开发有效的自动分类器将真实来源与工件分开,对于宽场光学调查的瞬时随访至关重要。在图像差异过程之后,从减法伪像的瞬态检测鉴定是此类分类器的关键步骤,称为真实 - 博格斯分类问题。我们将自我监督的机器学习模型,深入的自组织地图(DESOM)应用于这个“真实的模拟”分类问题。 DESOM结合了自动编码器和一个自组织图以执行聚类,以根据其维度降低的表示形式来区分真实和虚假的检测。我们使用32x32归一化检测缩略图作为底部的输入。我们展示了不同的模型训练方法,并发现我们的最佳DESOM分类器显示出6.6%的检测率,假阳性率为1.5%。 Desom提供了一种更细微的方法来微调决策边界,以确定与其他类型的分类器(例如在神经网络或决策树上构建的)结合使用时可能进行的实际检测。我们还讨论了DESOM及其局限性的其他潜在用法。
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In the Earth's magnetosphere, there are fewer than a dozen dedicated probes beyond low-Earth orbit making in-situ observations at any given time. As a result, we poorly understand its global structure and evolution, the mechanisms of its main activity processes, magnetic storms, and substorms. New Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, including machine learning, data mining, and data assimilation, as well as new AI-enabled missions will need to be developed to meet this Sparse Data challenge.
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Test log-likelihood is commonly used to compare different models of the same data and different approximate inference algorithms for fitting the same probabilistic model. We present simple examples demonstrating how comparisons based on test log-likelihood can contradict comparisons according to other objectives. Specifically, our examples show that (i) conclusions about forecast accuracy based on test log-likelihood comparisons may not agree with conclusions based on other distributional quantities like means; and (ii) that approximate Bayesian inference algorithms that attain higher test log-likelihoods need not also yield more accurate posterior approximations.
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Skull Stripping is a requisite preliminary step in most diagnostic neuroimaging applications. Manual Skull Stripping methods define the gold standard for the domain but are time-consuming and challenging to integrate into pro-cessing pipelines with a high number of data samples. Automated methods are an active area of research for head MRI segmentation, especially deep learning methods such as U-Net architecture implementations. This study compares Vanilla, Residual, and Dense 2D U-Net architectures for Skull Stripping. The Dense 2D U-Net architecture outperforms the Vanilla and Residual counterparts by achieving an accuracy of 99.75% on a test dataset. It is observed that dense interconnections in a U-Net encourage feature reuse across layers of the architecture and allow for shallower models with the strengths of a deeper network.
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Human behavior emerges from planning over elaborate decompositions of tasks into goals, subgoals, and low-level actions. How are these decompositions created and used? Here, we propose and evaluate a normative framework for task decomposition based on the simple idea that people decompose tasks to reduce the overall cost of planning while maintaining task performance. Analyzing 11,117 distinct graph-structured planning tasks, we find that our framework justifies several existing heuristics for task decomposition and makes predictions that can be distinguished from two alternative normative accounts. We report a behavioral study of task decomposition ($N=806$) that uses 30 randomly sampled graphs, a larger and more diverse set than that of any previous behavioral study on this topic. We find that human responses are more consistent with our framework for task decomposition than alternative normative accounts and are most consistent with a heuristic -- betweenness centrality -- that is justified by our approach. Taken together, our results provide new theoretical insight into the computational principles underlying the intelligent structuring of goal-directed behavior.
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The SNMMI Artificial Intelligence (SNMMI-AI) Summit, organized by the SNMMI AI Task Force, took place in Bethesda, MD on March 21-22, 2022. It brought together various community members and stakeholders from academia, healthcare, industry, patient representatives, and government (NIH, FDA), and considered various key themes to envision and facilitate a bright future for routine, trustworthy use of AI in nuclear medicine. In what follows, essential issues, challenges, controversies and findings emphasized in the meeting are summarized.
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ICECUBE是一种用于检测1 GEV和1 PEV之间大气和天体中微子的光学传感器的立方公斤阵列,该阵列已部署1.45 km至2.45 km的南极的冰盖表面以下1.45 km至2.45 km。来自ICE探测器的事件的分类和重建在ICeCube数据分析中起着核心作用。重建和分类事件是一个挑战,这是由于探测器的几何形状,不均匀的散射和冰中光的吸收,并且低于100 GEV的光,每个事件产生的信号光子数量相对较少。为了应对这一挑战,可以将ICECUBE事件表示为点云图形,并将图形神经网络(GNN)作为分类和重建方法。 GNN能够将中微子事件与宇宙射线背景区分开,对不同的中微子事件类型进行分类,并重建沉积的能量,方向和相互作用顶点。基于仿真,我们提供了1-100 GEV能量范围的比较与当前ICECUBE分析中使用的当前最新最大似然技术,包括已知系统不确定性的影响。对于中微子事件分类,与当前的IceCube方法相比,GNN以固定的假阳性速率(FPR)提高了信号效率的18%。另外,GNN在固定信号效率下将FPR的降低超过8(低于半百分比)。对于能源,方向和相互作用顶点的重建,与当前最大似然技术相比,分辨率平均提高了13%-20%。当在GPU上运行时,GNN能够以几乎是2.7 kHz的中位数ICECUBE触发速率的速率处理ICECUBE事件,这打开了在在线搜索瞬态事件中使用低能量中微子的可能性。
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