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Privacy protection and nonconvexity are two challenging problems in decentralized optimization and learning involving sensitive data. Despite some recent advances addressing each of the two problems separately, no results have been reported that have theoretical guarantees on both privacy protection and saddle/maximum avoidance in decentralized nonconvex optimization. We propose a new algorithm for decentralized nonconvex optimization that can enable both rigorous differential privacy and saddle/maximum avoiding performance. The new algorithm allows the incorporation of persistent additive noise to enable rigorous differential privacy for data samples, gradients, and intermediate optimization variables without losing provable convergence, and thus circumventing the dilemma of trading accuracy for privacy in differential privacy design. More interestingly, the algorithm is theoretically proven to be able to efficiently { guarantee accuracy by avoiding} convergence to local maxima and saddle points, which has not been reported before in the literature on decentralized nonconvex optimization. The algorithm is efficient in both communication (it only shares one variable in each iteration) and computation (it is encryption-free), and hence is promising for large-scale nonconvex optimization and learning involving high-dimensional optimization parameters. Numerical experiments for both a decentralized estimation problem and an Independent Component Analysis (ICA) problem confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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This study considers a federated learning setup where cost-sensitive and strategic agents train a learning model with a server. During each round, each agent samples a minibatch of training data and sends his gradient update. As an increasing function of his minibatch size choice, the agent incurs a cost associated with the data collection, gradient computation and communication. The agents have the freedom to choose their minibatch size and may even opt out from training. To reduce his cost, an agent may diminish his minibatch size, which may also cause an increase in the noise level of the gradient update. The server can offer rewards to compensate the agents for their costs and to incentivize their participation but she lacks the capability of validating the true minibatch sizes of the agents. To tackle this challenge, the proposed reward mechanism evaluates the quality of each agent's gradient according to the its distance to a reference which is constructed from the gradients provided by other agents. It is shown that the proposed reward mechanism has a cooperative Nash equilibrium in which the agents determine the minibatch size choices according to the requests of the server.
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As the interest to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is growing, the importance of benchmarking and performance characterization studies of GNNs is increasing. So far, we have seen many studies that investigate and present the performance and computational efficiency of GNNs. However, the work done so far has been carried out using a few high-level GNN frameworks. Although these frameworks provide ease of use, they contain too many dependencies to other existing libraries. The layers of implementation details and the dependencies complicate the performance analysis of GNN models that are built on top of these frameworks, especially while using architectural simulators. Furthermore, different approaches on GNN computation are generally overlooked in prior characterization studies, and merely one of the common computational models is evaluated. Based on these shortcomings and needs that we observed, we developed a benchmark suite that is framework independent, supporting versatile computational models, easily configurable and can be used with architectural simulators without additional effort. Our benchmark suite, which we call gSuite, makes use of only hardware vendor's libraries and therefore it is independent of any other frameworks. gSuite enables performing detailed performance characterization studies on GNN Inference using both contemporary GPU profilers and architectural GPU simulators. To illustrate the benefits of our new benchmark suite, we perform a detailed characterization study with a set of well-known GNN models with various datasets; running gSuite both on a real GPU card and a timing-detailed GPU simulator. We also implicate the effect of computational models on performance. We use several evaluation metrics to rigorously measure the performance of GNN computation.
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我们考虑一个多代理网络,其中每个节点具有随机(本地)成本函数,这取决于该节点的决策变量和随机变量,并且进一步的相邻节点的判定变量是成对受约束的。网络具有总体目标函数,其在节点处的本地成本函数的预期值ack,以及网络的总体目标是将该聚合目标函数的最小化解决方案最小化为所有成对约束。这将在节点级别使用分散的信息和本地计算来实现,其中仅具有相邻节点允许的压缩信息的交换。该文件开发算法,并在节点上获得两个不同型号的本地信息可用性模型的性能界限:(i)样本反馈,其中每个节点可以直接访问局部随机变量的样本,以评估其本地成本,(ii)babrit反馈,其中无随机变量的样本不可用,但只有每个节点可用的两个随机点处的本地成本函数的值可用。对于两种模型,具有邻居之间的压缩通信,我们开发了分散的骑马点算法,从没有通信压缩的那些没有不同(符号意义)的表现;具体而言,我们表明,与全局最小值和违反约束的偏差是由$ \ mathcal {o}的大约限制(t ^ { - \ frac {1} {2}})$和$ \ mathcal {o} (t ^ { - \ frac {1} {4}})分别为$ t $是迭代次数。本文中提供的数值例子证实了这些界限并证明了所提出的方法的通信效率。
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