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There has been great recent advancement in human-computer chat. However, proper evaluation currently requires human judgements that produce notoriously high-variance metrics due to their inherent subjectivity. Furthermore, there is little standardization in the methods and labels used for evaluation, with an overall lack of work to compare and assess the validity of various evaluation approaches. As a consequence, existing evaluation results likely leave an incomplete picture of the strengths and weaknesses of open-domain chatbots. We aim towards a dimensional evaluation of human-computer chat that can reliably measure several distinct aspects of chat quality. To this end, we present our novel human evaluation method that quantifies the rate of several quality-related chatbot behaviors. Our results demonstrate our method to be more suitable for dimensional chat evaluation than alternative likert-style or comparative methods. We then use our validated method and existing methods to evaluate four open-domain chat models from the recent literature.
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Training dialogue systems often entails dealing with noisy training examples and unexpected user inputs. Despite their prevalence, there currently lacks an accurate survey of dialogue noise, nor is there a clear sense of the impact of each noise type on task performance. This paper addresses this gap by first constructing a taxonomy of noise encountered by dialogue systems. In addition, we run a series of experiments to show how different models behave when subjected to varying levels of noise and types of noise. Our results reveal that models are quite robust to label errors commonly tackled by existing denoising algorithms, but that performance suffers from dialogue-specific noise. Driven by these observations, we design a data cleaning algorithm specialized for conversational settings and apply it as a proof-of-concept for targeted dialogue denoising.
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In open-domain dialogue intelligent agents should exhibit the use of knowledge, however there are few convincing demonstrations of this to date. The most popular sequence to sequence models typically "generate and hope" generic utterances that can be memorized in the weights of the model when mapping from input utterance(s) to output, rather than employing recalled knowledge as context. Use of knowledge has so far proved difficult, in part because of the lack of a supervised learning benchmark task which exhibits knowledgeable open dialogue with clear grounding. To that end we collect and release a large dataset with conversations directly grounded with knowledge retrieved from Wikipedia. We then design architectures capable of retrieving knowledge, reading and conditioning on it, and finally generating natural responses. Our best performing dialogue models are able to conduct knowledgeable discussions on open-domain topics as evaluated by automatic metrics and human evaluations, while our new benchmark allows for measuring further improvements in this important research direction.
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Disagreements are frequently studied from the perspective of either detecting toxicity or analysing argument structure. We propose a framework of dispute tactics that unifies these two perspectives, as well as other dialogue acts which play a role in resolving disputes, such as asking questions and providing clarification. This framework includes a preferential ordering among rebuttal-type tactics, ranging from ad hominem attacks to refuting the central argument. Using this framework, we annotate 213 disagreements (3,865 utterances) from Wikipedia Talk pages. This allows us to investigate research questions around the tactics used in disagreements; for instance, we provide empirical validation of the approach to disagreement recommended by Wikipedia. We develop models for multilabel prediction of dispute tactics in an utterance, achieving the best performance with a transformer-based label powerset model. Adding an auxiliary task to incorporate the ordering of rebuttal tactics further yields a statistically significant increase. Finally, we show that these annotations can be used to provide useful additional signals to improve performance on the task of predicting escalation.
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我们提出了一个开放域的社交聊天机器人Chirpy Cardinal。为了既有信息又有信息,我们的机器人以一种真实的,情感上的方式与用户聊天。通过将受控的神经产生与脚手架,手写的对话整合在一起,我们让用户和机器人都轮流推动对话,从而产生引人入胜且流利的体验。Chirpy Cardinal部署在Alexa奖Socialbot Grand Challenge的第四次迭代中,每天处理数千次对话,在9个机器人中排名第二,平均用户评级为3.58/5。
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本文介绍了一个新颖的自我监督的细粒度对话评估框架(自我评估)。核心思想是建模转弯质量与整个对话质量之间的相关性。我们首先提出了一种新型的自动数据构建方法,该方法可以自动为任意对话数据分配细粒度的分数。然后,我们使用多层对比度学习模式训练\ textbf {self eval},有助于区分不同的分数水平。多个基准测试的实验结果表明,自我与人类评估高度一致,并且比最先进的模型更好。我们对本文的实验进行了详细的分析。我们的代码和数据将在GitHub上发布。
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The goal of building dialogue agents that can converse with humans naturally has been a long-standing dream of researchers since the early days of artificial intelligence. The well-known Turing Test proposed to judge the ultimate validity of an artificial intelligence agent on the indistinguishability of its dialogues from humans'. It should come as no surprise that human-level dialogue systems are very challenging to build. But, while early effort on rule-based systems found limited success, the emergence of deep learning enabled great advance on this topic. In this thesis, we focus on methods that address the numerous issues that have been imposing the gap between artificial conversational agents and human-level interlocutors. These methods were proposed and experimented with in ways that were inspired by general state-of-the-art AI methodologies. But they also targeted the characteristics that dialogue systems possess.
