无监督的域适配旨在对齐标记的源域和未标记的目标域,但需要访问源数据,这些源数据通常会提高数据隐私,数据便携性和数据传输效率。我们研究无监督的模型适应(UMA),或者在没有源数据的情况下称为无监督域适应,旨在使源训练模型适应目标分布而不访问源数据的替代设置。为此,我们设计了一种创新的历史对比学习(HCL)技术,利用历史来源假设来弥补UMA中的源数据。 HCL从两个角度来解决UMA挑战。首先,它介绍了通过由当前适应的模型和历史模型产生的嵌入来对目标样本学习的历史对比实例歧视(HCID)。通过历史模型,HCID鼓励UMA学习案例鉴别的目标表示,同时保留源假设。其次,它介绍了伪标签目标样本的历史对比类别歧视(HCCD)以学习类别鉴别的目标表示。具体而言,HCCD根据当前和历史模型的预测一致重新重量伪标签。广泛的实验表明,HCL优于各种视觉任务和设置始终如一地呈现和最先进的方法。
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受益于从特定情况(源)收集的相当大的像素级注释,训练有素的语义分段模型表现得非常好,但由于大域移位而导致的新情况(目标)失败。为了缓解域间隙,先前的跨域语义分段方法始终在域对齐期间始终假设源数据和目标数据的共存。但是,在实际方案中访问源数据可能会引发隐私问题并违反知识产权。为了解决这个问题,我们专注于一个有趣和具有挑战性的跨域语义分割任务,其中仅向目标域提供训练源模型。具体地,我们提出了一种称为ATP的统一框架,其包括三种方案,即特征对准,双向教学和信息传播。首先,我们设计了课程熵最小化目标,以通过提供的源模型隐式对准目标功能与看不见的源特征。其次,除了vanilla自我训练中的正伪标签外,我们是第一个向该领域引入负伪标签的,并开发双向自我训练策略,以增强目标域中的表示学习。最后,采用信息传播方案来通过伪半监督学习进一步降低目标域内的域内差异。综合与跨城市驾驶数据集的广泛结果验证\ TextBF {ATP}产生最先进的性能,即使是需要访问源数据的方法。
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虽然监督语义分割存在重大进展,但由于领域偏差,将分段模型部署到解除域来仍然具有挑战性。域适应可以通过将知识从标记的源域传输到未标记的目标域来帮助。以前的方法通常尝试执行对全局特征的适应,然而,通常忽略要计入特征空间中的每个像素的本地语义附属机构,导致较少的可辨性。为解决这个问题,我们提出了一种用于细粒度阶级对齐的新型语义原型对比学习框架。具体地,语义原型提供了用于每个像素鉴别的表示学习的监控信号,并且需要在特征空间中的源极和目标域的每个像素来反映相应的语义原型的内容。通过这种方式,我们的框架能够明确地制作较近的类别的像素表示,并且进一步越来越多地分开,以改善分割模型的鲁棒性以及减轻域移位问题。与最先进的方法相比,我们的方法易于实施并达到优异的结果,如众多实验所展示的那样。代码在[此HTTPS URL](https://github.com/binhuixie/spcl)上公开可用。
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Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is an effective approach to tackle the issue of domain shift. Specifically, UDA methods try to align the source and target representations to improve the generalization on the target domain. Further, UDA methods work under the assumption that the source data is accessible during the adaptation process. However, in real-world scenarios, the labelled source data is often restricted due to privacy regulations, data transmission constraints, or proprietary data concerns. The Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) setting aims to alleviate these concerns by adapting a source-trained model for the target domain without requiring access to the source data. In this paper, we explore the SFDA setting for the task of adaptive object detection. To this end, we propose a novel training strategy for adapting a source-trained object detector to the target domain without source data. More precisely, we design a novel contrastive loss to enhance the target representations by exploiting the objects relations for a given target domain input. These object instance relations are modelled using an Instance Relation Graph (IRG) network, which are then used to guide the contrastive representation learning. In addition, we utilize a student-teacher based knowledge distillation strategy to avoid overfitting to the noisy pseudo-labels generated by the source-trained model. Extensive experiments on multiple object detection benchmark datasets show that the proposed approach is able to efficiently adapt source-trained object detectors to the target domain, outperforming previous state-of-the-art domain adaptive detection methods. Code is available at https://github.com/Vibashan/irg-sfda.
