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连接视觉和语言在生成智能中起着重要作用。因此,已经致力于图像标题的大型研究工作,即用句法和语义有意义的句子描述图像。从2015年开始,该任务通常通过由Visual Encoder组成的管道和文本生成的语言模型来解决任务。在这些年来,两种组件通过对象区域,属性,介绍多模态连接,完全关注方法和伯特早期融合策略的利用而显着发展。但是,无论令人印象深刻的结果,图像标题的研究还没有达到结论性答案。这项工作旨在提供图像标题方法的全面概述,从视觉编码和文本生成到培训策略,数据集和评估度量。在这方面,我们量化地比较了许多相关的最先进的方法来确定架构和培训策略中最有影响力的技术创新。此外,讨论了问题的许多变体及其开放挑战。这项工作的最终目标是作为理解现有文献的工具,并突出显示计算机视觉和自然语言处理的研究领域的未来方向可以找到最佳的协同作用。
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The availability of large-scale image captioning and visual question answering datasets has contributed significantly to recent successes in vision-and-language pretraining. However, these datasets are often collected with overrestrictive requirements inherited from their original target tasks (e.g., image caption generation), which limit the resulting dataset scale and diversity. We take a step further in pushing the limits of vision-and-language pretraining data by relaxing the data collection pipeline used in Conceptual Captions 3M (CC3M) [70] and introduce the Conceptual 12M (CC12M), a dataset with 12 million image-text pairs specifically meant to be used for visionand-language pre-training. We perform an analysis of this dataset and benchmark its effectiveness against CC3M on multiple downstream tasks with an emphasis on long-tail visual recognition. Our results clearly illustrate the benefit of scaling up pre-training data for vision-and-language tasks, as indicated by the new state-of-the-art results on both the nocaps and Conceptual Captions benchmarks. 1
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近年来在开发更好的图像标题模型方面取得了巨大进展,但其中大多数依赖于单独的对象探测器来提取区域特征。最近的视觉语言研究通过利用网格表示来实现更灵活的模型训练和更快推理速度的速度来转向探测器趋势。但是,这种发展主要专注于图像理解任务,并且对标题生成任务的研究仍然较少。在本文中,我们涉及一种更好的无需探测器图像标题模型,并提出了一种基于纯视觉变压器的图像标题模型,称为VITCAP,其中使用了网格表示而不提取区域特征。为了提高性能,我们介绍了一种新颖的概念令牌网络(CTN)来预测语义概念,然后将它们纳入端到端的标题。特别地,CTN是基于视觉变换器构建的,并且旨在通过分类任务预测概念令牌,其中包含丰富的语义信息极大地利益标题任务。与以前的探测器的模型相比,Vitcap大大简化了架构,同时在各种具有挑战性的图像标题数据集上实现了竞争性能。特别是,Vitcap分别达到138.1苹果酒分数,即在Nocaps上的Coco-Caption Karpatal-Splity,93.8和108.6苹果酒分数和Google-CC标题数据集上分别达到138.1苹果酒分数。
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Despite the remarkable progress of image captioning, existing captioners typically lack the controllable capability to generate desired image captions, e.g., describing the image in a rough or detailed manner, in a factual or emotional view, etc. In this paper, we show that a unified model is qualified to perform well in diverse domains and freely switch among multiple styles. Such a controllable capability is achieved by embedding the prompt learning into the image captioning framework. To be specific, we design a set of prompts to fine-tune the pre-trained image captioner. These prompts allow the model to absorb stylized data from different domains for joint training, without performance degradation in each domain. Furthermore, we optimize the prompts with learnable vectors in the continuous word embedding space, avoiding the heuristic prompt engineering and meanwhile exhibiting superior performance. In the inference stage, our model is able to generate desired stylized captions by choosing the corresponding prompts. Extensive experiments verify the controllable capability of the proposed method. Notably, we achieve outstanding performance on two diverse image captioning benchmarks including COCO Karpathy split and TextCaps using a unified model.
