In this paper, we introduce a new large-scale object detection dataset, Objects365, which has 365 object categories over 600K training images. More than 10 million, high-quality bounding boxes are manually labeled through a three-step, carefully designed annotation pipeline. It is the largest object detection dataset (with full annotation) so far and establishes a more challenging benchmark for the community. Objects365 can serve as a better feature learning dataset for localization-sensitive tasks like object detection and semantic segmentation. The Objects365 pre-trained models significantly outperform ImageNet pre-trained models with 5.6 points gain (42 vs 36.4) based on the standard setting of 90K iterations on COCO benchmark. Even compared with much long training time like 540K iterations, our Objects365 pretrained model with 90K iterations still have 2.7 points gain (42 vs 39.3). Meanwhile, the finetuning time can be greatly reduced (up to 10 times) when reaching the same accuracy. Better generalization ability of Object365 has also been verified on CityPersons, VOC segmentation, and ADE tasks. The dataset as well as the pretrainedmodels have been released at * indicates equal contribution.
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我们提出了一个令人尴尬的简单点注释方案,以收集弱监督,例如分割。除了边界框外,我们还收集了在每个边界框内均匀采样的一组点的二进制标签。我们表明,为完整的掩模监督开发的现有实例细分模型可以通过我们的方案收集基于点的监督而无缝培训。值得注意的是,接受了可可,Pascal VOC,CityScapes和LVI的面具R-CNN,每个物体只有10个带注释的随机点可实现94% - 占其完全监督的性能的98%,为弱化的实例细分定下了强大的基线。新点注释方案的速度比注释完整的对象掩码快5倍,使高质量实例分割在实践中更容易访问。受基于点的注释形式的启发,我们提出了对Pointrend实例分割模块的修改。对于每个对象,称为隐式pointrend的新体系结构生成一个函数的参数,该函数可以使最终的点级掩码预测。隐式Pointrend更加简单,并使用单点级掩蔽丢失。我们的实验表明,新模块更适合基于点的监督。
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Progress on object detection is enabled by datasets that focus the research community's attention on open challenges. This process led us from simple images to complex scenes and from bounding boxes to segmentation masks. In this work, we introduce LVIS (pronounced 'el-vis'): a new dataset for Large Vocabulary Instance Segmentation. We plan to collect ∼2 million high-quality instance segmentation masks for over 1000 entry-level object categories in 164k images. Due to the Zipfian distribution of categories in natural images, LVIS naturally has a long tail of categories with few training samples. Given that state-of-the-art deep learning methods for object detection perform poorly in the low-sample regime, we believe that our dataset poses an important and exciting new scientific challenge. LVIS is available at
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In object detection, the intersection over union (IoU) threshold is frequently used to define positives/negatives. The threshold used to train a detector defines its quality. While the commonly used threshold of 0.5 leads to noisy (low-quality) detections, detection performance frequently degrades for larger thresholds. This paradox of high-quality detection has two causes: 1) overfitting, due to vanishing positive samples for large thresholds, and 2) inference-time quality mismatch between detector and test hypotheses. A multi-stage object detection architecture, the Cascade R-CNN, composed of a sequence of detectors trained with increasing IoU thresholds, is proposed to address these problems. The detectors are trained sequentially, using the output of a detector as training set for the next. This resampling progressively improves hypotheses quality, guaranteeing a positive training set of equivalent size for all detectors and minimizing overfitting. The same cascade is applied at inference, to eliminate quality mismatches between hypotheses and detectors. An implementation of the Cascade R-CNN without bells or whistles achieves state-of-the-art performance on the COCO dataset, and significantly improves high-quality detection on generic and specific object detection datasets, including VOC, KITTI, CityPerson, and WiderFace. Finally, the Cascade R-CNN is generalized to instance segmentation, with nontrivial improvements over the Mask R-CNN. To facilitate future research, two implementations are made available at (Caffe) and (Detectron).
