An effective aggregation of node features into a graph-level representation via readout functions is an essential step in numerous learning tasks involving graph neural networks. Typically, readouts are simple and non-adaptive functions designed such that the resulting hypothesis space is permutation invariant. Prior work on deep sets indicates that such readouts might require complex node embeddings that can be difficult to learn via standard neighborhood aggregation schemes. Motivated by this, we investigate the potential of adaptive readouts given by neural networks that do not necessarily give rise to permutation invariant hypothesis spaces. We argue that in some problems such as binding affinity prediction where molecules are typically presented in a canonical form it might be possible to relax the constraints on permutation invariance of the hypothesis space and learn a more effective model of the affinity by employing an adaptive readout function. Our empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of neural readouts on more than 40 datasets spanning different domains and graph characteristics. Moreover, we observe a consistent improvement over standard readouts (i.e., sum, max, and mean) relative to the number of neighborhood aggregation iterations and different convolutional operators.
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As causal inference becomes more widespread the importance of having good tools to test for causal effects increases. In this work we focus on the problem of testing for causal effects that manifest in a difference in distribution for treatment and control. We build on work applying kernel methods to causality, considering the previously introduced Counterfactual Mean Embedding framework (\textsc{CfME}). We improve on this by proposing the \emph{Doubly Robust Counterfactual Mean Embedding} (\textsc{DR-CfME}), which has better theoretical properties than its predecessor by leveraging semiparametric theory. This leads us to propose new kernel based test statistics for distributional effects which are based upon doubly robust estimators of treatment effects. We propose two test statistics, one which is a direct improvement on previous work and one which can be applied even when the support of the treatment arm is a subset of that of the control arm. We demonstrate the validity of our methods on simulated and real-world data, as well as giving an application in off-policy evaluation.
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双簇算法分区数据并同时协变量,提供了几个领域的新见解,例如分析基因表达以发现新的生物学功能。本文使用能量距离(ED)和最大平均差异(MMD)的概念在抽象空间中开发了一种新的无模型双簇算法 - 能够处理复杂数据(例如曲线或图形)的概率分布之间的两个距离。所提出的方法比大多数现有文献方法都可以学习更多的通用和复杂的群集形状,这些方法通常着重于检测均值和方差差异。尽管我们的方法的两次簇配置受到限制,以在基准和协变量级别创建不相交结构,但结果是竞争性的。我们的结果与最佳场景中的最新方法相似,假设有适当的内核选择,当群集差异集中在高阶矩中时,它们的表现优于它们。该模型的性能已在涉及模拟和现实世界数据集的几种情况下进行了测试。最后,使用最佳运输理论的一些工具确定了新的理论一致性结果。
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In this paper we present Mask DINO, a unified object detection and segmentation framework. Mask DINO extends DINO (DETR with Improved Denoising Anchor Boxes) by adding a mask prediction branch which supports all image segmentation tasks (instance, panoptic, and semantic). It makes use of the query embeddings from DINO to dot-product a high-resolution pixel embedding map to predict a set of binary masks. Some key components in DINO are extended for segmentation through a shared architecture and training process. Mask DINO is simple, efficient, and scalable, and it can benefit from joint large-scale detection and segmentation datasets. Our experiments show that Mask DINO significantly outperforms all existing specialized segmentation methods, both on a ResNet-50 backbone and a pre-trained model with SwinL backbone. Notably, Mask DINO establishes the best results to date on instance segmentation (54.5 AP on COCO), panoptic segmentation (59.4 PQ on COCO), and semantic segmentation (60.8 mIoU on ADE20K) among models under one billion parameters. Code is available at \url{}.
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While preference modelling is becoming one of the pillars of machine learning, the problem of preference explanation remains challenging and underexplored. In this paper, we propose \textsc{Pref-SHAP}, a Shapley value-based model explanation framework for pairwise comparison data. We derive the appropriate value functions for preference models and further extend the framework to model and explain \emph{context specific} information, such as the surface type in a tennis game. To demonstrate the utility of \textsc{Pref-SHAP}, we apply our method to a variety of synthetic and real-world datasets and show that richer and more insightful explanations can be obtained over the baseline.
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我们将Dino(\ textbf {d} etr与\ textbf {i} mpred de \ textbf {n} oising hand \ textbf {o} r boxes),一种最先进的端到端对象检测器。 % 在本文中。 Dino通过使用一种对比度方法来降级训练,一种用于锚定初始化的混合查询选择方法以及对盒子预测的两次方案,通过使用对比的方式来改善性能和效率的模型。 Dino在$ 12 $时代获得$ 49.4 $ ap,$ 12.3 $ ap in Coco $ 24 $时期,带有Resnet-50骨干和多尺度功能,可显着改善$ \ textbf {+6.0} $ \ textbf {ap}和ap {ap}和ap}和$ \ textbf {+2.7} $ \ textbf {ap}与以前的最佳detr样模型相比,分别是dn-detr。 Dino在模型大小和数据大小方面都很好地缩放。没有铃铛和哨子,在对objects365数据集进行了swinl骨架的预训练后,Dino在两个Coco \ texttt {val2017}($ \ textbf {63.2} $ \ textbf {ap ap})和\ testtt { -dev}(\ textbf {$ \ textbf {63.3} $ ap})。与排行榜上的其他模型相比,Dino大大降低了其模型大小和预训练数据大小,同时实现了更好的结果。我们的代码将在\ url {}提供。
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随着混凝剂的数量增加,因果推理越来越复杂。给定护理$ x $,混淆器$ z $和结果$ y $,我们开发一个非参数方法来测试\ texit {do-null}假设$ h_0:\; p(y | \ text {\它do}(x = x))= p(y)$违反替代方案。在Hilbert Schmidt独立性标准(HSIC)上进行边缘独立性测试,我们提出了后门 - HSIC(BD-HSIC)并证明它被校准,并且在大量混淆下具有二元和连续治疗的力量。此外,我们建立了BD-HSIC中使用的协方差运算符的估计的收敛性质。我们研究了BD-HSIC对参数测试的优点和缺点以及与边缘独立测试或有条件独立测试相比使用DO-NULL测试的重要性。可以在\超链接{https:/} {\ texttt {}}完整的实现。
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