The performance of differentially private machine learning can be boosted significantly by leveraging the transfer learning capabilities of non-private models pretrained on large public datasets. We critically review this approach. We primarily question whether the use of large Web-scraped datasets should be viewed as differential-privacy-preserving. We caution that publicizing these models pretrained on Web data as "private" could lead to harm and erode the public's trust in differential privacy as a meaningful definition of privacy. Beyond the privacy considerations of using public data, we further question the utility of this paradigm. We scrutinize whether existing machine learning benchmarks are appropriate for measuring the ability of pretrained models to generalize to sensitive domains, which may be poorly represented in public Web data. Finally, we notice that pretraining has been especially impactful for the largest available models -- models sufficiently large to prohibit end users running them on their own devices. Thus, deploying such models today could be a net loss for privacy, as it would require (private) data to be outsourced to a more compute-powerful third party. We conclude by discussing potential paths forward for the field of private learning, as public pretraining becomes more popular and powerful.
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Stable Diffusion is a recent open-source image generation model comparable to proprietary models such as DALLE, Imagen, or Parti. Stable Diffusion comes with a safety filter that aims to prevent generating explicit images. Unfortunately, the filter is obfuscated and poorly documented. This makes it hard for users to prevent misuse in their applications, and to understand the filter's limitations and improve it. We first show that it is easy to generate disturbing content that bypasses the safety filter. We then reverse-engineer the filter and find that while it aims to prevent sexual content, it ignores violence, gore, and other similarly disturbing content. Based on our analysis, we argue safety measures in future model releases should strive to be fully open and properly documented to stimulate security contributions from the community.
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属性推理攻击使对手可以从机器学习模型中提取培训数据集的全局属性。此类攻击对共享数据集来培训机器学习模型的数据所有者具有隐私影响。已经提出了几种针对深神经网络的财产推理攻击的现有方法,但它们都依靠攻击者训练大量的影子模型,这会导致大型计算开销。在本文中,我们考虑了攻击者可以毒化训练数据集的子集并查询训练有素的目标模型的属性推理攻击的设置。通过我们对中毒下模型信心的理论分析的激励,我们设计了有效的财产推理攻击,SNAP,该攻击获得了更高的攻击成功,并且需要比Mahloujifar Et的基于最先进的中毒的财产推理攻击更高的中毒量。 al。例如,在人口普查数据集上,SNAP的成功率比Mahloujifar等人高34%。同时更快56.5倍。我们还扩展了攻击,以确定在培训中是否根本存在某个财产,并有效地估算了利息财产的确切比例。我们评估了对四个数据集各种比例的多种属性的攻击,并证明了Snap的一般性和有效性。
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差异化(DP)学习在建立大型文本模型方面的成功有限,并尝试直接将差异化私有随机梯度下降(DP-SGD)应用于NLP任务,从而导致了大量的性能下降和高度计算的开销。我们表明,通过(1)使用大型验证模型可以缓解这种性能下降; (2)适合DP优化的超参数; (3)与训练过程对齐的微调目标。通过正确设定这些因素,我们将获得私人NLP模型,以优于最先进的私人培训方法和强大的非私人基准 - 通过直接对中等大小的Corpora进行DP优化的预审计模型。为了解决使用大型变压器运行DP-SGD的计算挑战,我们提出了一种存储器保存技术,该技术允许DP-SGD中的剪辑在不实例化模型中任何层的每个示例梯度的情况下运行。该技术使私人训练变压器的内存成本几乎与非私人培训相同,并以适度的运行时间开销。与传统的观点相反,即DP优化在学习高维模型(由于尺寸缩放的噪声)方面失败的经验结果表明,使用预审预周化模型的私人学习往往不会遭受维度依赖性性能降低的障碍。
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使分类器对对抗性示例的强大实例很难。因此,许多防御能够应对检测扰动输入的看似更容易的任务。我们对这个目标显示了一个障碍。我们证明了对抗性示例的检测和分类之间的一般硬度降低:给定对距离处攻击的强大检测器{\ epsilon}(在某些度量中),我们可以在距离处构建类似强大的(但效率低下)的分类器,以{}/2。我们的减少在计算上效率低下,因此不能用于构建实用分类器。取而代之的是,测试经验检测是否意味着比作者可能预期的要强得多,这是一种有用的理智检查。为了说明,我们重新访问13个检测器防御。对于11/13的案例,我们表明所要求的检测结果将意味着效率低下的分类器稳健性远远超出了最先进的情况。
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Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (e.g. mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g. service provider), while keeping the training data decentralized. FL embodies the principles of focused data collection and minimization, and can mitigate many of the systemic privacy risks and costs resulting from traditional, centralized machine learning and data science approaches. Motivated by the explosive growth in FL research, this paper discusses recent advances and presents an extensive collection of open problems and challenges.
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Adversarial examples are perturbed inputs designed to fool machine learning models. Adversarial training injects such examples into training data to increase robustness. To scale this technique to large datasets, perturbations are crafted using fast single-step methods that maximize a linear approximation of the model's loss. We show that this form of adversarial training converges to a degenerate global minimum, wherein small curvature artifacts near the data points obfuscate a linear approximation of the loss. The model thus learns to generate weak perturbations, rather than defend against strong ones. As a result, we find that adversarial training remains vulnerable to black-box attacks, where we transfer perturbations computed on undefended models, as well as to a powerful novel single-step attack that escapes the non-smooth vicinity of the input data via a small random step. We further introduce Ensemble Adversarial Training, a technique that augments training data with perturbations transferred from other models. On ImageNet, Ensemble Adversarial Training yields models with stronger robustness to blackbox attacks. In particular, our most robust model won the first round of the NIPS 2017 competition on Defenses against Adversarial Attacks (Kurakin et al., 2017c). However, subsequent work found that more elaborate black-box attacks could significantly enhance transferability and reduce the accuracy of our models.
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