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基于零件的对象理解有助于有效的组建学习和知识转移,鲁布利来阻塞,并且有可能提高一般识别和本地化任务的性能。然而,由于缺少具有部分注释的数据集,对基于零件的模型的研究受到阻碍,这是由图像中注释对象部件的极端难度和高成本引起的。在本文中,我们提出了PartimAgenet,具有零件分割注释的大型高质量数据集。它由来自ImageNet的158个类组成,具有大约24000张图像。 PartimAgenet是独一无二的,因为它在具有非刚性铰接物体的一般类上提供了部分级别注释,而与现有数据集相比,尺寸大的尺寸较大的级。它可以在多个视觉任务中使用,包括但不限于:部分发现,语义分割,几次拍摄学习。进行综合实验以在Partimagenet上设置一组基线,我们发现在复杂的变化期间,现有的工作作品并不总是产生令人满意的结果。下游任务的零件的利用也仍然不足。我们认为,我们的Partimagenet将极大地促进基于零件的模型及其应用的研究。数据集和脚本很快将在发布。
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Building instance segmentation models that are dataefficient and can handle rare object categories is an important challenge in computer vision. Leveraging data augmentations is a promising direction towards addressing this challenge. Here, we perform a systematic study of the Copy-Paste augmentation (e.g., [13,12]) for instance segmentation where we randomly paste objects onto an image. Prior studies on Copy-Paste relied on modeling the surrounding visual context for pasting the objects. However, we find that the simple mechanism of pasting objects randomly is good enough and can provide solid gains on top of strong baselines. Furthermore, we show Copy-Paste is additive with semi-supervised methods that leverage extra data through pseudo labeling (e.g. self-training). On COCO instance segmentation, we achieve 49.1 mask AP and 57.3 box AP, an improvement of +0.6 mask AP and +1.5 box AP over the previous state-of-the-art. We further demonstrate that Copy-Paste can lead to significant improvements on the LVIS benchmark. Our baseline model outperforms the LVIS 2020 Challenge winning entry by +3.6 mask AP on rare categories.
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Recent leading approaches to semantic segmentation rely on deep convolutional networks trained with humanannotated, pixel-level segmentation masks. Such pixelaccurate supervision demands expensive labeling effort and limits the performance of deep networks that usually benefit from more training data. In this paper, we propose a method that achieves competitive accuracy but only requires easily obtained bounding box annotations. The basic idea is to iterate between automatically generating region proposals and training convolutional networks. These two steps gradually recover segmentation masks for improving the networks, and vise versa. Our method, called "BoxSup", produces competitive results (e.g., 62.0% mAP for validation) supervised by boxes only, on par with strong baselines (e.g., 63.8% mAP) fully supervised by masks under the same setting. By leveraging a large amount of bounding boxes, BoxSup further unleashes the power of deep convolutional networks and yields state-of-the-art results on PAS-CAL VOC 2012 and PASCAL-CONTEXT [24].
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The success of deep learning in vision can be attributed to: (a) models with high capacity; (b) increased computational power; and (c) availability of large-scale labeled data. Since 2012, there have been significant advances in representation capabilities of the models and computational capabilities of GPUs. But the size of the biggest dataset has surprisingly remained constant. What will happen if we increase the dataset size by 10× or 100×? This paper takes a step towards clearing the clouds of mystery surrounding the relationship between 'enormous data' and visual deep learning. By exploiting the JFT-300M dataset which has more than 375M noisy labels for 300M images, we investigate how the performance of current vision tasks would change if this data was used for representation learning. Our paper delivers some surprising (and some expected) findings. First, we find that the performance on vision tasks increases logarithmically based on volume of training data size. Second, we show that representation learning (or pretraining) still holds a lot of promise. One can improve performance on many vision tasks by just training a better base model. Finally, as expected, we present new state-of-theart results for different vision tasks including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation and human pose estimation. Our sincere hope is that this inspires vision community to not undervalue the data and develop collective efforts in building larger datasets.
