Distance Metric Learning (DML) has attracted much attention in image processing in recent years. This paper analyzes its impact on supervised fine-tuning language models for Natural Language Processing (NLP) classification tasks under few-shot learning settings. We investigated several DML loss functions in training RoBERTa language models on known SentEval Transfer Tasks datasets. We also analyzed the possibility of using proxy-based DML losses during model inference. Our systematic experiments have shown that under few-shot learning settings, particularly proxy-based DML losses can positively affect the fine-tuning and inference of a supervised language model. Models tuned with a combination of CCE (categorical cross-entropy loss) and ProxyAnchor Loss have, on average, the best performance and outperform models with only CCE by about 3.27 percentage points -- up to 10.38 percentage points depending on the training dataset.
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This paper presents an analysis regarding an influence of the Distance Metric Learning (DML) loss functions on the supervised fine-tuning of the language models for classification tasks. We experimented with known datasets from SentEval Transfer Tasks. Our experiments show that applying the DML loss function can increase performance on downstream classification tasks of RoBERTa-large models in few-shot scenarios. Models fine-tuned with the use of SoftTriple loss can achieve better results than models with a standard categorical cross-entropy loss function by about 2.89 percentage points from 0.04 to 13.48 percentage points depending on the training dataset. Additionally, we accomplished a comprehensive analysis with explainability techniques to assess the models' reliability and explain their results.
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我们介绍了一种新的损失函数TriplePropy,提高微调普通知识的分类性能,基于交叉熵和软损失。这种损失功能可以通过跨熵损失改善强大的罗伯拉基线模型,大约(0.02% - 2.29%)。对流行数据集的彻底测试表示稳定增益。训练数据集中的样品越小,增益越高,对于小型数据集而言,其为0.78%,用于中等大小 - 0.86%,大约0.20%,超大0.04%。
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最近,已证明有监督的对比度学习(SCL)在大多数分类任务中都能取得出色的表现。在SCL中,对神经网络进行了训练,可以优化两个目标:在嵌入空间中将锚定和阳性样品一起拉在一起,并将锚点推开。但是,这两个不同的目标可能需要冲突,需要在优化期间之间进行权衡。在这项工作中,我们将SCL问题作为Roberta语言模型的微调阶段的多目标优化问题。使用两种方法来解决优化问题:(i)线性标量(LS)方法,该方法可最大程度地减少持久性损失的加权线性组合; (ii)确切的帕累托最佳(EPO)方法,该方法找到了帕累托正面与给定优先矢量的相交。我们在不使用数据增强,内存库或生成对抗性示例的情况下评估了几个胶合基准任务的方法。经验结果表明,提出的学习策略大大优于强大的竞争性学习基线
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对比的学习技术已广泛用于计算机视野中作为增强数据集的手段。在本文中,我们将这些对比学习嵌入的使用扩展到情绪分析任务,并证明了对这些嵌入的微调在基于BERT的嵌入物上的微调方面提供了改进,以在评估时实现更高的基准。在Dynasent DataSet上。我们还探讨了我们的微调模型在跨域基准数据集上执行的。此外,我们探索了ups采样技术,以实现更平衡的班级分发,以进一步改进我们的基准任务。
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Contrastive learning applied to self-supervised representation learning has seen a resurgence in recent years, leading to state of the art performance in the unsupervised training of deep image models. Modern batch contrastive approaches subsume or significantly outperform traditional contrastive losses such as triplet, max-margin and the N-pairs loss. In this work, we extend the self-supervised batch contrastive approach to the fully-supervised setting, allowing us to effectively leverage label information. Clusters of points belonging to the same class are pulled together in embedding space, while simultaneously pushing apart clusters of samples from different classes. We analyze two possible versions of the supervised contrastive (SupCon) loss, identifying the best-performing formulation of the loss. On ResNet-200, we achieve top-1 accuracy of 81.4% on the Ima-geNet dataset, which is 0.8% above the best number reported for this architecture. We show consistent outperformance over cross-entropy on other datasets and two ResNet variants. The loss shows benefits for robustness to natural corruptions, and is more stable to hyperparameter settings such as optimizers and data augmentations. Our loss function is simple to implement and reference TensorFlow code is released at https://t.ly/supcon 1 .
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BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and RoBERTa has set a new state-of-the-art performance on sentence-pair regression tasks like semantic textual similarity (STS). However, it requires that both sentences are fed into the network, which causes a massive computational overhead: Finding the most similar pair in a collection of 10,000 sentences requires about 50 million inference computations (~65 hours) with BERT. The construction of BERT makes it unsuitable for semantic similarity search as well as for unsupervised tasks like clustering.In this publication, we present Sentence-BERT (SBERT), a modification of the pretrained BERT network that use siamese and triplet network structures to derive semantically meaningful sentence embeddings that can be compared using cosine-similarity. This reduces the effort for finding the most similar pair from 65 hours with BERT / RoBERTa to about 5 seconds with SBERT, while maintaining the accuracy from BERT.We evaluate SBERT and SRoBERTa on common STS tasks and transfer learning tasks, where it outperforms other state-of-the-art sentence embeddings methods. 1
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我们提供了从文本到文本变换器(T5)的第一次探索句子嵌入式。句子嵌入式广泛适用于语言处理任务。虽然T5在作为序列到序列映射问题的语言任务上实现令人印象深刻的性能,但目前尚不清楚如何从编码器解码器模型生成陈列嵌入的句子。我们调查三种方法提取T5句子嵌入方法:两个仅利用T5编码器,一个使用全T5编码器解码器模型。为了支持我们的调查,我们建立了一个新的句子代表转移基准,SentGlue,它将Senteval Toolkit扩展到粘合基准的九个任务。我们的编码器的型号优于Senteval和SentGlue传输任务的句子 - BERT和SIMCSE句子嵌入,包括语义文本相似性(STS)。发现从数百万到数十亿参数的缩放T5产生一致的进一步改进。最后,我们的编码器 - 解码器方法在使用句子嵌入时在STS上实现了新的最先进的。我们的模型在https://tfhub.dev/google/collections/sentence-t5/1发布。
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Cross entropy loss has served as the main objective function for classification-based tasks. Widely deployed for learning neural network classifiers, it shows both effectiveness and a probabilistic interpretation. Recently, after the success of self supervised contrastive representation learning methods, supervised contrastive methods have been proposed to learn representations and have shown superior and more robust performance, compared to solely training with cross entropy loss. However, cross entropy loss is still needed to train the final classification layer. In this work, we investigate the possibility of learning both the representation and the classifier using one objective function that combines the robustness of contrastive learning and the probabilistic interpretation of cross entropy loss. First, we revisit a previously proposed contrastive-based objective function that approximates cross entropy loss and present a simple extension to learn the classifier jointly. Second, we propose a new version of the supervised contrastive training that learns jointly the parameters of the classifier and the backbone of the network. We empirically show that our proposed objective functions show a significant improvement over the standard cross entropy loss with more training stability and robustness in various challenging settings.
