Studying facial expressions is a notoriously difficult endeavor. Recent advances in the field of affective computing have yielded impressive progress in automatically detecting facial expressions from pictures and videos. However, much of this work has yet to be widely disseminated in social science domains such as psychology. Current state of the art models require considerable domain expertise that is not traditionally incorporated into social science training programs. Furthermore, there is a notable absence of user-friendly and open-source software that provides a comprehensive set of tools and functions that support facial expression research. In this paper, we introduce Py-Feat, an open-source Python toolbox that provides support for detecting, preprocessing, analyzing, and visualizing facial expression data. Py-Feat makes it easy for domain experts to disseminate and benchmark computer vision models and also for end users to quickly process, analyze, and visualize face expression data. We hope this platform will facilitate increased use of facial expression data in human behavior research.
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我们介绍了Daisee,这是第一个多标签视频分类数据集,该数据集由112个用户捕获的9068个视频片段,用于识别野外无聊,混乱,参与度和挫败感的用户情感状态。该数据集具有四个级别的标签 - 每个情感状态都非常低,低,高和很高,它们是人群注释并与使用专家心理学家团队创建的黄金标准注释相关的。我们还使用当今可用的最先进的视频分类方法在此数据集上建立了基准结果。我们认为,黛西(Daisee)将为研究社区提供特征提取,基于上下文的推理以及为相关任务开发合适的机器学习方法的挑战,从而为进一步的研究提供了跳板。该数据集可在下载。
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动物运动跟踪和姿势识别的进步一直是动物行为研究的游戏规则改变者。最近,越来越多的作品比跟踪“更深”,并解决了对动物内部状态(例如情绪和痛苦)的自动认识,目的是改善动物福利,这使得这是对该领域进行系统化的及时时刻。本文对基于计算机的识别情感状态和动物的疼痛的研究进行了全面调查,并涉及面部行为和身体行为分析。我们总结了迄今为止在这个主题中所付出的努力 - 对它们进行分类,从不同的维度进行分类,突出挑战和研究差距,并提供最佳实践建议,以推进该领域以及一些未来的研究方向。
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The emergence of COVID-19 has had a global and profound impact, not only on society as a whole, but also on the lives of individuals. Various prevention measures were introduced around the world to limit the transmission of the disease, including face masks, mandates for social distancing and regular disinfection in public spaces, and the use of screening applications. These developments also triggered the need for novel and improved computer vision techniques capable of (i) providing support to the prevention measures through an automated analysis of visual data, on the one hand, and (ii) facilitating normal operation of existing vision-based services, such as biometric authentication schemes, on the other. Especially important here, are computer vision techniques that focus on the analysis of people and faces in visual data and have been affected the most by the partial occlusions introduced by the mandates for facial masks. Such computer vision based human analysis techniques include face and face-mask detection approaches, face recognition techniques, crowd counting solutions, age and expression estimation procedures, models for detecting face-hand interactions and many others, and have seen considerable attention over recent years. The goal of this survey is to provide an introduction to the problems induced by COVID-19 into such research and to present a comprehensive review of the work done in the computer vision based human analysis field. Particular attention is paid to the impact of facial masks on the performance of various methods and recent solutions to mitigate this problem. Additionally, a detailed review of existing datasets useful for the development and evaluation of methods for COVID-19 related applications is also provided. Finally, to help advance the field further, a discussion on the main open challenges and future research direction is given.
