生成对抗网络(GAN)的快速进步为图像归因提出了新的挑战;检测图像是否是合成的,如果是的,则确定哪些GAN体系结构创建了它。独特的是,我们为该任务提供了一个解决方案,能够1)将图像与其语义内容匹配; 2)随着图像在线重新共享时,通常会遇到良性转换(质量,分辨率,形状等)的良好转化。为了使我们的研究形式化,收集了一个具有挑战性的基准归因88,以实现强大而实用的图像归因。然后,我们提出了基于表示混合和新颖损失的GAN指纹技术Repmix。我们验证了其追踪gan生成图像的出处的能力,不变到图像的语义内容以及对扰动的鲁棒性。我们表明,我们的方法从现有的GAN指纹识别方面有显着提高,既有语义泛化和稳健性。数据和代码可从https://github.com/tubui/image_attribution获得。
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我们提出Simprov-可扩展的图像出处框架,将查询图像匹配回到可信的原始数据库,并在查询上确定可能的操作。 Simprov由三个阶段组成:检索Top-K最相似图像的可扩展搜索阶段;一个重新排列和近乎解复的检测阶段,用于识别候选人之间的原件;最后,在查询中定位区域的操纵检测和可视化阶段可能被操纵与原始区域不同。 Simprov对在线再分配过程中通常发生的良性图像转换非常强大,例如由于噪声和重新压缩降解而引起的工件,以及由于图像填充,翘曲,尺寸和形状的变化而引起的过度转换。通过对比较器体系结构中可区分的翘曲模块的端到端训练,可以实现对实地转换的鲁棒性。我们证明了对1亿张图像的数据集的有效检索和操纵检测。
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With the rapid development of deep generative models (such as Generative Adversarial Networks and Auto-encoders), AI-synthesized images of the human face are now of such high quality that humans can hardly distinguish them from pristine ones. Although existing detection methods have shown high performance in specific evaluation settings, e.g., on images from seen models or on images without real-world post-processings, they tend to suffer serious performance degradation in real-world scenarios where testing images can be generated by more powerful generation models or combined with various post-processing operations. To address this issue, we propose a Global and Local Feature Fusion (GLFF) to learn rich and discriminative representations by combining multi-scale global features from the whole image with refined local features from informative patches for face forgery detection. GLFF fuses information from two branches: the global branch to extract multi-scale semantic features and the local branch to select informative patches for detailed local artifacts extraction. Due to the lack of a face forgery dataset simulating real-world applications for evaluation, we further create a challenging face forgery dataset, named DeepFakeFaceForensics (DF^3), which contains 6 state-of-the-art generation models and a variety of post-processing techniques to approach the real-world scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method to the state-of-the-art methods on the proposed DF^3 dataset and three other open-source datasets.
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深度学习已成功地用于解决从大数据分析到计算机视觉和人级控制的各种复杂问题。但是,还采用了深度学习进步来创建可能构成隐私,民主和国家安全威胁的软件。最近出现的那些深度学习驱动的应用程序之一是Deepfake。 DeepFake算法可以创建人类无法将它们与真实图像区分开的假图像和视频。因此,可以自动检测和评估数字视觉媒体完整性的技术的建议是必不可少的。本文介绍了一项用于创造深击的算法的调查,更重要的是,提出的方法旨在检测迄今为止文献中的深击。我们对与Deepfake技术有关的挑战,研究趋势和方向进行了广泛的讨论。通过回顾深层味和最先进的深层检测方法的背景,本研究提供了深入的深层技术的概述,并促进了新的,更强大的方法的发展,以应对日益挑战性的深击。
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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) typically suffer from overfitting when limited training data is available. To facilitate GAN training, current methods propose to use data-specific augmentation techniques. Despite the effectiveness, it is difficult for these methods to scale to practical applications. In this work, we present ScoreMix, a novel and scalable data augmentation approach for various image synthesis tasks. We first produce augmented samples using the convex combinations of the real samples. Then, we optimize the augmented samples by minimizing the norms of the data scores, i.e., the gradients of the log-density functions. This procedure enforces the augmented samples close to the data manifold. To estimate the scores, we train a deep estimation network with multi-scale score matching. For different image synthesis tasks, we train the score estimation network using different data. We do not require the tuning of the hyperparameters or modifications to the network architecture. The ScoreMix method effectively increases the diversity of data and reduces the overfitting problem. Moreover, it can be easily incorporated into existing GAN models with minor modifications. Experimental results on numerous tasks demonstrate that GAN models equipped with the ScoreMix method achieve significant improvements.