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To date, most existing self-supervised learning methods are designed and optimized for image classification. These pre-trained models can be sub-optimal for dense prediction tasks due to the discrepancy between image-level prediction and pixel-level prediction. To fill this gap, we aim to design an effective, dense self-supervised learning method that directly works at the level of pixels (or local features) by taking into account the correspondence between local features. We present dense contrastive learning (DenseCL), which implements self-supervised learning by optimizing a pairwise contrastive (dis)similarity loss at the pixel level between two views of input images.Compared to the baseline method MoCo-v2, our method introduces negligible computation overhead (only <1% slower), but demonstrates consistently superior performance when transferring to downstream dense prediction tasks including object detection, semantic segmentation and instance segmentation; and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Specifically, over the strong MoCo-v2 baseline, our method achieves significant improvements of 2.0% AP on PASCAL VOC object detection, 1.1% AP on COCO object detection, 0.9% AP on COCO instance segmentation, 3.0% mIoU on PASCAL VOC semantic segmentation and 1.8% mIoU on Cityscapes semantic segmentation.
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We report competitive results on object detection and instance segmentation on the COCO dataset using standard models trained from random initialization. The results are no worse than their ImageNet pre-training counterparts even when using the hyper-parameters of the baseline system (Mask R-CNN) that were optimized for fine-tuning pretrained models, with the sole exception of increasing the number of training iterations so the randomly initialized models may converge. Training from random initialization is surprisingly robust; our results hold even when: (i) using only 10% of the training data, (ii) for deeper and wider models, and (iii) for multiple tasks and metrics. Experiments show that ImageNet pre-training speeds up convergence early in training, but does not necessarily provide regularization or improve final target task accuracy. To push the envelope we demonstrate 50.9 AP on COCO object detection without using any external data-a result on par with the top COCO 2017 competition results that used ImageNet pre-training. These observations challenge the conventional wisdom of ImageNet pre-training for dependent tasks and we expect these discoveries will encourage people to rethink the current de facto paradigm of 'pretraining and fine-tuning' in computer vision.
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基准,如Coco,在物体检测中发挥至关重要的作用。然而,现有的基准在规模变化中不足,他们的协议不足以进行公平比较。在本文中,我们介绍了通用尺度对象检测基准(USB)。 USB通过将Coco与最近提出的Waymo Open DataSet和Manga109-S数据集合并了Coco,USB具有对象尺度和图像域的变化。为了实现公平的比较和包容性研究,我们提出了培训和评估议定书。它们有多个部门用于培训时期和评估图像分辨率,如体育中的重量类,以及跨训练协议的兼容性,如通用串行总线的后向兼容性。具体而言,我们要求参与者报告结果,不仅具有更高的协议(更长的培训),而且还有更低的协议(较短培训)。使用所提出的基准和协议,我们分析了八种方法,发现了现有的Coco-偏偏见方法的缺点。代码可在上获得。
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Semantic understanding of visual scenes is one of the holy grails of computer vision. Despite efforts of the community in data collection, there are still few image datasets covering a wide range of scenes and object categories with pixel-wise annotations for scene understanding. In this work, we present a densely annotated dataset ADE20K, which spans diverse annotations of scenes, objects, parts of objects, and in some cases even parts of parts. Totally there are 25k images of the complex everyday scenes containing a variety of objects in their natural spatial context. On average there are 19.5 instances and 10.5 object classes per image. Based on ADE20K, we construct benchmarks for scene parsing and instance segmentation. We provide baseline performances on both of the benchmarks and re-implement the state-ofthe-art models for open source. We further evaluate the effect of synchronized batch normalization and find that a reasonably large batch size is crucial for the semantic segmentation performance. We show that the networks trained on ADE20K are able to segment a wide variety of scenes and objects 1 .
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最近对物体检测的自我监督预防方法在很大程度上专注于预先绘制物体探测器的骨干,忽略了检测架构的关键部分。相反,我们介绍了DetReg,这是一种新的自我监督方法,用于预先列出整个对象检测网络,包括对象本地化和嵌入组件。在预先绘制期间,DetReg预测对象本地化以与无监督区域提议生成器匹配本地化,并同时将相应的特征嵌入与自我监控图像编码器的嵌入式对齐。我们使用DETR系列探测器实施DetReg,并显示它在Coco,Pascal VOC和空中客车船基准上的Fineetuned时改善了竞争性基线。在低数据制度中,包括半监督和几秒钟学习设置,DetReg建立了许多最先进的结果,例如,在Coco上,我们看到10次检测和+3.5的AP改进A +6.0 AP改进当培训只有1%的标签时。对于代码和预用模型,请访问的项目页面
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We present a new dataset with the goal of advancing the state-of-the-art in object recognition by placing the question of object recognition in the context of the broader question of scene understanding. This is achieved by gathering images of complex everyday scenes containing common objects in their natural context. Objects are labeled using per-instance segmentations to aid in precise object localization. Our dataset contains photos of 91 objects types that would be easily recognizable by a 4 year old. With a total of 2.5 million labeled instances in 328k images, the creation of our dataset drew upon extensive crowd worker involvement via novel user interfaces for category detection, instance spotting and instance segmentation. We present a detailed statistical analysis of the dataset in comparison to PASCAL, ImageNet, and SUN. Finally, we provide baseline performance analysis for bounding box and segmentation detection results using a Deformable Parts Model.