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Many high-level skills that are required for computer vision tasks, such as parsing questions, comparing and contrasting semantics, and writing descriptions, are also required in other domains such as natural language processing. In this paper, we ask whether this makes it possible to learn those skills from text data and then use them to complete vision tasks without ever training on visual training data. Key to our approach is exploiting the joint embedding space of contrastively trained vision and language encoders. In practice, there can be systematic differences between embedding spaces for different modalities in contrastive models, and we analyze how these differences affect our approach and study a variety of strategies to mitigate this concern. We produce models using only text training data on three tasks: image captioning, visual entailment and visual question answering, and evaluate them on standard benchmarks using images. We find that this kind of transfer is possible and results in only a small drop in performance relative to models trained on images. We also showcase a variety of stylistic image captioning models that were trained using no image data and no human-curated language data, but instead text data from books, the web, or language models.
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随着视觉前训练的成功,我们目睹了最先进的方式,以多模式的理解和产生推动。但是,当前的预训练范式不能一次靶向所有模式(例如,文本生成和图像生成),或者需要多重设计良好的任务,从而显着限制可伸缩性。我们证明,可以通过文本和图像序列的前缀语言建模目标学习统一的模态模型。得益于简单但功能强大的预训练范式,我们提出的模型Davinci非常易于训练,可扩展到巨大的数据,并且可以适应跨模态(语言 /视觉 /视觉+语言)的各种下游任务(类型)(理解) / generation)和设置(例如,零射,微调,线性评估)具有单个统一体系结构。达文奇(Davinci)在26个理解 /发电任务的广泛范围内实现了竞争性能,并且在大多数任务上都超过了以前的统一视力语言模型,包括Imagenet分类(+1.6%),VQAV2(+1.4%)(+1.4%),可可标题生成(Bleu@@@@@ 4 +1.1%,苹果酒 +1.5%)和可可图像生成( +0.9%,FID -1.0%),在可比的模型和数据量表处。此外,我们通过在异质和广泛的分布覆盖范围内报告不同尺度的量表上的性能,为将来的研究提供了明确的基准。我们的结果建立了新的,更强的基线,以便将来在不同的数据量表上进行比较,并阐明了更广泛地比较VLP模型的困难。
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远见和语言预测已成为解决多模式下游任务的普遍方法。当前的趋势是朝着更大的模型和预处理数据集迈进。从长远来看,这一计算头急促似乎是不合理的,而是朝着可持续的解决方案迈进,事实上,排除了资源有限的学术实验室。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个称为VICHA的新框架,该框架有效利用输入数据以通过以下方式提高学习,以: ,(c)利用图像级注释,称为视觉概念,使用现有基础模型(例如剪辑)获得,以提高图像编码器的性能。尽管对数据的预估计少了四倍,但我们的VICHA策略在下游任务(例如图像文本检索,VQA,视觉推理,视觉上和视觉接地)上的其他方法优于其他方法。该代码将在此处公开提供:https://github.com/mshukor/vicha
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This paper presents a detailed study of improving visual representations for vision language (VL) tasks and develops an improved object detection model to provide object-centric representations of images. Compared to the most widely used bottom-up and top-down model [2], the new model is bigger, better-designed for VL tasks, and pre-trained on much larger training corpora that combine multiple public annotated object detection datasets. Therefore, it can generate representations of a richer collection of visual objects and concepts. While previous VL research focuses mainly on improving the vision-language fusion model and leaves the object detection model improvement untouched, we show that visual features matter significantly in VL models. In our experiments we feed the visual features generated by the new object detection model into a Transformer-based VL fusion model OSCAR [21], and utilize an improved approach OSCAR+ to pre-train the VL model and fine-tune it on a wide range of downstream VL tasks. Our results show that the new visual features significantly improve the performance across all VL tasks, creating new state-of-the-art results on seven public benchmarks. Code, models and pre-extracted features are released at https://github.com/pzzhang/VinVL. ♥ Microsoft Corporation♠ University of Washington † indicates equal contributions.
