-score, of between 29.4\% and 60.4\%, compared to training and testing on the E-NER collection.
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Despite the current success of multilingual pre-training, most prior works focus on leveraging monolingual data or bilingual parallel data and overlooked the value of trilingual parallel data. This paper presents \textbf{Tri}angular Document-level \textbf{P}re-training (\textbf{TRIP}), which is the first in the field to extend the conventional monolingual and bilingual pre-training to a trilingual setting by (i) \textbf{Grafting} the same documents in two languages into one mixed document, and (ii) predicting the remaining one language as the reference translation. Our experiments on document-level MT and cross-lingual abstractive summarization show that TRIP brings by up to 3.65 d-BLEU points and 6.2 ROUGE-L points on three multilingual document-level machine translation benchmarks and one cross-lingual abstractive summarization benchmark, including multiple strong state-of-the-art (SOTA) scores. In-depth analysis indicates that TRIP improves document-level machine translation and captures better document contexts in at least three characteristics: (i) tense consistency, (ii) noun consistency and (iii) conjunction presence.
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Machine Learning (ML) approaches have been used to enhance the detection capabilities of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs). Recent work has achieved near-perfect performance by following binary- and multi-class network anomaly detection tasks. Such systems depend on the availability of both (benign and malicious) network data classes during the training phase. However, attack data samples are often challenging to collect in most organisations due to security controls preventing the penetration of known malicious traffic to their networks. Therefore, this paper proposes a Deep One-Class (DOC) classifier for network intrusion detection by only training on benign network data samples. The novel one-class classification architecture consists of a histogram-based deep feed-forward classifier to extract useful network data features and use efficient outlier detection. The DOC classifier has been extensively evaluated using two benchmark NIDS datasets. The results demonstrate its superiority over current state-of-the-art one-class classifiers in terms of detection and false positive rates.
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There exists unexplained diverse variation within the predefined colon cancer stages using only features either from genomics or histopathological whole slide images as prognostic factors. Unraveling this variation will bring about improved in staging and treatment outcome, hence motivated by the advancement of Deep Neural Network libraries and different structures and factors within some genomic dataset, we aggregate atypical patterns in histopathological images with diverse carcinogenic expression from mRNA, miRNA and DNA Methylation as an integrative input source into an ensemble deep neural network for colon cancer stages classification and samples stratification into low or high risk survival groups. The results of our Ensemble Deep Convolutional Neural Network model show an improved performance in stages classification on the integrated dataset. The fused input features return Area under curve Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC ROC) of 0.95 compared with AUC ROC of 0.71 and 0.68 obtained when only genomics and images features are used for the stage's classification, respectively. Also, the extracted features were used to split the patients into low or high risk survival groups. Among the 2548 fused features, 1695 features showed a statistically significant survival probability differences between the two risk groups defined by the extracted features.
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We present Pre-trained Machine Reader (PMR), a novel method to retrofit Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) into Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) models without acquiring labeled data. PMR is capable of resolving the discrepancy between model pre-training and downstream fine-tuning of existing PLMs, and provides a unified solver for tackling various extraction tasks. To achieve this, we construct a large volume of general-purpose and high-quality MRC-style training data with the help of Wikipedia hyperlinks and design a Wiki Anchor Extraction task to guide the MRC-style pre-training process. Although conceptually simple, PMR is particularly effective in solving extraction tasks including Extractive Question Answering and Named Entity Recognition, where it shows tremendous improvements over previous approaches especially under low-resource settings. Moreover, viewing sequence classification task as a special case of extraction task in our MRC formulation, PMR is even capable to extract high-quality rationales to explain the classification process, providing more explainability of the predictions.
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Cyber intrusion attacks that compromise the users' critical and sensitive data are escalating in volume and intensity, especially with the growing connections between our daily life and the Internet. The large volume and high complexity of such intrusion attacks have impeded the effectiveness of most traditional defence techniques. While at the same time, the remarkable performance of the machine learning methods, especially deep learning, in computer vision, had garnered research interests from the cyber security community to further enhance and automate intrusion detections. However, the expensive data labeling and limitation of anomalous data make it challenging to train an intrusion detector in a fully supervised manner. Therefore, intrusion detection based on unsupervised anomaly detection is an important feature too. In this paper, we propose a three-stage deep learning anomaly detection based network intrusion attack detection framework. The framework comprises an integration of unsupervised (K-means clustering), semi-supervised (GANomaly) and supervised learning (CNN) algorithms. We then evaluated and showed the performance of our implemented framework on three benchmark datasets: NSL-KDD, CIC-IDS2018, and TON_IoT.
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