农民常规施用氮气(N)肥料以增加作物产量。目前,农民经常在某些位置或时间点上过度应用N肥料,因为它们没有高分辨率作物N状态数据。 N用效率可以很低,剩下的N损失环境,导致生产成本高,环境污染。准确和及时估计作物中的N状况至关重要,从而提高种植系统的经济和环境可持续性。基于组织分析的常规方法在实验室中估算植物中的N个状态是耗时和破坏性的。遥感和机器学习的最新进展表明了以非破坏性方式解决上述挑战的承诺。我们提出了一种新的深度学习框架:一种基于频道空间关注的视觉变压器(CSVT),用于估计从麦田中从UAV收集的大图像的作物N状态。与现有的作品不同,所提出的CSVT引入了通道注意力块(CAB)和空间交互块(SIB),其允许捕获来自UAV数字空中图像的空间和通道功能的非线性特性,以获得准确的N状态预测在小麦作物。此外,由于获得标记的数据是耗时且昂贵的,因此引入了本地到全局自我监督的学习,以预先培训CSVT,具有广泛的未标记数据。建议的CSVT与最先进的模型进行了比较,在测试和独立数据集上进行测试和验证。该方法实现了高精度(0.96),具有良好的普遍性和对小麦N状况估算的再现性。
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Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) are emerging as a ubiquitous scene representation that allows for novel view synthesis. Increasingly, NeRFs will be shareable with other people. Before sharing a NeRF, though, it might be desirable to remove personal information or unsightly objects. Such removal is not easily achieved with the current NeRF editing frameworks. We propose a framework to remove objects from a NeRF representation created from an RGB-D sequence. Our NeRF inpainting method leverages recent work in 2D image inpainting and is guided by a user-provided mask. Our algorithm is underpinned by a confidence based view selection procedure. It chooses which of the individual 2D inpainted images to use in the creation of the NeRF, so that the resulting inpainted NeRF is 3D consistent. We show that our method for NeRF editing is effective for synthesizing plausible inpaintings in a multi-view coherent manner. We validate our approach using a new and still-challenging dataset for the task of NeRF inpainting.
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The Codex model has demonstrated extraordinary competence in synthesizing code from natural language problem descriptions. However, in order to reveal unknown failure modes and hidden biases, such large-scale models must be systematically subjected to multiple and diverse evaluation studies. In this work, we evaluate the code synthesis capabilities of the Codex model based on a set of 115 Python problem statements from a popular competitive programming portal: HackerRank. Our evaluation shows that Codex is indeed proficient in Python, solving 96% of the problems in a zero-shot setting, and 100% of the problems in a few-shot setting. However, Codex exhibits clear signs of generating memorized code based on our evaluation. This is alarming, especially since the adoption and use of such models could directly impact how code is written and produced in the foreseeable future. With this in mind, we further discuss and highlight some of the prominent risks associated with large-scale models of source code. Finally, we propose a framework for code-synthesis evaluation using variations of problem statements based on mutations.
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当前在提取问题答案(EQA)中进行的研究对单跨度提取设置进行了建模,其中单个答案跨度是可以预测给定问题对对的标签。对于通用域EQA来说,这种设置是自然的,因为可以单个跨度可以回答通用域中的大多数问题。遵循通用域EQA模型,当前的生物医学EQA(BIOEQA)模型利用单跨度提取设置,采用后处理步骤。在本文中,我们调查了整个普通和生物医学领域的问题分布,发现生物医学问题更可能需要列表型答案(多个答案),而不是Factoid-type答案(单个答案)。这需要能够为问题提供多个答案的模型。基于这项初步研究,我们为Bioeqa提出了一种序列标记方法,Bioeqa是一种多跨度提取设置。我们的方法直接以不同数量的短语作为答案来解决问题,并可以学会从培训数据中确定问题的答案数量。我们在BioASQ 7B和8B列表类型问题上的实验结果优于表现最佳的现有模型,而无需进行后处理步骤。源代码和资源可免费下载,网址为https://github.com/dmis-lab/seqtagqa
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Multiple lines of evidence strongly suggest that infection hotspots, where a single individual infects many others, play a key role in the transmission dynamics of COVID-19. However, most of the existing epidemiological models fail to capture this aspect by neither representing the sites visited by individuals explicitly nor characterizing disease transmission as a function of individual mobility patterns. In this work, we introduce a temporal point process modeling framework that specifically represents visits to the sites where individuals get in contact and infect each other. Under our model, the number of infections caused by an infectious individual naturally emerges to be overdispersed. Using an efficient sampling algorithm, we demonstrate how to estimate the transmission rate of infectious individuals at the sites they visit and in their households using Bayesian optimization and longitudinal case data. Simulations using fine-grained and publicly available demographic data and site locations from Bern, Switzerland showcase the flexibility of our framework. To facilitate research and analyses of other cities and regions, we release an open-source implementation of our framework.
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