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自动摘要评估对于机器生成和人为生产的摘要都有用。自动评估给定文档的摘要文本启用,例如,摘要生成系统开发和检测不适当的摘要。摘要评估可以以多种模式进行:排名摘要生成系统;对特定文档的排名摘要;并在绝对规模上估算文档 - 苏格尔对的质量。带有注释的现有数据集用于摘要评估,通常基于新闻摘要数据集,例如CNN/DailyMail或XSUM。在这项工作中,我们描述了一个新的数据集,即播客摘要评估语料库,这是由TREC2020的人类专家评估的播客摘要集。与现有的摘要评估数据相比,该数据集具有两个独特的方面:(i)基于语音播客的长输入,文档; (ii)有机会在播客语料库中检测不适当的参考摘要。首先,我们检查了现有的评估方法,包括无模型和基于模型的方法,并为此长输入摘要评估数据集提供基准结果。其次,为了过滤参考参考文献配对以进行培训,我们采用摘要评估进行数据选择。这两个方面的实验结果为摘要评估和发电任务提供了有趣的见解。播客摘要评估数据可用。
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Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT; Devlin et al. 2019) represents the latest incarnation of pretrained language models which have recently advanced a wide range of natural language processing tasks. In this paper, we showcase how BERT can be usefully applied in text summarization and propose a general framework for both extractive and abstractive models. We introduce a novel document-level encoder based on BERT which is able to express the semantics of a document and obtain representations for its sentences. Our extractive model is built on top of this encoder by stacking several intersentence Transformer layers. For abstractive summarization, we propose a new fine-tuning schedule which adopts different optimizers for the encoder and the decoder as a means of alleviating the mismatch between the two (the former is pretrained while the latter is not). We also demonstrate that a two-staged fine-tuning approach can further boost the quality of the generated summaries. Experiments on three datasets show that our model achieves stateof-the-art results across the board in both extractive and abstractive settings. 1
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Information overloading requires the need for summarizers to extract salient information from the text. Currently, there is an overload of dialogue data due to the rise of virtual communication platforms. The rise of Covid-19 has led people to rely on online communication platforms like Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord, etc. to conduct their company meetings. Instead of going through the entire meeting transcripts, people can use meeting summarizers to select useful data. Nevertheless, there is a lack of comprehensive surveys in the field of meeting summarizers. In this survey, we aim to cover recent meeting summarization techniques. Our survey offers a general overview of text summarization along with datasets and evaluation metrics for meeting summarization. We also provide the performance of each summarizer on a leaderboard. We conclude our survey with different challenges in this domain and potential research opportunities for future researchers.
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生成摘要中的事实不一致严重限制了抽象对话摘要的实际应用。尽管通过使用预先训练的模型实现了显着进展,但在人类评估期间发现了大量的幻觉含量。预先接受的模型最常见的是微调文本摘要的跨熵损失,这可能不是最佳策略。在这项工作中,我们为带注释数据提供了事实错误的类型,以突出显示错误的类型并远离对事实的二进制了解。我们进一步提出了一种培训策略,通过新颖的对比微调,改善了摘要的事实一致性和整体素质。基于我们的语言信息的错误类型,我们设计了各个目标的不同模块化目标。具体而言,我们利用硬阴性样本具有误差,以减少事实不一致的产生。为了捕获扬声器之间的关键信息,我们还设计了特定于对话的损失。使用人类评估和自动忠实度量指标,我们表明我们的模型在对话摘要,Samsum语料库中大大降低了各种事实错误。此外,我们的模型可以推广到会议概述,AMI语料库,它产生的分数明显高于两个数据集关于单词 - 重叠度量标准的基线。
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Abstractive dialogue summarization has received increasing attention recently. Despite the fact that most of the current dialogue summarization systems are trained to maximize the likelihood of human-written summaries and have achieved significant results, there is still a huge gap in generating high-quality summaries as determined by humans, such as coherence and faithfulness, partly due to the misalignment in maximizing a single human-written summary. To this end, we propose to incorporate different levels of human feedback into the training process. This will enable us to guide the models to capture the behaviors humans care about for summaries. Specifically, we ask humans to highlight the salient information to be included in summaries to provide the local feedback , and to make overall comparisons among summaries in terms of coherence, accuracy, coverage, concise and overall quality, as the global feedback. We then combine both local and global feedback to fine-tune the dialog summarization policy with Reinforcement Learning. Experiments conducted on multiple datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization of our methods over the state-of-the-art supervised baselines, especially in terms of human judgments.
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A primary objective of news articles is to establish the factual record for an event, frequently achieved by conveying both the details of the specified event (i.e., the 5 Ws; Who, What, Where, When and Why regarding the event) and how people reacted to it (i.e., reported statements). However, existing work on news summarization almost exclusively focuses on the event details. In this work, we propose the novel task of summarizing the reactions of different speakers, as expressed by their reported statements, to a given event. To this end, we create a new multi-document summarization benchmark, SUMREN, comprising 745 summaries of reported statements from various public figures obtained from 633 news articles discussing 132 events. We propose an automatic silver training data generation approach for our task, which helps smaller models like BART achieve GPT-3 level performance on this task. Finally, we introduce a pipeline-based framework for summarizing reported speech, which we empirically show to generate summaries that are more abstractive and factual than baseline query-focused summarization approaches.
