Syntax is a latent hierarchical structure which underpins the robust and compositional nature of human language. An active line of inquiry is whether large pretrained language models (LLMs) are able to acquire syntax by training on text alone; understanding a model's syntactic capabilities is essential to understanding how it processes and makes use of language. In this paper, we propose a new method, SSUD, which allows for the induction of syntactic structures without supervision from gold-standard parses. Instead, we seek to define formalism-agnostic, model-intrinsic syntactic parses by using a property of syntactic relations: syntactic substitutability. We demonstrate both quantitative and qualitative gains on dependency parsing tasks using SSUD, and induce syntactic structures which we hope provide clarity into LLMs and linguistic representations, alike.
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Large pre-trained neural networks such as BERT have had great recent success in NLP, motivating a growing body of research investigating what aspects of language they are able to learn from unlabeled data. Most recent analysis has focused on model outputs (e.g., language model surprisal) or internal vector representations (e.g., probing classifiers). Complementary to these works, we propose methods for analyzing the attention mechanisms of pre-trained models and apply them to BERT. BERT's attention heads exhibit patterns such as attending to delimiter tokens, specific positional offsets, or broadly attending over the whole sentence, with heads in the same layer often exhibiting similar behaviors. We further show that certain attention heads correspond well to linguistic notions of syntax and coreference. For example, we find heads that attend to the direct objects of verbs, determiners of nouns, objects of prepositions, and coreferent mentions with remarkably high accuracy. Lastly, we propose an attention-based probing classifier and use it to further demonstrate that substantial syntactic information is captured in BERT's attention. 1 Code will be released at clarkkev/attention-analysis.2 We use the English base-sized model.
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Transformer-based models have pushed state of the art in many areas of NLP, but our understanding of what is behind their success is still limited. This paper is the first survey of over 150 studies of the popular BERT model. We review the current state of knowledge about how BERT works, what kind of information it learns and how it is represented, common modifications to its training objectives and architecture, the overparameterization issue and approaches to compression. We then outline directions for future research.
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The long-distance agreement, evidence for syntactic structure, is increasingly used to assess the syntactic generalization of Neural Language Models. Much work has shown that transformers are capable of high accuracy in varied agreement tasks, but the mechanisms by which the models accomplish this behavior are still not well understood. To better understand transformers' internal working, this work contrasts how they handle two superficially similar but theoretically distinct agreement phenomena: subject-verb and object-past participle agreement in French. Using probing and counterfactual analysis methods, our experiments show that i) the agreement task suffers from several confounders which partially question the conclusions drawn so far and ii) transformers handle subject-verb and object-past participle agreements in a way that is consistent with their modeling in theoretical linguistics.
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Multilingual BERT (mBERT) has demonstrated considerable cross-lingual syntactic ability, whereby it enables effective zero-shot cross-lingual transfer of syntactic knowledge. The transfer is more successful between some languages, but it is not well understood what leads to this variation and whether it fairly reflects difference between languages. In this work, we investigate the distributions of grammatical relations induced from mBERT in the context of 24 typologically different languages. We demonstrate that the distance between the distributions of different languages is highly consistent with the syntactic difference in terms of linguistic formalisms. Such difference learnt via self-supervision plays a crucial role in the zero-shot transfer performance and can be predicted by variation in morphosyntactic properties between languages. These results suggest that mBERT properly encodes languages in a way consistent with linguistic diversity and provide insights into the mechanism of cross-lingual transfer.
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基于变压器的语言模型最近在许多自然语言任务中取得了显着的结果。但是,通常通过利用大量培训数据来实现排行榜的性能,并且很少通过将明确的语言知识编码为神经模型。这使许多人质疑语言学对现代自然语言处理的相关性。在本文中,我介绍了几个案例研究,以说明理论语言学和神经语言模型仍然相互关联。首先,语言模型通过提供一个客观的工具来测量语义距离,这对语言学家很有用,语义距离很难使用传统方法。另一方面,语言理论通过提供框架和数据源来探究我们的语言模型,以了解语言理解的特定方面,从而有助于语言建模研究。本论文贡献了三项研究,探讨了语言模型中语法 - 听觉界面的不同方面。在论文的第一部分中,我将语言模型应用于单词类灵活性的问题。我将Mbert作为语义距离测量的来源,我提供了有利于将单词类灵活性分析为方向过程的证据。在论文的第二部分中,我提出了一种方法来测量语言模型中间层的惊奇方法。我的实验表明,包含形态句法异常的句子触发了语言模型早期的惊喜,而不是语义和常识异常。最后,在论文的第三部分中,我适应了一些心理语言学研究,以表明语言模型包含了论证结构结构的知识。总而言之,我的论文在自然语言处理,语言理论和心理语言学之间建立了新的联系,以为语言模型的解释提供新的观点。
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在这项研究中,我们提出了一种基于词素的方案,用于韩国依赖解析,并采用拟议方案来普遍依赖。我们介绍了语言原理,该基本原理说明了采用基于词素的格式的动机和必要性,并开发了脚本,这些脚本会在通用依赖项使用的原始格式和所提出的基于词素的格式自动之间转换。然后,统计和神经模型(包括udpipe和stanza)证明了提出的格式对韩国依赖解析的有效性,并以我们精心构造的基于词素的单词嵌入韩语。Morphud的表现优于所有韩国UD Treebanks的解析结果,我们还提供了详细的错误分析。
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Contextualized representation models such as ELMo (Peters et al., 2018a) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) have recently achieved state-of-the-art results on a diverse array of downstream NLP tasks. Building on recent token-level probing work, we introduce a novel edge probing task design and construct a broad suite of sub-sentence tasks derived from the traditional structured NLP pipeline. We probe word-level contextual representations from four recent models and investigate how they encode sentence structure across a range of syntactic, semantic, local, and long-range phenomena. We find that existing models trained on language modeling and translation produce strong representations for syntactic phenomena, but only offer comparably small improvements on semantic tasks over a non-contextual baseline.
