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Inferring accurate posteriors for high-dimensional representations of the brightness of gravitationally-lensed sources is a major challenge, in part due to the difficulties of accurately quantifying the priors. Here, we report the use of a score-based model to encode the prior for the inference of undistorted images of background galaxies. This model is trained on a set of high-resolution images of undistorted galaxies. By adding the likelihood score to the prior score and using a reverse-time stochastic differential equation solver, we obtain samples from the posterior. Our method produces independent posterior samples and models the data almost down to the noise level. We show how the balance between the likelihood and the prior meet our expectations in an experiment with out-of-distribution data.
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Bayesian Inference offers principled tools to tackle many critical problems with modern neural networks such as poor calibration and generalization, and data inefficiency. However, scaling Bayesian inference to large architectures is challenging and requires restrictive approximations. Monte Carlo Dropout has been widely used as a relatively cheap way for approximate Inference and to estimate uncertainty with deep neural networks. Traditionally, the dropout mask is sampled independently from a fixed distribution. Recent works show that the dropout mask can be viewed as a latent variable, which can be inferred with variational inference. These methods face two important challenges: (a) the posterior distribution over masks can be highly multi-modal which can be difficult to approximate with standard variational inference and (b) it is not trivial to fully utilize sample-dependent information and correlation among dropout masks to improve posterior estimation. In this work, we propose GFlowOut to address these issues. GFlowOut leverages the recently proposed probabilistic framework of Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) to learn the posterior distribution over dropout masks. We empirically demonstrate that GFlowOut results in predictive distributions that generalize better to out-of-distribution data, and provide uncertainty estimates which lead to better performance in downstream tasks.
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生成流动网络(GFLOWNETS)是一种算法家族,用于训练在非均衡目标密度下离散对象的顺序采样器,并已成功用于各种概率建模任务。现有的Gflownets培训目标是国家本地的,或者是过渡的本地,或者在整个采样轨迹上传播奖励信号。我们认为,这些替代方案代表了梯度偏见变化权衡的相反目的,并提出了一种利用这种权衡以减轻其有害影响的方法。受到强化学习的TD($ \ lambda $)算法的启发,我们介绍了一个subtrajectory Balance或subtb($ \ lambda $),这是一个GFLOWNET培训目标,可以从不同长度的部分动作子序列中学习。我们表明,SubTB($ \ lambda $)会在先前研究和新环境中加速采样器的收敛,并在具有更长的动作序列和比以前的可能性更长的环境中培训Gflownets。我们还对随机梯度动力学进行了比较分析,阐明了GFLOWNET训练中的偏差变化权衡以及亚条件平衡的优势。
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我们考虑在模型中推断高维数据$ \ mathbf {x} $的问题,该模型由先前的$ p(\ mathbf {x})$和辅助约束$ c(\ mathbf {x},\ mathbf){y})$。在本文中,先验是一个独立训练的denoising扩散生成模型。辅助约束预计将具有可区分的形式,但可能来自不同的来源。这种推理的可能性将扩散模型转换为插件模块,从而允许在适应新域和任务(例如条件生成或图像分割)中进行一系列潜在应用。扩散模型的结构使我们能够通过通过固定的denoising网络迭代分化来执行近似推断,每个步骤在每个步骤中都有不同量的噪声。考虑到评估其健身的许多噪声版本的$ \ mathbf {x} $是一种新颖的搜索机制,可能导致新算法用于解决组合优化问题。
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