冻结预训练的主链已成为标准范式,以避免在几次分段中过度拟合。在本文中,我们重新考虑范式并探索一个新的制度:{\ em对骨干中的一小部分参数}进行微调。我们提出了一种解决过度拟合问题的解决方案,从而使学习新颖班级的模型概括更好。我们的方法通过奇异值分解(SVD)将主链参数分解为三个连续的矩阵,然后{\ em仅微调单数值}并保持其他冻结。上面的设计使模型可以在新颖类中调整特征表示,同时在预先训练的主链中保持语义线索。我们在具有不同骨架的各种几种射击分割方法上评估了{\ em单数值微调(SVF)}方法。我们在Pascal-5 $^i $和Coco-20 $^i $上都获得了最先进的结果。希望这个简单的基准将鼓励研究人员重新考虑骨干微调在几次环境中的作用。源代码和模型将在\ url {https://github.com/syp2ysy/svf}上获得。
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很少有分割的目的是仅给出少数标记的样品,旨在细分看不见的级对象。原型学习,支持功能通过平均全局和局部对象信息产生单个原型,在FSS中已广泛使用。但是,仅利用原型矢量可能不足以代表所有训练数据的功能。为了提取丰富的特征并做出更精确的预测,我们提出了一个多相似性和注意力网络(MSANET),包括两个新型模块,一个多相似性模块和一个注意模块。多相似模块利用支持图像和查询图像的多个特征图来估计准确的语义关系。注意模块指示网络专注于相关的信息。该网络在标准FSS数据集,Pascal-5i 1-Shot,Pascal-5i 5-Shot,Coco-20i 1-Shot和Coco-20i 5-Shot上进行了测试。具有RESNET-101骨架的MSANET可在所有4基准测试数据集中达到最先进的性能,而平均交叉点(MIOU)为69.13%,73.99%,51.09%,56.80%。代码可在https://github.com/aivresearch/msanet上获得
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几次拍摄的语义分割旨在将新颖的类对象分段为仅具有少数标记的支持图像。大多数高级解决方案利用度量学习框架,通过将每个查询功能与学习的类特定的原型匹配来执行分段。然而,由于特征比较不完整,该框架遭受了偏见的分类。为了解决这个问题,我们通过引入类别特定的和类别不可知的原型来提出自适应原型表示,从而构建与查询功能学习语义对齐的完整样本对。互补特征学习方式有效地丰富了特征比较,并有助于在几次拍摄设置中产生一个非偏见的分段模型。它用双分支端到端网络(\即,特定于类分支和类别不可知分支)实现,它生成原型,然后组合查询特征以执行比较。此外,所提出的类别无神不可话的分支简单而且有效。在实践中,它可以自适应地为查询图像生成多种类别 - 不可知的原型,并以自我对比方式学习特征对齐。广泛的Pascal-5 $ ^ i $和Coco-20 $ ^ i $展示了我们方法的优越性。在不牺牲推理效率的费用中,我们的模型实现了最先进的,导致1-Shot和5-Shot Settings进行语义分割。
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很少有语义细分旨在识别一个看不见类别的对象区域,只有几个带注释的示例作为监督。几次分割的关键是在支持图像和查询图像之间建立牢固的语义关系,并防止过度拟合。在本文中,我们提出了一个有效的多相似性超关联网络(MSHNET),以解决几个射击语义分割问题。在MSHNET中,我们提出了一种新的生成原型相似性(GPS),与余弦相似性可以在支持图像和查询图像之间建立牢固的语义关系。基于全局特征的本地生成的原型相似性在逻辑上与基于本地特征的全局余弦相似性互补,并且可以通过同时使用两个相似性来更全面地表达查询图像和受支持图像之间的关系。此外,我们提出了MSHNET中的对称合并块(SMB),以有效合并多层,多弹射和多相似性超相关特征。 MSHNET是基于相似性而不是特定类别特征而构建的,这些特征可以实现更一般的统一性并有效地减少过度拟合。在两个基准的语义分割数据集Pascal-5i和Coco-20i上,MSHNET在1次和5次语义分段任务上实现了新的最先进的表演。
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对少量语义分割(FSS)的研究引起了极大的关注,目的是在查询图像中仅给出目标类别的少数注释的支持图像。这项具有挑战性的任务的关键是通过利用查询和支持图像之间的细粒度相关性来充分利用支持图像中的信息。但是,大多数现有方法要么将支持信息压缩为几个班级原型,要么在像素级别上使用的部分支持信息(例如,唯一的前景),从而导致不可忽略的信息损失。在本文中,我们提出了密集的像素,互源和支持的注意力加权面膜聚合(DCAMA),其中前景和背景支持信息都是通过配对查询和支持特征之间的多级像素的相关性通过多级像素的相关性充分利用的。 DCAMA在变压器体系结构中以缩放点产生的关注实现,将每个查询像素视为令牌,计算其与所有支持像素的相似之处,并预测其分割标签是所有支持像素标签的添加剂聚集 - 相似之处。基于DCAMA的唯一公式,我们进一步提出了对N-shot分割的有效有效的一通推断,其中所有支持图像的像素立即为掩模聚集收集。实验表明,我们的DCAMA在Pascal-5i,Coco-20i和FSS-1000的标准FSS基准上显着提高了最先进的状态以前的最佳记录。烧烤研究还验证了设计dcama。
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很少有分段旨在学习一个细分模型,该模型可以推广到只有几个培训图像的新课程。在本文中,我们提出了一个交叉引用和局部全球条件网络(CRCNET),以进行几次分割。与以前仅预测查询图像掩码的作品不同,我们提出的模型同时对支持图像和查询图像进行了预测。我们的网络可以更好地在两个图像中使用交叉引用机制找到同时出现的对象,从而有助于少量分割任务。为了进一步改善功能比较,我们开发了一个局部全球条件模块,以捕获全球和本地关系。我们还开发了一个掩模修补模块,以重新完善前景区域的预测。Pascal VOC 2012,MS Coco和FSS-1000数据集的实验表明,我们的网络实现了新的最新性能。
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Despite the remarkable success of existing methods for few-shot segmentation, there remain two crucial challenges. First, the feature learning for novel classes is suppressed during the training on base classes in that the novel classes are always treated as background. Thus, the semantics of novel classes are not well learned. Second, most of existing methods fail to consider the underlying semantic gap between the support and the query resulting from the representative bias by the scarce support samples. To circumvent these two challenges, we propose to activate the discriminability of novel classes explicitly in both the feature encoding stage and the prediction stage for segmentation. In the feature encoding stage, we design the Semantic-Preserving Feature Learning module (SPFL) to first exploit and then retain the latent semantics contained in the whole input image, especially those in the background that belong to novel classes. In the prediction stage for segmentation, we learn an Self-Refined Online Foreground-Background classifier (SROFB), which is able to refine itself using the high-confidence pixels of query image to facilitate its adaptation to the query image and bridge the support-query semantic gap. