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Previous work on action representation learning focused on global representations for short video clips. In contrast, many practical applications, such as video alignment, strongly demand learning the intensive representation of long videos. In this paper, we introduce a new framework of contrastive action representation learning (CARL) to learn frame-wise action representation in a self-supervised or weakly-supervised manner, especially for long videos. Specifically, we introduce a simple but effective video encoder that considers both spatial and temporal context by combining convolution and transformer. Inspired by the recent massive progress in self-supervised learning, we propose a new sequence contrast loss (SCL) applied to two related views obtained by expanding a series of spatio-temporal data in two versions. One is the self-supervised version that optimizes embedding space by minimizing KL-divergence between sequence similarity of two augmented views and prior Gaussian distribution of timestamp distance. The other is the weakly-supervised version that builds more sample pairs among videos using video-level labels by dynamic time wrapping (DTW). Experiments on FineGym, PennAction, and Pouring datasets show that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art by a large margin for downstream fine-grained action classification and even faster inference. Surprisingly, although without training on paired videos like in previous works, our self-supervised version also shows outstanding performance in video alignment and fine-grained frame retrieval tasks.
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通用视频摘要是一种传播全部故事并具有最重要的场景的视频的销钉版本。然而,视频中场景的重要性通常是主观的,并且用户应该可以选择通过使用自然语言来定制摘要来指定对它们重要的内容。此外,用于全自动通用摘要的现有模型没有利用可用的语言模型,可以作为显着性的有效性。这项工作引入了剪辑 - 它,一个框架,用于解决通用和查询的视频摘要,通常在文献中单独接近。我们提出了一种语言引导的多模式变压器,该变压器学习基于它们相对于彼此的重要性以及与用户定义的查询(用于查询集中的摘要)或自动生成的密集视频字幕的关联(用于泛型视频摘要)。我们的模型可以通过培训延伸到无监督的环境,而没有地理监督。我们以标准视频摘要数据集(TVSUM和SUMME)和查询视频摘要数据集(QFVS)在标准视频摘要数据集(TVSUM和SUMPE)上的重大边际而先前的工作。特别是,我们在转移环境中取得了大量的改进,证明了我们的方法的强大泛化能力。
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Timeyou have a little pressure you are cutting the wood readjusting the table saw I am using a roller sure you applied glue Figure 1: We describe an efficient approach to learn visual representations from misaligned and noisy narrations (bottom) automatically extracted from instructional videos (top). Our video representations are learnt from scratch without relying on any manually annotated visual dataset yet outperform all self-supervised and many fully-supervised methods on several video recognition benchmarks.
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视频突出显示检测是一个至关重要但充满挑战的问题,旨在识别未修剪视频中有趣的时刻。该任务的关键在于有效的视频表示形式共同追求两个目标,即\ textit {i.e。},跨模式表示学习和精细元素特征歧视。在本文中,这两个挑战不仅通过丰富表示建模的模式内部和跨模式关系来应对,而且还以歧视性的方式塑造了这些特征。我们提出的方法主要利用模式内编码和交叉模式共发生编码来完全表示建模。具体而言,编码的模式内模式可以增强模态特征,并通过音频和视觉信号中的模式关系学习来抑制无关的模态。同时,跨模式的共同发生编码着重于同时模式间关系,并选择性地捕获了多模式之间的有效信息。从本地上下文中抽象的全局信息进一步增强了多模式表示。此外,我们使用硬对对比度学习(HPCL)方案扩大了特征嵌入的判别能力。进一步采用了硬对采样策略来开采硬样品,以改善HPCL中的特征歧视。与其他最新方法相比,在两个基准上进行的广泛实验证明了我们提出的方法的有效性和优势。
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我们研究了联合视频和语言(VL)预培训,以实现跨模型学习和益处丰富的下游VL任务。现有的作品要么提取低质量的视频特征或学习有限的文本嵌入,但忽略了高分辨率视频和多样化的语义可以显着提高跨模型学习。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的高分辨率和多样化的视频 - 语言预训练模型(HD-VILA),用于许多可视任务。特别是,我们收集具有两个不同属性的大型数据集:1)第一个高分辨率数据集包括371.5k小时的720p视频,2)最多样化的数据集涵盖15个流行的YouTube类别。为了启用VL预培训,我们通过学习丰富的时空特征的混合变压器联合优化HD-VILA模型,以及多峰变压器,用于强制学习视频功能与多样化文本的交互。我们的预训练模式实现了新的最先进的导致10 VL了解任务和2个新颖的文本到视觉生成任务。例如,我们以零拍摄MSR-VTT文本到视频检索任务的相对增加38.5%R @ 1的相对增长,高分辨率数据集LSMDC为53.6%。学习的VL嵌入也有效地在文本到视觉操纵和超分辨率任务中产生视觉上令人愉悦和语义相关结果。
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我们使用无卷积的变压器架构提出了一种从未标记数据学习多式式表示的框架。具体而言,我们的视频音频文本变压器(Vatt)将原始信号作为输入提取,提取丰富的多式化表示,以使各种下游任务受益。我们使用多模式对比损失从头划线训练Vatt端到端,并通过视频动作识别,音频事件分类,图像分类和文本到视频检索的下游任务评估其性能。此外,我们通过共享三种方式之间的重量来研究模型 - 无话的单骨架变压器。我们表明,无卷积VATT优于下游任务中的最先进的Convnet架构。特别是,Vatt的视觉变压器在动力学-400上实现82.1%的高精度82.1%,在动力学-600,72.7%的动力学-700上的72.7%,以及时间的时间,新的记录,在避免受监督的预训练时,新的记录。通过从头划伤训练相同的变压器,转移到图像分类导致图像分类导致78.7%的ImageNet精度为64.7%,尽管视频和图像之间的域间差距,我们的模型概括了我们的模型。 Vatt的音雅音频变压器还通过在没有任何监督的预训练的情况下在Audioset上实现39.4%的地图来设置基于波形的音频事件识别的新记录。 Vatt的源代码是公开的。
