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We address the theoretical and practical problems related to the trajectory generation and tracking control of tail-sitter UAVs. Theoretically, we focus on the differential flatness property with full exploitation of actual UAV aerodynamic models, which lays a foundation for generating dynamically feasible trajectory and achieving high-performance tracking control. We have found that a tail-sitter is differentially flat with accurate aerodynamic models within the entire flight envelope, by specifying coordinate flight condition and choosing the vehicle position as the flat output. This fundamental property allows us to fully exploit the high-fidelity aerodynamic models in the trajectory planning and tracking control to achieve accurate tail-sitter flights. Particularly, an optimization-based trajectory planner for tail-sitters is proposed to design high-quality, smooth trajectories with consideration of kinodynamic constraints, singularity-free constraints and actuator saturation. The planned trajectory of flat output is transformed to state trajectory in real-time with consideration of wind in environments. To track the state trajectory, a global, singularity-free, and minimally-parameterized on-manifold MPC is developed, which fully leverages the accurate aerodynamic model to achieve high-accuracy trajectory tracking within the whole flight envelope. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through extensive real-world experiments in both indoor and outdoor field tests, including agile SE(3) flight through consecutive narrow windows requiring specific attitude and with speed up to 10m/s, typical tail-sitter maneuvers (transition, level flight and loiter) with speed up to 20m/s, and extremely aggressive aerobatic maneuvers (Wingover, Loop, Vertical Eight and Cuban Eight) with acceleration up to 2.5g.
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本文介绍了设计,开发,并通过IISC-TCS团队为穆罕默德·本·扎耶德国际机器人挑战赛2020年挑战1的目标的挑战1硬件 - 软件系统的测试是抓住从移动和机动悬挂球UAV和POP气球锚定到地面,使用合适的操纵器。解决这一挑战的重要任务包括具有高效抓取和突破机制的硬件系统的设计和开发,考虑到体积和有效载荷的限制,使用适用于室外环境的可视信息的准确目标拦截算法和开发动态多功能机空中系统的软件架构,执行复杂的动态任务。在本文中,设计了具有末端执行器的单个自由度机械手设计用于抓取和突发,并且开发了鲁棒算法以拦截在不确定的环境中的目标。基于追求参与和人工潜在功能的概念提出了基于视觉的指导和跟踪法。本工作中提供的软件架构提出了一种操作管理系统(OMS)架构,其在多个无人机之间协同分配静态和动态任务,以执行任何给定的任务。这项工作的一个重要方面是所有开发的系统都设计用于完全自主模式。在这项工作中还包括对凉亭环境和现场实验结果中完全挑战的模拟的详细描述。所提出的硬件软件系统对反UAV系统特别有用,也可以修改以满足其他几种应用。
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使用ROS C ++的新型控制和软件架构通过UAV引入了具有安装深度相机的对象拦截,没有外部辅助。轨迹预测中的现有工作侧重于使用像运动捕捉房间的外壳工具,以拦截抛出物体。本研究设计了UAV架构,以完全在板上能够使用深度摄像机和点云处理来实现对象拦截。该架构使用迭代轨迹预测算法,以适用于乒乓球的非推进物体。讨论了对象拦截的各种路径规划方法及其相应的场景,在凉亭中进行评估和模拟。成功的模拟举例说明了使用所提出的架构为拦截互通对象的车载自主权的潜力。
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我们提出了通过现实的模拟和现实世界实验来支持可复制研究的多运动无人机控制(UAV)和估计系统。我们提出了一个独特的多帧本地化范式,用于同时使用多个传感器同时估算各种参考框架中的无人机状态。该系统可以在GNSS和GNSS贬低的环境中进行复杂的任务,包括室外室内过渡和执行冗余估计器,以备份不可靠的本地化源。提出了两种反馈控制设计:一个用于精确和激进的操作,另一个用于稳定和平稳的飞行,并进行嘈杂的状态估计。拟议的控制和估计管道是在3D中使用Euler/Tait-Bryan角度表示的,而无需使用Euler/Tait-Bryan角度表示。取而代之的是,我们依靠旋转矩阵和一个新颖的基于标题的惯例来代表标准多电流直升机3D中的一个自由旋转自由度。我们提供了积极维护且有据可查的开源实现,包括对无人机,传感器和本地化系统的现实模拟。拟议的系统是多年应用系统,空中群,空中操纵,运动计划和遥感的多年研究产物。我们所有的结果都得到了现实世界中的部署的支持,该系统部署将系统塑造成此处介绍的表单。此外,该系统是在我们团队从布拉格的CTU参与期间使用的,该系统在享有声望的MBZIRC 2017和2020 Robotics竞赛中,还参加了DARPA SubT挑战赛。每次,我们的团队都能在世界各地最好的竞争对手中获得最高位置。在每种情况下,挑战都促使团队改善系统,并在紧迫的期限内获得大量高质量的体验。