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无监督的域适应性(UDA)旨在使在标记的源域上训练的模型适应未标记的目标域。在本文中,我们提出了典型的对比度适应(PROCA),这是一种无监督域自适应语义分割的简单有效的对比度学习方法。以前的域适应方法仅考虑跨各个域的阶级内表示分布的对齐,而阶层间结构关系的探索不足,从而导致目标域上的对齐表示可能不像在源上歧视的那样容易歧视。域了。取而代之的是,ProCA将类间信息纳入班级原型,并采用以班级为中心的分布对齐进行适应。通过将同一类原型与阳性和其他类原型视为实现以集体为中心的分配对齐方式的负面原型,Proca在经典领域适应任务上实现了最先进的性能,{\ em i.e. text {and} synthia $ \ to $ cityScapes}。代码可在\ href {https://github.com/jiangzhengkai/proca} {proca}获得代码
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自我监督的学习(SSL)最近成为特征学习方法中的最爱。因此,它可以吸引域适应方法来考虑结合SSL。直觉是强制执行实例级别一致性,使得预测器在域中变得不变。但是,域适应制度中的大多数现有SSL方法通常被视为独立的辅助组件,使域自适应的签名无人看管。实际上,域间隙消失的最佳区域和SSL PERUSES的实例级别约束可能根本不一致。从这一点来看,我们向一个特定的范式的自我监督学习量身定制,用于域适应,即可转让的对比学习(TCL),这与SSL和所需的跨域转移性相一致地联系起来。我们发现对比学习本质上是一个合适的域适应候选者,因为它的实例不变性假设可以方便地促进由域适应任务青睐的跨域类级不变性。基于特定的记忆库结构和伪标签策略,TCL然后通过清洁和新的对比损失来惩罚源头和靶之间的跨域内域差异。免费午餐是由于纳入对比学习,TCL依赖于移动平均的关键编码器,自然地实现了用于目标数据的伪标签的暂停标签,这避免了无额外的成本。因此,TCL有效地减少了跨域间隙。通过对基准(Office-Home,Visda-2017,Diamet-Five,PACS和Domainnet)进行广泛的实验,用于单源和多源域适配任务,TCL已经证明了最先进的性能。
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我们提出了一种用于语义分割的新型无监督域适应方法,该方法将训练的模型概括为源图像和相应的地面真相标签到目标域。域自适应语义分割的关键是学习域,不变和判别特征,而无需目标地面真相标签。为此,我们提出了一个双向像素 - 型对比型学习框架,该框架可最大程度地减少同一对象类特征的类内变化,同时无论域,无论域如何,都可以最大程度地提高不同阶层的阶层变化。具体而言,我们的框架将像素级特征与目标和源图像中同一对象类的原型保持一致(即分别为正面对),将它们设置为不同的类别(即负对),并执行对齐和分离在源图像中具有像素级特征的另一个方向的过程,目标图像中的原型。跨域匹配鼓励域不变特征表示,而双向像素 - 型对应对应关系汇总了同一对象类的特征,提供了歧视性特征。为了建立对比度学习的训练对,我们建议使用非参数标签转移(即跨不同域的像素 - 型对应关系,就可以生成目标图像的动态伪标签。我们还提出了一种校准方法,以补偿训练过程中逐渐补偿原型的阶级域偏差。
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最近的特征对比学习(FCL)在无监督的代表学习中表现出了有希望的表现。然而,对于近置表示学习,其中标记的数据和未标记数据属于相同的语义空间,FCL不能显示由于在优化期间不涉及类语义而无法占用的压倒性增益。因此,产生的特征不保证由来自标记数据中学到的类重量轻松归类,尽管它们是富有的信息。为了解决这个问题,我们在本文中提出了一种新颖的概率对比学习(PCL),这不仅产生了丰富的功能,而且还强制执行它们以分布在课堂上的原型。具体而言,我们建议在SoftMax之后使用输出概率来执行对比学习而不是FCL中提取的功能。显然,这种方法可以在优化期间利用类语义。此外,我们建议在传统的FCL中删除$ \ ell_ {2} $归一化,并直接使用$ \ ell_ {1} $ - 归一化对比学习的概率。我们提出的PCL简单有效。我们在三个近距离图像分类任务中进行广泛的实验,即无监督域适应,半监督学习和半监督域适应。多个数据集上的结果表明,我们的PCL可以一致地获得相当大的收益并实现所有三个任务的最先进的性能。
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In unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), a model trained on source data (e.g. synthetic) is adapted to target data (e.g. real-world) without access to target annotation. Most previous UDA methods struggle with classes that have a similar visual appearance on the target domain as no ground truth is available to learn the slight appearance differences. To address this problem, we propose a Masked Image Consistency (MIC) module to enhance UDA by learning spatial context relations of the target domain as additional clues for robust visual recognition. MIC enforces the consistency between predictions of masked target images, where random patches are withheld, and pseudo-labels that are generated based on the complete image by an exponential moving average teacher. To minimize the consistency loss, the network has to learn to infer the predictions of the masked regions from their context. Due to its simple and universal concept, MIC can be integrated into various UDA methods across different visual recognition tasks such as image classification, semantic segmentation, and object detection. MIC significantly improves the state-of-the-art performance across the different recognition tasks for synthetic-to-real, day-to-nighttime, and clear-to-adverse-weather UDA. For instance, MIC achieves an unprecedented UDA performance of 75.9 mIoU and 92.8% on GTA-to-Cityscapes and VisDA-2017, respectively, which corresponds to an improvement of +2.1 and +3.0 percent points over the previous state of the art. The implementation is available at https://github.com/lhoyer/MIC.