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目前的高保真发电和高精度检测DeepFake图像位于臂赛中。我们认为,生产高度逼真和“检测逃避”的深度可以服务于改善未来一代深度检测能力的最终目标。在本文中,我们提出了一种简单但强大的管道,以通过执行隐式空间域陷波滤波来减少假图像的伪影图案而不会损伤图像质量。我们首先表明频域陷波滤波,尽管由于陷波滤波器所需的手动设计,我们的任务对于我们的任务是有效的,但是频域陷波过滤虽然是有效的。因此,我们诉诸基于学习的方法来重现陷波滤波效果,而是仅在空间域中。我们采用添加压倒性的空间噪声来打破周期性噪声模式和深映像滤波来重建无噪声假图像,我们将我们的方法命名为Deadnotch。深度图像过滤为嘈杂图像中的每个像素提供专用过滤器,与其DeepFake对应物相比,产生具有高保真度的滤波图像。此外,我们还使用图像的语义信息来生成对抗性引导映射,以智能地添加噪声。我们对3种代表性的最先进的深蓝进行的大规模评估(在16种DeepFakes上测试)已经证明,我们的技术显着降低了这3种假图像检测方法的准确性,平均和高度为36.79% 97.02%在最好的情况下。
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Online media data, in the forms of images and videos, are becoming mainstream communication channels. However, recent advances in deep learning, particularly deep generative models, open the doors for producing perceptually convincing images and videos at a low cost, which not only poses a serious threat to the trustworthiness of digital information but also has severe societal implications. This motivates a growing interest of research in media tampering detection, i.e., using deep learning techniques to examine whether media data have been maliciously manipulated. Depending on the content of the targeted images, media forgery could be divided into image tampering and Deepfake techniques. The former typically moves or erases the visual elements in ordinary images, while the latter manipulates the expressions and even the identity of human faces. Accordingly, the means of defense include image tampering detection and Deepfake detection, which share a wide variety of properties. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of the current media tampering detection approaches, and discuss the challenges and trends in this field for future research.
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深度神经网络在人类分析中已经普遍存在,增强了应用的性能,例如生物识别识别,动作识别以及人重新识别。但是,此类网络的性能通过可用的培训数据缩放。在人类分析中,对大规模数据集的需求构成了严重的挑战,因为数据收集乏味,廉价,昂贵,并且必须遵守数据保护法。当前的研究研究了\ textit {合成数据}的生成,作为在现场收集真实数据的有效且具有隐私性的替代方案。这项调查介绍了基本定义和方法,在生成和采用合成数据进行人类分析时必不可少。我们进行了一项调查,总结了当前的最新方法以及使用合成数据的主要好处。我们还提供了公开可用的合成数据集和生成模型的概述。最后,我们讨论了该领域的局限性以及开放研究问题。这项调查旨在为人类分析领域的研究人员和从业人员提供。
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GAN的进展使高分辨率的感性质量形象产生了产生。 stylegans允许通过数学操作对W/W+空间中的潜在样式向量进行数学操作进行引人入胜的属性修改,从而有效调节生成器的丰富层次结构表示。最近,此类操作已被推广到原始StyleGan纸中的属性交换之外,以包括插值。尽管StyleGans有许多重大改进,但仍被认为会产生不自然的图像。生成的图像的质量基于两个假设。 (a)生成器学到的层次表示的丰富性,以及(b)样式空间的线性和平滑度。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个层次的语义正常化程序(HSR),该层次正常化程序将生成器学到的层次表示与大量数据学到的相应的强大功能保持一致。 HSR不仅可以改善发电机的表示,还可以改善潜在风格空间的线性和平滑度,从而导致产生更自然的样式编辑的图像。为了证明线性改善,我们提出了一种新型的度量 - 属性线性评分(ALS)。通过改善感知路径长度(PPL)度量的改善,在不同的标准数据集中平均16.19%的不自然图像的生成显着降低,同时改善了属性编辑任务中属性变化的线性变化。
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Our goal with this survey is to provide an overview of the state of the art deep learning technologies for face generation and editing. We will cover popular latest architectures and discuss key ideas that make them work, such as inversion, latent representation, loss functions, training procedures, editing methods, and cross domain style transfer. We particularly focus on GAN-based architectures that have culminated in the StyleGAN approaches, which allow generation of high-quality face images and offer rich interfaces for controllable semantics editing and preserving photo quality. We aim to provide an entry point into the field for readers that have basic knowledge about the field of deep learning and are looking for an accessible introduction and overview.