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5$^i$ and COCO-20$^i$ datasets demonstrates the advantages of these two novel designs both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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Few-shot segmentation (FSS) aims to segment unseen classes using a few annotated samples. Typically, a prototype representing the foreground class is extracted from annotated support image(s) and is matched to features representing each pixel in the query image. However, models learnt in this way are insufficiently discriminatory, and often produce false positives: misclassifying background pixels as foreground. Some FSS methods try to address this issue by using the background in the support image(s) to help identify the background in the query image. However, the backgrounds of theses images is often quite distinct, and hence, the support image background information is uninformative. This article proposes a method, QSR, that extracts the background from the query image itself, and as a result is better able to discriminate between foreground and background features in the query image. This is achieved by modifying the training process to associate prototypes with class labels including known classes from the training data and latent classes representing unknown background objects. This class information is then used to extract a background prototype from the query image. To successfully associate prototypes with class labels and extract a background prototype that is capable of predicting a mask for the background regions of the image, the machinery for extracting and using foreground prototypes is induced to become more discriminative between different classes. Experiments for both 1-shot and 5-shot FSS on both the PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets demonstrate that the proposed method results in a significant improvement in performance for the baseline methods it is applied to. As QSR operates only during training, these improved results are produced with no extra computational complexity during testing.
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少量分割旨在培训一个分割模型,可以快速适应具有少量示例的新型课程。传统的训练范例是学习对从支持图像的特征上的查询图像进行预测。以前的方法仅利用支持图像的语义级原型作为条件信息。这些方法不能利用用于查询预测的所有像素 - WISE支持信息,这对于分割任务来说是至关重要的。在本文中,我们专注于利用支持和查询图像之间的像素方面的关系来促进几次拍摄分段任务。我们设计一种新颖的循环一致的变压器(Cyctr)模块,将像素天然气支持功能聚合到查询中。 Cyctr在来自不同图像的特征之间进行跨关注,即支持和查询图像。我们观察到可能存在意外的无关像素级支持特征。直接执行跨关注可以将这些功能从支持汇总到查询和偏置查询功能。因此,我们建议使用新的循环一致的注意机制来滤除可能的有害支持特征,并鼓励查询功能从支持图像上参加最富有信息的像素。所有几次分割基准测试的实验表明,与以前的最先进的方法相比,我们所提出的Cyctr导致显着的改进。具体而言,在Pascal-$ 5 ^ i $和20 ^ i $ datasets上,我们达到了66.6%和45.6%的5次分割,优于以前的最先进方法分别为4.6%和7.1%。
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引入广义的少量拍摄语义分割以超越仅在新颖的类上评估几次分段模型,以包括测试他们记住基础类的能力。虽然目前所有方法都是基于Meta-Learning,但在观察只有几张镜头后,他们在学习中表现得差,并且在学习中达到差。我们提出了第一种微调解决方案,并证明它在两个数据集上实现最先进的结果时讨论了饱和度问题,Pascal-$ 5 ^ I $和Coco-$ 20 ^ i $。我们还表明它优于现有方法是否微调多个最终层或仅最终层。最后,我们提出了一个三重损失正常化,展示了如何重新分配新颖和基本类别之间的性能平衡,以便它们之间存在较小的差距。
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Despite the great progress made by deep CNNs in image semantic segmentation, they typically require a large number of densely-annotated images for training and are difficult to generalize to unseen object categories. Few-shot segmentation has thus been developed to learn to perform segmentation from only a few annotated examples. In this paper, we tackle the challenging few-shot segmentation problem from a metric learning perspective and present PANet, a novel prototype alignment network to better utilize the information of the support set. Our PANet learns classspecific prototype representations from a few support images within an embedding space and then performs segmentation over the query images through matching each pixel to the learned prototypes. With non-parametric metric learning, PANet offers high-quality prototypes that are representative for each semantic class and meanwhile discriminative for different classes. Moreover, PANet introduces a prototype alignment regularization between support and query. With this, PANet fully exploits knowledge from the support and provides better generalization on few-shot segmentation. Significantly, our model achieves the mIoU score of 48.1% and 55.7% on PASCAL-5 i for 1-shot and 5-shot settings respectively, surpassing the state-of-the-art method by 1.8% and 8.6%.
