在存在未衡量的混杂因素的情况下,我们解决了数据融合的治疗效应估计问题,即在不同的治疗分配机制下收集的多个数据集。例如,营销人员可以在不同时间/地点为相同产品分配不同的广告策略。为了处理由未衡量的混杂因素和数据融合引起的偏见,我们建议将观察数据分为多组(每个组具有独立治疗分配机制),然后将组指标显式地模拟为潜在的组仪器变量(LATGIV),将其模拟为实施基于IV的回归。在本文中,我们概念化了这种思想,并开发了一个统一的框架,以(1)估计跨群体观察到的变量的分布差异; (2)对不同治疗分配机制的LATGIV模型; (3)插入latgivs以估计治疗响应函数。经验结果证明了与最新方法相比,LATGIV的优势。
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最近,越来越多的努力用于学习符号知识库(KB)的持续表示。但是,这些方法要么仅嵌入数据级知识(ABOX),要么在处理概念级知识(Tbox)时受到固有的局限性,即它们不能忠实地对KBS中存在的逻辑结构进行建模。我们提出了Boxel,这是一种几何KB嵌入方法,可以更好地捕获描述逻辑EL ++中的逻辑结构(即Abox和Tbox Axioms)。 Boxel模型在Kb中作为轴平行框,适用于建模概念交叉点,作为点内部的实体以及概念/实体之间的关系作为仿射转换。我们展示了Boxel的理论保证(声音),以保存逻辑结构。也就是说,有损耗0的框嵌入模型是KB​​的(逻辑)模型。实验结果(合理)补充推理和用于蛋白质 - 蛋白质预测的现实世界应用的结果表明,Boxel的表现优于传统知识图嵌入方法以及最先进的EL ++嵌入方法。
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While today's video recognition systems parse snapshots or short clips accurately, they cannot connect the dots and reason across a longer range of time yet. Most existing video architectures can only process <5 seconds of a video without hitting the computation or memory bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose a new strategy to overcome this challenge. Instead of trying to process more frames at once like most existing methods, we propose to process videos in an online fashion and cache "memory" at each iteration. Through the memory, the model can reference prior context for long-term modeling, with only a marginal cost. Based on this idea, we build MeMViT, a Memory-augmented Multiscale Vision Transformer, that has a temporal support 30x longer than existing models with only 4.5% more compute; traditional methods need >3,000% more compute to do the same. On a wide range of settings, the increased temporal support enabled by MeMViT brings large gains in recognition accuracy consistently. MeMViT obtains state-of-the-art results on the AVA, EPIC-Kitchens-100 action classification, and action anticipation datasets. Code and models are available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/memvit.
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Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are powerful frameworks for learning embeddings of graph-structured data. GCNs are traditionally studied through the lens of Euclidean geometry. Recent works find that non-Euclidean Riemannian manifolds provide specific inductive biases for embedding hierarchical or spherical data. However, they cannot align well with data of mixed graph topologies. We consider a larger class of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds that generalize hyperboloid and sphere. We develop new geodesic tools that allow for extending neural network operations into geodesically disconnected pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. As a consequence, we derive a pseudo-Riemannian GCN that models data in pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of constant nonzero curvature in the context of graph neural networks. Our method provides a geometric inductive bias that is sufficiently flexible to model mixed heterogeneous topologies like hierarchical graphs with cycles. We demonstrate the representational capabilities of this method by applying it to the tasks of graph reconstruction, node classification and link prediction on a series of standard graphs with mixed topologies. Empirical results demonstrate that our method outperforms Riemannian counterparts when embedding graphs of complex topologies.
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We present Multiscale Vision Transformers (MViT) for video and image recognition, by connecting the seminal idea of multiscale feature hierarchies with transformer models. Multiscale Transformers have several channel-resolution scale stages. Starting from the input resolution and a small channel dimension, the stages hierarchically expand the channel capacity while reducing the spatial resolution. This creates a multiscale pyramid of features with early layers operating at high spatial resolution to model simple low-level visual information, and deeper layers at spatially coarse, but complex, high-dimensional features. We evaluate this fundamental architectural prior for modeling the dense nature of visual signals for a variety of video recognition tasks where it outperforms concurrent vision transformers that rely on large scale external pre-training and are 5-10× more costly in computation and parameters. We further remove the temporal dimension and apply our model for image classification where it outperforms prior work on vision transformers. Code is available at: https: //github.com/facebookresearch/SlowFast.
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