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在多方对话中有效地发现发言者的情绪状态是设计人类类似的会话代理商的重要性。在谈话期间,扬声器的认知状态通常由于某些过去的话语而改变,这可能导致他们的情绪状态的翻转。因此,在对话期间发现扬声器情感翻转背后的原因(触发)对于解释个人话语的情感标签至关重要。在本文中,除了解决对话中的情感认可的任务(ERC),我们介绍了一种新的任务 - 情感 - 翻转推理(EFR),旨在识别过去的话语,这引发了一个人的情绪状态以在一定时间翻转。我们提出了一个掩蔽的存储器网络来解决前者和基于变换器的网络的后一种任务。为此,我们考虑融合的基准情感识别数据集,用于ERC任务的多方对话,并使用EFR的新地基标签增强它。与五个最先进的模型进行了广泛的比较,表明我们对两个任务的模型的表现。我们进一步提出了轶事证据和定性和定量误差分析,以支持与基线相比模型的优势。
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我们提出了Blenderbot 3,这是一个175B参数对话模型,能够通过访问Internet和长期内存进行开放域对话,并接受了大量用户定义的任务的培训。我们同时发布了模型权重和代码,还将模型部署在公共网页上,以与有机用户进行交互。该技术报告描述了该模型的构建方式(建筑,模型和培训计划)以及其部署的细节,包括安全机制。人类评估表明,它优于现有的开放域对话代理,包括其前身(Roller等,2021; Komeili等,2022)。最后,我们使用部署收集的数据详细介绍了持续学习的计划,该数据也将公开发布。因此,该研究计划的目标是使社区能够研究通过互动学习的不断改进的负责任的代理商。
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Millions of people participate in online peer-to-peer support sessions, yet there has been little prior research on systematic psychology-based evaluations of fine-grained peer-counselor behavior in relation to client satisfaction. This paper seeks to bridge this gap by mapping peer-counselor chat-messages to motivational interviewing (MI) techniques. We annotate 14,797 utterances from 734 chat conversations using 17 MI techniques and introduce four new interviewing codes such as chit-chat and inappropriate to account for the unique conversational patterns observed on online platforms. We automate the process of labeling peer-counselor responses to MI techniques by fine-tuning large domain-specific language models and then use these automated measures to investigate the behavior of the peer counselors via correlational studies. Specifically, we study the impact of MI techniques on the conversation ratings to investigate the techniques that predict clients' satisfaction with their counseling sessions. When counselors use techniques such as reflection and affirmation, clients are more satisfied. Examining volunteer counselors' change in usage of techniques suggest that counselors learn to use more introduction and open questions as they gain experience. This work provides a deeper understanding of the use of motivational interviewing techniques on peer-to-peer counselor platforms and sheds light on how to build better training programs for volunteer counselors on online platforms.
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我们提出了Tacobot,这是为首届Alexa Prive Taskbot Challenge构建的面向任务的对话系统,该系统可帮助用户完成多步骤烹饪和家庭装修任务。Tacobot的设计采用以用户为中心的原则,并渴望提供协作且易于访问的对话体验。为此,它具有准确的语言理解,灵活的对话管理和引人入胜的响应生成。此外,Tacobot还以强大的搜索引擎和自动化的端到端测试套件为支持。在引导Tacobot的开发中,我们探索了一系列数据增强策略,以训练先进的神经语言处理模型,并通过收集的真实对话不断改善对话经验。在半决赛结束时,Tacobot的平均评分为3.55/5.0。
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