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Existing fine-tuning methods either tune all parameters of the pre-trained model (full fine-tuning), which is not efficient, or only tune the last linear layer (linear probing), which suffers a significant accuracy drop compared to the full fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose a new parameter-efficient fine-tuning method termed as SSF, representing that researchers only need to Scale and Shift the deep Features extracted by a pre-trained model to catch up with the performance of full fine-tuning. In this way, SSF also surprisingly outperforms other parameter-efficient fine-tuning approaches even with a smaller number of tunable parameters. Furthermore, different from some existing parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods (e.g., Adapter or VPT) that introduce the extra parameters and computational cost in the training and inference stages, SSF only adds learnable parameters during the training stage, and these additional parameters can be merged into the original pre-trained model weights via re-parameterization in the inference phase. With the proposed SSF, our model obtains 2.46% (90.72% vs. 88.54%) and 11.48% (73.10% vs. 65.57%) performance improvement on FGVC and VTAB-1k in terms of Top-1 accuracy compared to the full fine-tuning but only fine-tuning about 0.3M parameters. We also conduct amounts of experiments in various model families (CNNs, Transformers, and MLPs) and datasets. Results on 26 image classification datasets in total and 3 robustness & out-of-distribution datasets show the effectiveness of SSF. Code is available at https://github.com/dongzelian/SSF.
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Few-shot segmentation aims to devise a generalizing model that segments query images from unseen classes during training with the guidance of a few support images whose class tally with the class of the query. There exist two domain-specific problems mentioned in the previous works, namely spatial inconsistency and bias towards seen classes. Taking the former problem into account, our method compares the support feature map with the query feature map at multi scales to become scale-agnostic. As a solution to the latter problem, a supervised model, called as base learner, is trained on available classes to accurately identify pixels belonging to seen classes. Hence, subsequent meta learner has a chance to discard areas belonging to seen classes with the help of an ensemble learning model that coordinates meta learner with the base learner. We simultaneously address these two vital problems for the first time and achieve state-of-the-art performances on both PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets.
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尽管参数有效调整(PET)方法在自然语言处理(NLP)任务上显示出巨大的潜力,但其有效性仍然对计算机视觉(CV)任务的大规模转向进行了研究。本文提出了Conv-Adapter,这是一种专为CONCNET设计的PET模块。 Conv-Adapter具有轻巧的,可转让的域和架构,不合时宜,并且在不同的任务上具有广义性能。当转移下游任务时,Conv-Adapter将特定于任务的特征调制到主链的中间表示,同时保持预先训练的参数冻结。通过仅引入少量可学习的参数,例如,仅3.5%的RESNET50的完整微调参数,Conv-Adapter优于先前的宠物基线方法,并实现可比性或超过23个分类任务的全面调查的性能。它还在几乎没有分类的情况下表现出卓越的性能,平均利润率为3.39%。除分类外,Conv-Adapter可以推广到检测和细分任务,其参数降低了50%以上,但性能与传统的完整微调相当。
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对比语言 - 图像预训练(剪辑)在开放词汇零拍摄图像识别方面取得了显着突破。许多最近的研究利用预先训练的剪辑模型进行图像级分类和操纵。在本文中,我们进一步探索了剪辑的电位,用于像素级致密预测,具体地在语义分割中。在没有注释和微调的情况下,我们的方法Denseclip会产生合理的分段结果,在各种数据集中的开放概念上产生了合理的分段结果。通过添加伪标签和自我培训,Denseclip +超越了SOTA转换零点语义分割方法,通过大幅边缘,例如,Pascal VOC / Pascal Context / Coco Sift的宣传课程从35.6 / 20.7 / 30.3到86.1 / 66.7 / 54.7。我们还在输入损坏下测试了Denseclip的稳健性,并评估其在识别细粒度物体和新颖概念中的能力。我们的发现表明,Denseclip可以作为致密预测任务的新可靠的监督源,以实现无批准的分割。
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