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The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge is a benchmark in object category classification and detection on hundreds of object categories and millions of images. The challenge has been run annually from 2010 to present, attracting participation from more than fifty institutions. This paper describes the creation of this benchmark dataset and the advances in object recognition that have been possible as a result. We discuss the chal-
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学习准确的对象探测器通常需要具有精确对象边界框的大规模培训数据。但是,标记此类数据是昂贵且耗时的。随着众包标签过程和对象的歧义可能会引起嘈杂的边界盒注释,对象探测器将遭受退化的训练数据。在这项工作中,我们旨在应对使用不准确的边界框来学习健壮对象探测器的挑战。受到以下事实的启发:本地化精度在分类精度不准确的框中显着遭受不准确的框架的影响,我们建议将分类作为用于完善定位结果的指导信号。具体而言,通过将对象视为一袋实例,我们引入了一种对象感知的多个实例学习方法(OA-MIL),其中具有对象感知的实例选择和对象感知实例扩展。前者旨在选择准确的培训实例,而不是直接使用不准确的框注释。后者的重点是生成高质量的选择实例。关于合成嘈杂数据集的广泛实验(即嘈杂的Pascal VOC和MS-Coco)和真正的嘈杂小麦头数据集证明了我们OA-MIL的有效性。代码可从获得。
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许多开放世界应用程序需要检测新的对象,但最先进的对象检测和实例分段网络在此任务中不屈服。关键问题在于他们假设没有任何注释的地区应被抑制为否定,这教导了将未经讨犯的对象视为背景的模型。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个简单但令人惊讶的强大的数据增强和培训方案,我们呼唤学习来检测每件事(LDET)。为避免抑制隐藏的对象,背景对象可见但未标记,我们粘贴在从原始图像的小区域采样的背景图像上粘贴带有的注释对象。由于仅对这种综合增强的图像培训遭受域名,我们将培训与培训分为两部分:1)培训区域分类和回归头在增强图像上,2)在原始图像上训练掩模头。通过这种方式,模型不学习将隐藏对象作为背景分类,同时概括到真实图像。 LDET导致开放式世界实例分割任务中的许多数据集的重大改进,表现出CoCo上的交叉类别概括的基线,以及对UVO和城市的交叉数据集评估。
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带有像素天标签的注释图像是耗时和昂贵的过程。最近,DataSetGan展示了有希望的替代方案 - 通过利用一小组手动标记的GaN生成的图像来通过生成的对抗网络(GAN)来综合大型标记数据集。在这里,我们将DataSetGan缩放到ImageNet类别的规模。我们从ImageNet上训练的类条件生成模型中拍摄图像样本,并为所有1K类手动注释每个类的5张图像。通过在Biggan之上培训有效的特征分割架构,我们将Bigan转换为标记的DataSet生成器。我们进一步表明,VQGan可以类似地用作数据集生成器,利用已经注释的数据。我们通过在各种设置中标记一组8K实图像并在各种设置中评估分段性能来创建一个新的想象因基准。通过广泛的消融研究,我们展示了利用大型生成的数据集来培训在像素 - 明智的任务上培训不同的监督和自我监督的骨干模型的大增益。此外,我们证明,使用我们的合成数据集进行预培训,以改善在几个下游数据集上的标准Imagenet预培训,例如Pascal-VOC,MS-Coco,Citycapes和Chink X射线以及任务(检测,细分)。我们的基准将公开并维护一个具有挑战性的任务的排行榜。项目页面:
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