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The remarkable success of deep learning in various domains relies on the availability of large-scale annotated datasets. However, obtaining annotations is expensive and requires great effort, which is especially challenging for videos. Moreover, the use of human-generated annotations leads to models with biased learning and poor domain generalization and robustness. As an alternative, self-supervised learning provides a way for representation learning which does not require annotations and has shown promise in both image and video domains. Different from the image domain, learning video representations are more challenging due to the temporal dimension, bringing in motion and other environmental dynamics. This also provides opportunities for video-exclusive ideas that advance self-supervised learning in the video and multimodal domain. In this survey, we provide a review of existing approaches on self-supervised learning focusing on the video domain. We summarize these methods into four different categories based on their learning objectives: 1) pretext tasks, 2) generative learning, 3) contrastive learning, and 4) cross-modal agreement. We further introduce the commonly used datasets, downstream evaluation tasks, insights into the limitations of existing works, and the potential future directions in this area.
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Self-supervised learning has become increasingly important to leverage the abundance of unlabeled data available on platforms like YouTube. Whereas most existing approaches learn low-level representations, we propose a joint visual-linguistic model to learn high-level features without any explicit supervision. In particular, inspired by its recent success in language modeling, we build upon the BERT model to learn bidirectional joint distributions over sequences of visual and linguistic tokens, derived from vector quantization of video data and off-the-shelf speech recognition outputs, respectively. We use VideoBERT in numerous tasks, including action classification and video captioning. We show that it can be applied directly to openvocabulary classification, and confirm that large amounts of training data and cross-modal information are critical to performance. Furthermore, we outperform the state-of-theart on video captioning, and quantitative results verify that the model learns high-level semantic features.
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In this paper, we introduce ActBERT for self-supervised learning of joint video-text representations from unlabeled data. First, we leverage global action information to catalyze mutual interactions between linguistic texts and local regional objects. It uncovers global and local visual clues from paired video sequences and text descriptions for detailed visual and text relation modeling. Second, we introduce a TaNgled Transformer block (TNT) to encode three sources of information, i.e., global actions, local regional objects, and linguistic descriptions. Global-local correspondences are discovered via judicious clues extraction from contextual information. It enforces the joint video-text representation to be aware of fine-grained objects as well as global human intention. We validate the generalization capability of ActBERT on downstream video-and-language tasks, i.e., text-video clip retrieval, video captioning, video question answering, action segmentation, and action step localization. ActBERT significantly outperforms the stateof-the-art, demonstrating its superiority in video-text representation learning.actbct * This work was done when Linchao Zhu visited Baidu Research. Yi Yang is the corresponding author.