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We address the problem of distance metric learning (DML), defined as learning a distance consistent with a notion of semantic similarity. Traditionally, for this problem supervision is expressed in the form of sets of points that follow an ordinal relationship -an anchor point x is similar to a set of positive points Y , and dissimilar to a set of negative points Z, and a loss defined over these distances is minimized. While the specifics of the optimization differ, in this work we collectively call this type of supervision Triplets and all methods that follow this pattern Triplet-Based methods. These methods are challenging to optimize. A main issue is the need for finding informative triplets, which is usually achieved by a variety of tricks such as increasing the batch size, hard or semi-hard triplet mining, etc. Even with these tricks, the convergence rate of such methods is slow. In this paper we propose to optimize the triplet loss on a different space of triplets, consisting of an anchor data point and similar and dissimilar proxy points which are learned as well. These proxies approximate the original data points, so that a triplet loss over the proxies is a tight upper bound of the original loss. This proxy-based loss is empirically better behaved. As a result, the proxy-loss improves on state-of-art results for three standard zero-shot learning datasets, by up to 15% points, while converging three times as fast as other triplet-based losses.
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Deep Metric Learning (DML) learns a non-linear semantic embedding from input data that brings similar pairs together while keeping dissimilar data away from each other. To this end, many different methods are proposed in the last decade with promising results in various applications. The success of a DML algorithm greatly depends on its loss function. However, no loss function is perfect, and it deals only with some aspects of an optimal similarity embedding. Besides, the generalizability of the DML on unseen categories during the test stage is an important matter that is not considered by existing loss functions. To address these challenges, we propose novel approaches to combine different losses built on top of a shared deep feature extractor. The proposed ensemble of losses enforces the deep model to extract features that are consistent with all losses. Since the selected losses are diverse and each emphasizes different aspects of an optimal semantic embedding, our effective combining methods yield a considerable improvement over any individual loss and generalize well on unseen categories. Here, there is no limitation in choosing loss functions, and our methods can work with any set of existing ones. Besides, they can optimize each loss function as well as its weight in an end-to-end paradigm with no need to adjust any hyper-parameter. We evaluate our methods on some popular datasets from the machine vision domain in conventional Zero-Shot-Learning (ZSL) settings. The results are very encouraging and show that our methods outperform all baseline losses by a large margin in all datasets.
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自我监督的学习方法,如对比学习,在自然语言处理中非常重视。它使用对培训数据增强对具有良好表示能力的编码器构建分类任务。然而,在对比学习的学习成对的构建在NLP任务中更难。以前的作品生成单词级更改以形成对,但小变换可能会导致句子含义的显着变化作为自然语言的离散和稀疏性质。在本文中,对对抗的训练在NLP的嵌入空间中产生了挑战性和更难的学习对抗性示例作为学习对。使用对比学学习提高了对抗性培训的泛化能力,因为对比损失可以使样品分布均匀。同时,对抗性培训也提高了对比学习的稳健性。提出了两种小说框架,监督对比对抗学习(SCAS)和无监督的SCAS(USCAL),通过利用对比学习的对抗性培训来产生学习成对。利用基于标签的监督任务丢失,以产生对抗性示例,而无监督的任务会带来对比损失。为了验证所提出的框架的有效性,我们将其雇用到基于变换器的模型,用于自然语言理解,句子语义文本相似性和对抗学习任务。胶水基准任务的实验结果表明,我们的微调监督方法优于BERT $ _ {基础} $超过1.75 \%。我们还评估我们对语义文本相似性(STS)任务的无监督方法,并且我们的方法获得77.29 \%with bert $ _ {base} $。我们方法的稳健性在NLI任务的多个对抗性数据集下进行最先进的结果。
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存在预训练模型在各种文本分类任务上取得了最先进的性能。这些模型已被证明可用于学习普遍语言表示。然而,通过先进的预训练模型无法有效地区分类似文本之间的语义差异,这对难以区分类的性能产生了很大的影响。为了解决这个问题,我们在这项工作中提出了一种与标签距离(CLLD)的新型对比学习。灵感来自最近对比学习的进步,我们专门设计了一种具有标签距离的分类方法,用于学习对比类。 CLLD可确保在导致不同标签分配的细微差别中的灵活性,并为同时具有相似性的每个类生成不同的表示。关于公共基准和内部数据集的广泛实验表明,我们的方法提高了预先训练模型在分类任务上的性能。重要的是,我们的实验表明,学习的标签距离减轻了细胞的对抗性质。
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