Recent advances in deep learning research, such as transformers, have bolstered the ability for automated agents to generate creative texts similar to those that a human would write. By default, transformer decoders can only generate new text with respect to previously generated text. The output distribution of candidate tokens at any position is conditioned on previously selected tokens using a self-attention mechanism to emulate the property of autoregression. This is inherently limiting for tasks such as controllable story generation where it may be necessary to condition on future plot events when writing a story. In this work, we propose Future Sight, a method for finetuning a pretrained generative transformer on the task of future conditioning. Transformer decoders are typically pretrained on the task of completing a context, one token at a time, by means of self-attention. Future Sight additionally enables a decoder to attend to an encoded future plot event. This motivates the decoder to expand on the context in a way that logically concludes with the provided future. During inference, the future plot event can be written by a human author to steer the narrative being generated in a certain direction. We evaluate the efficacy of our approach on a story generation task with human evaluators.
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在这项研究中,将放射学方法扩展到用于组织分类的光学荧光分子成像数据,称为“验光”。荧光分子成像正在出现在头颈部鳞状细胞癌(HNSCC)切除期间的精确手术引导。然而,肿瘤到正常的组织对比与靶分子表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)的异质表达的内在生理局限性混淆。验光学试图通过探测荧光传达的EGFR表达中的质地模式差异来改善肿瘤识别。从荧光图像样品中提取了总共1,472个标准化的验光特征。涉及支持矢量机分类器的监督机器学习管道接受了25个顶级功能的培训,这些功能由最小冗余最大相关标准选择。通过将切除组织的图像贴片分类为组织学确认的恶性肿瘤状态,将模型预测性能与荧光强度阈值方法进行了比较。与荧光强度阈值方法相比,验光方法在所有测试集样品中提供了一致的预测准确性(无剂量)(平均精度为89%vs. 81%; P = 0.0072)。改进的性能表明,将放射线学方法扩展到荧光分子成像数据为荧光引导手术中的癌症检测提供了有希望的图像分析技术。
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神经网络的越来越大的规模及其越来越多的应用空间对更高的能量和记忆有效的人工智能特定硬件产生了需求。 venues为了缓解主要问题,von neumann瓶颈,包括内存和近记忆架构,以及算法方法。在这里,我们利用磁隧道结(MTJ)的低功耗和固有的二进制操作来展示基于MTJ的无源阵列的神经网络硬件推断。通常,由于设备到装置的变化,写入误差,寄生电阻和非前沿,在性能下将训练的网络模型转移到推动的硬件。为了量化这些硬件现实的效果,我们将300个唯一重量矩阵解决方案的23个唯一的重量矩阵解决方案进行分类,以分类葡萄酒数据集,用于分类准确性和写真保真度。尽管设备不完美,我们可以实现高达95.3%的软件等效精度,并在15 x 15 MTJ阵列中正确调整具有一系列设备尺寸的阵列。此调谐过程的成功表明,需要新的指标来表征混合信号硬件中再现的网络的性能和质量。
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异常气道扩张,称为牵引支气管扩张,是特发性肺纤维化(IPF)的典型特征。体积计算断层扫描(CT)成像捕获IPF中逐渐变细的丢失。我们假设气道异常的自动化量化可以提供IPF疾病程度和严重程度的估算。我们提出了一种自动化计算管道,系统地将气道树木从基于深度学习的气道分割中划分到其裂片和世代分支,从而从胸部CT获得气道结构措施。重要的是,透气阻止通过厚波传播的杂散气道分支的发生,并通过图表搜索去除气道树中的环,克服现有气道骨架算法的限制。在14名健康参与者和14名IPF患者之间比较了透气段(跨空间)和透气曲线曲线之间的逐渐变化。 IPF患者中,Airway interberering显着降低,与健康对照相比,Airway曲线曲调显着增加。差异在下叶中最大标记,符合IPF相关损伤的典型分布。透气是一种开源管道,避免了现有的气道定量算法的限制,并具有临床解释性。自动化气道测量可能具有作为IPF严重程度和疾病程度的新型成像生物标志物。
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在本文中,我们介绍了四种突出的恶意软件检测工具的科学评估,以帮助组织提出两个主要问题:基于ML的工具在多大程度上对以前和从未见过的文件进行了准确的分类?是否值得购买网络级恶意软件检测器?为了识别弱点,我们针对各种文件类型的总计3,536个文件(2,554或72 \%恶意,982或28 \%良性)测试了每个工具,包括数百个恶意零日,polyglots和apt-style-style style文件,在多个协议上交付。我们介绍了有关检测时间和准确性的统计结果,请考虑互补分析(一起使用多个工具),并提供了近期成本效益评估程序的两种新颖应用。尽管基于ML的工具在检测零日文件和可执行文件方面更有效,但基于签名的工具仍然是总体上更好的选择。两种基于网络的工具都与任何一种主机工具配对时都可以进行大量(模拟)节省,但两者在HTTP或SMTP以外的协议上都显示出较差的检测率。我们的结果表明,所有四个工具都具有几乎完美的精度但令人震惊的召回率,尤其是在可执行文件和Office文件以外的文件类型上 - 未检测到37%的恶意软件,包括所有Polyglot文件。给出了研究人员的优先事项,并给出了最终用户的外卖。