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寻求健康信息的寻求使网络与消费者的健康相关问题淹没了。通常,消费者使用过度描述性和外围信息来表达其医疗状况或其他医疗保健需求,从而有助于自然语言理解的挑战。解决这一挑战的一种方法是总结问题并提取原始问题的关键信息。为了解决此问题,我们介绍了一个新的数据集CHQ-SUMM,其中包含1507个域 - 专家注释的消费者健康问题和相应的摘要。该数据集源自社区提问论坛,因此为了解社交媒体上与消费者健康相关的帖子提供了宝贵的资源。我们在多个最先进的摘要模型上基准测试数据集,以显示数据集的有效性。
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Knowledge about outcomes is critical for complex event understanding but is hard to acquire. We show that by pre-identifying a participant in a complex event, crowd workers are able to (1) infer the collective impact of salient events that make up the situation, (2) annotate the volitional engagement of participants in causing the situation, and (3) ground the outcome of the situation in state changes of the participants. By creating a multi-step interface and a careful quality control strategy, we collect a high quality annotated dataset of 8K short newswire narratives and ROCStories with high inter-annotator agreement (0.74-0.96 weighted Fleiss Kappa). Our dataset, POQue (Participant Outcome Questions), enables the exploration and development of models that address multiple aspects of semantic understanding. Experimentally, we show that current language models lag behind human performance in subtle ways through our task formulations that target abstract and specific comprehension of a complex event, its outcome, and a participant's influence over the event culmination.
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Narrative summarization aims to produce a distilled version of a narrative to describe its most salient events and characters. Summarizing a narrative is challenging as it requires an understanding of event causality and character behaviors. To encourage research in this direction, we propose NarraSum, a large-scale narrative summarization dataset. It contains 122K narrative documents, which are collected from plot descriptions of movies and TV episodes with diverse genres, and their corresponding abstractive summaries. Experiments show that there is a large performance gap between humans and the state-of-the-art summarization models on NarraSum. We hope that this dataset will promote future research in summarization, as well as broader studies of natural language understanding and generation. The dataset is available at https://github.com/zhaochaocs/narrasum.
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Human evaluation is the foundation upon which the evaluation of both summarization systems and automatic metrics rests. However, existing human evaluation protocols and benchmarks for summarization either exhibit low inter-annotator agreement or lack the scale needed to draw statistically significant conclusions, and an in-depth analysis of human evaluation is lacking. In this work, we address the shortcomings of existing summarization evaluation along the following axes: 1) We propose a modified summarization salience protocol, Atomic Content Units (ACUs), which relies on fine-grained semantic units and allows for high inter-annotator agreement. 2) We curate the Robust Summarization Evaluation (RoSE) benchmark, a large human evaluation dataset consisting of over 22k summary-level annotations over state-of-the-art systems on three datasets. 3) We compare our ACU protocol with three other human evaluation protocols, underscoring potential confounding factors in evaluation setups. 4) We evaluate existing automatic metrics using the collected human annotations across evaluation protocols and demonstrate how our benchmark leads to more statistically stable and significant results. Furthermore, our findings have important implications for evaluating large language models (LLMs), as we show that LLMs adjusted by human feedback (e.g., GPT-3.5) may overfit unconstrained human evaluation, which is affected by the annotators' prior, input-agnostic preferences, calling for more robust, targeted evaluation methods.
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以查询为中心的摘要(QFS)旨在产生应答感兴趣的特定问题的摘要,从而实现更大的用户控制和个性化。虽然最近发布的数据集如QMSUM或Aquamuse,促进QFS中的研究工作,但该领域缺乏对适用建模方法的广泛空间的全面研究。在本文中,考虑到两种普遍的方法,我们对QFS进行了系统探索,探讨了QFS:两阶段的采掘解决方案和端到端模型。在这些类别中,我们调查现有方法,并呈现了在QMSUM数据集上实现最先进的性能的两个模型扩展,其边缘高达3.38 Rouge-1,3.72 Rouge-2和3.28 Rouge-L。通过定量实验,我们突出了不同模型配置之间的权衡,并探讨了摘要任务之间的转移能力。代码和检查点公开可用:https://github.com/salesforce/query-focused-sum。
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Convincing people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is a key societal challenge in the present times. As a first step towards this goal, many prior works have relied on social media analysis to understand the specific concerns that people have towards these vaccines, such as potential side-effects, ineffectiveness, political factors, and so on. Though there are datasets that broadly classify social media posts into Anti-vax and Pro-Vax labels, there is no dataset (to our knowledge) that labels social media posts according to the specific anti-vaccine concerns mentioned in the posts. In this paper, we have curated CAVES, the first large-scale dataset containing about 10k COVID-19 anti-vaccine tweets labelled into various specific anti-vaccine concerns in a multi-label setting. This is also the first multi-label classification dataset that provides explanations for each of the labels. Additionally, the dataset also provides class-wise summaries of all the tweets. We also perform preliminary experiments on the dataset and show that this is a very challenging dataset for multi-label explainable classification and tweet summarization, as is evident by the moderate scores achieved by some state-of-the-art models. Our dataset and codes are available at: https://github.com/sohampoddar26/caves-data
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