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Although unsupervised domain adaptation methods have achieved remarkable performance in semantic scene segmentation in visual perception for self-driving cars, these approaches remain impractical in real-world use cases. In practice, the segmentation models may encounter new data that have not been seen yet. Also, the previous data training of segmentation models may be inaccessible due to privacy problems. Therefore, to address these problems, in this work, we propose a Continual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (CONDA) approach that allows the model to continuously learn and adapt with respect to the presence of the new data. Moreover, our proposed approach is designed without the requirement of accessing previous training data. To avoid the catastrophic forgetting problem and maintain the performance of the segmentation models, we present a novel Bijective Maximum Likelihood loss to impose the constraint of predicted segmentation distribution shifts. The experimental results on the benchmark of continual unsupervised domain adaptation have shown the advanced performance of the proposed CONDA method.
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Recent advances in domain adaptation show that deep self-training presents a powerful means for unsupervised domain adaptation. These methods often involve an iterative process of predicting on target domain and then taking the confident predictions as pseudo-labels for retraining. However, since pseudo-labels can be noisy, self-training can put overconfident label belief on wrong classes, leading to deviated solutions with propagated errors. To address the problem, we propose a confidence regularized self-training (CRST) framework, formulated as regularized self-training. Our method treats pseudo-labels as continuous latent variables jointly optimized via alternating optimization. We propose two types of confidence regularization: label regularization (LR) and model regularization (MR). CRST-LR generates soft pseudo-labels while CRST-MR encourages the smoothness on network output. Extensive experiments on image classification and semantic segmentation show that CRSTs outperform their non-regularized counterpart with state-of-the-art performance. The code and models of this work are available at https://github.com/yzou2/CRST.
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The network trained for domain adaptation is prone to bias toward the easy-to-transfer classes. Since the ground truth label on the target domain is unavailable during training, the bias problem leads to skewed predictions, forgetting to predict hard-to-transfer classes. To address this problem, we propose Cross-domain Moving Object Mixing (CMOM) that cuts several objects, including hard-to-transfer classes, in the source domain video clip and pastes them into the target domain video clip. Unlike image-level domain adaptation, the temporal context should be maintained to mix moving objects in two different videos. Therefore, we design CMOM to mix with consecutive video frames, so that unrealistic movements are not occurring. We additionally propose Feature Alignment with Temporal Context (FATC) to enhance target domain feature discriminability. FATC exploits the robust source domain features, which are trained with ground truth labels, to learn discriminative target domain features in an unsupervised manner by filtering unreliable predictions with temporal consensus. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches through extensive experiments. In particular, our model reaches mIoU of 53.81% on VIPER to Cityscapes-Seq benchmark and mIoU of 56.31% on SYNTHIA-Seq to Cityscapes-Seq benchmark, surpassing the state-of-the-art methods by large margins.
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We consider the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation in semantic segmentation. A key in this campaign consists in reducing the domain shift, i.e., enforcing the data distributions of the two domains to be similar. One of the common strategies is to align the marginal distribution in the feature space through adversarial learning. However, this global alignment strategy does not consider the category-level joint distribution. A possible consequence of such global movement is that some categories which are originally well aligned between the source and target may be incorrectly mapped, thus leading to worse segmentation results in target domain. To address this problem, we introduce a category-level adversarial network, aiming to enforce local semantic consistency during the trend of global alignment. Our idea is to take a close look at the category-level joint distribution and align each class with an adaptive adversarial loss. Specifically, we reduce the weight of the adversarial loss for category-level aligned features while increasing the adversarial force for those poorly aligned. In this process, we decide how well a feature is category-level aligned between source and target by a co-training approach. In two domain adaptation tasks, i.e., GTA5 → Cityscapes and SYN-THIA → Cityscapes, we validate that the proposed method matches the state of the art in segmentation accuracy.