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由于简单但有效的训练机制和出色的图像产生质量,生成的对抗网络(GAN)引起了极大的关注。具有生成照片现实的高分辨率(例如$ 1024 \ times1024 $)的能力,最近的GAN模型已大大缩小了生成的图像与真实图像之间的差距。因此,许多最近的作品表明,通过利用良好的潜在空间和博学的gan先验来利用预先训练的GAN模型的新兴兴趣。在本文中,我们简要回顾了从三个方面利用预先培训的大规模GAN模型的最新进展,即1)大规模生成对抗网络的培训,2)探索和理解预训练的GAN模型,以及预先培训的GAN模型,以及3)利用这些模型进行后续任务,例如图像恢复和编辑。有关相关方法和存储库的更多信息,请访问https://github.com/csmliu/pretretaining-gans。
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In this work, we investigate improving the generalizability of GAN-generated image detectors by performing data augmentation in the fingerprint domain. Specifically, we first separate the fingerprints and contents of the GAN-generated images using an autoencoder based GAN fingerprint extractor, followed by random perturbations of the fingerprints. Then the original fingerprints are substituted with the perturbed fingerprints and added to the original contents, to produce images that are visually invariant but with distinct fingerprints. The perturbed images can successfully imitate images generated by different GANs to improve the generalization of the detectors, which is demonstrated by the spectra visualization. To our knowledge, we are the first to conduct data augmentation in the fingerprint domain. Our work explores a novel prospect that is distinct from previous works on spatial and frequency domain augmentation. Extensive cross-GAN experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to the state-of-the-art methods in detecting fake images generated by unknown GANs.
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使用单视图2D照片仅集合,无监督的高质量多视图 - 一致的图像和3D形状一直是一个长期存在的挑战。现有的3D GAN是计算密集型的,也是没有3D-一致的近似;前者限制了所生成的图像的质量和分辨率,并且后者对多视图一致性和形状质量产生不利影响。在这项工作中,我们提高了3D GAN的计算效率和图像质量,而无需依赖这些近似。为此目的,我们介绍了一种表现力的混合明确隐式网络架构,与其他设计选择一起,不仅可以实时合成高分辨率多视图一致图像,而且还产生高质量的3D几何形状。通过解耦特征生成和神经渲染,我们的框架能够利用最先进的2D CNN生成器,例如Stylega2,并继承它们的效率和表现力。在其他实验中,我们展示了与FFHQ和AFHQ猫的最先进的3D感知合成。
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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have paved the path towards entirely new media generation capabilities at the forefront of image, video, and audio synthesis. However, they can also be misused and abused to fabricate elaborate lies, capable of stirring up the public debate. The threat posed by GANs has sparked the need to discern between genuine content and fabricated one. Previous studies have tackled this task by using classical machine learning techniques, such as k-nearest neighbours and eigenfaces, which unfortunately did not prove very effective. Subsequent methods have focused on leveraging on frequency decompositions, i.e., discrete cosine transform, wavelets, and wavelet packets, to preprocess the input features for classifiers. However, existing approaches only rely on isotropic transformations. We argue that, since GANs primarily utilize isotropic convolutions to generate their output, they leave clear traces, their fingerprint, in the coefficient distribution on sub-bands extracted by anisotropic transformations. We employ the fully separable wavelet transform and multiwavelets to obtain the anisotropic features to feed to standard CNN classifiers. Lastly, we find the fully separable transform capable of improving the state-of-the-art.
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本文的目标是对面部素描合成(FSS)问题进行全面的研究。然而,由于获得了手绘草图数据集的高成本,因此缺乏完整的基准,用于评估过去十年的FSS算法的开发。因此,我们首先向FSS引入高质量的数据集,名为FS2K,其中包括2,104个图像素描对,跨越三种类型的草图样式,图像背景,照明条件,肤色和面部属性。 FS2K与以前的FSS数据集不同于难度,多样性和可扩展性,因此应促进FSS研究的进展。其次,我们通过调查139种古典方法,包括34个手工特征的面部素描合成方法,37个一般的神经式传输方法,43个深映像到图像翻译方法,以及35个图像 - 素描方法。此外,我们详细说明了现有的19个尖端模型的综合实验。第三,我们为FSS提供了一个简单的基准,名为FSGAN。只有两个直截了当的组件,即面部感知屏蔽和风格矢量扩展,FSGAN将超越所提出的FS2K数据集的所有先前最先进模型的性能,通过大边距。最后,我们在过去几年中汲取的经验教训,并指出了几个未解决的挑战。我们的开源代码可在https://github.com/dengpingfan/fsgan中获得。
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