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Egocentric 3D human pose estimation with a single head-mounted fisheye camera has recently attracted attention due to its numerous applications in virtual and augmented reality. Existing methods still struggle in challenging poses where the human body is highly occluded or is closely interacting with the scene. To address this issue, we propose a scene-aware egocentric pose estimation method that guides the prediction of the egocentric pose with scene constraints. To this end, we propose an egocentric depth estimation network to predict the scene depth map from a wide-view egocentric fisheye camera while mitigating the occlusion of the human body with a depth-inpainting network. Next, we propose a scene-aware pose estimation network that projects the 2D image features and estimated depth map of the scene into a voxel space and regresses the 3D pose with a V2V network. The voxel-based feature representation provides the direct geometric connection between 2D image features and scene geometry, and further facilitates the V2V network to constrain the predicted pose based on the estimated scene geometry. To enable the training of the aforementioned networks, we also generated a synthetic dataset, called EgoGTA, and an in-the-wild dataset based on EgoPW, called EgoPW-Scene. The experimental results of our new evaluation sequences show that the predicted 3D egocentric poses are accurate and physically plausible in terms of human-scene interaction, demonstrating that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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Chronic pain is a multi-dimensional experience, and pain intensity plays an important part, impacting the patients emotional balance, psychology, and behaviour. Standard self-reporting tools, such as the Visual Analogue Scale for pain, fail to capture this burden. Moreover, this type of tools is susceptible to a degree of subjectivity, dependent on the patients clear understanding of how to use it, social biases, and their ability to translate a complex experience to a scale. To overcome these and other self-reporting challenges, pain intensity estimation has been previously studied based on facial expressions, electroencephalograms, brain imaging, and autonomic features. However, to the best of our knowledge, it has never been attempted to base this estimation on the patient narratives of the personal experience of chronic pain, which is what we propose in this work. Indeed, in the clinical assessment and management of chronic pain, verbal communication is essential to convey information to physicians that would otherwise not be easily accessible through standard reporting tools, since language, sociocultural, and psychosocial variables are intertwined. We show that language features from patient narratives indeed convey information relevant for pain intensity estimation, and that our computational models can take advantage of that. Specifically, our results show that patients with mild pain focus more on the use of verbs, whilst moderate and severe pain patients focus on adverbs, and nouns and adjectives, respectively, and that these differences allow for the distinction between these three pain classes.
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Current abstractive summarization systems present important weaknesses which prevent their deployment in real-world applications, such as the omission of relevant information and the generation of factual inconsistencies (also known as hallucinations). At the same time, automatic evaluation metrics such as CTC scores have been recently proposed that exhibit a higher correlation with human judgments than traditional lexical-overlap metrics such as ROUGE. In this work, we intend to close the loop by leveraging the recent advances in summarization metrics to create quality-aware abstractive summarizers. Namely, we propose an energy-based model that learns to re-rank summaries according to one or a combination of these metrics. We experiment using several metrics to train our energy-based re-ranker and show that it consistently improves the scores achieved by the predicted summaries. Nonetheless, human evaluation results show that the re-ranking approach should be used with care for highly abstractive summaries, as the available metrics are not yet sufficiently reliable for this purpose.
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在这项工作中,我们将注意力集中在数据分布与基于Q学基于Q学基于函数近似之间的相互作用的研究。我们提供了一个理论和实证分析,以及为什么数据分布的不同性质可以有助于调节算法不稳定性的来源。首先,我们重新审视近似动态编程算法性能的理论界限。其次,我们提供了一种新型的四态MDP,突出了在线和离线设置中具有功能近似的Q学习算法的数据分布的影响。最后,我们通过实验评估数据分布属性在离线深度Q网算法的性能中的影响。我们的结果表明:(i)数据分布需要拥有某些属性,以便在离线设置中鲁棒地学习,即距离MDP的最佳策略和高覆盖范围内的分布在状态 - 动作空间上的低距离; (ii)高熵数据分布可以有助于减轻算法不稳定性的来源。
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胶囊网络(CAPSNET)是图像处理的新兴趋势。与卷积神经网络相反,CAPSNET不容易受到对象变形的影响,因为对象的相对空间信息在整个网络中保存。但是,它们的复杂性主要与胶囊结构和动态路由机制有关,这使得以其原始形式部署封闭式以由小型微控制器(MCU)供电的设备几乎是不合理的。在一个智力从云到边缘迅速转移的时代,这种高复杂性对在边缘的采用capsnets的采用构成了严重的挑战。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一个API,用于执行ARM Cortex-M和RISC-V MCUS中的量化capsnet。我们的软件内核扩展了ARM CMSIS-NN和RISC-V PULP-NN,以用8位整数作为操作数支持胶囊操作。随之而来的是,我们提出了一个框架,以执行CAPSNET的训练后量化。结果显示,记忆足迹的减少近75%,准确性损失范围从0.07%到0.18%。在吞吐量方面,我们的ARM Cortex-M API可以分别在仅119.94和90.60毫秒(MS)的中型胶囊和胶囊层执行(STM32H7555ZIT6U,Cortex-M7 @ 480 MHz)。对于GAP-8 SOC(RISC-V RV32IMCXPULP @ 170 MHz),延迟分别降至7.02和38.03 ms。
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