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在无监督的域自适应(UDA)语义分割中,基于蒸馏的方法目前在性能上占主导地位。但是,蒸馏技术需要使多阶段的过程和许多培训技巧复杂化。在本文中,我们提出了一种简单而有效的方法,可以实现高级蒸馏方法的竞争性能。我们的核心思想是从边界和功能的观点充分探索目标域信息。首先,我们提出了一种新颖的混合策略,以产生具有地面标签的高质量目标域边界。与以前的作品中的源域边界不同,我们选择了高信心目标域区域,然后将其粘贴到源域图像中。这样的策略可以使用正确的标签在目标域(目标域对象区域的边缘)中生成对象边界。因此,可以通过学习混合样品来有效地捕获目标域的边界信息。其次,我们设计了多层对比损失,以改善目标域数据的表示,包括像素级和原型级对比度学习。通过结合两种建议的方法,可以提取更多的判别特征,并且可以更好地解决目标域的硬对象边界。对两个常用基准测试的实验结果(\ textit {i.e。},gta5 $ \ rightarrow $ cityScapes and synthia $ \ rightarrow $ cityScapes)表明,我们的方法在复杂的蒸馏方法上取得了竞争性能。值得注意的是,对于Synthia $ \ rightarrow $ CityScapes方案,我们的方法以$ 57.8 \%$ MIOU和$ 64.6 \%$ MIOU的16堂课和16堂课实现了最先进的性能。代码可在https://github.com/ljjcoder/ehtdi上找到。
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无监督域适应(UDA)旨在将知识从相关但不同的良好标记的源域转移到新的未标记的目标域。大多数现有的UDA方法需要访问源数据,因此当数据保密而不相配在隐私问题时,不适用。本文旨在仅使用培训的分类模型来解决现实设置,而不是访问源数据。为了有效地利用适应源模型,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,称为源假设转移(拍摄),其通过将目标数据特征拟合到冻结源分类模块(表示分类假设)来学习目标域的特征提取模块。具体而言,拍摄挖掘出于特征提取模块的信息最大化和自我监督学习,以确保目标特征通过同一假设与看不见的源数据的特征隐式对齐。此外,我们提出了一种新的标签转移策略,它基于预测的置信度(标签信息),然后采用半监督学习来将目标数据分成两个分裂,然后提高目标域中的较为自信预测的准确性。如果通过拍摄获得预测,我们表示标记转移为拍摄++。关于两位数分类和对象识别任务的广泛实验表明,拍摄和射击++实现了与最先进的结果超越或相当的结果,展示了我们对各种视域适应问题的方法的有效性。代码可用于\ url {https://github.com/tim-learn/shot-plus}。
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Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) via deep learning has attracted appealing attention for tackling domain-shift problems caused by distribution discrepancy across different domains. Existing UDA approaches highly depend on the accessibility of source domain data, which is usually limited in practical scenarios due to privacy protection, data storage and transmission cost, and computation burden. To tackle this issue, many source-free unsupervised domain adaptation (SFUDA) methods have been proposed recently, which perform knowledge transfer from a pre-trained source model to unlabeled target domain with source data inaccessible. A comprehensive review of these works on SFUDA is of great significance. In this paper, we provide a timely and systematic literature review of existing SFUDA approaches from a technical perspective. Specifically, we categorize current SFUDA studies into two groups, i.e., white-box SFUDA and black-box SFUDA, and further divide them into finer subcategories based on different learning strategies they use. We also investigate the challenges of methods in each subcategory, discuss the advantages/disadvantages of white-box and black-box SFUDA methods, conclude the commonly used benchmark datasets, and summarize the popular techniques for improved generalizability of models learned without using source data. We finally discuss several promising future directions in this field.
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Unsupervised source-free domain adaptation methods aim to train a model to be used in the target domain utilizing the pretrained source-domain model and unlabeled target-domain data, where the source data may not be accessible due to intellectual property or privacy issues. These methods frequently utilize self-training with pseudo-labeling thresholded by prediction confidence. In a source-free scenario, only supervision comes from target data, and thresholding limits the contribution of the self-training. In this study, we utilize self-training with a mean-teacher approach. The student network is trained with all predictions of the teacher network. Instead of thresholding the predictions, the gradients calculated from the pseudo-labels are weighted based on the reliability of the teacher's predictions. We propose a novel method that uses proxy-based metric learning to estimate reliability. We train a metric network on the encoder features of the teacher network. Since the teacher is updated with the moving average, the encoder feature space is slowly changing. Therefore, the metric network can be updated in training time, which enables end-to-end training. We also propose a metric-based online ClassMix method to augment the input of the student network where the patches to be mixed are decided based on the metric reliability. We evaluated our method in synthetic-to-real and cross-city scenarios. The benchmarks show that our method significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods.
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Semantic segmentation is a key problem for many computer vision tasks. While approaches based on convolutional neural networks constantly break new records on different benchmarks, generalizing well to diverse testing environments remains a major challenge. In numerous real world applications, there is indeed a large gap between data distributions in train and test domains, which results in severe performance loss at run-time. In this work, we address the task of unsupervised domain adaptation in semantic segmentation with losses based on the entropy of the pixel-wise predictions. To this end, we propose two novel, complementary methods using (i) an entropy loss and (ii) an adversarial loss respectively. We demonstrate state-of-theart performance in semantic segmentation on two challenging "synthetic-2-real" set-ups 1 and show that the approach can also be used for detection.
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