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本文提出了一种新颖的方法,用于在具有复杂拓扑结构的地下领域的搜索和救援行动中自动合作。作为CTU-Cras-Norlab团队的一部分,拟议的系统在DARPA SubT决赛的虚拟轨道中排名第二。与专门为虚拟轨道开发的获奖解决方案相反,该建议的解决方案也被证明是在现实世界竞争极为严峻和狭窄的环境中飞行的机上实体无人机的强大系统。提出的方法可以使无缝模拟转移的无人机团队完全自主和分散的部署,并证明了其优于不同环境可飞行空间的移动UGV团队的优势。该论文的主要贡献存在于映射和导航管道中。映射方法采用新颖的地图表示形式 - 用于有效的风险意识长距离计划,面向覆盖范围和压缩的拓扑范围的LTVMAP领域,以允许在低频道通信下进行多机器人合作。这些表示形式与新的方法一起在导航中使用,以在一般的3D环境中可见性受限的知情搜索,而对环境结构没有任何假设,同时将深度探索与传感器覆盖的剥削保持平衡。所提出的解决方案还包括一条视觉感知管道,用于在没有专用GPU的情况下在5 Hz处进行四个RGB流中感兴趣的对象的板上检测和定位。除了参与DARPA SubT外,在定性和定量评估的各种环境中,在不同的环境中进行了广泛的实验验证,UAV系统的性能得到了支持。
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This book provides a solution to the control and motion planning design for an octocopter system. It includes a particular choice of control and motion planning algorithms which is based on the authors' previous research work, so it can be used as a reference design guidance for students, researchers as well as autonomous vehicles hobbyists. The control is constructed based on a fault tolerant approach aiming to increase the chances of the system to detect and isolate a potential failure in order to produce feasible control signals to the remaining active motors. The used motion planning algorithm is risk-aware by means that it takes into account the constraints related to the fault-dependant and mission-related maneuverability analysis of the octocopter system during the planning stage. Such a planner generates only those reference trajectories along which the octocopter system would be safe and capable of good tracking in case of a single motor fault and of majority of double motor fault scenarios. The control and motion planning algorithms presented in the book aim to increase the overall reliability of the system for completing the mission.
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Hybrid unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) integrate the efficient forward flight of fixed-wing and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities of multicopter UAVs. This paper presents the modeling, control and simulation of a new type of hybrid micro-small UAVs, coined as lifting-wing quadcopters. The airframe orientation of the lifting wing needs to tilt a specific angle often within $ 45$ degrees, neither nearly $ 90$ nor approximately $ 0$ degrees. Compared with some convertiplane and tail-sitter UAVs, the lifting-wing quadcopter has a highly reliable structure, robust wind resistance, low cruise speed and reliable transition flight, making it potential to work fully-autonomous outdoor or some confined airspace indoor. In the modeling part, forces and moments generated by both lifting wing and rotors are considered. Based on the established model, a unified controller for the full flight phase is designed. The controller has the capability of uniformly treating the hovering and forward flight, and enables a continuous transition between two modes, depending on the velocity command. What is more, by taking rotor thrust and aerodynamic force under consideration simultaneously, a control allocation based on optimization is utilized to realize cooperative control for energy saving. Finally, comprehensive Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulations are performed to verify the advantages of the designed aircraft and the proposed controller.