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Large-scale pre-training methods of learning cross-modal representations on image-text pairs are becoming popular for vision-language tasks. While existing methods simply concatenate image region features and text features as input to the model to be pre-trained and use selfattention to learn image-text semantic alignments in a brute force manner, in this paper, we propose a new learning method Oscar 1 , which uses object tags detected in images as anchor points to significantly ease the learning of alignments. Our method is motivated by the observation that the salient objects in an image can be accurately detected, and are often mentioned in the paired text. We pre-train an Oscar model on the public corpus of 6.5 million text-image pairs, and fine-tune it on downstream tasks, creating new state-of-the-arts on six well-established vision-language understanding and generation tasks. 2
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Large-scale cross-modal pre-training paradigms have recently shown ubiquitous success on a wide range of downstream tasks, e.g., zero-shot classification, retrieval and image captioning. However, their successes highly rely on the scale and quality of web-crawled data that naturally contain incomplete and noisy information (e.g., wrong or irrelevant content). Existing works either design manual rules to clean data or generate pseudo-targets as auxiliary signals for reducing noise impact, which do not explicitly tackle both the incorrect and incomplete challenges simultaneously. In this paper, to automatically mitigate the impact of noise by solely mining over existing data, we propose a principled Noise-robust Language-Image Pre-training framework (NLIP) to stabilize pre-training via two schemes: noise-harmonization and noise-completion. First, in noise-harmonization scheme, NLIP estimates the noise probability of each pair according to the memorization effect of cross-modal transformers, then adopts noise-adaptive regularization to harmonize the cross-modal alignments with varying degrees. Second, in noise-completion scheme, to enrich the missing object information of text, NLIP injects a concept-conditioned cross-modal decoder to obtain semantic-consistent synthetic captions to complete noisy ones, which uses the retrieved visual concepts (i.e., objects' names) for the corresponding image to guide captioning generation. By collaboratively optimizing noise-harmonization and noise-completion schemes, our NLIP can alleviate the common noise effects during image-text pre-training in a more efficient way. Extensive experiments show the significant performance improvements of our NLIP using only 26M data over existing pre-trained models (e.g., CLIP, FILIP and BLIP) on 12 zero-shot classification datasets, MSCOCO image captioning and zero-shot image-text retrieval tasks.
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视觉语言预训练(VLP)模型在各种下游任务上表现出色。他们的成功在很大程度上取决于预训练的跨模式数据集的规模。但是,中文中缺乏大规模数据集和基准阻碍了中国VLP模型和更广泛的多语言应用程序的发展。在这项工作中,我们发布了一个名为Wukong的大型中国跨模式数据集,其中包含从网络收集的1亿个中文图像文本对。 Wukong旨在基准基准不同的多模式预训练方法,以促进VLP研究和社区发展。此外,我们发布了一组模型,预先训练了各种图像编码器(vit-b/vit-l/swint),还将高级预训练技术应用于VLP,例如锁定图像文本调整,相对于代币的相似性学习和减少互动。还提供了广泛的实验和不同下游任务的基准测试,包括新的最大人验证的图像文本测试数据集。实验表明,Wukong可以作为不同的跨模式学习方法的有前途的中国预培训数据集和基准。对于10个数据集上的零摄像图像分类任务,$ Wukong_ {vit-l} $达到的平均准确度为73.03%。对于图像文本检索任务,它在AIC-ICC上的平均召回率为71.6%,比Wenlan 2.0高12.9%。此外,我们的Wukong模型在下游任务上进行了基准测试,例如多个数据集上的其他变体,例如Flickr8k-CN,Flickr-30K-CN,Coco-CN,Coco-CN等。更多信息可以参考:https://wukong-dataset.github.io/wukong-dataset/。
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We present ViLBERT (short for Vision-and-Language BERT), a model for learning task-agnostic joint representations of image content and natural language. We extend the popular BERT architecture to a multi-modal two-stream model, processing both visual and textual inputs in separate streams that interact through co-attentional transformer layers. We pretrain our model through two proxy tasks on the large, automatically collected Conceptual Captions dataset and then transfer it to multiple established vision-and-language tasks -visual question answering, visual commonsense reasoning, referring expressions, and caption-based image retrieval -by making only minor additions to the base architecture. We observe significant improvements across tasks compared to existing task-specific modelsachieving state-of-the-art on all four tasks. Our work represents a shift away from learning groundings between vision and language only as part of task training and towards treating visual grounding as a pretrainable and transferable capability.Preprint. Under review.
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