Machine learning methods like neural networks are extremely successful and popular in a variety of applications, however, they come at substantial computational costs, accompanied by high energy demands. In contrast, hardware capabilities are limited and there is evidence that technology scaling is stuttering, therefore, new approaches to meet the performance demands of increasingly complex model architectures are required. As an unsafe optimization, noisy computations are more energy efficient, and given a fixed power budget also more time efficient. However, any kind of unsafe optimization requires counter measures to ensure functionally correct results. This work considers noisy computations in an abstract form, and gears to understand the implications of such noise on the accuracy of neural-network-based classifiers as an exemplary workload. We propose a methodology called "Walking Noise" that allows to assess the robustness of different layers of deep architectures by means of a so-called "midpoint noise level" metric. We then investigate the implications of additive and multiplicative noise for different classification tasks and model architectures, with and without batch normalization. While noisy training significantly increases robustness for both noise types, we observe a clear trend to increase weights and thus increase the signal-to-noise ratio for additive noise injection. For the multiplicative case, we find that some networks, with suitably simple tasks, automatically learn an internal binary representation, hence becoming extremely robust. Overall this work proposes a method to measure the layer-specific robustness and shares first insights on how networks learn to compensate injected noise, and thus, contributes to understand robustness against noisy computations.
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我们介绍了MLPERF小型推理基准(FPGA)平台上MLPERF微小的推理基准的最新结果。我们使用开源HLS4ML和Finn工作流,旨在使FPGA中优化神经网络的AI硬件代码民主化。我们介绍关键字发现,异常检测和图像分类基准任务的设计和实现过程。最终的硬件实现是针对速度和效率量身定制的,可配置的,可配置的空间数据流体系结构,并引入了新的通用优化和作为本工作的一部分开发的常见工作流程。完整的工作流程从量化感知培训到FPGA实施。该解决方案部署在芯片(PYNQ-Z2)和纯FPGA(ARTY A7-100T)平台上。由此产生的提交的潜伏期低至20 $ \ mu $ s和每次推论的低至30 $ \ mu $ j的能耗。我们展示了异质硬件平台上新兴的ML基准如何催化协作和开发新技术和更容易访问的工具。
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我们向开放的神经网络交换(ONNX)中间表示格式提出扩展,以表示任意量化的量化神经网络。我们首先通过利用整数剪辑来引入对现有基于ONX的量化格式低精度量化的支持,从而产生了两个新的向后兼容的变体:带有剪辑和量化clip-dequantize(QCDQ)格式的量化运算符格式。然后,我们引入了一种新型的高级ONNX格式,称为量化ONNX(QONNX),该格式介绍了三个新运算符 - Quant,Biporlquant和Trunc,以表示均匀的量化。通过保持QONNX IR高级和灵活性,我们可以针对更广泛的平台。我们还介绍了与QONNX合作的实用程序,以及其在FINN和HLS4ML工具链中使用的示例。最后,我们介绍了QONNX模型动物园,以共享低精确的量化神经网络。
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In the past years, deep learning has seen an increase of usage in the domain of histopathological applications. However, while these approaches have shown great potential, in high-risk environments deep learning models need to be able to judge their own uncertainty and be able to reject inputs when there is a significant chance of misclassification. In this work, we conduct a rigorous evaluation of the most commonly used uncertainty and robustness methods for the classification of Whole-Slide-Images under domain shift using the H\&E stained Camelyon17 breast cancer dataset. Although it is known that histopathological data can be subject to strong domain shift and label noise, to our knowledge this is the first work that compares the most common methods for uncertainty estimation under these aspects. In our experiments, we compare Stochastic Variational Inference, Monte-Carlo Dropout, Deep Ensembles, Test-Time Data Augmentation as well as combinations thereof. We observe that ensembles of methods generally lead to higher accuracies and better calibration and that Test-Time Data Augmentation can be a promising alternative when choosing an appropriate set of augmentations. Across methods, a rejection of the most uncertain tiles leads to a significant increase in classification accuracy on both in-distribution as well as out-of-distribution data. Furthermore, we conduct experiments comparing these methods under varying conditions of label noise. We observe that the border regions of the Camelyon17 dataset are subject to label noise and evaluate the robustness of the included methods against different noise levels. Lastly, we publish our code framework to facilitate further research on uncertainty estimation on histopathological data.
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In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) has become increasingly successful in its application to science and the process of scientific discovery in general. However, while RL algorithms learn to solve increasingly complex problems, interpreting the solutions they provide becomes ever more challenging. In this work, we gain insights into an RL agent's learned behavior through a post-hoc analysis based on sequence mining and clustering. Specifically, frequent and compact subroutines, used by the agent to solve a given task, are distilled as gadgets and then grouped by various metrics. This process of gadget discovery develops in three stages: First, we use an RL agent to generate data, then, we employ a mining algorithm to extract gadgets and finally, the obtained gadgets are grouped by a density-based clustering algorithm. We demonstrate our method by applying it to two quantum-inspired RL environments. First, we consider simulated quantum optics experiments for the design of high-dimensional multipartite entangled states where the algorithm finds gadgets that correspond to modern interferometer setups. Second, we consider a circuit-based quantum computing environment where the algorithm discovers various gadgets for quantum information processing, such as quantum teleportation. This approach for analyzing the policy of a learned agent is agent and environment agnostic and can yield interesting insights into any agent's policy.
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Neural volumetric representations have become a widely adopted model for radiance fields in 3D scenes. These representations are fully implicit or hybrid function approximators of the instantaneous volumetric radiance in a scene, which are typically learned from multi-view captures of the scene. We investigate the new task of neural volume super-resolution - rendering high-resolution views corresponding to a scene captured at low resolution. To this end, we propose a neural super-resolution network that operates directly on the volumetric representation of the scene. This approach allows us to exploit an advantage of operating in the volumetric domain, namely the ability to guarantee consistent super-resolution across different viewing directions. To realize our method, we devise a novel 3D representation that hinges on multiple 2D feature planes. This allows us to super-resolve the 3D scene representation by applying 2D convolutional networks on the 2D feature planes. We validate the proposed method's capability of super-resolving multi-view consistent views both quantitatively and qualitatively on a diverse set of unseen 3D scenes, demonstrating a significant advantage over existing approaches.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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