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In this paper, we propose a novel technique, namely INVALIDATOR, to automatically assess the correctness of APR-generated patches via semantic and syntactic reasoning. INVALIDATOR reasons about program semantic via program invariants while it also captures program syntax via language semantic learned from large code corpus using the pre-trained language model. Given a buggy program and the developer-patched program, INVALIDATOR infers likely invariants on both programs. Then, INVALIDATOR determines that a APR-generated patch overfits if: (1) it violates correct specifications or (2) maintains errors behaviors of the original buggy program. In case our approach fails to determine an overfitting patch based on invariants, INVALIDATOR utilizes a trained model from labeled patches to assess patch correctness based on program syntax. The benefit of INVALIDATOR is three-fold. First, INVALIDATOR is able to leverage both semantic and syntactic reasoning to enhance its discriminant capability. Second, INVALIDATOR does not require new test cases to be generated but instead only relies on the current test suite and uses invariant inference to generalize the behaviors of a program. Third, INVALIDATOR is fully automated. We have conducted our experiments on a dataset of 885 patches generated on real-world programs in Defects4J. Experiment results show that INVALIDATOR correctly classified 79% overfitting patches, accounting for 23% more overfitting patches being detected by the best baseline. INVALIDATOR also substantially outperforms the best baselines by 14% and 19% in terms of Accuracy and F-Measure, respectively.
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When robots learn reward functions using high capacity models that take raw state directly as input, they need to both learn a representation for what matters in the task -- the task ``features" -- as well as how to combine these features into a single objective. If they try to do both at once from input designed to teach the full reward function, it is easy to end up with a representation that contains spurious correlations in the data, which fails to generalize to new settings. Instead, our ultimate goal is to enable robots to identify and isolate the causal features that people actually care about and use when they represent states and behavior. Our idea is that we can tune into this representation by asking users what behaviors they consider similar: behaviors will be similar if the features that matter are similar, even if low-level behavior is different; conversely, behaviors will be different if even one of the features that matter differs. This, in turn, is what enables the robot to disambiguate between what needs to go into the representation versus what is spurious, as well as what aspects of behavior can be compressed together versus not. The notion of learning representations based on similarity has a nice parallel in contrastive learning, a self-supervised representation learning technique that maps visually similar data points to similar embeddings, where similarity is defined by a designer through data augmentation heuristics. By contrast, in order to learn the representations that people use, so we can learn their preferences and objectives, we use their definition of similarity. In simulation as well as in a user study, we show that learning through such similarity queries leads to representations that, while far from perfect, are indeed more generalizable than self-supervised and task-input alternatives.
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