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As one of the most important psychic stress reactions, micro-expressions (MEs), are spontaneous and transient facial expressions that can reveal the genuine emotions of human beings. Thus, recognizing MEs (MER) automatically is becoming increasingly crucial in the field of affective computing, and provides essential technical support in lie detection, psychological analysis and other areas. However, the lack of abundant ME data seriously restricts the development of cutting-edge data-driven MER models. Despite the recent efforts of several spontaneous ME datasets to alleviate this problem, it is still a tiny amount of work. To solve the problem of ME data hunger, we construct a dynamic spontaneous ME dataset with the largest current ME data scale, called DFME (Dynamic Facial Micro-expressions), which includes 7,526 well-labeled ME videos induced by 671 participants and annotated by more than 20 annotators throughout three years. Afterwards, we adopt four classical spatiotemporal feature learning models on DFME to perform MER experiments to objectively verify the validity of DFME dataset. In addition, we explore different solutions to the class imbalance and key-frame sequence sampling problems in dynamic MER respectively on DFME, so as to provide a valuable reference for future research. The comprehensive experimental results show that our DFME dataset can facilitate the research of automatic MER, and provide a new benchmark for MER. DFME will be published via
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深度神经网络在人类分析中已经普遍存在,增强了应用的性能,例如生物识别识别,动作识别以及人重新识别。但是,此类网络的性能通过可用的培训数据缩放。在人类分析中,对大规模数据集的需求构成了严重的挑战,因为数据收集乏味,廉价,昂贵,并且必须遵守数据保护法。当前的研究研究了\ textit {合成数据}的生成,作为在现场收集真实数据的有效且具有隐私性的替代方案。这项调查介绍了基本定义和方法,在生成和采用合成数据进行人类分析时必不可少。我们进行了一项调查,总结了当前的最新方法以及使用合成数据的主要好处。我们还提供了公开可用的合成数据集和生成模型的概述。最后,我们讨论了该领域的局限性以及开放研究问题。这项调查旨在为人类分析领域的研究人员和从业人员提供。
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Recently developed methods for video analysis, especially models for pose estimation and behavior classification, are transforming behavioral quantification to be more precise, scalable, and reproducible in fields such as neuroscience and ethology. These tools overcome long-standing limitations of manual scoring of video frames and traditional "center of mass" tracking algorithms to enable video analysis at scale. The expansion of open-source tools for video acquisition and analysis has led to new experimental approaches to understand behavior. Here, we review currently available open-source tools for video analysis and discuss how to set up these methods for labs new to video recording. We also discuss best practices for developing and using video analysis methods, including community-wide standards and critical needs for the open sharing of datasets and code, more widespread comparisons of video analysis methods, and better documentation for these methods especially for new users. We encourage broader adoption and continued development of these tools, which have tremendous potential for accelerating scientific progress in understanding the brain and behavior.
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几乎所有现有的基于面部动作编码系统的数据集包括面部动作单元(AU)强度信息使用A-E级别分层地向强度值注释。然而,面部表情连续变化,并将从一个状态变为另一个状态。因此,将局部面部AU的强度值重新播出以表示整个面部表情的变化更有效,特别是在表达转移和面部动画的领域。我们将Feafa的扩展与重新标记的DISFA数据库相结合,可在HTTPS:// /现在提供。扩展Feafa(Feafa +)包括来自Feafa和Disfa的150个视频序列,总共230,184帧,使用表达式定量工具手动注释24重新定义AU的浮点强度值。我们还列出了针对构成和自发子集的粗略数值结果,并为AU强度回归任务提供基线比较。
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Training facial emotion recognition models requires large sets of data and costly annotation processes. To alleviate this problem, we developed a gamified method of acquiring annotated facial emotion data without an explicit labeling effort by humans. The game, which we named Facegame, challenges the players to imitate a displayed image of a face that portrays a particular basic emotion. Every round played by the player creates new data that consists of a set of facial features and landmarks, already annotated with the emotion label of the target facial expression. Such an approach effectively creates a robust, sustainable, and continuous machine learning training process. We evaluated Facegame with an experiment that revealed several contributions to the field of affective computing. First, the gamified data collection approach allowed us to access a rich variation of facial expressions of each basic emotion due to the natural variations in the players' facial expressions and their expressive abilities. We report improved accuracy when the collected data were used to enrich well-known in-the-wild facial emotion datasets and consecutively used for training facial emotion recognition models. Second, the natural language prescription method used by the Facegame constitutes a novel approach for interpretable explainability that can be applied to any facial emotion recognition model. Finally, we observed significant improvements in the facial emotion perception and expression skills of the players through repeated game play.