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Despite recent progress on trajectory planning of multiple robots and path planning of a single tethered robot, planning of multiple tethered robots to reach their individual targets without entanglements remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we present a complete approach to address this problem. Firstly, we propose a multi-robot tether-aware representation of homotopy, using which we can efficiently evaluate the feasibility and safety of a potential path in terms of (1) the cable length required to reach a target following the path, and (2) the risk of entanglements with the cables of other robots. Then, the proposed representation is applied in a decentralized and online planning framework that includes a graph-based kinodynamic trajectory finder and an optimization-based trajectory refinement, to generate entanglement-free, collision-free and dynamically feasible trajectories. The efficiency of the proposed homotopy representation is compared against existing single and multiple tethered robot planning approaches. Simulations with up to 8 UAVs show the effectiveness of the approach in entanglement prevention and its real-time capabilities. Flight experiments using 3 tethered UAVs verify the practicality of the presented approach.
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该论文提出了两种控制方法,用于用微型四轮驱动器进行反弹式操纵。首先,对专门为反转设计设计的现有前馈控制策略进行了修订和改进。使用替代高斯工艺模型的贝叶斯优化通过在模拟环境中反复执行翻转操作来找到最佳运动原语序列。第二种方法基于闭环控制,它由两个主要步骤组成:首先,即使在模型不确定性的情况下,自适应控制器也旨在提供可靠的参考跟踪。控制器是通过通过测量数据调整的高斯过程来增强无人机的标称模型来构建的。其次,提出了一种有效的轨迹计划算法,该算法仅使用二次编程来设计可行的轨迹为反弹操作设计。在模拟和使用BitCraze Crazyflie 2.1四肢旋转器中对两种方法进行了分析。
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This paper presents trajectory planning for three-dimensional autonomous multi-UAV volume coverage and visual inspection based on the Heat Equation Driven Area Coverage (HEDAC) algorithm. The method designs a potential field to achieve the target density and generate trajectories using potential gradients to direct UAVs to regions of a higher potential. Collisions are prevented by implementing a distance field and correcting the agent's directional vector if the distance threshold is reached. The method is successfully tested for volume coverage and visual inspection of complex structures such as wind turbines and a bridge. For visual inspection, the algorithm is supplemented with camera direction control. A field containing the nearest distance from any point in the domain to the structure is designed and this field's gradient provides the camera orientation throughout the trajectory. The bridge inspection test case is compared with a state-of-the-art method where the HEDAC algorithm allowed more surface area to be inspected under the same conditions. The limitations of the HEDAC method are analyzed, focusing on computational efficiency and adequacy of spatial coverage to approximate the surface coverage. The proposed methodology offers flexibility in various setup parameters and is applicable to real-world inspection tasks.
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在过去的二十年中,对机器人羊群的研究受到了极大的关注。在本文中,我们提出了一种约束驱动的控制算法,该算法可最大程度地减少单个试剂的能耗并产生新兴的V形成。随着代理之间的分散相互作用的形成出现,我们的方法对自发添加或将代理去除为系统是强大的。首先,我们提出了一个分析模型,用于在固定翼无人机后面的尾巴上洗涤,并得出了尾随无人机以最大化其旅行耐力的最佳空气速度。接下来,我们证明,简单地在最佳空速上飞行将永远不会导致新兴的羊群行为,并且我们提出了一种新的分散的“ Anseroid”行为,从而产生出现的V形成。我们用约束驱动的控制算法编码这些行为,该算法最小化每个无人机的机车能力。最后,我们证明,在我们提出的控制法律下,以近似V或eChelon形成初始化的无人机将融合,我们证明了这种出现在模拟和与Crazyflie四肢旋转机队的实验中实时发生。
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This paper presents a new method for integrated time-optimal routing and trajectory optimization of multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Our approach extends the well-known Traveling Salesman Problem by accounting for the limited maneuverability of the UAVs due to their kinematic properties. To this end, we allow each waypoint to be traversed with a discretized velocity as well as a discretized flight direction and compute time-optimal trajectories to determine the travel time costs for each edge. We refer to this novel optimization problem as the Trajectory-based Traveling Salesman Problem (TBTSP). The results show that compared to a state-of-the-art approach for Traveling Salesman Problems with kinematic restrictions of UAVs, we can decrease mission duration by up to 15\%.
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