The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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深度学习(DL)模型为各种医学成像基准挑战提供了最先进的性能,包括脑肿瘤细分(BRATS)挑战。然而,局灶性病理多隔室分割(例如,肿瘤和病变子区)的任务特别具有挑战性,并且潜在的错误阻碍DL模型转化为临床工作流程。量化不确定形式的DL模型预测的可靠性,可以实现最不确定的地区的临床审查,从而建立信任并铺平临床翻译。最近,已经引入了许多不确定性估计方法,用于DL医学图像分割任务。开发指标评估和比较不确定性措施的表现将有助于最终用户制定更明智的决策。在本研究中,我们探索并评估在Brats 2019-2020任务期间开发的公制,以对不确定量化量化(Qu-Brats),并旨在评估和排列脑肿瘤多隔室分割的不确定性估计。该公制(1)奖励不确定性估计,对正确断言产生高置信度,以及在不正确的断言处分配低置信水平的估计数,(2)惩罚导致更高百分比的无关正确断言百分比的不确定性措施。我们进一步基准测试由14个独立参与的Qu-Brats 2020的分割不确定性,所有这些都参与了主要的Brats细分任务。总体而言,我们的研究结果证实了不确定性估计提供了分割算法的重要性和互补价值,因此突出了医学图像分析中不确定性量化的需求。我们的评估代码在HTTPS://公开提供。
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Foveated imaging provides a better tradeoff between situational awareness (field of view) and resolution and is critical in long-wavelength infrared regimes because of the size, weight, power, and cost of thermal sensors. We demonstrate computational foveated imaging by exploiting the ability of a meta-optical frontend to discriminate between different polarization states and a computational backend to reconstruct the captured image/video. The frontend is a three-element optic: the first element which we call the "foveal" element is a metalens that focuses s-polarized light at a distance of $f_1$ without affecting the p-polarized light; the second element which we call the "perifoveal" element is another metalens that focuses p-polarized light at a distance of $f_2$ without affecting the s-polarized light. The third element is a freely rotating polarizer that dynamically changes the mixing ratios between the two polarization states. Both the foveal element (focal length = 150mm; diameter = 75mm), and the perifoveal element (focal length = 25mm; diameter = 25mm) were fabricated as polarization-sensitive, all-silicon, meta surfaces resulting in a large-aperture, 1:6 foveal expansion, thermal imaging capability. A computational backend then utilizes a deep image prior to separate the resultant multiplexed image or video into a foveated image consisting of a high-resolution center and a lower-resolution large field of view context. We build a first-of-its-kind prototype system and demonstrate 12 frames per second real-time, thermal, foveated image, and video capture in the wild.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having a tremendous impact across most areas of science. Applications of AI in healthcare have the potential to improve our ability to detect, diagnose, prognose, and intervene on human disease. For AI models to be used clinically, they need to be made safe, reproducible and robust, and the underlying software framework must be aware of the particularities (e.g. geometry, physiology, physics) of medical data being processed. This work introduces MONAI, a freely available, community-supported, and consortium-led PyTorch-based framework for deep learning in healthcare. MONAI extends PyTorch to support medical data, with a particular focus on imaging, and provide purpose-specific AI model architectures, transformations and utilities that streamline the development and deployment of medical AI models. MONAI follows best practices for software-development, providing an easy-to-use, robust, well-documented, and well-tested software framework. MONAI preserves the simple, additive, and compositional approach of its underlying PyTorch libraries. MONAI is being used by and receiving contributions from research, clinical and industrial teams from around the world, who are pursuing applications spanning nearly every aspect of healthcare.
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当植物天然产物与药物共容纳时,就会发生药代动力学天然产物 - 药物相互作用(NPDIS)。了解NPDI的机制是防止不良事件的关键。我们构建了一个知识图框架NP-KG,作为迈向药代动力学NPDIS的计算发现的一步。 NP-KG是一个具有生物医学本体论,链接数据和科学文献的全文,由表型知识翻译框架和语义关系提取系统,SEMREP和集成网络和动态推理组成的构建的科学文献的全文。通过路径搜索和元路径发现对药代动力学绿茶和kratom-prug相互作用的案例研究评估NP-KG,以确定与地面真实数据相比的一致性和矛盾信息。完全集成的NP-KG由745,512个节点和7,249,576个边缘组成。 NP-KG的评估导致了一致(绿茶的38.98%,kratom的50%),矛盾(绿茶的15.25%,21.43%,Kratom的21.43%),同等和矛盾的(15.25%)(21.43%,21.43%,21.43% kratom)信息。几种声称的NPDI的潜在药代动力学机制,包括绿茶 - 茶氧化烯,绿茶 - 纳多洛尔,Kratom-Midazolam,Kratom-Quetiapine和Kratom-Venlafaxine相互作用,与已出版的文献一致。 NP-KG是第一个将生物医学本体论与专注于天然产品的科学文献的全文相结合的公斤。我们证明了NP-KG在鉴定涉及酶,转运蛋白和药物的药代动力学相互作用的应用。我们设想NP-KG将有助于改善人机合作,以指导研究人员将来对药代动力学NPDIS进行研究。 NP-KG框架可在和上公开获得。
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脑转移性疾病的治疗决策依赖于主要器官位点的知识,目前用活组织检查和组织学进行。在这里,我们开发了一种具有全脑MRI数据的准确非侵入性数字组织学的新型深度学习方法。我们的IRB批准的单网回顾性研究由患者(n = 1,399)组成,提及MRI治疗规划和伽马刀放射牢房超过19年。对比增强的T1加权和T2加权流体减毒的反转恢复脑MRI考试(n = 1,582)被预处理,并输入肿瘤细分,模态转移和主要部位分类的建议深度学习工作流程为五个课程之一(肺,乳腺,黑色素瘤,肾等)。十倍的交叉验证产生的总体AUC为0.947(95%CI:0.938,0.955),肺类AUC,0.899(95%CI:0.884,0.915),乳房类AUC为0.990(95%CI:0.983,0.997) ,黑色素瘤ACAC为0.882(95%CI:0.858,0.906),肾类AUC为0.870(95%CI:0.823,0.918),以及0.885的其他AUC(95%CI:0.843,0.949)。这些数据确定全脑成像特征是判别的,以便准确诊断恶性肿瘤的主要器官位点。我们的端到端深度射出方法具有巨大的分类来自全脑MRI图像的转移性肿瘤类型。进一步的细化可以提供一种无价的临床工具,以加快对精密治疗和改进的结果的原发性癌症现场鉴定。
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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) captures cross-sectional data and is used for the screening, monitoring, and treatment planning of retinal diseases. Technological developments to increase the speed of acquisition often results in systems with a narrower spectral bandwidth, and hence a lower axial resolution. Traditionally, image-processing-based techniques have been utilized to reconstruct subsampled OCT data and more recently, deep-learning-based methods have been explored. In this study, we simulate reduced axial scan (A-scan) resolution by Gaussian windowing in the spectral domain and investigate the use of a learning-based approach for image feature reconstruction. In anticipation of the reduced resolution that accompanies wide-field OCT systems, we build upon super-resolution techniques to explore methods to better aid clinicians in their decision-making to improve patient outcomes, by reconstructing lost features using a pixel-to-pixel approach with an altered super-resolution generative adversarial network (SRGAN) architecture.
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