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对比性语言图像预测在学习网络尺度数据的视觉文本联合表示方面取得了巨大的成功,这表明了各种图像任务的显着“零射”概括能力。但是,如何有效地将这种新的语言图像预处理方法扩展到视频域仍然是一个开放的问题。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种简单而有效的方法,该方法将预验证的语言图像模型直接适应视频识别,而不是从头开始预处理新模型。更具体地说,为了捕获沿时间维度框架的远距离依赖性,我们提出了一种跨框架注意机制,该机制明确地跨帧交换信息。这样的模块是轻量级的,可以无缝地插入验证的语言图像模型中。此外,我们提出了一个特定于视频的提示方案,该方案利用视频内容信息生成歧视性文本提示。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法是有效的,可以推广到不同的视频识别方案。特别是,在完全监督的设置下,我们的方法在Kinectics-400上获得了最高1的精度为87.1%,而与SWIN-L和Vivit-H相比,使用量少12倍。在零拍摄的实验中,我们的方法超过了当前的最新方法 +7.6%和 +14.9%,而在两个流行协议下,TOP-1的准确性。在少数拍摄的情况下,当标记的数据非常有限时,我们的方法优于先前的最佳方法 +32.1%和 +23.1%。代码和型号可在https://aka.ms/x-clip上找到
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The canonical approach to video-and-language learning (e.g., video question answering) dictates a neural model to learn from offline-extracted dense video features from vision models and text features from language models. These feature extractors are trained independently and usually on tasks different from the target domains, rendering these fixed features sub-optimal for downstream tasks. Moreover, due to the high computational overload of dense video features, it is often difficult (or infeasible) to plug feature extractors directly into existing approaches for easy finetuning. To provide a remedy to this dilemma, we propose a generic framework CLIPBERT that enables affordable endto-end learning for video-and-language tasks, by employing sparse sampling, where only a single or a few sparsely sampled short clips from a video are used at each training step. Experiments on text-to-video retrieval and video question answering on six datasets demonstrate that CLIP-BERT outperforms (or is on par with) existing methods that exploit full-length videos, suggesting that end-to-end learning with just a few sparsely sampled clips is often more accurate than using densely extracted offline features from full-length videos, proving the proverbial less-is-more principle. Videos in the datasets are from considerably different domains and lengths, ranging from 3-second genericdomain GIF videos to 180-second YouTube human activity videos, showing the generalization ability of our approach. Comprehensive ablation studies and thorough analyses are provided to dissect what factors lead to this success. Our code is publicly available. 1 * Equal contribution.
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对于人类的行动理解,流行的研究方向是分析具有明确的语义含量的短视频剪辑,例如跳跃和饮酒。然而,了解短语行动的方法不能直接翻译成长期以来的人类动态,如跳舞,即使在语义上也是挑战的挑战。同时,自然语言处理(NLP)社区通过大规模预培训解决了稀缺的类似挑战,这改善了一种模型的几个下游任务。在这项工作中,我们研究如何以自我监督的方式进行分段和群集视频,即Acton Discovery,朝向视频标记的主要障碍。我们提出了一种两级框架,首先通过对应于它们的时间上下文的视频帧的两个增强视图对比其次的视频帧的两个增强视图来获得帧智表示。然后通过k-means群集视频集集中的帧展表示。然后通过从同一簇内的帧形成连续的运动序列来自动提取actons。通过标准化的相互信息和语言熵,我们通过Kendall的Tau和Lexicon构建步骤进行评估框架明智的表现。我们还研究了这个标记化的三种应用:类型分类,行动细分和行动组成。在AIST ++和PKU-MMD数据集上,与几个基线相比,Actons带来了显着的性能改进。
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Transformer models have shown great success handling long-range interactions, making them a promising tool for modeling video. However they lack inductive biases and scale quadratically with input length. These limitations are further exacerbated when dealing with the high dimensionality introduced with the temporal dimension. While there are surveys analyzing the advances of Transformers for vision, none focus on an in-depth analysis of video-specific designs. In this survey we analyze main contributions and trends of works leveraging Transformers to model video. Specifically, we delve into how videos are handled as input-level first. Then, we study the architectural changes made to deal with video more efficiently, reduce redundancy, re-introduce useful inductive biases, and capture long-term temporal dynamics. In addition we provide an overview of different training regimes and explore effective self-supervised learning strategies for video. Finally, we conduct a performance comparison on the most common benchmark for Video Transformers (i.e., action classification), finding them to outperform 3D ConvNets even with less computational complexity.
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