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最近的人工智能(AI)算法已在各种医学分类任务上实现了放射科医生级的性能。但是,只有少数研究涉及CXR扫描异常发现的定位,这对于向放射学家解释图像级分类至关重要。我们在本文中介绍了一个名为Vindr-CXR的可解释的深度学习系统,该系统可以将CXR扫描分类为多种胸部疾病,同时将大多数类型的关键发现本地化在图像上。 Vindr-CXR接受了51,485次CXR扫描的培训,并通过放射科医生提供的边界盒注释进行了培训。它表现出与经验丰富的放射科医生相当的表现,可以在3,000张CXR扫描的回顾性验证集上对6种常见的胸部疾病进行分类,而在接收器操作特征曲线(AUROC)下的平均面积为0.967(95%置信区间[CI]:0.958---------0.958------- 0.975)。 VINDR-CXR在独立患者队列中也得到了外部验证,并显示出其稳健性。对于具有14种类型病变的本地化任务,我们的自由响应接收器操作特征(FROC)分析表明,VINDR-CXR以每扫描确定的1.0假阳性病变的速率达到80.2%的敏感性。还进行了一项前瞻性研究,以衡量VINDR-CXR在协助六名经验丰富的放射科医生方面的临床影响。结果表明,当用作诊断工具时,提出的系统显着改善了放射科医生本身之间的一致性,平均Fleiss的Kappa的同意增加了1.5%。我们还观察到,在放射科医生咨询了Vindr-CXR的建议之后,在平均Cohen的Kappa中,它们和系统之间的一致性显着增加了3.3%。
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在本文中,我们使用混合整数编程(MIP)探索基于模型的培训鲁棒和可解释的二金属化回归模型的培训鲁棒和可解释的二值化回归模型。我们的MIP模型通过使用加权目标来余额来实现预测边距和模型大小的优化,即:最大限度地减少错误分类的培训实例的总余量,最大限度地提高了正确分类的培训实例的总余量,并最大限度地提高了整体模型正则化。我们进行两组实验,以便在多个分类数据集的标准和损坏版本上测试MIP模型的分类准确性。在第一组实验中,我们表明我们的MIP模型优于等效的伪布尔优化(PBO)模型,并在标准数据集中的分类精度方面实现了对逻辑回归(LR)和梯度下降(GD)的竞争结果。在第二组实验中,我们表明我们的MIP模型在分类准确性方面优于大多数损坏的数据集的分类准确性。最后,我们在目视展示了MIP模型在其在MNIST DataSet上的学习参数方面的可解释性。总体而言,我们展示了使用MIP培训培训稳健和可解释的二值化回归模型的有效性。
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Configurable software systems are employed in many important application domains. Understanding the performance of the systems under all configurations is critical to prevent potential performance issues caused by misconfiguration. However, as the number of configurations can be prohibitively large, it is not possible to measure the system performance under all configurations. Thus, a common approach is to build a prediction model from a limited measurement data to predict the performance of all configurations as scalar values. However, it has been pointed out that there are different sources of uncertainty coming from the data collection or the modeling process, which can make the scalar predictions not certainly accurate. To address this problem, we propose a Bayesian deep learning based method, namely BDLPerf, that can incorporate uncertainty into the prediction model. BDLPerf can provide both scalar predictions for configurations' performance and the corresponding confidence intervals of these scalar predictions. We also develop a novel uncertainty calibration technique to ensure the reliability of the confidence intervals generated by a Bayesian prediction model. Finally, we suggest an efficient hyperparameter tuning technique so as to train the prediction model within a reasonable amount of time whilst achieving high accuracy. Our experimental results on 10 real-world systems show that BDLPerf achieves higher accuracy than existing approaches, in both scalar performance prediction and confidence interval estimation.
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Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) is crucial for real-world applications, especially in data-hungry domains such as healthcare and self-driving cars. In addition to a lack of labeled data, these applications also suffer from distributional shifts. Therefore, an SSL method should provide robust generalization and uncertainty estimation in the test dataset to be considered a reliable model in such high-stakes domains. However, existing approaches often focus on generalization, without evaluating the model's uncertainty. The ability to compare SSL techniques for improving these estimates is therefore critical for research on the reliability of self-supervision models. In this paper, we explore variants of SSL methods, including Jigsaw Puzzles, Context, Rotation, Geometric Transformations Prediction for vision, as well as BERT and GPT for language tasks. We train SSL in auxiliary learning for vision and pre-training for language model, then evaluate the generalization (in-out classification accuracy) and uncertainty (expected calibration error) across different distribution covariate shift datasets, including MNIST-C, CIFAR-10-C, CIFAR-10.1, and MNLI. Our goal is to create a benchmark with outputs from experiments, providing a starting point for new SSL methods in Reliable Machine Learning. All source code to reproduce results is available at https://github.com/hamanhbui/reliable_ssl_baselines.
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Real-world autonomous missions often require rich interaction with nearby objects, such as doors or switches, along with effective navigation. However, such complex behaviors are difficult to learn because they involve both high-level planning and low-level motor control. We present a novel framework, Cascaded Compositional Residual Learning (CCRL), which learns composite skills by recursively leveraging a library of previously learned control policies. Our framework learns multiplicative policy composition, task-specific residual actions, and synthetic goal information simultaneously while freezing the prerequisite policies. We further explicitly control the style of the motion by regularizing residual actions. We show that our framework learns joint-level control policies for a diverse set of motor skills ranging from basic locomotion to complex interactive navigation, including navigating around obstacles, pushing objects, crawling under a table, pushing a door open with its leg, and holding it open while walking through it. The proposed CCRL framework leads to policies with consistent styles and lower joint torques, which we successfully transfer to a real Unitree A1 robot without any additional fine-tuning.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Monitoring machine learning systems post deployment is critical to ensure the reliability of the systems. Particularly importance is the problem of monitoring the performance of machine learning systems across all the data subgroups (subpopulations). In practice, this process could be prohibitively expensive as the number of data subgroups grows exponentially with the number of input features, and the process of labelling data to evaluate each subgroup's performance is costly. In this paper, we propose an efficient framework for monitoring subgroup performance of machine learning systems. Specifically, we aim to find the data subgroup with the worst performance using a limited number of labeled data. We mathematically formulate this problem as an optimization problem with an expensive black-box objective function, and then suggest to use Bayesian optimization to solve this problem. Our experimental results on various real-world datasets and machine learning systems show that our proposed framework can retrieve the worst-performing data subgroup effectively and efficiently.
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