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Backdoor attacks represent one of the major threats to machine learning models. Various efforts have been made to mitigate backdoors. However, existing defenses have become increasingly complex and often require high computational resources or may also jeopardize models' utility. In this work, we show that fine-tuning, one of the most common and easy-to-adopt machine learning training operations, can effectively remove backdoors from machine learning models while maintaining high model utility. Extensive experiments over three machine learning paradigms show that fine-tuning and our newly proposed super-fine-tuning achieve strong defense performance. Furthermore, we coin a new term, namely backdoor sequela, to measure the changes in model vulnerabilities to other attacks before and after the backdoor has been removed. Empirical evaluation shows that, compared to other defense methods, super-fine-tuning leaves limited backdoor sequela. We hope our results can help machine learning model owners better protect their models from backdoor threats. Also, it calls for the design of more advanced attacks in order to comprehensively assess machine learning models' backdoor vulnerabilities.
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近年来,在自学学习(SSL)方面取得了重大成功,这有助于各种下游任务。但是,攻击者可能会窃取此类SSL模型并将其商业化以获利,这对于保护其知识产权(IP)至关重要。大多数现有的IP保护解决方案都是为监督学习模型而设计的,不能直接使用,因为它们要求模型的下游任务和目标标签在水印嵌入过程中已知并获得,这在SSL的域中并非总是可以的。为了解决此类问题,尤其是在水印嵌入过程中下游任务多样化且未知时,我们提出了一种新型的黑盒水印解决方案,名为SSL-WM,以保护SSL模型的所有权。 SSL-WM将水印编码器的水印输入映射到不变的表示空间中,该空间会导致任何下游分类器产生预期的行为,从而允许检测到嵌入式水印。我们使用不同的SSL模型(包括基于对比度和基于生成的生成型)来评估许多任务,例如计算机视觉(CV)和自然语言处理(NLP)等许多任务。实验结果表明,SSL-WM可以有效地验证各种下游任务中被盗SSL模型的所有权。此外,SSL-WM对模型进行微调和修剪攻击非常强大。最后,SSL-WM还可以从评估的水印检测方法中逃避检测,从而证明了其在保护SSL模型IP时的有希望的应用。
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Existing integrity verification approaches for deep models are designed for private verification (i.e., assuming the service provider is honest, with white-box access to model parameters). However, private verification approaches do not allow model users to verify the model at run-time. Instead, they must trust the service provider, who may tamper with the verification results. In contrast, a public verification approach that considers the possibility of dishonest service providers can benefit a wider range of users. In this paper, we propose PublicCheck, a practical public integrity verification solution for services of run-time deep models. PublicCheck considers dishonest service providers, and overcomes public verification challenges of being lightweight, providing anti-counterfeiting protection, and having fingerprinting samples that appear smooth. To capture and fingerprint the inherent prediction behaviors of a run-time model, PublicCheck generates smoothly transformed and augmented encysted samples that are enclosed around the model's decision boundary while ensuring that the verification queries are indistinguishable from normal queries. PublicCheck is also applicable when knowledge of the target model is limited (e.g., with no knowledge of gradients or model parameters). A thorough evaluation of PublicCheck demonstrates the strong capability for model integrity breach detection (100% detection accuracy with less than 10 black-box API queries) against various model integrity attacks and model compression attacks. PublicCheck also demonstrates the smooth appearance, feasibility, and efficiency of generating a plethora of encysted samples for fingerprinting.
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Deep Neural Networks have recently gained lots of success after enabling several breakthroughs in notoriously challenging problems. Training these networks is computationally expensive and requires vast amounts of training data. Selling such pre-trained models can, therefore, be a lucrative business model. Unfortunately, once the models are sold they can be easily copied and redistributed. To avoid this, a tracking mechanism to identify models as the intellectual property of a particular vendor is necessary.In this work, we present an approach for watermarking Deep Neural Networks in a black-box way. Our scheme works for general classification tasks and can easily be combined with current learning algorithms. We show experimentally that such a watermark has no noticeable impact on the primary task that the model is designed for and evaluate the robustness of our proposal against a multitude of practical attacks. Moreover, we provide a theoretical analysis, relating our approach to previous work on backdooring.
