本文探讨了超线性增长趋势的环境影响,从整体角度来看,跨越数据,算法和系统硬件。我们通过在行业规模机器学习用例中检查模型开发周期来表征AI计算的碳足迹,同时考虑系统硬件的生命周期。进一步迈出一步,我们捕获AI计算的操作和制造碳足迹,并为硬件 - 软件设计和尺度优化的结束分析以及如何帮助降低AI的整体碳足迹。根据行业经验和经验教训,我们分享关键挑战,并在AI的许多方面上绘制了重要的发展方向。我们希望本文提出的关键信息和见解能够激发社区以环保的方式推进AI领域。
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Random graph models with community structure have been studied extensively in the literature. For both the problems of detecting and recovering community structure, an interesting landscape of statistical and computational phase transitions has emerged. A natural unanswered question is: might it be possible to infer properties of the community structure (for instance, the number and sizes of communities) even in situations where actually finding those communities is believed to be computationally hard? We show the answer is no. In particular, we consider certain hypothesis testing problems between models with different community structures, and we show (in the low-degree polynomial framework) that testing between two options is as hard as finding the communities. In addition, our methods give the first computational lower bounds for testing between two different `planted' distributions, whereas previous results have considered testing between a planted distribution and an i.i.d. `null' distribution.
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Persuasion modeling is a key building block for conversational agents. Existing works in this direction are limited to analyzing textual dialogue corpus. We argue that visual signals also play an important role in understanding human persuasive behaviors. In this paper, we introduce the first multimodal dataset for modeling persuasion behaviors. Our dataset includes 199 dialogue transcriptions and videos captured in a multi-player social deduction game setting, 26,647 utterance level annotations of persuasion strategy, and game level annotations of deduction game outcomes. We provide extensive experiments to show how dialogue context and visual signals benefit persuasion strategy prediction. We also explore the generalization ability of language models for persuasion modeling and the role of persuasion strategies in predicting social deduction game outcomes. Our dataset, code, and models can be found at https://persuasion-deductiongame.socialai-data.org.
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Studying animal movements is essential for effective wildlife conservation and conflict mitigation. For aerial movements, operational weather radars have become an indispensable data source in this respect. However, partial measurements, incomplete spatial coverage, and poor understanding of animal behaviours make it difficult to reconstruct complete spatio-temporal movement patterns from available radar data. We tackle this inverse problem by learning a mapping from high-dimensional radar measurements to low-dimensional latent representations using a convolutional encoder. Under the assumption that the latent system dynamics are well approximated by a locally linear Gaussian transition model, we perform efficient posterior estimation using the classical Kalman smoother. A convolutional decoder maps the inferred latent system states back to the physical space in which the known radar observation model can be applied, enabling fully unsupervised training. To encourage physical consistency, we additionally introduce a physics-informed loss term that leverages known mass conservation constraints. Our experiments on synthetic radar data show promising results in terms of reconstruction quality and data-efficiency.
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随着人口的指数增长,至关重要的是保存自然资源,而不必损害足够的食物来养活所有人。这样做可以改善目前和后代的人的生计,健康和生态系统。可持续发展是联合国的范式,植根于食品,农作物,牲畜,森林,人口,甚至气体的排放。通过了解过去不同国家自然资源的总体使用,可以预测每个国家的需求。提出的解决方案包括使用统计回归模型实施机器学习系统,该模型可以预测将来在特定时期内每个国家 /地区短缺的顶级K产品。根据绝对误差和根平方误差的预测性能由于其低误差而显示出令人鼓舞的结果。该解决方案可以帮助组织和制造商了解满足全球需求所需的生产力和可持续性。
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在本文中,我们提出了第一个基于变压器的模型,该模型解决了以自我为中心凝视估计的具有挑战性的问题。我们观察到,全局场景上下文和本地视觉信息之间的连接对于从以自我为中心的视频帧进行凝视固定至关重要。为此,我们设计了变压器编码器将全局上下文嵌入为一个附加的视觉令牌,并进一步提出了一种新型的全球 - 本地相关(GLC)模块,以明确模拟全局令牌和每个本地令牌的相关性。我们在两个以自我为中心的视频数据集中验证了我们的模型-EGTEA凝视+和EGO4D。我们的详细消融研究证明了我们方法的好处。此外,我们的方法超过了先前的最新空间。我们还提供了其他可视化,以支持我们的主张,即全球 - 本地相关性是预测以自我为中心视频的凝视固定的关键表示。更多详细信息可以在我们的网站(https://bolinlai.github.io/glc-egogazeest)中找到。
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医疗人工智能(AI)的最新进展已提供了可以达到临床专家水平绩效的系统。但是,当在与训练环境不同的临床环境中评估时,这种系统往往会证明次优的“分布式”性能。一种常见的缓解策略是使用特定地点数据为每个临床环境开发单独的系统[1]。但是,这很快变得不切实际,因为医疗数据很耗时,可以注释且昂贵[2]。因此,“数据有效概括”的问题给医学AI开发带来了持续的困难。尽管代表性学习的进展显示出希望,但并未对其好处进行严格的研究,特别是用于分布的设置。为了应对这些挑战,我们提出了RESEDIS,这是一种统一的代表学习策略,以提高医学成像AI的鲁棒性和数据效率。雷雷迪斯使用大规模监督转移学习与自我监督学习的通用组合,几乎不需要特定于任务的自定义。我们研究各种医学成像任务,并使用回顾性数据模拟三个现实的应用程序场景。 RESEDIS表现出明显改善的分布性能,而在强有力的基线上,诊断准确性相对相对提高了11.5%。更重要的是,我们的策略会导致对医学成像AI的强大数据有效的概括,并使用跨任务的1%至33%的重新培训数据匹配强有力的监督基线。这些结果表明,Repedis可以显着加速医学成像AI开发的生命周期,从而为医学成像AI提供了重要的一步,以产生广泛的影响。
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