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通常认为语言模型能够编码语法[Tenney等,2019; Jawahar等,2019; Hewitt和Manning,2019]。在本文中,我们提出了UPOA,这是一种无监督的组成分析模型,该模型仅基于以验证的语言模型学习为跨度分割的句法距离,仅基于自我发挥的权重矩阵来计算出OUT关联得分。我们进一步提出了一个增强的版本UPIO,该版本利用了内部关联和外部关联得分来估计跨度的可能性。使用UPOA和UPIO的实验揭示了自我注意机制中查询和密钥的线性投影矩阵在解析中起重要作用。因此,我们将无监督的模型扩展到了几个射击模型(FPOA,FPIO),这些模型使用一些注释的树来学习更好的线性投影矩阵进行解析。宾夕法尼亚河岸上的实验表明,我们的无监督解析模型UPIO实现了与短句子(长度<= 10)相当的结果。我们的几个解析模型FPIO接受了仅20棵带注释的树木的训练,优于前几种镜头解析方法,该方法接受了50棵带注释的树木的训练。交叉解析的实验表明,无监督和少数解析方法都比SPMRL大多数语言的先前方法都更好[Seddah等,2013]。
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我们研究了原则上的程度,原则上,语言图表表示可以补充和改进神经语言建模。通过一个由7种不同的形式主义之一的预磨削变压器和地面真相图组成的集合设置,我们发现,总体而言,语义构成结构对语言建模性能最有用 - 超越句法选区结构以及句法和语义依赖结构。此外,效果取决于语音级别的级别大大变化。总而言之,我们的调查结果指出了神经象征性语言建模的有希望的趋势,并邀请未来的研究量化不同形式主义所制作的设计选择。
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We propose a transition-based approach that, by training a single model, can efficiently parse any input sentence with both constituent and dependency trees, supporting both continuous/projective and discontinuous/non-projective syntactic structures. To that end, we develop a Pointer Network architecture with two separate task-specific decoders and a common encoder, and follow a multitask learning strategy to jointly train them. The resulting quadratic system, not only becomes the first parser that can jointly produce both unrestricted constituent and dependency trees from a single model, but also proves that both syntactic formalisms can benefit from each other during training, achieving state-of-the-art accuracies in several widely-used benchmarks such as the continuous English and Chinese Penn Treebanks, as well as the discontinuous German NEGRA and TIGER datasets.
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We propose reconstruction probing, a new analysis method for contextualized representations based on reconstruction probabilities in masked language models (MLMs). This method relies on comparing the reconstruction probabilities of tokens in a given sequence when conditioned on the representation of a single token that has been fully contextualized and when conditioned on only the decontextualized lexical prior of the model. This comparison can be understood as quantifying the contribution of contextualization towards reconstruction -- the difference in the reconstruction probabilities can only be attributed to the representational change of the single token induced by contextualization. We apply this analysis to three MLMs and find that contextualization boosts reconstructability of tokens that are close to the token being reconstructed in terms of linear and syntactic distance. Furthermore, we extend our analysis to finer-grained decomposition of contextualized representations, and we find that these boosts are largely attributable to static and positional embeddings at the input layer.
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人类和神经语言模型都能够执行主题 - 动词数协议(SVA)。原则上,语义不应干扰此任务,这仅需要句法知识。在这项工作中,我们测试含义是否干扰了各种复杂性的句法结构中的英语一致性。为此,我们同时生成语义上良好的和荒谬的项目。我们将Bert Base与人类的表现进行了比较,该表现是通过心理语言在线众包实验获得的。我们发现伯特和人类都对我们的语义操纵敏感:出现荒谬的项目时,它们的频率更高,尤其是当它们的句法结构具有吸引子(主题和动词之间的名词短语和与该数字不同的名词短语)时主题)。我们还发现,有意义性对SVA错误的影响对于BERT而言比对人类的影响更强,显示前者对这项任务的词汇敏感性更高。
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Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) aims to extract relational tuples from open-domain sentences. Traditional rule-based or statistical models have been developed based on syntactic structures of sentences, identified by syntactic parsers. However, previous neural OpenIE models under-explore the useful syntactic information. In this paper, we model both constituency and dependency trees into word-level graphs, and enable neural OpenIE to learn from the syntactic structures. To better fuse heterogeneous information from both graphs, we adopt multi-view learning to capture multiple relationships from them. Finally, the finetuned constituency and dependency representations are aggregated with sentential semantic representations for tuple generation. Experiments show that both constituency and dependency information, and the multi-view learning are effective.
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We introduce Transformer Grammars (TGs), a novel class of Transformer language models that combine (i) the expressive power, scalability, and strong performance of Transformers and (ii) recursive syntactic compositions, which here are implemented through a special attention mask and deterministic transformation of the linearized tree. We find that TGs outperform various strong baselines on sentence-level language modeling perplexity, as well as on multiple syntax-sensitive language modeling evaluation metrics. Additionally, we find that the recursive syntactic composition bottleneck which represents each sentence as a single vector harms perplexity on document-level language modeling, providing evidence that a different kind of memory mechanism -- one that is independent of composed syntactic representations -- plays an important role in current successful models of long text.
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