自治系统正在成为海洋部门内无处不在和获得势头。由于运输的电气化同时发生,自主海洋船只可以降低环境影响,降低成本并提高效率。虽然仍然需要密切的监控以确保安全,但最终目标是完全自主权。一个主要的里程碑是开发一个控制系统,这足以处理任何也稳健和可靠的天气和遇到。此外,控制系统必须遵守防止海上碰撞的国际法规,以便与人类水手进行成功互动。由于Colregs被编写为人类思想来解释,因此它们以暧昧的散文写成,因此不能获得机器可读或可核实。由于这些挑战和各种情况进行了解决,古典模型的方法证明了实现和计算沉重的复杂性。在机器学习(ML)内,深增强学习(DRL)对广泛的应用表现出了很大的潜力。 DRL的无模型和自学特性使其成为自治船只的有希望的候选人。在这项工作中,使用碰撞风险理论将Colregs的子集合在于基于DRL的路径和障碍物避免系统。由此产生的自主代理在训练场景中的训练场景,孤立的遇难情况和基于AIS的真实情景模拟中动态地插值。
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Data-driven models such as neural networks are being applied more and more to safety-critical applications, such as the modeling and control of cyber-physical systems. Despite the flexibility of the approach, there are still concerns about the safety of these models in this context, as well as the need for large amounts of potentially expensive data. In particular, when long-term predictions are needed or frequent measurements are not available, the open-loop stability of the model becomes important. However, it is difficult to make such guarantees for complex black-box models such as neural networks, and prior work has shown that model stability is indeed an issue. In this work, we consider an aluminum extraction process where measurements of the internal state of the reactor are time-consuming and expensive. We model the process using neural networks and investigate the role of including skip connections in the network architecture as well as using l1 regularization to induce sparse connection weights. We demonstrate that these measures can greatly improve both the accuracy and the stability of the models for datasets of varying sizes.
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A digital twin is defined as a virtual representation of a physical asset enabled through data and simulators for real-time prediction, optimization, monitoring, controlling, and improved decision-making. Unfortunately, the term remains vague and says little about its capability. Recently, the concept of capability level has been introduced to address this issue. Based on its capability, the concept states that a digital twin can be categorized on a scale from zero to five, referred to as standalone, descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, prescriptive, and autonomous, respectively. The current work introduces the concept in the context of the built environment. It demonstrates the concept by using a modern house as a use case. The house is equipped with an array of sensors that collect timeseries data regarding the internal state of the house. Together with physics-based and data-driven models, these data are used to develop digital twins at different capability levels demonstrated in virtual reality. The work, in addition to presenting a blueprint for developing digital twins, also provided future research directions to enhance the technology.
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Deep Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks has become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images with a diagnostic performance comparable to a physician, including the diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy. However, commonly used techniques are deterministic and are therefore unable to provide any estimate of predictive uncertainty. Quantifying model uncertainty is crucial for reducing the risk of misdiagnosis. A reliable architecture should be well-calibrated to avoid over-confident predictions. To address this, we propose a UATTA-ENS: Uncertainty-Aware Test-Time Augmented Ensemble Technique for 5 Class PIRC Diabetic Retinopathy Classification to produce reliable and well-calibrated predictions.
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我们为基于分数的生成模型(SGM)(例如Denoising扩散概率模型(DDPM))提供理论收敛保证,该模型构成了大型现实世界中生成模型的骨干,例如DALL $ \ cdot $ E2。我们的主要结果是,假设有准确的分数估计值,此类SGM可以从本质上有效地从任何现实的数据分布中进行采样。与先前的作品相反,我们的结果(1)以$ l^2 $准确的分数估算(而不是$ l^\ infty $ -CACCRATE)保持; (2)不需要限制性的功能不平等条件,而这些条件排除了实质性的非con虫; (3)在所有相关问题参数中刻度缩放; (4)匹配兰格文扩散离散的最新复杂性保证,前提是得分误差足够小。我们认为这是SGM的经验成功的强有力理论理由。我们还基于严重阻尼的Langevin扩散(CLD)检查SGM。与传统的观点相反,我们提供了证据,表明CLD的使用不会降低SGM的复杂性。
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随着数据的不断增加,将现代机器学习方法应用于建模和控制等领域的兴趣爆炸。但是,尽管这种黑盒模型具有灵活性和令人惊讶的准确性,但仍然很难信任它们。结合两种方法的最新努力旨在开发灵活的模型,这些模型仍然可以很好地推广。我们称为混合分析和建模(HAM)的范式。在这项工作中,我们调查了使用数据驱动模型纠正基于错误的物理模型的纠正源术语方法(COSTA)。这使我们能够开发出可以进行准确预测的模型,即使问题的基本物理学尚未得到充分理解。我们将Costa应用于铝电解电池中的Hall-H \'Eroult工艺。我们证明该方法提高了准确性和预测稳定性,从而产生了总体可信赖的模型。
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深厚的强化学习政策尽管在模拟的视觉控制任务中出色地效率,但表现出令人失望的能力,可以在输入培训图像中跨越跨干扰。图像统计或分散背景元素的变化是防止这种控制策略的概括和现实世界中适用性的陷阱。我们阐述了这样的直觉,即良好的视觉政策应该能够确定哪些像素对其决策很重要,并保留对图像跨图像的重要信息来源的识别。这意味着对具有较小概括差距的政策进行培训应集中在如此重要的像素上,而忽略其他像素。这导致引入显着引导的Q-Networks(SGQN),这是一种视觉增强学习的通用方法,与任何值函数学习方法兼容。 SGQN极大地提高了软演员 - 批评者的概括能力,并且在DeepMind Control Generalization基准上胜过现有的现有方法,为训练效率,概括性差距和政策解释性提供了新的参考。
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