端到端(E2E)自动语音识别模型如经常性神经网络传感器(RNN-T)正成为流媒体级语音助手的流行选择。虽然E2E模型在学习培训数据的学习代表时非常有效,但他们对看不见的域的准确性仍然是一个具有挑战性的问题。此外,这些模型需要配对的音频和文本培训数据,计算得昂贵,并且难以适应对话语音的快速不断发展的性质。在这项工作中,我们探讨了使用利用文本数据源的似然比来调整RNN-T模型的上下文偏置方法。我们表明这种方法在提高稀有单词识别方面是有效的,并导致在多个OUT的N-BEST ORACLE WER(n = 8)中为10%的相对提高10%,在多个外部域数据集没有常规数据集没有任何劣化。我们还表明,通过适应第二遍辅助模型的互补偏置适应性提供了加性WER改进。
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自动语音识别(ASR)系统已经发现它们在非常多样化的域中的众多工业应用中使用。由于域 - 特定于域的系统比域名评估的通用对应力更好,因此对内存和计算有效的域适应的需要是显而易见的。特别是,适用用于救援ASR假设的基于参数的基于变压器的语言模型是具有挑战性的。在这项工作中,我们引入域提示,一种方法,该方法列举了少数域令牌嵌入参数以将基于变压器的LM归入特定域。只需少数额外的额外参数,我们通过使用未存在的LM的基线达到7-14%的效率。尽管具有参数效率,但这些改进与具有数亿参数的完全精细调谐模型的改进相当。通过提示,数据集大小,初始化和域的消融,我们提供了在ASR系统中使用域提示的优势的证据。
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格子形成了从自动语音识别系统产生的多个假设的紧凑型表示,并且已被证明可以提高与使用一个最佳假设的口语理解和语音转换等下游任务的性能。在这项工作中,我们展望了莱迪思提示在二次通过中抢救N-Best列表的有效性。我们用经常性网络编码格子,并培训注意Encoder-解码器模型,用于N-Best Rescoring。重新调用模型的重点模型在首先达到4-5%的相对字错误率和6-8%,注意到晶格和声学特征。我们展示了救援模型,注意了格格特优于模型,以注意力为N-Best假设。我们还研究了不同的方法来纳入格子编码器中的晶格重量,并展示他们对N-Best Rescoring的重要性。
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Large pre-trained models, such as Bert, GPT, and Wav2Vec, have demonstrated great potential for learning representations that are transferable to a wide variety of downstream tasks . It is difficult to obtain a large quantity of supervised data due to the limited availability of resources and time. In light of this, a significant amount of research has been conducted in the area of adopting large pre-trained datasets for diverse downstream tasks via fine tuning, linear probing, or prompt tuning in low resource settings. Normalization techniques are essential for accelerating training and improving the generalization of deep neural networks and have been successfully used in a wide variety of applications. A lot of normalization techniques have been proposed but the success of normalization in low resource downstream NLP and speech tasks is limited. One of the reasons is the inability to capture expressiveness by rescaling parameters of normalization. We propose KullbackLeibler(KL) Regularized normalization (KL-Norm) which make the normalized data well behaved and helps in better generalization as it reduces over-fitting, generalises well on out of domain distributions and removes irrelevant biases and features with negligible increase in model parameters and memory overheads. Detailed experimental evaluation on multiple low resource NLP and speech tasks, demonstrates the superior performance of KL-Norm as compared to other popular normalization and regularization techniques.
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We present Mu$^{2}$SLAM, a multilingual sequence-to-sequence model pre-trained jointly on unlabeled speech, unlabeled text and supervised data spanning Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Automatic Speech Translation (AST) and Machine Translation (MT), in over 100 languages. By leveraging a quantized representation of speech as a target, Mu$^{2}$SLAM trains the speech-text models with a sequence-to-sequence masked denoising objective similar to T5 on the decoder and a masked language modeling (MLM) objective on the encoder, for both unlabeled speech and text, while utilizing the supervised tasks to improve cross-lingual and cross-modal representation alignment within the model. On CoVoST AST, Mu$^{2}$SLAM establishes a new state-of-the-art for models trained on public datasets, improving on xx-en translation over the previous best by 1.9 BLEU points and on en-xx translation by 1.1 BLEU points. On Voxpopuli ASR, our model matches the performance of an mSLAM model fine-tuned with an RNN-T decoder, despite using a relatively weaker sequence-to-sequence architecture. On text understanding tasks, our model improves by more than 6\% over mSLAM on XNLI, getting closer to the performance of mT5 models of comparable capacity on XNLI and TydiQA, paving the way towards a single model for all speech and text understanding tasks.
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End-to-end text-to-speech (TTS) systems have been developed for European languages like English and Spanish with state-of-the-art speech quality, prosody, and naturalness. However, development of end-to-end TTS for Indian languages is lagging behind in terms of quality. The challenges involved in such a task are: 1) scarcity of quality training data; 2) low efficiency during training and inference; 3) slow convergence in the case of large vocabulary size. In our work reported in this paper, we have investigated the use of fine-tuning the English-pretrained Tacotron2 model with limited Sanskrit data to synthesize natural sounding speech in Sanskrit in low resource settings. Our experiments show encouraging results, achieving an overall MOS of 3.38 from 37 evaluators with good Sanskrit spoken knowledge. This is really a very good result, considering the fact that the speech data we have used is of duration 2.5 hours only.
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Our education system comprises a series of curricula. For example, when we learn mathematics at school, we learn in order from addition, to multiplication, and later to integration. Delineating a curriculum for teaching either a human or a machine shares the underlying goal of maximizing the positive knowledge transfer from early to later tasks and minimizing forgetting of the early tasks. Here, we exhaustively surveyed the effect of curricula on existing continual learning algorithms in the class-incremental setting, where algorithms must learn classes one at a time from a continuous stream of data. We observed that across a breadth of possible class orders (curricula), curricula influence the retention of information and that this effect is not just a product of stochasticity. Further, as a primary effort toward automated curriculum design, we proposed a method capable of designing and ranking effective curricula based on inter-class feature similarities. We compared the predicted curricula against empirically determined effectual curricula and observed significant overlaps between the two. To support the study of a curriculum designer, we conducted a series of human psychophysics experiments and contributed a new Continual Learning benchmark in object recognition. We assessed the degree of agreement in effective curricula between humans and machines. Surprisingly, our curriculum designer successfully predicts an optimal set of curricula that is effective for human learning. There are many considerations in curriculum design, such as timely student feedback and learning with multiple modalities. Our study is the first attempt to set a standard framework for the community to tackle the problem of teaching humans and machines to learn to learn continuously.
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