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机器学习,特别是深度学习方法在许多模式识别和数据处理问题,游戏玩法中都优于人类的能力,现在在科学发现中也起着越来越重要的作用。机器学习在分子科学中的关键应用是通过使用密度函数理论,耦合群或其他量子化学方法获得的电子schr \“ odinger方程的Ab-Initio溶液中的势能表面或力场。我们回顾了一种最新和互补的方法:使用机器学习来辅助从第一原理中直接解决量子化学问题。具体来说,我们专注于使用神经网络ANSATZ功能的量子蒙特卡洛(QMC)方法,以解决电子SCHR \ “ Odinger方程在第一和第二量化中,计算场和激发态,并概括多个核构型。与现有的量子化学方法相比,这些新的深QMC方法具有以相对适度的计算成本生成高度准确的Schr \“ Odinger方程的溶液。
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对于科学家来说,准确的密度功能的系统开发一直是数十年来的挑战。尽管机器学习(ML)在近似功能中的新兴应用,但所得的ML功能通常包含数十万个参数,这与常规的人类设计的符号符号函数构成了巨大的差距。我们提出了一个新的框架,符号功能进化搜索(SYFES),该搜索会自动以符号形式构造准确的功能,该功能比人类更便宜,并且比其他ML功能更易于评估,并且更易于整合到现有的密度功能理论代码。我们首先表明,没有先验知识,Syfes从头开始重建了已知的功能。然后,我们证明,从现有的功能性$ \ omega $ b9.7亿v演变,Syfes发现了一种新的功能性GAS22(Google Accelated Science 22),在主要组化学数据库的测试集中,大多数分子类型的表现更好( MGCDB84)。我们的框架为利用计算能力的新方向开发了符号密度函数的系统开发。
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这项工作介绍了神经性等因素的外部潜力(NEQUIP),E(3) - 用于学习分子动力学模拟的AB-INITIO计算的用于学习网状体电位的e(3)的神经网络方法。虽然大多数当代对称的模型使用不变的卷曲,但仅在标量上采取行动,Nequip采用E(3) - 几何张量的相互作用,举起Quivariant卷曲,导致了更多的信息丰富和忠实的原子环境代表。该方法在挑战和多样化的分子和材料集中实现了最先进的准确性,同时表现出显着的数据效率。 Nequip优先于现有型号,最多三个数量级的培训数据,挑战深度神经网络需要大量培训套装。该方法的高数据效率允许使用高阶量子化学水平的理论作为参考的精确潜力构建,并且在长时间尺度上实现高保真分子动力学模拟。
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Data Centers are huge power consumers, both because of the energy required for computation and the cooling needed to keep servers below thermal redlining. The most common technique to minimize cooling costs is increasing data room temperature. However, to avoid reliability issues, and to enhance energy efficiency, there is a need to predict the temperature attained by servers under variable cooling setups. Due to the complex thermal dynamics of data rooms, accurate runtime data center temperature prediction has remained as an important challenge. By using Gramatical Evolution techniques, this paper presents a methodology for the generation of temperature models for data centers and the runtime prediction of CPU and inlet temperature under variable cooling setups. As opposed to time costly Computational Fluid Dynamics techniques, our models do not need specific knowledge about the problem, can be used in arbitrary data centers, re-trained if conditions change and have negligible overhead during runtime prediction. Our models have been trained and tested by using traces from real Data Center scenarios. Our results show how we can fully predict the temperature of the servers in a data rooms, with prediction errors below 2 C and 0.5 C in CPU and server inlet temperature respectively.