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目前,深度神经网络(DNN)在不同的应用中被广泛采用。尽管具有商业价值,但培训良好的DNN仍在资源消费。因此,训练有素的模型是其所有者的宝贵知识产权。但是,最近的研究揭示了模型窃取的威胁,即使他们只能查询模型,对手也可以获得受害者模型的功能相似的副本。在本文中,我们提出了一个有效且无害的模型所有权验证(移动),以防御不同类型的模型窃取,而无需引入新的安全风险。通常,我们通过验证可疑模型是否包含辩护人指定的外部特征的知识来进行所有权验证。具体而言,我们通过将一些训练样本带来样式转移来嵌入外部功能。然后,我们训练一个元分类器,以确定模型是否被受害者偷走了。这种方法的灵感来自于理解,即被盗模型应包含受害者模型学到的功能的知识。特别是,我们在白色框和黑框设置下开发了移动方法,以提供全面的模型保护。基准数据集的广泛实验验证了我们方法的有效性及其对潜在适应性攻击的抵抗力。复制我们方法的主要实验的代码可在\ url {https://github.com/thuyimingli/move}上获得。
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特洛伊木马后门是针对神经网络(NN)分类器的中毒攻击,对手试图利用(高度理想的)模型重用属性将特洛伊木马植入模型参数中,以通过中毒训练过程进行后门漏洞。大多数针对特洛伊木马攻击的防御措施都假设了白盒设置,其中防守者可以访问NN的内部状态,或者能够通过它进行后传播。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个更实用的黑盒防御,称为Trojdef,只能在NN上进行前进。 Trojdef试图通过监视输入因随机噪声反复扰动预测置信度的变化来识别和滤除特洛伊木马输入(即用Trojan触发器增强的输入)。我们根据预测输出得出一个函数,该函数称为预测置信度,以决定输入示例是否为特洛伊木马。直觉是,由于错误分类仅取决于触发因素,因此特洛伊木马的输入更加稳定,而由于分类特征的扰动,良性输入会受到损失。通过数学分析,我们表明,如果攻击者在注入后门时是完美的,则将训练特洛伊木马感染的模型以学习适当的预测置信度结合,该模型用于区分特洛伊木马和良性输入,并在任意扰动下。但是,由于攻击者在注入后门时可能不是完美的,因此我们将非线性转换引入了预测置信度,以提高实际环境中的检测准确性。广泛的经验评估表明,即使分类器体系结构,培训过程或超参数变化,Trojdef的表现明显优于州的防御能力,并且在不同的设置下也很稳定。
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Diffusion models are state-of-the-art deep learning empowered generative models that are trained based on the principle of learning forward and reverse diffusion processes via progressive noise-addition and denoising. To gain a better understanding of the limitations and potential risks, this paper presents the first study on the robustness of diffusion models against backdoor attacks. Specifically, we propose BadDiffusion, a novel attack framework that engineers compromised diffusion processes during model training for backdoor implantation. At the inference stage, the backdoored diffusion model will behave just like an untampered generator for regular data inputs, while falsely generating some targeted outcome designed by the bad actor upon receiving the implanted trigger signal. Such a critical risk can be dreadful for downstream tasks and applications built upon the problematic model. Our extensive experiments on various backdoor attack settings show that BadDiffusion can consistently lead to compromised diffusion models with high utility and target specificity. Even worse, BadDiffusion can be made cost-effective by simply finetuning a clean pre-trained diffusion model to implant backdoors. We also explore some possible countermeasures for risk mitigation. Our results call attention to potential risks and possible misuse of diffusion models.