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由于几个因素之间的微妙权衡:参与者的隐私,生态有效性,数据保真度和后勤开销,记录野外未脚本人类互动的动态是具有挑战性的。为了解决这些问题,在社区精神上为社区的“数据集”之后,我们提出了会议生活实验室(Conflab):一个新的概念,用于多模式多模式数据收集,野生野外社交对话。对于此处描述的Conflab的首次实例化,我们在一次大型国际会议上组织了现实生活中的专业网络活动。该数据集涉及48个会议参与者,捕捉了地位,熟人和网络动机的各种组合。我们的捕获设置改善了先前野外数据集的数据保真度,同时保留隐私敏感性:从非侵入性的架空视图中获得8个视频(1920x1080,60 fps),并具有定制的可穿戴传感器,并带有车载记录(完整9) - 轴IMU),具有隐私性的低频音频(1250 Hz)和基于蓝牙的接近度。此外,我们开发了用于采集时分布式硬件同步的自定义解决方案,并以高采样速率对身体关键点和动作进行了及时的连续注释。我们的基准测试展示了与野外隐私保护社交数据分析有关的一些开放研究任务:从高架摄像头视图,基于骨架的No-Audio扬声器检测和F-Formation检测中的关键点检测。
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与人类相互作用的机器人和人造代理应该能够在没有偏见和不平等的情况下这样做,但是众所周知,面部感知系统对某些人来说比其他人的工作更差。在我们的工作中,我们旨在建立一个可以以更透明和包容的方式感知人类的系统。具体而言,我们专注于对人脸的动态表达,由于隐私问题以及面部本质上可识别的事实,这很难为广泛的人收集。此外,从互联网收集的数据集不一定代表一般人群。我们通过提供SIM2REAL方法来解决这个问题,在该方法中,我们使用一套3D模拟的人类模型,使我们能够创建一个可审核的合成数据集覆盖1)在六种基本情绪之外,代表性不足的面部表情(例如混乱); 2)种族或性别少数群体; 3)机器人可能在现实世界中遇到人类的广泛视角。通过增强包含包含4536个样本的合成数据集的123个样本的小型动态情感表达数据集,我们在自己的数据集上的准确性提高了15%,与外部基准数据集的11%相比,我们的精度为11%,与同一模型体系结构的性能相比没有合成训练数据。我们还表明,当体系结构的特征提取权重从头开始训练时,这一额外的步骤专门针对种族少数群体的准确性。
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2019年冠状病毒疾病(Covid-19)继续自爆发以来对世界产生巨大挑战。为了对抗这种疾病,开发了一系列人工智能(AI)技术,并应用于现实世界的情景,如安全监测,疾病诊断,感染风险评估,Covid-19 CT扫描的病变细分等。 Coronavirus流行病迫使人们佩戴面膜来抵消病毒的传播,这也带来了监控戴着面具的大群人群的困难。在本文中,我们主要关注蒙面面部检测和相关数据集的AI技术。从蒙面面部检测数据集的描述开始,我们调查了最近的进步。详细描述并详细讨论了十三可用数据集。然后,该方法大致分为两类:传统方法和基于神经网络的方法。常规方法通常通过用手工制作的特征升高算法来训练,该算法占少比例。基于神经网络的方法根据处理阶段的数量进一步归类为三个部分。详细描述了代表性算法,与一些简要描述的一些典型技术耦合。最后,我们总结了最近的基准测试结果,讨论了关于数据集和方法的局限性,并扩大了未来的研究方向。据我们所知,这是关于蒙面面部检测方法和数据集的第一次调查。希望我们的调查可以提供一些帮助对抗流行病的帮助。
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多代理行为建模旨在了解代理之间发生的交互。我们从行为神经科学,Caltech鼠标社交交互(CALMS21)数据集中提供了一个多代理数据集。我们的数据集由社交交互的轨迹数据组成,从标准居民入侵者测定中自由行为小鼠的视频记录。为了帮助加速行为研究,CALMS21数据集提供基准,以评估三种设置中自动行为分类方法的性能:(1)用于培训由单个注释器的所有注释,(2)用于风格转移以进行学习互动在特定有限培训数据的新行为学习的行为定义和(3)的注释差异。 DataSet由600万个未标记的追踪姿势的交互小鼠组成,以及超过100万帧,具有跟踪的姿势和相应的帧级行为注释。我们的数据集的挑战是能够使用标记和未标记的跟踪数据准确地对行为进行分类,以及能够概括新设置。
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