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计算催化和机器学习社区在开发用于催化剂发现和设计的机器学习模型方面取得了长足的进步。然而,跨越催化的化学空间的一般机器学习潜力仍然无法触及。一个重大障碍是在广泛的材料中获得访问培训数据的访问。缺乏数据的一类重要材料是氧化物,它抑制模型无法更广泛地研究氧气进化反应和氧化物电催化。为了解决这个问题,我们开发了开放的催化剂2022(OC22)数据集,包括62,521个密度功能理论(DFT)放松(〜9,884,504个单点计算),遍及一系列氧化物材料,覆盖范围,覆盖率和吸附物( *H, *o, *o, *o, *o, *o, * n, *c, *ooh, *oh, *oh2, *o2, *co)。我们定义广义任务,以预测催化过程中适用的总系统能量,发展几个图神经网络的基线性能(Schnet,Dimenet ++,Forcenet,Spinconv,Painn,Painn,Gemnet-DT,Gemnet-DT,Gemnet-OC),并提供预先定义的数据集分割以建立明确的基准,以实现未来的努力。对于所有任务,我们研究组合数据集是否会带来更好的结果,即使它们包含不同的材料或吸附物。具体而言,我们在Open Catalyst 2020(OC20)数据集和OC22上共同训练模型,或OC22上的微调OC20型号。在最一般的任务中,Gemnet-OC看到通过微调来提高了约32%的能量预测,通过联合训练的力预测提高了约9%。令人惊讶的是,OC20和较小的OC22数据集的联合培训也将OC20的总能量预测提高了约19%。数据集和基线模型是开源的,公众排行榜将遵循,以鼓励社区的持续发展,以了解总能源任务和数据。
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4月20日至22日,在马德里(西班牙)举行的EVO* 2022会议上提交了末期摘要。这些论文介绍了正在进行的研究和初步结果,这些结果研究了对不同问题的不同方法(主要是进化计算)的应用,其中大多数是现实世界中的方法。
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Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a well-established paradigm for simulating complex systems via interactions between constituent entities. Machine learning (ML) refers to approaches whereby statistical algorithms 'learn' from data on their own, without imposing a priori theories of system behavior. Biological systems -- from molecules, to cells, to entire organisms -- consist of vast numbers of entities, governed by complex webs of interactions that span many spatiotemporal scales and exhibit nonlinearity, stochasticity and intricate coupling between entities. The macroscopic properties and collective dynamics of such systems are difficult to capture via continuum modelling and mean-field formalisms. ABM takes a 'bottom-up' approach that obviates these difficulties by enabling one to easily propose and test a set of well-defined 'rules' to be applied to the individual entities (agents) in a system. Evaluating a system and propagating its state over discrete time-steps effectively simulates the system, allowing observables to be computed and system properties to be analyzed. Because the rules that govern an ABM can be difficult to abstract and formulate from experimental data, there is an opportunity to use ML to help infer optimal, system-specific ABM rules. Once such rule-sets are devised, ABM calculations can generate a wealth of data, and ML can be applied there too -- e.g., to probe statistical measures that meaningfully describe a system's stochastic properties. As an example of synergy in the other direction (from ABM to ML), ABM simulations can generate realistic datasets for training ML algorithms (e.g., for regularization, to mitigate overfitting). In these ways, one can envision various synergistic ABM$\rightleftharpoons$ML loops. This review summarizes how ABM and ML have been integrated in contexts that span spatiotemporal scales, from cellular to population-level epidemiology.
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Data-driven interatomic potentials have emerged as a powerful class of surrogate models for {\it ab initio} potential energy surfaces that are able to reliably predict macroscopic properties with experimental accuracy. In generating accurate and transferable potentials the most time-consuming and arguably most important task is generating the training set, which still requires significant expert user input. To accelerate this process, this work presents \text{\it hyperactive learning} (HAL), a framework for formulating an accelerated sampling algorithm specifically for the task of training database generation. The key idea is to start from a physically motivated sampler (e.g., molecular dynamics) and add a biasing term that drives the system towards high uncertainty and thus to unseen training configurations. Building on this framework, general protocols for building training databases for alloys and polymers leveraging the HAL framework will be presented. For alloys, ACE potentials for AlSi10 are created by fitting to a minimal HAL-generated database containing 88 configurations (32 atoms each) with fast evaluation times of <100 microsecond/atom/cpu-core. These potentials are demonstrated to predict the melting temperature with excellent accuracy. For polymers, a HAL database is built using ACE, able to determine the density of a long polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymer formed of 200 monomer units with experimental accuracy by only fitting to small isolated PEG polymers with sizes ranging from 2 to 32.
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FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of a Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA). The inputs to a VQA are: a cost function C(θ), with θ a set of parameters that encodes the solution to the problem, an ansatz whose parameters are trained to minimize the cost, and (possibly) a set of training data {ρ k } used during the optimization. Here, the cost can often be expressed in the form in Eq. ( 3), for some set of functions {f k }. Also, the ansatz is shown as a parameterized quantum circuit (on the left), which is analogous to a neural network (also shown schematically on the right). At each iteration of the loop one uses a quantum computer to efficiently estimate the cost (or its gradients). This information is fed into a classical computer that leverages the power of optimizers to navigate the cost landscape C(θ) and solve the optimization problem in Eq. ( 1). Once a termination condition is met, the VQA outputs an estimate of the solution to the problem. The form of the output depends on the precise task at hand. The red box indicates some of the most common types of outputs.