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链接预测,推断图形的未发现或潜在链接,被广泛应用于现实世界中。通过促进图表的标记链接作为训练数据,已经研究了许多基于深度学习的链接预测方法,与非深度方法相比,它们具有主导的预测准确性。但是,恶意制作的训练图的威胁将在深层模型中留下特定的后门,因此,当一些特定的示例被馈入模型时,它将做出错误的预测,定义为后门攻击。这是当前文献中忽略的重要方面。在本文中,我们促使后门攻击对链接预测的概念,并提出链接 - 背门以揭示现有链接预测方法的训练漏洞。具体而言,链接 - 贝克门将假节点与目标链接的节点结合在一起,形成触发器。此外,它通过目标模型的梯度信息来优化触发器。因此,在后排数据集中训练的链接预测模型将预测与目标状态触发的链接。在五个基准数据集和五个表现良好的链接预测模型上进行的广泛实验表明,链接 - 贝克门都在白色框(即目标模型参数可用)和黑色框下实现了最新的攻击成功率。框(即目标模型参数不可用)方案。此外,我们在防御性情况下作证了攻击,结果表明,链接 - 背部门仍然可以成功构建对表现良好的链接预测方法的成功攻击。代码和数据可在https://github.com/seaocn/link-backdoor上获得。
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水印是保护创作者对数字图像,视频和音频的权利的常用策略。最近,水印方法已扩展到深度学习模型 - 原则上,当对手试图复制该模型时,应保留水印。但是,实际上,智能对手通常可以去除水印。几篇论文提出了水印方法,这些方法声称对不同类型的拆除攻击具有耐药性,但是在面对新的或更好的对手时,这些新技术通常会失败。在本文中,我们提出了一种可认证的水印方法。使用Chiang等人提出的随机平滑技术,我们表明我们的水印是不明显的,除非模型参数的更改超过一定的L2阈值。除了获得认证外,与以前的水印方法相比,我们的水印在经验上也更强。我们的实验可以在https://github.com/arpitbansal297/certified_watermarks上复制。
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典型的深神经网络(DNN)后门攻击基于输入中嵌入的触发因素。现有的不可察觉的触发因素在计算上昂贵或攻击成功率低。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的后门触发器,该扳机易于生成,不可察觉和高效。新的触发器是一个均匀生成的三维(3D)二进制图案,可以水平和/或垂直重复和镜像,并将其超级贴在三通道图像上,以训练后式DNN模型。新型触发器分散在整个图像中,对单个像素产生微弱的扰动,但共同拥有强大的识别模式来训练和激活DNN的后门。我们还通过分析表明,随着图像的分辨率提高,触发因素越来越有效。实验是使用MNIST,CIFAR-10和BTSR数据集上的RESNET-18和MLP模型进行的。在无遗象的方面,新触发的表现优于现有的触发器,例如Badnet,Trojaned NN和隐藏的后门。新的触发因素达到了几乎100%的攻击成功率,仅将分类准确性降低了不到0.7%-2.4%,并使最新的防御技术无效。
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This paper asks the intriguing question: is it possible to exploit neural architecture search (NAS) as a new attack vector to launch previously improbable attacks? Specifically, we present EVAS, a new attack that leverages NAS to find neural architectures with inherent backdoors and exploits such vulnerability using input-aware triggers. Compared with existing attacks, EVAS demonstrates many interesting properties: (i) it does not require polluting training data or perturbing model parameters; (ii) it is agnostic to downstream fine-tuning or even re-training from scratch; (iii) it naturally evades defenses that rely on inspecting model parameters or training data. With extensive evaluation on benchmark datasets, we show that EVAS features high evasiveness, transferability, and robustness, thereby expanding the adversary's design spectrum. We further characterize the mechanisms underlying EVAS, which are possibly explainable by architecture-level ``shortcuts'' that recognize trigger patterns. This work raises concerns about the current practice of NAS and points to potential directions to develop effective countermeasures.
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In this paper, we present a simple yet surprisingly effective technique to induce "selective amnesia" on a backdoored model. Our approach, called SEAM, has been inspired by the problem of catastrophic forgetting (CF), a long standing issue in continual learning. Our idea is to retrain a given DNN model on randomly labeled clean data, to induce a CF on the model, leading to a sudden forget on both primary and backdoor tasks; then we recover the primary task by retraining the randomized model on correctly labeled clean data. We analyzed SEAM by modeling the unlearning process as continual learning and further approximating a DNN using Neural Tangent Kernel for measuring CF. Our analysis shows that our random-labeling approach actually maximizes the CF on an unknown backdoor in the absence of triggered inputs, and also preserves some feature extraction in the network to enable a fast revival of the primary task. We further evaluated SEAM on both image processing and Natural Language Processing tasks, under both data contamination and training manipulation attacks, over thousands of models either trained on popular image datasets or provided by the TrojAI competition. Our experiments show that SEAM vastly outperforms the state-of-the-art unlearning techniques, achieving a high Fidelity (measuring the gap between the accuracy of the primary task and that of the backdoor) within a few minutes (about 30 times faster than training a model from scratch using the MNIST dataset), with only a small amount of clean data (0.1% of training data for TrojAI models).
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