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Metaheuristics are popularly used in various fields, and they have attracted much attention in the scientific and industrial communities. In recent years, the number of new metaheuristic names has been continuously growing. Generally, the inventors attribute the novelties of these new algorithms to inspirations from either biology, human behaviors, physics, or other phenomena. In addition, these new algorithms, compared against basic versions of other metaheuristics using classical benchmark problems without shift/rotation, show competitive performances. In this study, we exhaustively tabulate more than 500 metaheuristics. To comparatively evaluate the performance of the recent competitive variants and newly proposed metaheuristics, 11 newly proposed metaheuristics and 4 variants of established metaheuristics are comprehensively compared on the CEC2017 benchmark suite. In addition, whether these algorithms have a search bias to the center of the search space is investigated. The results show that the performance of the newly proposed EBCM (effective butterfly optimizer with covariance matrix adaptation) algorithm performs comparably to the 4 well performing variants of the established metaheuristics and possesses similar properties and behaviors, such as convergence, diversity, exploration and exploitation trade-offs, in many aspects. The performance of all 15 of the algorithms is likely to deteriorate due to certain transformations, while the 4 state-of-the-art metaheuristics are less affected by transformations such as the shifting of the global optimal point away from the center of the search space. It should be noted that, except EBCM, the other 10 new algorithms proposed mostly during 2019-2020 are inferior to the well performing 2017 variants of differential evolution and evolution strategy in terms of convergence speed and global search ability on CEC 2017 functions.
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电子密度$ \ rho(\ vec {r})$是用密度泛函理论(dft)计算地面能量的基本变量。除了总能量之外,$ \ rho(\ vec {r})$分布和$ \ rho(\ vec {r})$的功能通常用于捕获电子规模以功能材料和分子中的关键物理化学现象。方法提供对$ \ rho(\ vec {r})的可紊乱系统,其具有少量计算成本的复杂无序系统可以是对材料相位空间的加快探索朝向具有更好功能的新材料的逆设计的游戏更换者。我们为预测$ \ rho(\ vec {r})$。该模型基于成本图形神经网络,并且在作为消息传递图的一部分的特殊查询点顶点上预测了电子密度,但仅接收消息。该模型在多个数据组中进行测试,分子(QM9),液体乙烯碳酸酯电解质(EC)和Lixniymnzco(1-Y-Z)O 2锂离子电池阴极(NMC)。对于QM9分子,所提出的模型的准确性超过了从DFT获得的$ \ Rho(\ vec {r})$中的典型变异性,以不同的交换相关功能,并显示超出最先进的准确性。混合氧化物(NMC)和电解质(EC)数据集更好的精度甚至更好。线性缩放模型同时探测成千上万点的能力允许计算$ \ Rho(\ vec {r})$的大型复杂系统,比DFT快于允许筛选无序的功能材料。
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符号回归是识别拟合从黑盒过程中观察到的输出的数学表达式的过程。它通常认为是一个离散的优化问题是NP - 硬。解决问题的前提方法包括神经引导的搜索(例如,使用强化学习)和遗传编程。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一种混合神经引导/基因编程方法来象征性回归和其他组合优化问题。我们提出了一种神经引导组件,用于种子随机重启遗传编程组件的起始群体,逐渐学习更好的起始群体。在许多常见的基准任务中从数据集中恢复底层表达式,我们的方法使用相同的实验设置恢复比最近发布的顶部执行模型更多的表达式65%。我们证明在没有对神经引导的组件上的不相互依存的情况下运行许多遗传编程一代,而不是比两个更强烈地耦合的替代配方更好地对象征性回归更好地执行符号回归。最后,我们介绍了一组新的22个符号回归基准问题,而现有的基准难度增加。源代码在www.github.com/brendenpetersen/deep-symbolic -optimization提供。
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我们开发了一种组合量子蒙特卡罗的准确性在描述与机器学习电位(MLP)的效率描述电子相关性的技术。我们使用内核线性回归与肥皂(平滑的重叠原子位置)方法结合使用,以非常有效的方式在此实现。关键成分是:i)一种基于最远点采样的稀疏技术,确保我们的MLP的一般性和可转换性和II)所谓的$ \ Delta $ -Learning,允许小型训练数据集,这是一种高度准确的基本属性但是计算地要求计算,例如基于量子蒙特卡罗的计算。作为第一个应用,我们通过强调这一非常高精度的重要性,展示了高压氢气液体过渡的基准研究,并显示了我们的MLP的高精度的重要性,实验室在实验中难以进行实验,以及实验理论仍然远非结论。
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